Morning Glory's OCs ~ Feedback Requested!

Started by Morning Glory, 2012 Mar 26, 01:16:11

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Morning Glory

Yeah that's more my style. There was never supposed to be any intention to harm. But we've seen weapons, and conflict. Heck, the royal guards brandished spears at Twilight in the first part of the Royal Wedding episode. I have always been a proponent of a peaceful Equestria, and I agree that any lethal weapon is out of the question. I might re-integrate the seemed like a good way to stop thieves or pirates without harming them. But I like the idea of international relations. An ambassadorial role makes more sense. Surely someone must liaise with the griffon and zebra government, and any others we don't know about. I've never liked the idea of ponies weilding weapons, but it seems like a perfect utopia like Equestria must be defended in one way or another. Plenty of land-based monsters have stirred up trouble, so maybe the focus would be more on creatures of the sea; serpents, sirens, (seaponies?).

Morning Glory

Name: Hotspur
Gender: Female
Age: 23 (human years)
Race: Pegasus
Coat color: Medium gray
Mane/tail color: Crimson/orange
Eye color: Turquoise
Cutiemark: Flaming ring
Occupation: Rookie Wonderbolt

History: Hotspur's ancestors have been acrobats for generations. In long tradition of aerial gymnasts, her family members are skilled circus performers. Her childhood was spent traveling across Equestria in the famous Loopty-Loop's Flying Circus. The unique train of airships carries exotic beasts, colorful clowns, and of course, daring acrobats. Trained from birth in aerial stunts, she learned a myriad of complex maneuvers. She first performed with her family at four years old. At the age of seven she attempted her grandmother's greatest act: The Ring of Fire, a corkscrew through a flaming hoop. After a great deal of practice and careful training, she pulled off her first solo performance; zooming through the burning ring without singeing a single feather. Her grand success guaranteed her career and as she took a bow for the crowd a flash illuminated her flank--she was destined to be an aerial acrobat. Through the years she gained more and more skills and added to her book of tricks. Once she fully mastered one hoop she began lining up more and more. She is now able to safely fly through ten consecutive hoops. By sheer luck a Wonderbolts talent scout attended the show and selected her for a special audition at the Wonderbolts Academy. After performing her signature trick, now called Celestia's Gauntlet, she was admitted. After honing her weaker speed-flying and weather-control skills for three years at the Academy, she was promoted the team added to the roster as a rookie.

Personality: Hotspur is very much an extrovert, drawing energy from interactions with others. She loves to be part of a group and work as a team. Confident and daring, she loves to try new things, but she has been taught carefully from childhood to avoid unnecessary danger. Her family always emphasized safety above all, and she has a good eye for what is safe to try, and what isn't. She is very proud of her family's tradition and eager to share it with the world. However, she doesn't have much of an ego. Though her agility and acrobatics are second to none on the squad, her speed and strength are nowhere near the top.  True to her cutie-mark, she loves spicy food. She also oddly enjoys swimming. Her family often tested new stunts in a large pool before trying them in the air. She mastered swimming early in life and now uses it to build her endurance and help relax after a long workout. She likes to push herself and her teammates, determined to make them all better flyers together, but she can be caring and gentle when she needs to be. She knows the value of hard work and close friends, and delights in entertaining ponies across Equestria.


Skills/Knowledge: Aerial acrobatics, stunt flying, advanced pegasus flight safety and weather team maneuvers, intermediate swimming and diving, juggling, slight-of hand (or, hoof)

Talent: Aerial acrobatics
Racial Abilities: Pegasus

Pegasus Attributes:

Flight: Individual can maintain a hover for up to 5 hours. Can maintain slow flight (60km/h and less)for up to 6 hours. Can maintain fast flight (maximum 150 km/h) for up to 30 minutes.  Time is reduced if carrying passengers or cargo.

