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Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 14, 13:09:41

Title: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 14, 13:09:41
Living together with anyone can be difficult or sometimes easy depending on how lazy you are.

This RP, is the idea of this. All the characters will be living in the same house. It is a fairly large house with four floors and a large garden also.

Spoiler: 4th Floor - Male bedrooms/Bath area. • show

Exact Layout as third floor. You enter at the bottom of the corridor and walk up a long hall. The first 6 doors are Bedrooms. The final two are bath areas. One of them being a more community bath, one single room with a large shallow pool in the middle and the other is a more solitary bath area, split into 4 small separate bathrooms. Shower, Sink, Toilet.

Spoiler: 3rd Floor - Female bedrooms/bath area. • show

Exact Layout as Fourth floor. You enter at the bottom of the corridor and walk up a long hall. The first 6 doors are Bedrooms. The final two are bath areas. One of them being a more community bath, one single room with a large shallow pool in the middle and the other is a more solitary bath area, split into 4 small separate bathrooms. Shower, Sink, Toilet.

Spoiler: 2nd Floor - Entertainment/Work Area. E.g. Desks, TVs • show

This Floor is more fun than the others. In consists of a large open area, with multiple desks and Duplicating TVs connected to a floor wide sound system. At the end of the entire floor there is a solitary room, it is a cinema style room. One large screen on the wall and large amounts of seats climbing up. This is the tallest floor.

Spoiler: 1st Floor - Kitchen, Dining, living. • show

This is essentially just a normal floor house. It is split into two sections. A large kitchen and Dining room on one side and the standard living area with chairs, sofas and a TV. With a long multi-person bathroom area near the stairs which with the entrance hall split the two sides.

Spoiler: Back Garden - Large open garden with some equipment. • show

A large flat grassed garden, it has a bit of a covered patio, with some chairs as well as a pool in front of it, and then just the grassy area before reaching the shed at the bottom. This would be where things like the Trampoline would be set up.

Spoiler: Shed - Storage/Loud Work area. E.g Metal work. • show

The shed is a large storage area, with some smaller work areas nearer the front, for ponies or others with talents in metalwork or woodwork.

[Spoiler=Basement - Storage/Cleaning.]
The basment is essentially just a storage area for the house, containing larger objects which can not be kept out and around easily. This is also where the cleaning appliances are. The Washing Machines and the Dryers are.

Spoiler: Rooms • show

Male Room 1 = Shadow Flare
Male Room 2 = Peace Keeper
Male Room 3 = ChrisGotJar, JCFraven
Male Room 4 = PlatinumJoystick
Male Room 5 = LunarDusk
Male Room 6 = MapleWood

Female Room 1 = Marble Star(Misty Fly), Shadow Flame(SandFire),
Female Room 2 = FakeSmile, Chromastone64
Female Room 3 = Sugar Delight, Waaaaaah(Sketch Art)
Female Room 4 = Blazing Sun
Female Room 5 = NotVlinny
Female Room 6 = Scarlet Ink

Once all 6 rooms have at least 1 person in them, the rooms will then be doubled up until a maximum of three, then I`ll probably add more rooms in the loft space or something.

Spoiler: Post-It Notes • show

Spoiler: Wolf Note • show
Hello, the pudgy canine you see around the house is called Game. He is NOT a dog and is in fact a Wolf, he doesn't enjoy being called a dog much.

A word of Warning, do not leave any easily accessible food around him that you want to eat. He will find it and devour it.

As I`m sure you've noticed or figured out by now, he is a very Chubby Wolfy. It has been attempted to make him lose weight though it has failed amazingly each time and is better just to let him do what he wants. He does enjoy company and being generally looked after.

He does need help with a lot of things, such as the fact he can't get up or down the stairs by himself and will occasionally get stuck in or around the house, make sure to take good care of him.

Spoiler: Kitchen Note • show
Hello again, hopefully you have found some more post-it notes around the place already so you can get used to the house more quickly.

We have a basement which contains a lot of stored food and items which can't be kept up here, so you might need to go down there. Luckily for you the house also has a dumbwaiter (Food elevator :3) so you can put stuff in there instead of carrying it up and downstairs.

Warning, the chubby wolfy that you have no-doubt found. Should in no circumstances be allowed in the basement or in the dumbwaiter, he will either break the food lift or eat everything, he is hard enough to get around already.

Have fun with the kitchen, it should be fully stocked with food and drink, so have at it. It should last you all a while.

Spoiler: Garden Note • show
So, you have found a garden I take it. It has a large pool which can also function as a Jacuzzi with it's built in bubble and wave machines. It is one of those Pools which rises and lowers, so you can even change how shallow it is and even split it into sections.

There is a little vegetable patch near the shed also, which if you didn't have the wolf to take care of, could probably make the house self-sustaining. The patch does need care and attention and you should probably build a fence around it.

The wolfy, for some reason, keeps managing to get the potatoes out of the ground. Not sure how, considering his difficulty with even walking. Is also only potatoes you really have to worry about, though he does tend to trample the other veg in the patch.

Spoiler: Living Room Note • show
I see you have found the TV, the remote on this floor only works for this TV, though you can use the link it to the TVs upstairs if you so wish.

Should be enough seats for at least half the max population of the house to sit at once, while the 2nd floor can hold everyone.

The TVs have a large collection of channels, all the little bundles and packages you can get for it.

I also made a map :3
Spoiler: Map • show


Going from the kitchen and up near the stairs on each floor is a small food lift directly next to a Laundry Chute that travels down to the basment. Both are labelled clearly enough.

The bedroom floors would be at least 6 bedrooms each, with two large bath areas. You can double up with someone if you wish, but there should be enough for single rooms.

What you do with your room is optional, could just be standard or you could design it however you want.

The setting would be a more modern time than in Equestria from the show. More modern technology, e.g TVs, Computers, Kitchen Appliances. But the house would still be fairly basic in terms of this.

Is a open RP so you can join whenever just make sure you get your character information in it first.

Look/Visual Description:

Can use pictures if you want.

