Morning Glory's OCs ~ Feedback Requested!

Started by Morning Glory, 2012 Mar 26, 01:16:11

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Morning Glory

2012 Mar 26, 01:16:11 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 04, 02:38:06 by Morning Glory
Welcome to Morning Glory's OCs!

Morning Glory:

Name: Morning Glory
Gender: Female
Age: 22 (human years)
Race: Unicorn
Coat color: Lilac
Mane/tail color: Yellow/Pale Yellow
Eye color: Olive green
Cutiemark: Morning glory flower on a vine
Occupation: Secretary and assistant in Canterlot Court
Residence: Canterlot

History: Morning Glory was raised in a high-class family of the Canterlot court. She herself is heiress to a modest fortune. Her father was wealthy and his aristocratic unicorn family frowned on his marriage to their earth pony gardener. They passed away early in her life and she was raised by her kindly uncle (her father's older brother), Lord Sterling Silver, a lawmaker that oversees the north-western portion of Equestria. He serves in the Royal Court as an adviser and deputy lawmaker along with his fellow lords that work under the Crown. Having no children himself, he doted on her, but taught her modesty and kindness as well, as he was determined to raise her properly. She attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and graduated with a respectable knowledge in magic. There she also discovered her special talent in life magic; growing plants and healing living creatures was her gift. Her uncle also ensured she was given lessons in Equestrian history, literature, and of course, court etiquette.  Despite her disagreeable lineage, her father's family has since welcomed her into good standing once she proved eloquent, tactful, and politically diplomatic enough to publically acknowledge and embrace. She now participates in the Royal Canterlot Court as an assistant to her uncle; a mostly secretarial job, but she often delivers messages in person and liaises with various delegates. Her family's standing and her service to the crown have earned her the title of Lady.

Personality: Morning Glory is well educated and comes from high-class, and hence has a high opinion of herself, but she has been taught kindness and respect. However, this is all theoretical; imparted from her Uncle, who she respects deeply. She herself has never come to respect somepony from their actions, but only the titles and money to their name. Rarely will she be out-right rude or cruel to a pony, but it is clear when she dislikes that pony, crafting underhanded insults that often are subtle enough to go unnoticed. Generally considerate, she is unagressive to most ponies, though she often masks her true intentions and emotions. It can be difficult for her to form real relationships with others, as she is accustomed to the artificial proceedings of the Canterlot Court. She is also a bit of a hedonist, enjoying the fine things in life a great deal. Her mane is always exquisitely styled and her coat gleams clean and shiny thanks to daily visits to the finest spas and salons Canterlot has to offer. However, when it comes time to work in her garden, she happily buries her hooves in rich soil to work long hard hours managing her plants. She adores her pet conure, Fiorello, a birthday gift from her uncle when she turned sixteen. Many of the fruits she grows go into his meals, and she painstakingly keeps him in top condition. She understands the importance of hard work in herself, but has yet to see it in others. While perfectly cordial and hospitable where etiquette prescribes, she is often cold and distant when she is not required to be friendly. She acts bitter and isolated when outside the eye of the court, and her jaded attitude reflects how distant and artificial she feels.


Skills/Knowledge: Court etiquette and fashion, calligraphy, political subterfuge, intermediate piano and harp, animal care, plant management, Equestrian government, literature, art, and history.
Talent: Life magic- healing
Racial Abilities: Unicorn
Magic Color: Pale green

Unicorn attributes:

Perception: Individual is highly perceptive, noticing subtle features and has a good eye for detail

Memory: Individual has an extensive memory for information and experiences

Senses: Individual has a heightened sense of touch and taste compared to other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Detection: Individual can perceive very strong magical activity in the immediate vicinity

Magic: Individual has the ability to channel energy through the horn into magical actions.


Standard Spells:

1. Levitation: Levitate and manipulate multiple items up to the weight of a breadbox with ease, results are delicate and exact. Levitate and manipulate single items up to the weight of an adult pony with effort and concentration, and results are clumsy and imprecise. Briefly levitate single items up the weight of a carriage with extreme exertion; results are very sloppy and unreliable.

