Pony Cosmology: Re-Creation (roleplay, Jump-in for MORTALS*, GODS sign up.)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2012 Apr 13, 08:31:18

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 :l "..." Gathering didn't respond for a moment; both because, he was trying to commit the image to memory, and because, of the cheeky comment Night Shine made. "Ahem.  Yes, quite interesting... Is that 'other' device yours as well?"
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

((Night was in her realm. How did you hear that?  o.O ))
Once the light disappeared the elementals became uninterested in Link. They quickly scattered towards more illuminated places.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


((dumb luck?...nah just the fact that, the messenger caught his attention heading back and you mentioning his name shortly afterwords increased his focus in the area enough to hear it.  Technically, he's aware of everything(Creation, Realms, etc.); but tunes it all out, since it's too much, to actively process at any given time.  Essentially, if he has any reason to be paying attention to something, he might be listening; emphasis on might.  He might not care in the first place and ignore it.  so in a sense, dumb luck.))

Zeth had been too distracted by the Elementals of late to really complain much about anything.  Granted even that was starting to get old.  Fortunately Link had provided a brief distraction. 'I wonder what happens next?'
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


"What device? I wasn't aware of any sort of device being around here. Such a fun word though, device. I haven't spoken in ages...spake? Spreckoned? Oh whatever..."


 :/ "...you OK there Link? You act like you've been isolated for a while.  Oh, and I was referring to the thing, on the other side of the portal you opened."
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


"Oh me? I'm fine. Just a little more peppy than usual. That much rest really builds up your energy reserves. As for the portal, that was just a Time Gate; I opened it to Ragnarok, to get some....supplies. Oh! That reminds me, I heard there were new elementals - do they still hate me? Not like I'd care much, sometimes having enemies makes things more exciting.


Suddenly, the gear sigil Laserbolt had given Night, that is, Night Pony, not Sight, appeared in front of her and began talking.

Hey, Night! I got that whole dual personality thing figured out. Turns out there was a god in my head! Weird, huh? Anyway, I'm gonna pop over to where you are. What's goin' on, anything I should know about?


"A realm, change? I've got to say hello again. Greetings to you Night Sight, God of Architecture.
I'll probably need your help when I'm done relaxing here, I'm planning on building a structure here on Zeth.
An arena to be precise, which will be food based as befits my realm."

Maybe a little more ionization on the wings... Aaack!
Here are my OCs


as I was saying before, I think my creativity and imagination could be of use to the creation of the universe thingy. so can i please be the god of imagination? Blobking was ready. He imagined the ascention to be overwhelming if not painful, and wondered if it actually would be.

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: blobking156 on 2013 Sep 26, 18:07:51
as I was saying before, I think my creativity and imagination could be of use to the creation of the universe thingy. so can i please be the god of imagination? Blobking was ready. He imagined the ascention to be overwhelming if not painful, and wondered if it actually would be.
The Concept of the Sun looked down upon the pony, Her gaze seemingly aloof this time, like a Goddess inspecting a mortal claiming worthiness of great power.

"With great power comes great responsibility, Blobking.  Why should We grant you such authority and power?"

Her tone was neutral, not aggressive or questioning, but calm, like a mother asking a dearly loved but naive child whether they truly wished to put themselves at risk of great pain.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


I know it does, Ma'am, I claim to be worth because of my creativity. my imagination expands past the physical limitations of my physical brain. in other words, my head is a TARDIS. sort of. I believe that this imagination could create things, not of the tangible kind, but of the idea kind. Ideas, thoughts, inspiration, fiction, knowledge, and more. the world outside, even with it being the created one, has limitations. the world of the mind is limited only by what you can think. so please, princesses, consider my offer. I can wait.

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: blobking156 on 2013 Sep 26, 18:32:25
I know it does, Ma'am, I claim to be worth because of my creativity. my imagination expands past the physical limitations of my physical brain. in other words, my head is a TARDIS. sort of. I believe that this imagination could create things, not of the tangible kind, but of the idea kind. Ideas, thoughts, inspiration, fiction, knowledge, and more. the world outside, even with it being the created one, has limitations. the world of the mind is limited only by what you can think. so please, princesses, consider my offer. I can wait.
The Concept of the Moon leaned forward.

"I am the Walker of Dreams, Blobking.  I know your every thought when you sleep, every feeling and emotion that ever passed through your mind as you lay dreaming beneath My Moon.  Imagination, yes, worlds of imagination, just as many fillies and colts all across Equestria have.  But what would you do with the powers and responsibility of a God?  When ALL imagination, not just your own, becomes a PART of you?  When you must EMBODY the very CONCEPT of Imagination as a God, as an idea in and of yourself?  The combined thoughts and dreams of an entire universe compressed into the idea of Imagination Incarnate?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


With the power of all imagination, and the power to grant it, I will give the other gods' creation true sentience, I will create a library that anypony can access, mortal or god. I will restrict the unknowable to those who do not need to know. It will be filled with creations of others, fiction, nonfiction, and all genres of each.this library will be restricted to those who are ignorant and those who wish to use the library for deeds of evil. that may sound a bit cliché, but it is true. The realm of the subconscious is not for me to control, as that is another god's power. also, even though I can drive ponies to madness, I will not. I will keep them sane, as insanity just seems like a general bad idea. You can not have games without somepony to think them up. because at the start- of al creation, there is a spark-of inspiration. and at the start of everything that's new, is just that spark- from me and you. At the end, Blob started singing a song from an amusement park that may or may not be anywhere in Equestria.