Spoiler: Gamepaw Wolf • show

Name: Gamepaw
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Colours: General base fur colour is a dark Navy (#453b66), He has multiple patches of (#8c73c9), longer, fluffy fur (#765fa7) such as around his (#5a4e86) hind legs or his neck. (#816bbb) Which are multiple shades of lighter purple (#7062a7). On the tips of his paws and his inner ears he has a pale purple (bba6ff). He also has a dark to light blue gradient tail and mane. Which goes from the darker (#42459a) to the much lighter (#7d8df1). He also has light blue eyes (#74d4ff). His pawpads happen to be a lighter blue-ish purple in colours (#9d94fb).
Personality: Gamepaw is a fairly outgoing wolf, not to shy down from anything, bullies and the like. He however does not deal with heavy emotions well, such as not being able to control his laughing, or his sadness and will try to hide this. He tends to be kind, fatherly or loving, enjoying looking after young or other people he is fond of, will even put himself in the way if he sees something he doesn't like happening to another. He also tends to very food absorbing, commonly seen eating some sort of baked good, mainly pie as his favourite.
However as a feral or a pet character, he is fairly helpless due to his chubbiness getting the better of him, he can also be scared or become afraid very easily, due to his large weight and general helplessness if he knows something will happen and he knows he can't get away or escape.
Physical Description: A pudgy wolf by no doubt as his constant snacking catches up with him, but it doesn't cause him much of an issue outside of his feral/pet form. Comparatively being a lot skinnier than the four legged counterpart. He is also fairly moderate in terms of height at 94cm, around 3' 1" in his feral form. As a pet, he can normally been seen with a purple collar on, however it keeps having to be replaced due to his weight and size.
Short Backstories: (There are separate specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
Feral/Pet: He was found by a pet shop owner as a young pup and was kept in the shop for only a month or so, before the pet shop started to close and he was the only one left. He was sold to a friend of Raven (his master) who gave him to her as a birthday present. Game shares the same birthday as her due to the fact his birthdate unknown
Feral/Wild: Being a lazy wolf Game got chubby fairly quickly and failed at keeping up with his fellow pack, who had eventually disowned him and left him to his own devices. Being the slow wolf he was he found it incredibly difficult to keep himself fed, as all the animals were too fast for him. He eventually settled for mainly grown things, such as berries or fallen apples. Occasionally having to eat meat, the only sources he could find are ones he had to find already passed their prime or those that required digging up.
Spoiler: pictures • show

A little extra. Would be easier to read if you all kept the layout somewhat the same.

If you need to speak OOC (Out of Character) Use brackets () such as these.
If you have multiple characters talking at once, might be worth suggesting different colours for each.
Another thing, write it like how a proper story would be written.

Gamepaw began thinking. "I wonder how pie tastes with gravy and cream."

instead of Game thought. I wonder how pie tastes with gravy and cream.

Use punctuation or seperate the speaking parts from the description parts.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 14, 14:18:55
(A little question: will we have to stay in the house all the time or the ponies can go out to, for example, work or groceries?)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 14, 14:26:41
(Yeah. Though maybe only if another pony comes along with you. I was thinking just in the house the entire time, though doing some more normal things would be good to.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 14, 15:06:01
Spoiler: show
NAME: Shadow Flame
Gender: Mare
Appearance: Small for her age. Charcoal grey coat with bright orange mane and tail. Green eyes.
personality: Keen on making friends, Intersted in finding artifacts of old and power, Shy when talking one on one but brave when talking to groups.
Friends: Due to wanderlust she has no 'real' friends but she has a lot of acquaintances.

Skills:Has a  expert ability to control and create weather.  Able to sneak around but not fight. Has fine control over flying able to go through what other pegasus would have trouble with.

Back Story: Shadow Fire was born and raised in Grand Junction. She was one of the few Pegasus who lived and was picked on by the other earth pony kids. She learned to sneak instead of fight because of this. As she grew older she tired of seeing desert and cherry tree's and instead went to go live an explorers life to travel the world. Seeing many sights and knowing what to and what not to do in the wild has learned when to sense dangers of animals and some people.

((Can Shadow have room across from stairs for her room on floor 3))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 14, 15:20:39
Name: Marble Star
Gender: Mare
Appearance: http://s10.postimg.org/mku7pbsq1/marble_base.png
personality: cautious , Loyal , friendly , humble
((can i be in the same room as Shadow?))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 14, 15:23:00
Spoiler: show
Name: Scarlet Ink
Gender: Female
Race: Earth Pony
Appearance: pretty thin and frail for being an Earth Pony, has a white coat with brown, tied up mane and tail, streaked with red, and green eyes framed with red glasses; wears a purple jacket
Personality: kind and friendly, she has a bit of a "mother hen" attitude towards the people she comes to care about; better to not make her angry, she can get pretty scary.

(May I start?  ^-^ )

Scarlet entered the big house, looking around with wide eyes and a brilliant smile while carrying her luggage.

- Wow, it's so bug! - she commented, starting to trot toward the stairs to the other floors and calling out. - Hey! Good morning! Anypony home?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 14, 15:26:52
(Shadow can have the room. Also, Shadow has to agree to sharing a room with Marble. Also Mares only on Floor 3 and Colts only on Floor 4. You may start, I was going to but you beat me to it.)

Game was busy being laid out across the couch downstairs, someone had left cartoons on and he was stuck listening to it on the TV. Knowing he would be stuck on the floor if he attempted to change the channel himself, he just dealt with it.

Perking as a pony walked in, he let out a little noise to allow them to know he was here and continued staring at the pictures hoping something better would appear.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 14, 15:31:57
((me and misty can share a room))
Shadow Flame was busy sleeping on her side of her room filled with random clutter and a picture of Dodge Junction.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 14, 15:34:27
*Marble enters the room carrying her suitcases*
Marble : ah..oh boy that was some journey...*she looks at shadow* hey there i,m Marble
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 14, 15:36:07
On the 2nd floor, Scarlet heard an high whine, similar to the one of a dog. Her curiosity perked up, she left her luggage near the stairs, out of walking way, and followed the sound to a room with a large TV turned on. Figuring this must be the "Entertainment Floor", she looked around, trying to find other ponies, and her eyes landed on...

"Oh, a dog!" she thought happily: she loved animals, and having one in the house is a pretty welcome surprise.

(Sorry, Game  X3 )
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 14, 15:41:13
*Marble puts her suitcases on the floor*
Marble : i guess i.ll pack up later...*she looks at shadow* and it looks like she is sleeping...great..guess i.ll better go try to find others...*she leaves the room and heads to the 2nd floor where she notices scarlet*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 14, 15:46:30
Scarlet approached Game and, afr seeing how calm he is, started petting him, forgetting her luggage.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 14, 15:48:17
Game scowled at the pony, not liking be called a dog. Eyeing the sticky note on the table, hoping she would get the message.

The Sticky note read:
Spoiler: show
Hello, the pudgy canine you see around the house is called Game. He is NOT a dog and is in fact a Wolf, he doesn't enjoy being called a dog much.