2. Teleportation: Teleport to a visible location at a distance of no more than 15 meters. Requires energy and concentration.

3. Illumination: Light is cast from the horn to illuminate areas in a 10 meter radius. Horn can also produce tiny flame to light candles or lanterns. Useless as a weapon.

4. Precipitation: Water up to 4 liters can be levitated and manipulated. Can be separated into droplets to fall like rain, or sprinkle on to an object.

Utility Spells:

5. Magnification: Allows the user to examine a target more closely and in finer detail. Up close, it works like a magnifying glass, with the strength of about 3x the naked eye. Far off, it acts like a telescope, allowing improved far-off vision, with a maximum range of 50 meters.

6. Isolation: Creates a bubble around the user that keeps any sound from leaving. Allows for conversations or loud activities without noise leaving the barrier, with a maximum radius of 3 meters. Will also muffle incoming sound, but not block it completely.

7. Amplification: Allows the user to raise the volume of their voice to 3 times the normal speaking levels to be heard over crowds or loud noises.

Talent Spells:

8. Identification: Detects living beings within a 5 meter radius. Can also determine the health and condition of the being.

9. Rejuvenation: Wilted plants grow more healthy, weak and sickly animals become more robust. The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required.

10. Communication: Allows brief, fuzzy, and imprecise insight into an animal's thoughts; an empathetic notion of what the animals wishes to communicate, or any strong emotions. Cannot be used on ponies, or other speaking beings.

11. Purification: Poison, pollution or other contaminates are removed from any liquid, up to 7 liters, or any solid, up to 3 kilograms. Small amounts (such as a serving of milk) are purified with ease. Greater amounts, like a bucket or basin, require more concentration and energy.

12. Germination: Planted seeds are driven to grow faster, and to become stronger. The growth process can be accelerated up to 4x the normal rate. The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required.

13. Invigoration: Animals become more energetic and strong, for up 3 hours. The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required. Extreme hunger results once the spell expires.

14. Alleviation: Dulls the sensation of pain or discomfort in the target. Does not actually perform any healing, just inhibits pain and calms panic. Maximum duration, 2 hours.  The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required.

Morning Glory

2012 Mar 26, 01:30:19 #1 Last Edit: 2013 Jan 16, 02:24:29 by Morning Glory
Name: Pen Bitten
Gender: Male
Age: 26 (human years)
Race: Unicorn
Coat color: Pale Gray
Mane/tail color: Black
Eye color: Brown
Cutiemark: Inkwell and quill
Occupation: Librarian/ Traveling Biographer
Residence: Canterlot

History: Raised in an upper-middleclass family, he knew nothing but books. His parents are experts in Equestrian literature. They operate the Royal Canterlot Library. They passed their enthusiasm for written word on to their two foals, Pen Bitten and Perfect Prose. He and his sister did little else but read throughout their childhood. Pen is extremely knowledgeable in a variety of subjects, but has little real-world experience. He has read about a wide variety of spells, but knows only the magical theory. The spells he can execute are simple, mostly revolving around organizing books and finding objects. He discovered he enjoyed writing his own books and grew talented at it, earning him his cutiemark. However, he had little inspiration. He turned to the biography section. Chronicled there was the life story of every notable pony in all of Equestrian history. Instead of writing his own story, he focused on writing about the adventures of others. Longing for the excitement outside the city, he ventured forth to find stories to record.

Personality: Pen Bitten is bookish and quiet, but can be very excitable. He can be most often found with his nose buried in a book or shuffling through stacks of paper, his light coat covered in ink stains. He is shy, and has trouble approaching other ponies. However, he yearns to know them, so he can record their stories. He is very intelligent, but gets hung up on details a lot, failing to see the main idea of things, as he is desperate to take in everything to be translated to paper later. He has a fanciful understanding of the world outside the Library, and he is not prepared the more nitty-gritty reality of the discomforts included in adventure, heroism, and exploration. Scatterbrained and easily distracted, he's sweet on the inside if he can be coaxed out of his shell.