Agile: Individual is highly maneuverable and has a good sense of spatial reasoning and quick reflexes

Senses: Individual has a heightened sight capacity, seeing 1.5x further and with more clarity than other pony races. Eyes are most sensitive to movement and color, but not detail.

Lightfoot: Individual can more easily walk stealthily, with reduced sound of footfalls and diminished hoofprints

Balance: Extreme balancing abilities allows individual to use wings to balance on a single hoof for up to 10 minutes.

Weather control: Individual can direct and relocate clouds, stir up winds, and cause lightning to strike.

Cloud walking: Individual can physically interact with clouds as if they were a solid object, standing on them, and using them as building material

Float: Individual has a lower body density than a different race pony of the same build. Allows easy gliding and extended flight.



Morning Glory


Thanks Link. Hotspur obviously needs work, and I need to finish reformatting a couple of them, but I doodled her picture the other day and wanted to get her posted.


Meh, I look forward to seeing what you'll do with her. I have yet to see a wonderbolt-esque OC that isn't overly-stereotypical.

Morning Glory


Nightingale: Replaced art

Coppershine: Added info and reformatted

Meadow Breeze and Clovercurl: Added info and reformatted

Lovey-Dovey: Added info, reformatted, and replaced art

Jellybean: Added info and reformatted

Hotspur: Added!

Morning Glory

2013 Jan 19, 05:43:02 #46 Last Edit: 2013 Jan 19, 05:45:33 by Morning Glory
Name: Tulip
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Race: Unicorn
Coat color: White
Mane/Tail color: Bright rose pink
Eye color: Blue
Cutiemark: None
Occupation: Child- Student
Residence: Whitetail Wood

History: Tulip's family are lumberjacks in the Whitetail Wood. For the longest time the trend in the family was that all the mares were born unicorns and all the stallions were born earth ponies. Was it some odd genetic detail, or just a bizarre twist of fate? Again and again, Lilac the unicorn and Timberwood the earth pony produced this odd pattern; three strong tall earth pony boys and three beautiful, unicorn daughters. However, the fourth son born to Timberwood and Lilac was a dainty little unicorn. A unicorn with a snow white coat and a shocking, curly pink mane. When he first was born and passed to his mother to hold, she thought he was a girl and named him Tulip. It was only later (and after the official paperwork had been signed) that they realized he was male. Mortified at the state of his son, Timberwood determined that he would be kept away from the sawmill and the lumber yard. Instead Tulip was raised alongside his older sisters: Violet, Iris, and Primrose. At first Tulip didn't notice that he was treated differently. However, as he grew older be began to realize that his three hulking, muscled brothers went out each day to work while he stayed in and participated in tea parties and cookie baking and mane braiding. Most often he would dance with them, happily bounding around the playroom basement of their home. Once old enough, he was taken to school each day with his sisters. There he was teased and ridiculed, as he was frail, shy and very feminine thanks to growing up around his sisters. The other foals in class determined he was just too...girly! He begged his father to let him work in the lumber yard and pleaded with his brothers for them to teach him to be strong and tough. His father ignored him and his brothers just laughed. His sisters care for him deeply and try to lift his spirits, but as he's become more aware of his gender and his situation, he'd become more and more bitter and withdrawn.

Personality: Tulip was not dealt a kind hand in life, and he's coming to realize it. He's very jaded about his situation and snaps easily. He likes to misbehave, pulling pranks and tricks on his older brothers and parents. He likes his sisters well enough, but he is always seeking to distance himself from the "girly" activities they participate in, despite how much he enjoyed spending time with them when he was little. He's become very shy and has very little self-confidence thanks to the teasing he received at school. He prefers to spend time alone. He often goes out into the woods behind his house and tries to grow stronger; carrying heavy logs, running long distances and pushing big boulders, but nothing seems to come of it. His body remains lithe and svelte, even if he does gain strength, agility and endurance.