A word of Warning, do not leave any easily accessible food around him that you want to eat. He will find it and devour it.

As I`m sure you've noticed or figured out by now, he is a very Chubby Wolfy. It has been attempted to make him lose weight though it has failed amazingly each time and is better just to let him do what he wants. He does enjoy company and being generally looked after.

He does need help with a lot of things, such as the fact he can't get up or down the stairs by himself and will occasionally get stuck in or around the house, make sure to take good care of him.

Recieving pets the pudgy wolf purred happily and wagged, forgetting about the sticky note.

(If anyone wants to be in a room with each other please consult each other. A Maximum of 3 per room I think. Four feels like it would be too much.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 14, 15:50:13
((oh so our room is full))
*Marble approaches Scarlet*
Marble : hhey..there...*she says shyly*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 14, 15:51:56
After reading the note and apologizing to Game, Scarlet noticed Marble.

- Oh, hi. - she says kindly, getting up. - Do you live here too? I'm Scarlet Ink, I just arrived. Nice to meet you.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 14, 15:53:11
Looking up at the other new pony, the wolf was unsure but thought his opinion could change if he was treated well.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 14, 15:54:36
Marble : yea i just got here...so i,m new in here
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 14, 15:58:12
- Have you already found the rooms? I'm a little lost here. - she admitted, scratching lightly between Game's ears. - And... You haven't told me your name, yet.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 14, 16:04:58
Game continued his purring as his ears where scratched, wagging his tail the wolf slowly stretched out even more across the across, teetering on his stomach slightly.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 14, 18:35:02
Flame fell of the bed causing a light bang as she was a bit smaller than most ponies her age. Popping up quickly she looked around before giggling at the silliness of falling out of bed.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 14, 19:40:05
(OOC: Suddenly an unexpected guest appears!)

Name: Blueberry Gelato
Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Look/Visual Description: A mid to dark blue stallion with a dirty blonde mane and tail. His CutieMark is a bowl containing two scoops of icecream with a bit on top of each one in the place of cherries
Personality/Attitude: Blueberry Gelato is very invested in his work and he'll blabber about it. A bit of a chatterbox and slightly scatterbrained. He'll get the job done but if he were a scientist, stuff would probably blow up along the way.

Blueberry Gelato strolled in through the already open entrance into the place where he would be staying for a while.

[B]"This town is certainly different from the city I'll give it that. The place seems bigger than I thought though, so that's a plus." [/b]Blueberry blurted out to no-one in particular. Noticing a couple of piles of baggage laying on the ground nearby he moved closer to investigate.

[B]"Looks like some others have arrived already, guess this is where we're meant to leave our stuff."[/b]
The blue stallion muttered to himself, shook his saddlebags off and began to look around.

[B]"Helloooo. Anypony here?"[/b]
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 14, 19:53:33
((I'm assuming that the front door entrance is a hall and the room everyone else is in is separate from it.))

Shadow hearing someone calling from down below decides to walk down the stairs and greet whoever has come.
"Hello, there. I'm Shadow. Are you one of the ponies who are going to be living here?/color]" She said with a smile.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 14, 22:34:18
Name:Sugar Delight
Race:Unicorn;Sugar pone :3
Look/Visual Description:Pink coat,Purple semi-curly hair(may contain sugar X3)red magenta eyes
Personality/Attitude:Kind,Friendly,Semi-shyish,Likes to bake sweets :3 and make sweet tea,likes to nibble sugar cookies :P,likes to give sugar cookies to her friends,will boop back with either a sugar cookie or pillow if booped ovO.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 15, 03:00:08
- Oh, there are other ponies arriving! Come on, let's greet them! - Scarlet said, hearing voices coming from the entrance hall and rushing back there to find a female Pegasus and a male Earth Pony.

- Hi, people! - she greeted them, smiling brightly.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 15, 03:19:00
*marble follows scarlet*
Marble : hey wait up!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 15, 07:31:16
Rolling off the couch the pudgy wolf landed with a thud and waddled towards the stairs and laid down at the top of them, watching the ponies on the floor below talking.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 15, 10:44:31
((Since Shadow was sleeping in the house before does that mean she knows Game?))

"Hi there i haven't seen most you before?" Shadow said as she turned and saw two mares come into the entrance hall from the entertainment room followed by a pudgy wolf.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 15, 10:57:36
(Is possible that Shadow didn't notice him, as he was lieing on the couch and you were up-stairs. Also, I`m on the top of the stairs laying down watching. I can't get up or down the stairs myself :3)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 15, 11:40:39
*Marble catches up to shadow*
Marble : hey i,m Marble i,m your roommate...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 15, 12:02:34
"Hello Marble, my name is Shadow. Its a pleasure to meet who would be sharing my room with. Shaos said as she looked at Marble.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 15, 12:51:06
- Hi, I'm Scarlet Ink, but you may all call me Scarlet. - she said, extending her hoof to shake the others, with a kind smile.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 15, 13:06:53
((Shadow is a busy busy mare right now))

"Hello, Scarlet, I am Shadow very nice to meet you as well." Shadow said turing to look at Scarlet now as she was introducing herself to everyone.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 15, 13:11:06
Marble : hey Scarlet i,m guessing your gonna be my roommate too?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 15, 13:23:22
- Well, to tell you the truth, I was hoping to find a single room. - Scarlet admitted, apologetically. - You see... I usually stay up a lot to read and I also talk in my sleep.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 15, 13:34:40
Marble : grrreat...you hate having roommates...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 15, 14:04:35
- It's not that I hate them, it's that usually they end up hating me! - Scarlet rushed to explain.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 15, 14:18:29
*Marble looks at Scarlet*
Marble : i,m sure they will like you...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 15, 15:51:39
(There is 6 rooms on each floor :3 Remember this. If not enough people join there will be atleast most the rooms left.)

Game let out a noise from the top of the stairs to let the ponies know he is there and can't get down.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 15, 16:39:04
Blueberry perked up a little as he saw the grey mare walk down the stairs. She introduced herself to him and he responded in kind.
"Yes, I'll be staying here for a while. The name's Blueberry Gelato by the way, though some ponies just call me Blue. I tell you, when I got here and saw that the hall was empty I almost thought I'd got the wrong place" Blueberry chuckled.

The stallion noticed that more ponies had begun to fill the room and listen as they all started talking to one another and introducing themselves.
"OK now, so we have, Shadow, Scarlet aaaaand Marble right?" he tilted his head questioningly.