Skills/Knowledge: Equestrian literature and history, Equestrian language and linguistics, advanced spell theory and magic history, library management and organization, intermediate drawing skills
Talent: Organization and written word
Racial Abilities: Unicorn
Magic Color: Orange-red

Unicorn attributes:

Perception: Individual is highly perceptive, noticing subtle features and has a good eye for detail

Memory: Individual has an extensive memory for information and experiences

Senses: Individual has a heightened sense of touch and taste compared to other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Detection: Individual can perceive very strong magical activity in the immediate vicinity

Magic: Individual has the ability to channel energy through the horn into magical actions.


Standard Spells

1. Levitation: Levitate and manipulate multiple items up to the weight of a breadbox with ease, results are delicate and exact. Levitate and manipulate items up to the weight of an adult pony with effort and concentration, and results are clumsy and imprecise. Briefly levitate single items up the weight of a carriage with extreme exertion, results are very sloppy and unreliable.

2. Teleportation: Teleport to a visible location at a distance of no more than 10 meters. Requires energy and concentration.

3. Illumination: Light is cast from the horn to illuminate areas in a 10 meter radius. Horn can also produce tiny flame to light candles or lanterns. Useless as a weapon.

Utility Spells:

4. Magnification: Allows the user to examine a target more closely and in finer detail. Up close, it works like a magnifying glass, with the strength of about 3x the naked eye. Far off, it acts like a telescope, allowing improved far-off vision, with a maximum range of 50 meters.

5. Isolation: Creates a bubble around the user that keeps any sound from leaving. Allows for conversations or loud activities without noise leaving the barrier, with a maximum radius of 3 meters. Will also muffle incoming sound, but not block it completely.

6. Expulsion: A strong puff of air shoots from the horn to blow away debris or other light items. Maximum range 10 meters. Useless as a weapon.

Talent Spells:
7. Location: Identify the location of an object. User must be able to picture the object in their mind, and must have encountered it physically some time previously. Maximum range 100 meters. The more extreme the results, the more energy and concentration is required. Cannot reveal magically hidden items.

8. Orientation: The horn emits a line of light pointing to the sought after location. The line becomes a cone, and is less precise, the further away the user is from the target location.

9. Organization: A target group of objects will organize themselves as the user sees fit; either alphabetically, by weight, by value, or any other parameter the user desires. The more objects to sort, the more energy and concentration is required.

10. Dictation: An enchanted pen will write down whatever the user says out loud, without their conscious effort. The pen is undiscerning, and will write any and all words, and even sounds, regardless of if they were meant to be recorded.

11. Confirmation: Allows the user to determine the truthfulness in a statement. Horn will glow green if the statement is true. Horn will glow red if the statement is false. Horn glows yellow if the spell is unable to discern the truth. This spell is often unreliable, and requires energy and concentration. It can only detect simple lies, and can easily be fooled.

12. Imagination: Allows the user to project images from the mind. Mostly used to illustrate memories, but images can be fictional as well.

13. Dissimilation: Project a false magical image over the target item, creating a thin disguise. Can be easily dispelled, and careful observation will reveal the true item.

Morning Glory

2012 Mar 26, 16:21:45 #2 Last Edit: 2013 Jan 16, 02:23:19 by Morning Glory
Name: Nightingale
Gender: Female
Age: 15 (human years)
Race: Earth Pony
Coat color: Dark periwinkle
Mane/tail color: Midnight blue, pale yellow streak
Eye color: Rose pink
Cutiemark: White bird in flight
Occupation: Student/Singer

History: Nighingale is the youngest in a large, middle-class family in Manehatten. Her mother is a professional dancer and her father is a composer. Their family is extremely musical. Nightingale never found any success in an instrument, and she was far too clumsy a dancer. It took her several years to find her talent in singing. Her voice has a lot of potential, but she needs coaching to perfect it. Upon discovering her special talent, she earned her cutiemark and her family rejoiced. No other singers were part of their clan, and her voice was in demand to accompany the music her siblings produced. Her father toiled for several years to write the perfect song for the whole family. When he finally finished, Nightingale was to sing while her family performed at a special concert. However, when it came time for her to sing, she cracked under pressure, her voice pitchy and wailing due to nerves. Mortified and depressed, she decided to leave home, to escape her parent's disappointment. Ever since she has been reluctant to sing, despite how much she enjoys it.  She is attending art school, studying music theory and history.