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: blobking156 on 2013 Sep 26, 19:16:18
With the power of all imagination, and the power to grant it, I will give the other gods' creation true sentience, I will create a library that anypony can access, mortal or god. I will restrict the unknowable to those who do not need to know. It will be filled with creations of others, fiction, nonfiction, and all genres of each.this library will be restricted to those who are ignorant and those who wish to use the library for deeds of evil. that may sound a bit cliché, but it is true. The realm of the subconscious is not for me to control, as that is another god's power. also, even though I can drive ponies to madness, I will not. I will keep them sane, as insanity just seems like a general bad idea. You can not have games without somepony to think them up. because at the start- of al creation, there is a spark-of inspiration. and at the start of everything that's new, is just that spark- from me and you. At the end, Blob started singing a song from an amusement park that may or may not be anywhere in Equestria.
Amacita Zorya Spes Equestria, called Twilight, the Concept of Friendship, smiled as She heard the song of a world She had visited once upon a time in another life, three Ages ago.

"You have shown yourself willing to work with others, and to be responsible with what powers you gain."

Mi Amore Cadenza Equestria Avalon, Concept of Love, nodded in agreement.

"The desire in your heart to use these powers for good is something to be admired by all.  Yet will the Love you feel for the ponies of both universes hold true, or will the Nightmare of fear, jealousy, bitterness, of betrayal, anger, greed, deceit, cruelty and tragedy win out?  That is the question and the true test."

Four Sisters turned to look at Discordance Apophis Typon, God of Disharmony and Chaos, who shrugged.  "[glow=red,2,000]Hey, I'm not in the whole mess-with-ponies'-minds-for-giggles business anymore.  If You lot think the mortal's worth spending power on, go right on ahead.  No tricks up My sleeves.  See?[/glow]"

He rolled up His arms, exposing another pair of arms underneath before rolling them back down.

"Then, Blobking, Traveler of Realities, We shall ask you the Threefold Question.  Blobking, Mortal, We ask you Once: Do you accept the responsibility and stewardship of the Realm of Imagination?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Night Sight

Quote from: Voidwalker on 2013 Sep 26, 17:44:43
"A realm, change? I've got to say hello again. Greetings to you Night Sight, God of Architecture.
I'll probably need your help when I'm done relaxing here, I'm planning on building a structure here on Zeth.
An arena to be precise, which will be food based as befits my realm."

Night Sight thought about the request
"May I ask what foods you would be using? Or how you tend on preserving them? This might surprise you but food is not a very good building block... unless it is fruitcake" He said, all jokes aside, seriously.
"Keep in mind that in your realm gravity is a fickle thing, here it is all to real"

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: blobking156 on 2013 Sep 26, 19:38:16
I do. I fully accept the responsibility of this godhood.
The first layer of magic appeared upon the horn of the Concept of the Sun, and it seemed as though a great power began to build before him, like the ideas of billions of ponies, griffons, Diamond Dogs, and more, were gathering in one place.

"Once have We asked, Once hast Thou answered.  Blobking, Mortal, We ask Thee twice: Dost thou accept the responsibility and stewardship of the Realm of Imagination?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Night Pony

Quote from: bauccgia0 on 2013 Sep 26, 16:48:49
Suddenly, the gear sigil Laserbolt had given Night, that is, Night Pony, not Sight, appeared in front of her and began talking.

Hey, Night! I got that whole dual personality thing figured out. Turns out there was a god in my head! Weird, huh? Anyway, I'm gonna pop over to where you are. What's goin' on, anything I should know about?

((Night Pony is my username not my OC's name.))

"Hey. Wait... how did a god get in there? And how did you get him out? Something new? Well if you exclude the fact that the time god came back after god knows how long, nothing new." Night Shine responded to the gear.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


"err...Maybe? I don't know.  Why did they hate you?" Gathering asked Link.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


"You didn't know about that? Ah well. Long sad story anyway. Bit of a misunderstanding I guess you could say. Anywho, I've got a bit of work to do; I'm making a surprise!"

With that, Link flew off to Zeth, down to the surface, and right into the ground nearby the entrance portal. He drilled deep into the surface, until he reached a cavern about the size of a large alicorn. There, on the ground, lay his staff of Time. He gingerly picked it up, before taking flight once again and bursting back out of the surface. As he went the residual Time magic resealed the holes he had made, and he was soon among the stars again.

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