An unfamiliar noises sounded from the top of the stairs, a quick glimpse of the blue mass gave Blueberry a start.
"Um... What is that?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 15, 16:41:13
Game having been noticed, wagged his tail and hoped he'd be brought down.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 15, 18:54:54
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 15, 16:41:13
Game having been noticed, wagged his tail and hoped he'd be brought down.

- Oh, right, that's Game! - Scarlet said, remembering the note. - He's a wolf and lives here, but he needs help going up and down the stairs: it was all written on a note.

After explaining, Scarlet rushed to Game, but suddenly noticed that her lack of muscle mass
is one more time going against her.

- Ehm... A little help bringing him down? - she asked to the guys down the stairs.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 15, 18:59:13
"I would help but it wouldn't  do much more than roll him up or down and me being crushed. Maybe Blueberry can help? " Shadow said looking at wolf.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Aeterna Sol on 2016 Mar 15, 19:16:04
((This looks nice.))

Name: Blazing Sun (Blaze for short)
Gender: Mare
Race: Unicorn Pony
Personality/Attitude: Blazing Sun is a really friendly pony who loves playing video games and helping others. She can imitate and perfect some things simply by seeing them a few times, such as attacks, movements, and strategies. As an alternate version of a being born as a living incarnation of the sun's power, she does have a few secrets that, in some cases, not even she knows about.
Spoiler: Look/Visual Description: • show

((I'm not joining yet, as i'm not sure if this will work. Tell me if it's good, and if not, suggest some changes.))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 15, 19:28:46
(Blazing, that is fine. But make sure you character isn't too violent or too OP either.

Also, I added a few things to the first post describing the floors in a bit more detail.

Spoiler: Changes • show

Spoiler: 4th Floor - Male bedrooms/Bath area. • show

Exact Layout as third floor. You enter at the bottom of the corridor and walk up a long hall. The first 6 doors are Bedrooms. The final two are bath areas. One of them being a more community bath, one single room with a large shallow pool in the middle and the other is a more solitary bath area, split into 4 small separate bathrooms. Shower, Sink, Toilet.

Spoiler: 3rd Floor - Female bedrooms/bath area. • show

Exact Layout as Fourth floor. You enter at the bottom of the corridor and walk up a long hall. The first 6 doors are Bedrooms. The final two are bath areas. One of them being a more community bath, one single room with a large shallow pool in the middle and the other is a more solitary bath area, split into 4 small separate bathrooms. Shower, Sink, Toilet.

Spoiler: 2nd Floor - Entertainment/Work Area. E.g. Desks, TVs • show

This Floor is more fun than the others. In consists of a large open area, with multiple desks and Duplicating TVs connected to a floor wide sound system. At the end of the entire floor there is a solitary room, it is a cinema style room. One large screen on the wall and large amounts of seats climbing up. This is the tallest floor.

Spoiler: 1st Floor - Kitchen, Dining, living. • show

This is essentially just a normal floor house. It is split into two sections. A large kitchen and Dining room on one side and the standard living area with chairs, sofas and a TV. With a long multi-person bathroom area near the stairs which with the entrance hall split the two sides.

Spoiler: Back Garden - Large open garden with some equipment. • show

A large flat grassed garden, it has a bit of a covered patio, with some chairs as well as a pool in front of it, and then just the grassy area before reaching the shed at the bottom. This would be where things like the Trampoline would be set up.

Spoiler: Shed - Storage/Loud Work area. E.g Metal work. • show

The shed is a large storage area, with some smaller work areas nearer the front, for ponies or others with talents in metalwork or woodwork.

[Spoiler=Basement - Storage/Cleaning.]
The basment is essentially just a storage area for the house, containing larger objects which can not be kept out and around easily. This is also where the cleaning appliances are. The Washing Machines and the Dryers are.

Going from the kitchen and up near the stairs on each floor is a small food lift directly next to a Laundry Chute that travels down to the basment. Both are labelled clearly enough.

Game wagged as the ponies came to him, though he to noticed the lack of Muscle on the mare and was unsure if she would be any help in his movement around the four story house.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 15, 19:47:33
//Now I break in  ovO

Spoiler: show
Name: FrigidMoon
Age: 18
Species: Unicorn
Personality: Quiet, a bit submissive, has a calm demeanor

A purple unicorn was sitting on top of a chair on the 1st floor in the living room looking down at the floor. He looked as if he was tense and trying to relax himself but was failing at it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 15, 19:52:02
(Small thing I thought I'd mention 1st Floor = Ground Floor. Cause I know other countries do things the wrong way. :ajshifty:)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 15, 20:42:46
"Game eh?" Blueberry mused "Left here with a note? That sounds a little weird."
The stallion made his way up the fuzzy blue figure on the ground.

"OK, so... How should we do this? Hmm..." Blueberry tapped a hoof against his bottom lip. Suddenly his eyes lit up. "Aha! I have an idea! Shadow wasn't it? If you and uh, Scarlet? can help out." He made his way round, went down on the ground besides, Game.
"Now, see if you can lift him onto my back. I may not be a particularly active pony but hopefully I can get him down these steps."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 15, 22:35:41
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 15, 19:52:02
(Small thing I thought I'd mention 1st Floor = Ground Floor. Cause I know other countries do things the wrong way. :ajshifty:)

// I knew  :]

"Oh... >.<"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 02:32:54
Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 15, 20:42:46
"Game eh?" Blueberry mused "Left here with a note? That sounds a little weird."
The stallion made his way up the fuzzy blue figure on the ground.

"OK, so... How should we do this? Hmm..." Blueberry tapped a hoof against his bottom lip. Suddenly his eyes lit up. "Aha! I have an idea! Shadow wasn't it? If you and uh, Scarlet? can help out." He made his way round, went down on the ground besides, Game.
"Now, see if you can lift him onto my back. I may not be a particularly active pony but hopefully I can get him down these steps."

- Are you sure? He's, well, more than a little heavy. - Scarlet asked, gesturing at the wolf's noticeable overweight.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 16, 08:10:36
After a few moments, Blueberry stood back up.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right. Hmm... I not sure how we can move him then. Unless we have some Unicorns hiding around here I'm at a loss."

The blue stallion sat on the ground. Pondering weird and wonderful ways of trying to move the wolf.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 08:24:01
The pudgy wolf sunk into the floor and stared down the bottom, putting two of his paws on the top step and showing that his back legs get lifted off the floor by his stomach.