Personality: Nightingale is fussy and prim. She is very tidy and uptight, and always strives for perfection in everything she does. She is a romantic but she is very moody, and spends a great deal of time brooding. Young and inexperienced, she believes her problems to be a true tragedy, and needs to get a look at the bigger picture in life. Gale often daydreams of her perfect stallion, but when she does encounter a nice colt, all she can focus on is his flaws. Anti-social and stuffy, she spends time listening to music, but refuses to sing. She also is an avid reader of romance novels, escaping to a perfected world where the stallions are tall, handsome, and charming. A night-owl, she spends most of the day inside, but likes to walk around town at night, enjoying the stars and the quiet. She enjoys sewing and knitting in her free time, mostly making simple bags or scarves and hats, with her ginger tabby cat Willow at her side. With a confidence boost and a lesson in relaxation, she might make a decent friend, but she has a lot of negativity that needs to be alleviated.


Skills/Knowledge: Music theory and history, Equestrian music including folk, opera, traditional and contemporary, reading sheet music, trained ear (perfect pitch), intermediate knitting/sewing

Racial Abilities: Earth Pony
Talent: Singing

Earth pony attributes:

Constitution: Individual can go for up to 16 hours without sleep, while still maintaining functionality

Strength: Individual can lift up to 2.5x bodyweight with extreme exertion and energy

Hearty: Individual can labor for long hours (up to 8 hours non-stop physical labor) without expiring

Speed: Ground speed 1.5x that of other pony races

Metabolism: Individual can draw large amounts of energy from low-nutrition foods

Sure-footed: Individual has excellent balance and a strong spatial understanding of where feet are placed. Allows easier travel over uneven or unsturdy ground

Heavy-hooved: Individual has exceptionally strong, hard hooves, that are unlikely to chip or wear down

Senses: Individual has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Morning Glory

2012 Mar 26, 16:42:05 #3 Last Edit: 2013 Mar 25, 22:17:38 by Morning Glory
Name: Merriweather
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (human years)
Race: Pegasus
Coat color: Light cream
Mane/tail color: Amber/gold
Eye color: Blue
Cutiemark: Cloud with sunbeams
Occupation: Weathermaker/Part-time camp counselor
Residence: Cloudsdale

History: Born to a simple Cloudsdale family, Merriweather grew up in a very typical way for a Pegasus. Her parents worked at the Weather Factory, specializing in rain clouds. She attended Junior Speedsters Flight Camp and proved to be a decent flyer; quite an achievement considering her heavy build. She was going no where fast, but she discovered a great deal of endurance in the air. Once finished with flight school, her parents began to take her to work, teaching her how to craft weather. Rain, snow, sleet, wind--she loved it all. However, clouds were her favorite. Big, dark, rain-filled clouds were her specialty. She could fit large amounts of water into clouds, and could shape and arrange them in new, bizarre ways. Merri made massive, roiling black clouds that flickered with thunder, tiny delicate wisps of clouds that just brushed the sky, and fluffy white banks that supported the grand city of Cloudsale. She was often scolded for taking too long to lay down a cloud layer, as she meticulously positioned each one for the most beautiful effect. While most ponies frowned on a gray, rainy day, Merri saw it as her art. She delighted in the storms she made. Best of all was parting the rain afterwards and letting a single sunbeam shine through. She earned her cutiemark and continued crafting some of the most impressive clouds ponykind had seen. Having enjoyed her time at flight camp despite her challenges, she signed up to be a camp counselor for young pegasi attending summer flight camp, where she helps those foals that are most struggling to get the hang of their wings.

Personality: Pudgy, friendly and laid back, Merriweather likes to smile at things that can seem depressing. While she enjoys making rain, she will often kick open a hole for an unlucky pony caught under her clouds. She loves to help young fillies and colts learn to fly, particularly those that are struggling. She is self-conscious about her weight, and wishes she were lighter, as she often is outstripped by other ponies in flight. However, she pretends it doesn't bother her. Though she seems simple, Merriweather is a deep thinker and can be very thoughtful; she is often able to give solid, down-to-earth advice. In her free time, she likes to paint, particularly landscapes. Merri is very good at connecting with children, but is initially nervous to meet new ponies her age. However, she longs for lots of friends that will love her back as much as she loves them. She has trouble initially connecting with ponies, but she's recently begun to develop a sense of humor. Using silly jokes, she's starting to experiment with ways to break the ice and get to know someponies. All in all, she's a big sweetheart that can be lots of fun and a loyal friend.