Skills/Knowledge: Beginning baking and cooking, beginning sewing, beginning dance, basic magic  training

Talent: Unknown
Racial Abilities: Unicorn
Magic Color: Pale blue

Unicorn attributes:

Perception: Individual is highly perceptive, noticing subtle features and has a good eye for detail

Memory: Individual has an extensive memory for information and experiences

Senses: Individual has a heightened sense of touch and taste compared to other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Detection: Individual can perceive very strong magical activity in the immediate vicinity

Magic: Individual has the ability to channel energy through the horn into magical actions.


Standard Spells:

1. Levitation: Levitate and manipulate multiple items up to the weight of a milk jug with effort and concentration, and results are clumsy and imprecise. Briefly levitate single items up the weight of a breadbox with extreme exertion; results are very sloppy and unreliable.

2. Illumination: Light is cast from the horn to illuminate areas in a 5 meter radius.

Utility Spells:

None as of yet

Talent Spells:

None as of yet

Gracie Sky

 >:/ That expression...

I always imagined gender profiling to work in reverse, since there are far more mares than stallions in Equestria, or at least as far as I can tell. As far as gender roles go, I do believe males hold their masculinity close to them and normally try not to associate with feminine trends. Talk about a dysfunctional family, raising a colt like they would a mare... deliberately.
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!

Morning Glory

Well I had the idea that well, there are a lot of "girly" colors ponies come in. Yet it seems all the male ponies we've seen have somehow scraped by without getting covered in pinky, sparkly floweriness. I had the idea of maybe there are stallions or colts that do get confused for mares because of their coloration and/or name. Then I decided his family should be very binary in their gender- the boys are enormous hulking earth pony lumberjacks. The girls are dainty little unicorns that all have flower names. The poor colt born into their fold has to find a way to be himself, moving beyond his actual gender and his perceived one. I actually have a lot of plans for him when he grows up, and along his journey of coming to terms with his appearance and his lot in life, and sort of making some lemonade out of some serious lemons.

Morning Glory

2013 Mar 08, 06:17:24 #49 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 02, 12:19:14 by Morning Glory
Name: Lotus Bloom
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Race: Pegasus
Coat color: Dove Gray
Mane/Tail color: Dark Teal
Eye color: Gray
Cutiemark: Lotus flower
Occupation: Graphic Artist
Residence: Canterlot

History: Pending

Personality: Pending


Skills/Knowledge: Pending

Talent: Calligraphy
Racial Abilities: Pegasus

Pegasus attributes:

Full info coming soon!


Bravo 658

Spoiler: Coppershine • show
[quote author=Morning Glory link=topic=470.msg156461#msg156461 date=1338089184]
Name: Coppershine
Gender: Female
Age: 24 (human years)
Race: Earth Pony
Coat color: White/Cream paint
Mane/tail color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Cutiemark: Minecart
Occupation: Miner in the Silverdale Mine
Residence: Silverdale

History: Coppershine came from a mining town named Silverdale. Far from any of the big pony cities, Silverdale was quaint and simple. However, most of the metal products in Equestria come from the Silverdale mine. Rich in iron, gold, tin, copper, and of course silver, the earth around Silverdale is a valuable asset to ponykind. Nearly all the ponies in Silverdale are miners, and Coppershine's family was no different. From an early age Coppershine was strong and fast, which delighted her parents. Her father had wanted a colt to raise up into a miner, but he found Coppershine was more than tough enough for the job. He would bring her to work with him most days after school. She found she had little skill with a pickaxe, and mostly watched her father work, or sorted through the stones he had gathered, checking for minerals. However, she noticed he lost a lot of time hauling his cart back up out of the mine. Stepping into the over-sized harness, she charged off before her father could blink an eye. The cart was heavy, and soon she reached the steep incline out of the tunnel. Huffing and puffing, she strained against the heavy load. Digging in her hooves and ignoring her screaming muscles, she finally reached the top. She left the cart to be emptied and took up a vacant one. Running back down was easy. She laughed and squealed with delight as she raced down the rails to rejoin her pa, the cart zipping along behind her. Once there, she found him waiting, tapping his hoof. Instead of yelling he smiled and pointed to the shiny new cutie mark on her flank. Her idea spread. Soon many other foals were pulling their parents' carts. As she got older, she found a newly developed system of mining with hard metal shoes easier to handle, and before long had the neighbor's son pulling a cart of her very own.