(I could have sworn that we had some unicorns.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 08:52:33
// lol
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 10:06:59
*Marble levitates Gamepaw*
Marble : okay...where should i bring him?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 10:17:52
(Would suggest, for a sense of realism, Marble at least struggles with Game, he is like 300lbs of pudgy wolf.)

Game wiggled at the levitation, not used the feeling and not being overly fond of not having anything touching the floor. He was always carried on a Pony's back or multiple ponies' backs.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 10:28:26
- He wanted to go down the stairs. - Scarlet said, looking at Game for confirmation. - Marble, can you do it?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 10:37:08
((Question how tall are the halls and rooms? Im used to having Shadow fly or hover when something is happening but i'm not sure if she can in the house due to how high the ceilings are differing."

"I am going to move away from the wolf and him being levitated. I am not a fan of things falling on me" Shadow says as she walked to the other side of the room away from the stairs.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 10:48:10
Marble : allrighty then...*she carries gamepaw downstairs* he is pretty heavy though...//she is struggling she just doesn't show it
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 10:51:08
(I'd say, since it is a old style house, it has very tall floors. The floors would be normally around 10ft and the entertainment floor is around 14ft.
Ponies are only around 3-5ft so, it works out fairly well.)

Game whimpered as he floated in the air, he wasn't a fan of the flying aspect of this and was happy when he finally felt his paws on the floor.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 11:05:18
- Great job, Marble! - Scarlet thanked the unicorn mare, then kneeling to check the wolf.

- You okay, Game? - she asked, scratching under his chin.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 11:38:01
*Marble puts the wolf on the ground*
Marble : he is now...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 11:39:02
Game nodded, then purred and rolled over from the scratching. He likes being petted, though he tends to forget about other things when the petting is too good.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 11:47:35
*Marble looks at gamepaw*
Marble : sorry if i made you feel bad
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 12:34:08
Name: Shadow flare
Gender: Male
Race: Pegasus
Look/visual description: Black and whit coat with the white side's hair being reddish orange , blue eye  normal teeth and a grey cutie mark of a microphone  now the other side will have black hair red dardon like eye ( the straight ling thing) and sharp teeth.
Personality/attitude: quiet kind somewhat shy can get exited easily and likes most food easily destracted.

(How was that also i can't rember how to do the spolier thing also might make some changes later)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 12:42:22
[Spoiler=Character: Fake Smile]Name: Fake Smile
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn
Personality: Vibrating with energy and smiles when she is working on the streets. Once she gets home or alone with friends, she is a bit more calmed. She daydreams often and can get lost in her thoughts. Smile tends to doze off often and eats more sugary food than advised.

A sandy mare with a smile as bright as her eyes happily walked with a rather large backpack on. It was a bit heavy but that didn't hinder her mood; she was beaming with joy with each step she took. Her pigtails bounced beside her as she approached the building. The mare didn't enter the manor just yet. She took a moment to get a good look of the building from the outside. A cat like smile formed across her face as she gazed upon the lovely building. Her gaze fell from the top of the building to the door in front of her. She hesitated to knock on the door, since she wasn't sure if anyone would be here just yet. Also, she wanted to check out the outside of the manor before going inside; since she would spend a good bit of her time outside. The mare set her large backpack against the wall of the manor, and happily walked around the building.

Once she made it to the back yard, joy filled her tired eyes. The yard was a lot bigger than she expected it to be and had equipment she could use. She was impressed by the whole back yard, but was more concern about the trampoline. It looked pretty sturdy, but she would needed to make sure it was safe enough for her to practice her flips and tricks on. With a smile on her face, she skipped her way toward the trampoline. She took a moment to examine the equipment by pushing down on it with her hoof. After a bit of testing, she believe that it was good enough. The mare maneuver her way onto of the trampoline and stood in the middle of it. At first, she did a few simple jumps to make sure it was actually safe. But with each jump, her smile grew wider and so did her air time. Within minutes, she was twirling around and doing simple flips on it. She couldn't help but let out a few giggles as she started to forget the reason why she was at the manor to behin with.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 12:47:13
Shadow walked up to game and started to tickle him. Putting her hooves on him and using her wings like she would to a pony.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 12:51:08
(Do do the Spoiler thing you type [ spoiler ] STUFF [ /spoiler ] with no spaces. Also, don't forget the pool. :3 )

Game let out a noise to tell the pony he was fine and wiggled trying to get back on his paws again. Though as he attempted his ears perked as he heard the springs on the trampoline out back and he stared out into the kitchen.

Game having been knocked out of his perk by the tickling pone squirmed and tried to escape, huffing and panting on the floor. Finding it difficult to breath the overweight wolf slowed down a lot and his squirming stopped.

Feeling slightly panicked the wolf let out a pathetic growl at the pony, tired from the tickling.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 12:54:59
Marble : uh...freaks...i mean uh...so is his name?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 12:56:50
@hadow stopped tickling the wolf that was panting and trying to growl. Being confused the why the wolf was like this she looked around at the ponies to see if they can find out what's wrong with Game.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 12:58:27
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 12:42:22
[Spoiler=Character: Fake Smile]Name: Fake Smile
Gender: Female
Race: Unicorn
Personality: Vibrating with energy and smiles when she is working on the streets. Once she gets home or alone with friends, she is a bit more calmed. She daydreams often and can get lost in her thoughts. Smile tends to doze off often and eats more sugary food than advised.

A sandy mare with a smile as bright as her eyes happily walked with a rather large backpack on. It was a bit heavy but that didn't hinder her mood; she was beaming with joy with each step she took. Her pigtails bounced beside her as she approached the building. The mare didn't enter the manor just yet. She took a moment to get a good look of the building from the outside. A cat like smile formed across her face as she gazed upon the lovely building. Her gaze fell from the top of the building to the door in front of her. She hesitated to knock on the door, since she wasn't sure if anyone would be here just yet. Also, she wanted to check out the outside of the manor before going inside; since she would spend a good bit of her time outside. The mare set her large backpack against the wall of the manor, and happily walked around the building.

Once she made it to the back yard, joy filled her tired eyes. The yard was a lot bigger than she expected it to be and had equipment she could use. She was impressed by the whole back yard, but was more concern about the trampoline. It looked pretty sturdy, but she would needed to make sure it was safe enough for her to practice her flips and tricks on. With a smile on her face, she skipped her way toward the trampoline. She took a moment to examine the equipment by pushing down on it with her hoof. After a bit of testing, she believe that it was good enough. The mare maneuver her way onto of the trampoline and stood in the middle of it. At first, she did a few simple jumps to make sure it was actually safe. But with each jump, her smile grew wider and so did her air time. Within minutes, she was twirling around and doing simple flips on it. She couldn't help but let out a few giggles as she started to forget the reason why she was at the manor to behin with.