(Thanks to Bravo 539 for the HD re-render!  <3)

Skills/Knowledge: Cloud crafting and control, weather management, cloud architecture and construction, standard pegasus flight safety and basic weather team maneuvers, teaching beginner flight skills, foal care, advanced watercolor painting
Talent: Cloud crafting
Racial Abilities: Pegasus

Pegasus Attributes:

Flight: Individual can maintain a hover for up to 2 hours. Can maintain slow flight (15km/h and less)for up to 4 hours. Can maintain fast flight (maximum 50 km/h) for up to 20 minutes. Time is reduced if carrying passengers or cargo.

Agile: Individual is highly maneuverable and has a good sense of spatial reasoning and quick reflexes

Senses: Individual has a heightened sight capacity, seeing 1.5x further and with more clarity than other pony races. Eyes are most sensitive to movement and color, but not detail.

Lightfoot: Individual can more easily walk stealthily, with reduced sound of footfalls and diminished hoofprints

Balance: Extreme balancing abilities allows individual to use wings to balance on a single hoof for up to 3 minutes.

Weather control: Individual can direct and relocate clouds, stir up winds, and cause lightning to strike.

Cloud walking: Individual can physically interact with clouds as if they were a solid object, standing on them, and using them as building material

Float: Individual has a lower body density than a different race pony of the same build. Allows easy gliding and extended flight.

Morning Glory

2012 May 26, 23:26:24 #4 Last Edit: 2013 Jan 14, 20:08:31 by Morning Glory
Name: Coppershine
Gender: Female
Age: 24 (human years)
Race: Earth Pony
Coat color: White/Cream paint
Mane/tail color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Cutiemark: Minecart
Occupation: Miner in the Silverdale Mine
Residence: Silverdale

History: Coppershine came from a mining town named Silverdale. Far from any of the big pony cities, Silverdale was quaint and simple. However, most of the metal products in Equestria come from the Silverdale mine. Rich in iron, gold, tin, copper, and of course silver, the earth around Silverdale is a valuable asset to ponykind. Nearly all the ponies in Silverdale are miners, and Coppershine's family was no different. From an early age Coppershine was strong and fast, which delighted her parents. Her father had wanted a colt to raise up into a miner, but he found Coppershine was more than tough enough for the job. He would bring her to work with him most days after school. She found she had little skill with a pickaxe, and mostly watched her father work, or sorted through the stones he had gathered, checking for minerals. However, she noticed he lost a lot of time hauling his cart back up out of the mine. Stepping into the over-sized harness, she charged off before her father could blink an eye. The cart was heavy, and soon she reached the steep incline out of the tunnel. Huffing and puffing, she strained against the heavy load. Digging in her hooves and ignoring her screaming muscles, she finally reached the top. She left the cart to be emptied and took up a vacant one. Running back down was easy. She laughed and squealed with delight as she raced down the rails to rejoin her pa, the cart zipping along behind her. Once there, she found him waiting, tapping his hoof. Instead of yelling he smiled and pointed to the shiny new cutie mark on her flank. Her idea spread. Soon many other foals were pulling their parents' carts. As she got older, she found a newly developed system of mining with hard metal shoes easier to handle, and before long had the neighbor's son pulling a cart of her very own.

Personality: Coppershine is very modest. She's quiet for the most part and takes pride in her work, but prefers not to be the center of attention. She enjoys what she does very much, and when she's not working she is usually running to build up her strength. She also loves cooking and reading in her spare time. She can be shy when meeting new ponies, and she is very close to her family and feels great loyalty to the ponies of her town. Her tail is cut short so as not to tangle in her work harness, and she sometimes is embarrassed by this. Generally kind and polite, she's usually too caught up in her work to socialize, but she has a great deal of love for those she cares about and always has time to help a fellow Silverdalian in need.