Personality: Coppershine is very modest. She's quiet for the most part and takes pride in her work, but prefers not to be the center of attention. She enjoys what she does very much, and when she's not working she is usually running to build up her strength. She also loves cooking and reading in her spare time. She can be shy when meeting new ponies, and she is very close to her family and feels great loyalty to the ponies of her town. Her tail is cut short so as not to tangle in her work harness, and she sometimes is embarrassed by this. Generally kind and polite, she's usually too caught up in her work to socialize, but she has a great deal of love for those she cares about and always has time to help a fellow Silverdalian in need.


Skills/Knowledge: Digging through dirt and stone, mining ore and gems, cave structure and safety, underground navigation, drafting (pulling carts), mine shaft/rail/cart maintenance, intermediate wilderness survival, endurance running, beginners smelting and metalwork, basic cooking(mostly soups and stews)

Talent: Mining
Racial abilities: Earth pony

Earth pony attributes:

Constitution: Individual can go for up to 20 hours without sleep, while still maintaining functionality

Strength: Individual can lift up to 3.0x bodyweight with extreme exertion and energy

Hearty: Individual can labor for long hours (up to 10 hours non-stop physical labor) without expiring

Speed: Ground speed 2x that of other pony races

Metabolism: Individual can draw large amounts of energy from small, low-nutrition foods

Sure-footed: Individual has excellent balance and a strong spatial understanding of where feet are placed. Allows easier travel over uneven or unsturdy ground

Heavy-hooved: Individual has exceptionally strong, hard hooves that are unlikely to chip or wear down

Senses: Individual has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Earth Attunement: Subterranean caves and tunnels are unlikely to collapse or cave in on earth ponies. Natural rock formations are sturdy and unlikely to crumble.

A beautiful tale, and a gorgeous pony!  I'd certainly be pleased to meet her in my travels.

Morning Glory

Quote from: bleyd on 2013 Mar 08, 08:39:29
in my opinion better black lotus ^^

Hmmm...naw, not my style.

Quote from: Bravo 539 on 2013 Mar 08, 12:53:09
Spoiler: Coppershine • show
[quote author=Morning Glory link=topic=470.msg156461#msg156461 date=1338089184]
Name: Coppershine
Gender: Female
Age: 24 (human years)
Race: Earth Pony
Coat color: White/Cream paint
Mane/tail color: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Cutiemark: Minecart
Occupation: Miner in the Silverdale Mine
Residence: Silverdale

History: Coppershine came from a mining town named Silverdale. Far from any of the big pony cities, Silverdale was quaint and simple. However, most of the metal products in Equestria come from the Silverdale mine. Rich in iron, gold, tin, copper, and of course silver, the earth around Silverdale is a valuable asset to ponykind. Nearly all the ponies in Silverdale are miners, and Coppershine's family was no different. From an early age Coppershine was strong and fast, which delighted her parents. Her father had wanted a colt to raise up into a miner, but he found Coppershine was more than tough enough for the job. He would bring her to work with him most days after school. She found she had little skill with a pickaxe, and mostly watched her father work, or sorted through the stones he had gathered, checking for minerals. However, she noticed he lost a lot of time hauling his cart back up out of the mine. Stepping into the over-sized harness, she charged off before her father could blink an eye. The cart was heavy, and soon she reached the steep incline out of the tunnel. Huffing and puffing, she strained against the heavy load. Digging in her hooves and ignoring her screaming muscles, she finally reached the top. She left the cart to be emptied and took up a vacant one. Running back down was easy. She laughed and squealed with delight as she raced down the rails to rejoin her pa, the cart zipping along behind her. Once there, she found him waiting, tapping his hoof. Instead of yelling he smiled and pointed to the shiny new cutie mark on her flank. Her idea spread. Soon many other foals were pulling their parents' carts. As she got older, she found a newly developed system of mining with hard metal shoes easier to handle, and before long had the neighbor's son pulling a cart of her very own.