- Guys, don't you hear something? - Scarlet asked the others, rolling with some difficulties Game back on his paws. - Like... Springs and giggling?

Following the sounds, Scarlet arrived in the garden to see a very colorful, very happy-looking mare jumping on the trampoline.

- We also have a trampoline?! - she exclaimed, positively surprised: she's loving this manor!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 13:00:44
(Why does no one notice the huge pool in front of the trampoline :3)

Game slowly waddled after the ponies to the noise in the back yard, puffing and panting still. As soon as he was outside he went back to the floor and continued to try to catch his breath.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 13:04:34
(Sorry, I go to the trampoline for personal preference  X3 )
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 13:15:51
Shadow slowly come out of his room ignoring everthing and goes to the kitchen to get something to eat.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 13:21:57
((Two Shadows now. 0.o   Who also had a room already. That coicendence))

Shadow watched as the pony ignored all and walked into the kitchen and walked in after him. Seeing what food he was going to make.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 13:23:46
((so is with me now?))
*Marble follows shadow*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 13:24:48
Scarlet rushed near the trampoline, admiring the mid-air pirouettes of the new mare.

- Hey! - she called her, securing her glasses with an elastic. - Mind if I join you?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 13:26:57
Game, noticing the pony making food slowly waddled back into the kitchen and sat down near them and wagged.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 13:27:20
(( Same, gotta love jumpin' twice your height. LoL. ))

Smile's perked at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. She twirled in the direction of the mare and took one final jump. The mare crossed her legs as she slowly started to lose airs. A smile formed on her face as she gaze upon who she assumed would be her new roommate. The mare slowly came to a stop and sat in silence. She took this moment of silence to get examine the mare. The mare before her appeared friendly, but you never know with ponies these day. As she happily waved both hooves at the mare she chimed,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Hello!~ I'm Fake Smile, nice to meet you!~ Of course, there's plenty of room for ya'!  [/color]
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 13:31:17
(I had a trampoline once, it had that cheap foam stuff on the metal poles. When I smacked my head into it, it felt like I broke my neck or something :3 Also, Gamepaw on a trampoline = so much sliding, bouncing and falling.)

Game sniffed the air trying to guess what the pony was making and continued his wagging.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 13:34:51
Shadow started to make pie (cause why not :P)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 13:35:00
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 13:27:20
(( Same, gotta love jumpin' twice your height. LoL. ))

Smile's perked at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. She twirled in the direction of the mare and took one final jump. The mare crossed her legs as she slowly started to lose airs. A smile formed on her face as she gaze upon who she assumed would be her new roommate. The mare slowly came to a stop and sat in silence. She took this moment of silence to get examine the mare. The mare before her appeared friendly, but you never know with ponies these day. As she happily waved both hooves at the mare she chimed,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Hello!~ I'm Fake Smile, nice to meet you!~ Of course, there's plenty of room for ya'!  [/color]

- Great!

Scarlet jumped happily on the trampoline, bouncing a little before stopping enough to shake Smile's hoof.

- I'm Scarlet Ink, but call me Scarlet. Nice to meet you too! Shall we restart, trampoline pal? - she offered with an exaggerated bow, gesturing to the trampoline around them.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 13:37:31
Smelling the beginning of a pie the pudgy wolf wagged even harder, his padded tail hitting the floor every second or so. The wolf's tail being one of the only two things he can do fast, wagging and eating.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 13:40:44
On the other side of the kitchen Flame started to make Mac n cheese. Because cheesy goodness.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 13:42:04
Noticing the chubby blue wolf shadow said, Well the pie will take awhile so get comfortable (if i tryed i could cook a pie irl :P)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 13:42:58
*Marble jumps on the trampoline and accidentaly makes scarlet fly off of it*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 13:46:03
(Little God moddey there, watch it Misty. If you discussed it first with her fair enough, but if not. Watch it.)

Game whined and waddled into the cupboard, the bottom part of it having a mattress in it for the blue ball of fur.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 13:49:12
Marble : oopps hey sorry about that
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 13:52:38
Shadow flare  mull's over what kind of pie to make (i''l be know as flare)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 13:53:08
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 13:35:00
- Great!

Scarlet jumped happily on the trampoline, bouncing a little before stopping enough to shake Smile's hoof.

- I'm Scarlet Ink, but call me Scarlet. Nice to meet you too! Shall we restart, trampoline pal? - she offered with an exaggerated bow, gesturing to the trampoline around them.

[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Okay, Scarlet! If we are shortin' names, you can call me Smile. [/color]
The mare replied as she shook Scarlet's hoof. She slowly stood up in order to keep her balance. But when she saw the mare bow at her, she couldn't help but laugh and fall back onto her flank. A large smile formed across her face as her tired eyes twinkled with joy. Smile stood back up and returned the mare a bow.
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Yes, let us begin. But I must earn you, I get a bit carried away once I begin. [/color]
The mare flashed Scarlet a cat like smile before she started to twirl again. Her giggle started to fill the yard as she twirled around her new trampoline pal.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 13:53:28
((Shadow will be known as Flame to avoid confusion with the other Shadow.))

Flame almost done with the Mac n cheese looked at the wolfy and than thought of the other ponies and how they would want some and started to make more.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 13:54:22
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 13:42:58
*Marble jumps on the trampoline and accidentaly makes scarlet fly off of it*

Fortunately, Scarlet flew right in the near pool, so she was just soaked and not hurt.

- Marble! - she shouted to the purple maned mare, climbing out the pool. - A little advise, next time, thank you!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 13:56:29
*Marble smirks to Scarlet and looks at her*
Marble : hmm..i got an idea...*she jumps in the pool from the trampoline*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 13:58:43
Smile slowly jumped toward the edge of the trampoline as she watched the event proceed. Some of the water splashed upon the trampoline and knew better to jump on it while wet. She slowly stopped jumping as she sat on the edge of the trampoline. The mare's head tilted in a confused fashion as she silently watched the two mares converse.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 14:03:57
- Marble!

After the unicorn mare emerged, Scarlet was scorning at her.

- That could have been dangerous!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 14:04:50
Shadow flare decide's to make cherry pie
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 14:05:45
(I think I might start leaving some more post-it notes around the house, one will be in the kitchen.)

Game laid down on his comfy mattress and watch out into the kitchen at the pony cooking and baking.