Skills/Knowledge: Digging through dirt and stone, mining ore and gems, cave structure and safety, underground navigation, drafting (pulling carts), mine shaft/rail/cart maintenance, intermediate wilderness survival, endurance running, beginners smelting and metalwork, basic cooking(mostly soups and stews)

Talent: Mining
Racial abilities: Earth pony

Earth pony attributes:

Constitution: Individual can go for up to 20 hours without sleep, while still maintaining functionality

Strength: Individual can lift up to 3.0x bodyweight with extreme exertion and energy

Hearty: Individual can labor for long hours (up to 10 hours non-stop physical labor) without expiring

Speed: Ground speed 2x that of other pony races

Metabolism: Individual can draw large amounts of energy from small, low-nutrition foods

Sure-footed: Individual has excellent balance and a strong spatial understanding of where feet are placed. Allows easier travel over uneven or unsturdy ground

Heavy-hooved: Individual has exceptionally strong, hard hooves that are unlikely to chip or wear down

Senses: Individual has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Earth Attunement: Subterranean caves and tunnels are unlikely to collapse or cave in on earth ponies. Natural rock formations are sturdy and unlikely to crumble.

Rad Thunder

She's cute. ^-^
In a friendly way of course.


I like the first one  ^-^

Rad Thunder

Whoa. Suddenly OCs! O:
You got a whole crew here! lol

Morning Glory

Sonya: Thank you. Morning Glory is probably my favorite, but I think if I had a ponysona it would be more like Copper.

Rad: I've had the others posted for a while. I just now added Coppershine.

Rad Thunder

Oh. I didn't even bother scrolling up. I just thought she was the first one.
Oops. x3

Morning Glory

2012 May 28, 02:30:55 #11 Last Edit: 2013 Jan 14, 22:11:36 by Morning Glory
Name: Meadow Breeze
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (human years)
Race: Earth Pony
Coat color: Jade
Mane/tail color: Spring Green
Eye color: Golden brown
Cutiemark: Bundle of hay
Occupation: Grass famer on Four-Leaf Farms
Residence: Ponyville outskirts

History: Ever wondered where the hay all the hay in Ponyville comes from? Where you got those hayfries? That hay and barley milkshake? How about that clover salad?

Why, from Four-Leaf Farms of course!

Meadow Breeze grew up on a large grass farm. His family provides most of the hay and grain products found in Ponyville including alfalfa, timothy hay, wheat, barley, rye, oats, and of course, clover. From an early age his he was taught all about how to run a farm. From plowing and planting, to bundling and baling. Unfortunately, after his mother gave birth to his sister, she grew very ill. After she passed away Meadow became very sad, but with his father and grandpa to help him, he was able to focus on raising his baby sister, Clovercurl. Once he finished mourning, he found the thing that made him happiest was caring for the little filly. He took up the job of babysitting her while his father and grandfather worked. He loves her deeply and is determined to bring her up the way his mother would have wanted. He works hard on the farm alongside his father to keep the farm running and prosperous now that grandpa Hayseed has gotten older.

Personality: Meadow Breeze is fun-loving and hard-working. When he's not working there's nothing he likes better than playing with his little sister. He always obeys his father's wishes and protects her diligently. He didn't get to finish school, as he was needed to babysit newborn Clovercurl, but he is very clever. He is sometimes a bit closed-minded, seeing only a black and white version of a conflict, and tending to be very difficult to dissuade once he takes a side in a disagreement. Meadow can also be a little emotionally distant, taking concern only the feelings of his sister and sometimes failing to take other's emotions in to consideration. He knows a great deal about farm and crop management, and is eager to learn as much as he can from his father and grandfather. While sometimes serious and old-fashioned he likes to play his harmonica, and also enjoys flirting with the young mares in town when he gets the chance, as he can be rather charming and has a strong sense of chivalry. Having his darling baby sister by his side doesn't hurt his luck with the ladies either.