Personality: Coppershine is very modest. She's quiet for the most part and takes pride in her work, but prefers not to be the center of attention. She enjoys what she does very much, and when she's not working she is usually running to build up her strength. She also loves cooking and reading in her spare time. She can be shy when meeting new ponies, and she is very close to her family and feels great loyalty to the ponies of her town. Her tail is cut short so as not to tangle in her work harness, and she sometimes is embarrassed by this. Generally kind and polite, she's usually too caught up in her work to socialize, but she has a great deal of love for those she cares about and always has time to help a fellow Silverdalian in need.


Skills/Knowledge: Digging through dirt and stone, mining ore and gems, cave structure and safety, underground navigation, drafting (pulling carts), mine shaft/rail/cart maintenance, intermediate wilderness survival, endurance running, beginners smelting and metalwork, basic cooking(mostly soups and stews)

Talent: Mining
Racial abilities: Earth pony

Earth pony attributes:

Constitution: Individual can go for up to 20 hours without sleep, while still maintaining functionality

Strength: Individual can lift up to 3.0x bodyweight with extreme exertion and energy

Hearty: Individual can labor for long hours (up to 10 hours non-stop physical labor) without expiring

Speed: Ground speed 2x that of other pony races

Metabolism: Individual can draw large amounts of energy from small, low-nutrition foods

Sure-footed: Individual has excellent balance and a strong spatial understanding of where feet are placed. Allows easier travel over uneven or unsturdy ground

Heavy-hooved: Individual has exceptionally strong, hard hooves that are unlikely to chip or wear down

Senses: Individual has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Earth Attunement: Subterranean caves and tunnels are unlikely to collapse or cave in on earth ponies. Natural rock formations are sturdy and unlikely to crumble.

A beautiful tale, and a gorgeous pony!  I'd certainly be pleased to meet her in my travels.

Thank you! Coppershine is one of my favorites, and I put a lot of effort in to her. I'd love to Rp some time!


Morning Glory would like Sunray. They're very similar, except for the fact that MG is a unicorn, and SR's a pegasus. Let's have them meet!
I'm back

Morning Glory

2013 Sep 02, 00:59:12 #54 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 02, 12:22:17 by Morning Glory
New OC... just keep em coming!

Name: Buttercream
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: Earth Pony
Coat color: Pale pink, lighter markings
Mane/Tail color: Pale yellow/cream
Eye color: Dusty blue
Cutiemark: Bell
Occupation: Dairy Farmer
Residence: Rural area outside Seaddle

History: Pending

Personality: Pending


Skills/Knowledge: Pending

Talent: Dairy Farming
Racial Abilities: Earth Pony

Earth Pony attributes:

The rest later....


Would you mind if I copy your pony-info template? I really like it.  ^-^
PS. I also really like Coppershine,she is a lot like me. I mean,really a LOT.

Morning Glory

2013 Sep 04, 14:15:46 #56 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 04, 14:34:06 by Morning Glory
Sure! You're welcome to copy my attribute list as well, but it's not official or complete. It's just as I see it and utterly arbitrary. I typically adjust the number values per pony, to indicate a variance of strength between them.

Age:  (human years)
Coat color:
Mane/tail color:
Eye color:




Racial Abilities:
Magic Color: (Unicorn only)

(Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony) attributes:

Unicorn attributes:

Perception: Individual is highly perceptive, noticing subtle features and has a good eye for detail

Memory: Individual has an extensive memory for information and experiences

Senses: Individual has a heightened sense of touch and taste compared to other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Detection: Individual can perceive very strong magical activity in the immediate vicinity

Magic: Individual has the ability to channel energy through the horn into magical actions.


