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Messages - jazzy

so sorry but you ask to me  :c, and you know all lost ours nerve sometimes. and if you promise that you dont run or hit somepony i put off your ropes
 he bends ears and him face gets in flavourful sad  :c. well i dont have parents, i dont remember thems. i only know my master. and he is going out a long long time ago. and friends, i lost all or they think that i ruin her/him lives, that i am a monster that like the suffering of others. or others dissapear and never return. ono
dont worry silent at least you have one friend here  :D. when i am in coma 1 week no pony come to visit me ono
he pick glass. ok clouded all i ok dont worry, you need somemore? i can get some cupcakes for you and silent.
clouded your water , and dont worry all is ok. now drink some.  0:)
((yes we are in hospital.))

clouded dont worry i repair forest with help and sugar cube corner is fix too. nopony can say nothing. he say while walk out for water.

well better. he move and sit. well clouded silent can i do something for you? flowers or something to eat?
he pick clouded head . dont worry. relax. he use force to calm clouded mind emotions,  while he recived clouded hits
Quote from: super_chris85 on 2013 Jun 29, 15:18:38
((wow uh Jazzy that talk is kinda Bi polar like hehe))
Hey it's not your fault Cecil smiled at Treat accidentally scratching her with his claws

((at last someone see this i think in do one big party  :D ))

he put near clouded and rub her hair. come one clouded i can be strange and crazy ... but i have a golden heart. i only can say so sorry if i disturb you.

i see you fight versus big monster now clam yourself you have a lot damages and wounds, you need rest and if you dont like that doctor put you to sleep. shut up keep calm

silent a lot things happen to me, if you like when you go out of here i can tell you while we drink  :]
clouded please relax i dont here for hurt you. nurse what operation?

silent i am ....bleyd he whisper for him
if you like me clouded and silent are in hospital. i think that they dont import that you join to us.))
yes silent you dont remember me? i wear a mask in my face all time and use claws. you remember? he say near clouded
((well at least farsight think in my how a friend is something ^^))

clouded .. relax relax you are ok dont worry you are in hospital. he say  try calm clouded.
what that voice . silent? silent shadow are you? :o he run to see him
well i am one frien. ar least i think that. she and me do a lot things... but can i see her?
((well snowy you think that someday you and me can be friends? or at least dont try kill us?))

he see clouded mind in hospital and ask what happen to doctor, this say that somepony put she here because she in in middle of destruccion in sugar cube corner
he finish repair house, and go to hospital. he need some medicines
((if somepony like i am open and bored))
he is finising the walls of cake house,  :D well a good work