Skills/Knowledge: Farm management, growing and selling hay and grain products, use and maintenance of farm equipment, basic cooking and housekeeping, basic childcare, intermediate harmonica

Talent: Hay farming
Racial abilities: Earth pony

Earth pony attributes:

Constitution: Individual can go for up to 18 hours without sleep, while still maintaining functionality

Strength: Individual can lift up to 2.7x bodyweight with extreme exertion and energy

Hearty: Individual can labor for long hours (up to 8 hours non-stop physical labor) without expiring

Speed: Ground speed 1.75x that of other pony races

Metabolism: Individual can draw large amounts of energy from small, low-nutrition foods

Sure-footed: Individual has excellent balance and a strong spatial understanding of where feet are placed. Allows easier travel over uneven or unsturdy ground

Heavy-hooved: Individual has exceptionally strong, hard hooves that are unlikely to chip or wear down

Senses: Individual has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Plant Attunement: Plants grown but the individual are larger, more hearty, nutritious and disease resistant

Name: Clovercurl
Gender: Female
Age: 6 (human years)
Race: Earth Pony
Coat color: Pale green
Mane/tail color: Forest green
Eye color: Brown
Cutiemark: None
Occupation: Child- Student
Residence: Ponyville outskirts

History: Clovercurl's mother passed away shortly after giving birth, so Clover was raised by her big brother. The darling in her family's eyes, she's always been showered in love and attention. However, she's also been a little too sheltered at times. She likes to adventure and explore, but her brother Meadowbreeze is always there to keep her from getting into any trouble.  She loves him dearly and delights in playing with him. She's just starting to learn about farm life and how to run the grass business. Always by her brother's side, she loves to go where ever he goes.

Personality:  She's sugar-sweet, friendly and curious. Clover is sometimes too dependent on her brother, but she's learning how to step out on her own. Whenever she gets in trouble, she can count on him to help her out. She likes cooking with her grandpa, making flower bouquets, and crafting with beads, creating numerous necklaces and bracelets that are often left strewn about the house, particularly her room. When she's in town with her brother, she likes to play with the other foals, but Meadow has to be close or she gets frightened by other ponies. Meadow is teaching her important lessons like learning to share, take turns and play fairly with other fillies and colts.


Skills/Knowledge: Games (jumprope, hopscotch, hide-and-seek, tag, etc), making flower bouquets, basic cooking(mostly baking like cookies and brownies),  mane braiding, beading, basic hay farming

Talent: Unknown
Racial abilities: Earth pony

Earth pony attributes:

Constitution: Individual can go for up to 10 hours without sleep, while still maintaining functionality

Strength: Individual can lift up to 1.0x bodyweight with extreme exertion and energy

Hearty: Individual can labor for long hours (up to 3 hours non-stop physical labor) without expiring

Speed: Ground speed 1.4x that of other pony races

Metabolism: Individual can draw large amounts of energy from small, low-nutrition foods

Sure-footed: Individual has excellent balance and a strong spatial understanding of where feet are placed. Allows easier travel over uneven or unsturdy ground

Senses: Individual has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Plant Attunement: Plants grown but the individual are larger, more hearty, nutritious and disease resistant


I really like there color schemes and there design. Merriweather looks like a pegasus Pinkie. :P

Otherwise, I like your OCs! 0:)

Morning Glory


Yeah I wanted Merri's hair to look like clouds, but it ended up just looking like Pinkie. That wasn't really what I wanted, but it'll do until I can improve as an artist.

Gracie Sky

I must say I'm impressed with the quality and thought put into these OCs. Even though their bios are quite a wall of text, I can't fault you for that since I'm guilty of the same thing. Their personalities are nicely balanced and their back stories are easy to imagine; I even like the names you've given them. More importantly, it seems as though they are fated to go on an adventure together, based on their diversity. It's like you're making your own mane 6!

These are all top quality OCs, though. I'd give it my seal of approval, if I had one. :c
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!

Morning Glory

Thank you Gracie. I count your approval as plenty enough of a seal!

Somepony will have to make you one.....

I worked hard on these guys and I'm so glad they are being well-received. The wall of text is an unfortunate side-effect of a well-thought-out character. I guess I could trim them down, but I think it's ok for now.