Standard Spells:

1. Levitation: Levitate and manipulate multiple items up to the weight of a breadbox with ease, results are delicate and exact. Levitate and manipulate single items up to the weight of an adult pony with effort and concentration, and results are clumsy and imprecise. Briefly levitate single items up the weight of a carriage with extreme exertion; results are very sloppy and unreliable.

2. Teleportation: Teleport to a visible location at a distance of no more than (X) meters. Requires energy and concentration.

3. Illumination: Light is cast from the horn to illuminate areas in a (X) meter radius. Horn can also produce tiny flame to light candles or lanterns. Useless as a weapon.

4. Precipitation: Water up to (X) liters can be levitated and manipulated. Can be separated into droplets to fall like rain, or sprinkle on to an object.

Utility Spells:

5. Magnification: Allows the user to examine a target more closely and in finer detail. Up close, it works like a magnifying glass, with the strength of about 3x the naked eye. Far off, it acts like a telescope, allowing improved far-off vision, with a maximum range of 50 meters.

6. Isolation: Creates a bubble around the user that keeps any sound from leaving. Allows for conversations or loud activities without noise leaving the barrier, with a maximum radius of 3 meters. Will also muffle incoming sound, but not block it completely.

7. Amplification: Allows the user to raise the volume of their voice to 3 times the normal speaking levels to be heard over crowds or loud noises.

8. Expulsion: A strong puff of air shoots from the horn to blow away debris, dust, or other light items. Maximum range 10 meters. Useless as a weapon.

Talent Spells:

(Unique to each pony)

Earth pony attributes:

Constitution: Individual can go for up to (X) hours without sleep, while still maintaining functionality

Strength: Individual can lift up to (X) times bodyweight with extreme exertion and energy

Hearty: Individual can labor for long hours (up to (X) hours non-stop physical labor) without expiring

Speed: Ground speed 1.5x that of other pony races

Metabolism: Individual can draw large amounts of energy from low-nutrition foods

Sure-footed: Individual has excellent balance and a strong spatial understanding of where feet are placed. Allows easier travel over uneven or unsturdy ground

Heavy-hooved: Individual has exceptionally strong, hard hooves, that are unlikely to chip or wear down

Senses: Individual has a stronger sense of smell and hearing than other pony races (1.5x sensitivity)

Earth Attunement: Subterranean caves and tunnels are unlikely to collapse or cave in on earth ponies. Natural rock formations are sturdy and unlikely to crumble.

Plant Attunement: Plants grown by the individual are larger, more hearty, nutritious and disease resistant

Pegasus Attributes:

Flight: Individual can maintain a hover for up to (X) hours. Can maintain slow flight (15km/h and less)for up to (X) hours. Can maintain fast flight (maximum (X) km/h) for up to (X) minutes. Time is reduced if carrying passengers or cargo.

Agile: Individual is highly maneuverable and has a good sense of spatial reasoning and quick reflexes

Senses: Individual has a heightened sight capacity, seeing 1.5x further and with more clarity than other pony races. Eyes are most sensitive to movement and color, but not detail.

Lightfoot: Individual can more easily walk stealthily, with reduced sound of footfalls and diminished hoofprints

Balance: Extreme balancing abilities allows individual to use wings to balance on a single hoof for up to (X) minutes.

Weather control: Individual can direct and relocate clouds, stir up winds, and cause lightning to strike.

Cloud walking: Individual can physically interact with clouds as if they were a solid object, standing on them, and using them as building material

Float: Individual has a lower body density than a different race pony of the same build. Allows easy gliding and extended flight.


Yay thanks!  :D I already used them,a bit changed, on my ponies (except for the first one) you can take a look if you want to: I added Family and Birthsign, if you want to you can add it too.  :P

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