Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Sweet Brew

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Oct 16, 06:35:27
So....60 years from now will you be saying "two thousand seventy five"?

I always have a headache and I'm always thirsty...
What up wit dat, yo?! o.O


Having to go into work on a day off. A holiday day no less bleh

Midnight Breeze

What's the deal with everyone thinking the song "Blue on Black" is about domestic abuse? Just because someone mentions black and blue doesn't automatically mean they're talking about bruises.

If you listen to the rest of the lyrics you'll see the song is about grieving over regret and loss. "Match on a fire/cold on ice/tears in a river" those things all sound pretty pointless, eh? Exactly, the song is about the idea that dwelling on a past mistake doesn't help it, it's as futile a "whisper on a scream".

When he says "Blue on Black" he's not literally talking about the colors, he's talking about emotions and using colors to represent them - blue representing sadness and black representing loss/regret. That's what the whole song is about, the futility of dwelling on the past because grieving over it won't help or change anything.

...also, when you get all angsty over the meaning of a 17 year old song, it's a pretty good indication your life is not going as planned.

Lync Volan

2015 Oct 16, 12:29:24 #17383 Last Edit: 2015 Oct 16, 12:41:18 by Lync Volan
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Oct 16, 07:31:15
I always have a headache and I'm always thirsty...
What up wit dat, yo?! o.O
i used to always be like that but now i'm just always thirsty (which is why i have a water bottle all the time)

Post Merge

I'm not a follower nor a leader, i just do my own thing!
if i do end up "leading" its only for a certain amount of time, same goes for "following", only if it concerns things i care about!
Now stahp saying there are only 2 ono!

I'm not irresponsible! i just know how much responsibility i can take and i don't wanna take on more then i can chew!

I know my limits i'm not putting myself down!

plwease stahp posting about your VERY personal problems and caps locking me when i respond or ask what's going on, especially if the group chat were in is named after a cartoon

I don't have some hidden smarts locked away and i'm not "playing" dumb, i'm just very ignorant :l

and no! i did pay attention in school but all the teacher was doing was sitting at her desk with her legs up as she cheers this "street brawls" and very unfriendly activity, i'm very happy that you went to a school where you could actually learn but please don't think every school is that way   


Being accused of lying because of someone being misinformed, or that I actually did something that I don't remember, but couldn't do it again to verify it.


Sometimes I can hear a few people arguing for almost no apparent reason when I'm at home.  >:O

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: EredarOmen on 2015 Oct 17, 13:01:22
Sometimes I can hear a few people arguing for almost no apparent reason when I'm at home.  >:O

You must be my downstairs neighbor.

Sweet Brew

"Zap Zeta!" doesn't work anymore! DD:
How will I zap him now?!


Driving through the snow to work for 7 am on a Sunday. I can barely walk I'm so tired.

Tried taking melatonin last night and didn't work...

Sweet Brew

I comment here too much...

But yeah, I've complained a lot about trying to make music and utterly failing...
But all I have is an old MIDI keybored and LMMS, either I don't know how to use them or they're preeetty lame. (Seems like a mix of both)

Everything sounds awful...
I wish I could get a real guitar at least...
*face plants* *sigh*

Midnight Breeze

Harry Potter fanfics with an American OC who somehow ends up going to Hogwarts instead of one of the multiple American wizard schools.


Well I'm now having computer troubles...... AGAIN.

I just hope that this time it's the computer and not the hard drive, I have a years worth of pictures, documents, research, downloads, and screenshots from the OSW's on that drive, please don't fail me.
LoE not working as it should? Submit bugs here: http://phabricator.legendsofequestria.com/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Quote from: Howitzer on 2015 Oct 18, 22:20:13
Well I'm now having computer troubles...... AGAIN.

I just hope that this time it's the computer and not the hard drive, I have a years worth of pictures, documents, research, downloads, and screenshots from the OSW's on that drive, please don't fail me.

If you need any assistance, just send me a message with what's going on, and I can try to offer a solution.


I've had troubles getting sleep lately.

Little Star

So much to do in so little time!  :I


Midnight Breeze

I find it pretty hilarious that 5 years after lifetime health insurance limits have been banned there's still a box for "Lifetime maximum benefit" on health insurance benefit forms. It's as if health insurance companies were so sure the law would be repealed they never bothered to update their paperwork.

Hehe, how'd that one turn out for you, guys?


Ok, this was quite a long time ago, but it still bugs me.
One day I went around my friends' house, and I was really tired. We played Monster Hunter, beat a boss we hadn't been able to for a while, and were really happy. I accidently dropped my stylus while on this big chair, and nearly lost it. As I turned about to geet it though, I just...fell asleep. Just like that. Straight from being really happy about winng, to IMMIDIATELY nodding off in less than a second. I have no idea if I was really that tired, or if I had low blood sugers or something...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

Okay, so, in RWBY, there's this dance club, which first appeared in the Yellow Trailer. The club has a light show system, there are color-changing trees on the dance floor, and there are color-changing rose petals floating around. Toward the end of the Yellow Trailer, it was shown that the trees and petals were just holograms, when the club's owner turns off the light show system.

The trees became pixelated and then faded away, and the rose petals got white grid lines on them and flickered until they were gone.

I ran into someone who keeps insisting that the rose petals were real when Yang went to the club again in volume 2, and this person demands an explanation on why the rose petals were there. :l I keep explaining that they're just holograms. They're just part of the light show system. But nooo, they insist that the petals are definitely real.
:facehoof: Why do I even bother with these types of people?

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Oct 19, 12:05:24
Ok, this was quite a long time ago, but it still bugs me.
One day I went around my friends' house, and I was really tired. We played Monster Hunter, beat a boss we hadn't been able to for a while, and were really happy. I accidently dropped my stylus while on this big chair, and nearly lost it. As I turned about to geet it though, I just...fell asleep. Just like that. Straight from being really happy about winng, to IMMIDIATELY nodding off in less than a second. I have no idea if I was really that tired, or if I had low blood sugers or something...

That is pretty bizarre, and shouldn't really happen unless you had a crazily strong sugar crash or something like that, it's just plain not normal that you can just fall asleep in the middle of doing something without even noticing, that is usually impossible.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

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