Spoiler: Kitchen Note • show

Hello again, hopefully you have found some more post-it notes around the place already so you can get used to the house more quickly.

We have a basement which contains a lot of stored food and items which can't be kept up here, so you might need to go down there. Luckily for you the house also has a dumbwaiter (Food elevator :3) so you can put stuff in there instead of carrying it up and downstairs.

Warning, the chubby wolfy that you have no-doubt found. Should in no circumstances be allowed in the basement or in the dumbwaiter, he will either break the food lift or eat everything, he is hard enough to get around already.

Have fun with the kitchen, it should be fully stocked with food and drink, so have at it. It should last you all a while.

Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 14:16:09
Marble : really? i wasn't aware...but thanks for the concern scarlet
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 14:17:07
Smile slid down from the trampoline and gracefully landed on the ground. Since the trampoline was wet, she could take the time to move into one of the bedrooms while I dried. With a small smile she chimed,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: I'm gonna get settled in while the trampoline dries. I'll show you some tricks later, Scarlet! Oh, and it was nice meetin' you Marble. [/color]
She flashed the two mares a big smile before heading back toward the front of the house.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 14:18:55
Flame with the mac n cheese picked up her bowl and started to walk to the door to tell the silly ponies that she is done making food for them all.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 14:24:12
Marble : honestly it's been a while since i ever had a holiday...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 14:28:16
Game looked up and sniffed, not liking what he smelled he waddled out of the kitchen and into the garden area where another post-it note was left on the table.

Spoiler: Garden Note • show

So, you have found a garden I take it. It has a large pool which can also function as a Jacuzzi with it's built in bubble and wave machines. It is one of those Pools which rises and lowers, so you can even change how shallow it is and even split it into sections.

There is a little vegetable patch near the shed also, which if you didn't have the wolf to take care of, could probably make the house self-sustaining. The patch does need care and attention and you should probably build a fence around it.

The wolfy, for some reason, keeps managing to get the potatoes out of the ground. Not sure how, considering his difficulty with even walking. Is also only potatoes you really have to worry about, though he does tend to trample the other veg in the patch.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 14:29:17
Flare finishes the cherry pie and gives piece to game then goes to where the rv is to watch some tv.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 14:30:34
Marble : but mabe i should get something to eat first...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 14:32:57
Flame opens the door and yells out at the ponies "Mac n cheese is ready to have for lunch!" She than flies onto a nearby cloud and starts eating her serving.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 14:35:36
Game laid on his stomach and happily devoured the pie, while he would have preferred a type of meat pie this worked for him.

Spoiler: Living Room Note • show

I see you have found the TV, the remote on this floor only works for this TV, though you can use the link it to the TVs upstairs if you so wish.

Should be enough seats for at least half the max population of the house to sit at once, while the 2nd floor can hold everyone.

The TVs have a large collection of channels, all the little bundles and packages you can get for it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 16, 14:37:25
*Marble starts eating*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 15:16:21
Quote from: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 14:32:57
Flame opens the door and yells out at the ponies "Mac n cheese is ready to have for lunch!" She than flies onto a nearby cloud and starts eating her serving.

- Oh, I was just getting hungry!

On her walk to the kitchen, she almost tripped on her luggage.

- Later I must remember to settle my things...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 16:12:40
Fake Smile was by the gate of the back yard and was unlatching the lock of the gate. She was just about to walk out, till something out her eye. On the gate door seemed to be a little note. The mare carefully removed the note off the door and proceeded to read it.
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 16, 14:28:16
Spoiler: Garden Note • show

So, you have found a garden I take it. It has a large pool which can also function as a Jacuzzi with it's built in bubble and wave machines. It is one of those Pools which rises and lowers, so you can even change how shallow it is and even split it into sections.

There is a little vegetable patch near the shed also, which if you didn't have the wolf to take care of, could probably make the house self-sustaining. The patch does need care and attention and you should probably build a fence around it.

The wolfy, for some reason, keeps managing to get the potatoes out of the ground. Not sure how, considering his difficulty with even walking. Is also only potatoes you really have to worry about, though he does tend to trample the other veg in the patch.

The mare smiled as she finished reading the note. As she placed it back on the door she said to the note,
Fake Smile: Oooooh! This place is a lot nicer than I thought. I'll take good care of the garden for ya'.
Smile let out a soft chuckle; it was stupid to talk to the note, but she tends to talk to herself often so it wasn't unusual for her to do this. As the mare was about to exit through the gate, she heard Scarlet respond to . . . something; she didn't quit catch what was said. But how the mare responded, it sounded like food was being served. Although Smile wasn't really hungry, she figured this would be the best way to meet the rest of the household. With a smile, Smile closed the gate door and returned back to the yard.

As Smile entered the kitchen, a small smile formed on her face. A few of the other household members were there and it appeared they made some food. None of it really appealed to her; not that it looked bad, but she tends to stick to within the candy realm when it came to food. But it would be for the best if she did eat something; can't let them know she is picky the first day. A small cat smile was on her face as she approached the pot of Mac n Cheese. Her stomach instantly tighten at the sight of normal food. It was as if her body was both pleading and rejecting the idea of having something besides candy being put inside it. The feeling was a bit overwhelming, so she decided to pass on the normal food for a bit. Her gaze fell onto the fridge and she happily made her way toward it; maybe she could eat something healthy and sweet to get her body use to normal food.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 16:24:24
- Hey, Smile. - Scarlet waved at her, picking her Mac and tasting it.

- Mmmh, this is really good! My compliments to the chef!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Aeterna Sol on 2016 Mar 16, 16:50:17
"Is this it?" The mare had been walking for what felt like a very long time. "Looks nice enough. Also, is that mac 'n cheese?" She walks up to the door, and opens it. Apparently, it was unlocked. She walks down the entrance hall, and immediately sees the TV. "It's a good thing I brought some consoles. Like this Xbox Pone." She opens her suitcase. It had a keychain, two consoles, and a bunch of game boxes. The consoles were a limited edition New 3DS, and a blue Xbox Pone. Three of the games were Super Smash Ponies 4 for the 3DS, as well as Forza Horizon 2 and Forza Motorsport 6 for the Xbox. "Not sure if I can use the TV for my games, so I'll just play Smash." She took Smash Ponies and the 3DS, sat on the sofa, put the game in, and proceeded to play Online For Fun as Cloud.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 16:52:59
Fake Smile:Hiya Scarlet! Yup, it looks pretty tasty. I think I'll stick with some fruit for now.
The mare happily replied as she pulled a small vine of grapes from the fridge. A brief experssion of disgust replaced her smile as she popped one grape in her mouth. The smile returned quickly and so did her cheerful glow. While she closed the fridge door she asked Scarlet,
Fake Smile: Do you know where our bedrooms will be? Since the trampoline is wet, I figured I would go unpack my things while it dries.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 17:04:02
- Oh, they're on the 3rd floor. - she said, finishing her burger and retrieving her bags. - I'll come with you: I also have yet to settle.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 17:06:16
(I think I`ll work out something for the rooms and add it to the beginning.