Thank you for your thoughtful critique. I could always use more of these.

Morning Glory

2012 Jul 13, 00:19:31 #16 Last Edit: 2013 Jan 15, 05:58:46 by Morning Glory
Name: Lovey-Dovey
Gender: Female
Age: 20 (human years)
Race: Pegasus
Coat color: Reddish pink
Mane/tail color: White
Eye color: Blue
Cutiemark: Dove over a heart
Occupation: Matchmaker
Residence: Canterlot

History: Born in Cloudsdale and raised in Canterlot, Lovey-Dovey is the oldest of three sisters. Her mother is a homemaker and her father is the president of a large bank. She and her sisters were doted on and adored throughout their childhood. Their mother always made sure each of her daughters was perfectly dressed and groomed each day before school, and the importance of appearance rubbed off on Dove. However, her mother also taught her kindness and respect. As she grew older, she became attracted to the fairytale romances she always saw in movies and books, and very early on she tried to convince schoolmate colts to "marry" her. These playground matrimonies lasted only a day or two, but soon Dovey was trying to pair up all her friends. The idea stuck with her through her teenaged years, and Dove was always playing matchmaker. It was when she learned to give relationship advice that she earned her cutiemark. Dovey discovered a talent in offering honest and helpful advice. Lovey-Dovey had a way of looking at relationship and seeing what each party needed. She could easily manage problems and give thoughtful advice, although she often piled on a lot of superfluous ideas as well. Obsessed with chivalrous colts and the kind of romantic poetry found only on the sappiest Hearts and Hooves Day cards, Dovey offers advice and matchmaking to anyone who asks for it, and plenty who don't.

Personality: The term social butterfly was invented for Lovey-Dovey. She excels at small talk and gossip. Although she can be superficial and over-dramatic, deep down she's sweet, and just wants to make everypony happy. However, she gets along best when things are done her way. She also can be very impatient and closed minded towards the ideas of others. Dovey is also a bit vain, always brushing her mane and painting her hooves. Her mother taught her the complex art of lace-making, which she very much enjoys and excels at. Lovey-Dovey likes to write poetry in her spare time, and it's absurdly mushy and cliché, but she enjoys it. Dovey also keeps an extensive scrapbook of all the couples she has paired, and all those she is still making plans for. She is very good at keeping secrets, but sometimes takes a lie too far to get what she wants. Sociable, and very prim and refined, she's eager to get to know anypony she meets, and she's more than ready to match them up whether they want it or not. As for herself, she's yet to find that perfect colt that will be too good to give away to another mare.


Skills/Knowledge: Mane and tail care, hoof care, Canterlot fashion, beauty tricks and secrets, scrapbooking, poetry, matchmaking, relationship advice, secret-keeping, etiquette, lace-making, basic flight safety and techniques

Talent: Match-making
Racial abilities: Pegasus

Pegasus attributes:

Flight: Individual can maintain a hover for up to 2 hours. Can maintain slow flight (15km/h and less)for up to 3 hours. Can maintain fast flight (maximum 30 km/h) for up to 10 minutes.  Time is reduced if carrying passengers or cargo.

Agile: Individual is highly maneuverable and has a good sense of spatial reasoning and quick reflexes

Senses: Individual has a heightened sight capacity, seeing 1.5x further and with more clarity than other pony races. Eyes are most sensitive to movement and color, but not detail.

Lightfoot: Individual can more easily walk stealthily, with reduced sound of footfalls and diminished hoofprints

Balance: Extreme balancing abilities allows individual to use wings to balance on a single hoof for up to 3 minutes.

Weather control: Individual can direct and relocate clouds, stir up winds, and cause lightning to strike.

Cloud walking: Individual can physically interact with clouds as if they were a solid object, standing on them, and using them as building material

Float: Individual has a lower body density than a different race pony of the same build. Allows easy gliding and extended flight.


Lovey-Dovey looks so cute!

Her personality intrigues me. 0:)
Blah blah blah.

Morning Glory


I want her to be complex, but superficial at the same time. Nice kind of duality.


I'm going to restart my OCs. Your OCs are well planned out and developed. So I'm going to restart mine. x3
Blah blah blah.

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