Up the stairs and then there are 6 bedrooms. On the left even numbers 1,2,3 and on the right odd numbers. 4, 5, 6 So pick which room you want.

Spoiler: Rooms • show

Male Room 1 = N/A
Male Room 2 = N/A
Male Room 3 = N/A
Male Room 4 = N/A
Male Room 5 = N/A
Male Room 6 = N/A

Female Room 1 = N/A
Female Room 2 = N/A
Female Room 3 = N/A
Female Room 4 = N/A
Female Room 5 = N/A
Female Room 6 = N/A

Game had devoured the top part of the pie but was struggling to reach the bottom, his food was normally placed on tables and things.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 17:22:06
(( Hmmm, I guess Fake Smile will have Female Room #2 then. ))

Smile tiled her head as Scarlet stated she hasn't unpacked either. She figured that would be the first thing someone would do, but unpacking isn't the most fun thing to do so she understand. With a smile she chimed,
Fake Smile: Oh! You haven't settled in yet? Well then, I guess we'll have to help each other unpack!
The mare flashed Scarlet a big smile as she finished the last part. She was glad that she already met someone who was friendly toward her. The mare twirled around till she faced the door way. As she made her way toward the exit she happily said,
Fake Smile: Let's go then! I got a ton of stuff to-. . . .
. . . Huh. . . My stuff?
The mare stopped to pat her back. She was surprised to see her oversize backpack wasn't where she thought she last had it. The mare had so much fun on the trampoline she forgot she placed her bag down. As she tilted her head, a small frown formed across her face as she tried to remember where she placed it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 17:24:59
- What is it? Forgot something?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 17:45:48
(I made a map thing :3
Spoiler: Map • show


Game slowly waddled back inside, having ate as much of the pie as he could reach, and saw the cat eating the less favorable of the foods in the room.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 17:49:18
((Oh! That is very nice, thanks Game. ))

Fake Smile turned her gaze back on Scarlet. A trouble expression was visible as she tried to remember if she actually did bring anything or not. With a small frown she said in a worried tone,
Fake Smile: Huh? Oh yeah, I can't reme-
The mare stopped mid sentence as the meow echoed through the kitchen. A large cat like smile slowly formed on her face as she turned to the source of the noise. As her eyes met with the cat, her eyes filled with joy. Not only did this place have a trampoline but it also had a cat; she couldn't imagine this place getting any better. Completely forgetting the problems she had, the mare slowly approach the cat. She tried to contain her excitement in order to not scare away a potential feline pal. With her smile shrinking a bit the mare chimed,
Fake Smile: Look Scarlet, there is a cat here! Hello Lil' Guy.~ The note mentioned a wolf livin' here, but it didn't say anythin' 'bout a cat.
The mare let out a few giggles as she extended her hoof out to the cat; it was better to have the cat allow Smile to pet him instead of her forcing a pet.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 18:01:38
- A wolf and also a cat? Great!

Scarlet looked at the other mare trying to approach the cat: knowing it's best not crowding him, she stood aside, looking curiously at the two, even if her gaze is also dragged toward Smile's hat.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 18:04:04
Scarlet couldn't help but let out a laugh.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 18:10:26
Fake Smile: Awww, you got cheese on me.~ That's disgustin'. But you can't use forks like us, so I don't mind bein' your napkin.
The mare happily said as she joined Scarlet laugh. She whipped the cheese off her hoof on her chest; she didn't think much about it since she could easily wash it off later. With her cheese free hoof she gave the cat gentle pet. The mare took a napkin off the table and used it to whip the rest of the cheese off the cats face. Once the cat was cheese free she chimed,
Fake Smile: Aaaaaaaaaand the cat is cheese free!
The mare smiled widen at her accomplishment was she gave the cat some space. She turned to Scarlet and shot her smile, since she figured the mare would also like to pet the cat.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 18:14:15
Encouraged by Smile's smile, Scarlet approached the cat and started scratching behind his ears.

- Awww, what a pretty kitty! You know... - she said, happily petting Xerxes. - I've always wanted to live in a house with pets.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 18:24:42
(I`m actually in the kitchen watching you :3)

Game stared at the cat. "You've kinda got cheese, like..." He finished, motioning to all of himself.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 18:42:18
"Cheese isn't food. Cheese is the thing that ruins perfectly good food." Game replied, sharing his hatred for the yellow substance. "But, hey. I`m on the first floor today."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 18:43:26
Smile watched the cat jump off the table with a smile; she figured the cat had enough affection for the moment. Turning her gaze back toward Scarlet she said,
Fake Smile: I guess he had enough for now! Great that we get two pets though.
The mare's smile widen as she turned back to the cat. It appeared the wolf and cat was getting along; which is good since the two would be living together. A few giggles slip through her smile, but her smile quickly faded to a frown. She remembered that Scarlet and her were doing something before she got distracted. . . But she couldn't remember what. Looking back at Scarlet, she asked with a smile,
Fake Smile: Oh yeah, weren't we suppose to do somethin'?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 16, 18:48:19
After the getting, Game down the stairs debacle Blueberry decided to leave the ponies who had run off into the garden and rummage through his bags. Better to double check now then find something missing when you needed it.

Suddenly a voice had called from the room nearby alerting Blueberry to the fact that there was food nearby.
"Great, I'm starving, I haven't eaten since before the train over here"

The stallion made his way into the kitchen to see what food was left.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 18:51:50
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 18:43:26
Smile watched the cat jump off the table with a smile; she figured the cat had enough affection for the moment. Turning her gaze back toward Scarlet she said,
Fake Smile: I guess he had enough for now! Great that we get two pets though.
The mare's smile widen as she turned back to the cat. It appeared the wolf and cat was getting along; which is good since the two would be living together. A few giggles slip through her smile, but her smile quickly faded to a frown. She remembered that Scarlet and her were doing something before she got distracted. . . But she couldn't remember what. Looking back at Scarlet, she asked with a smile,
Fake Smile: Oh yeah, weren't we suppose to do somethin'?

- We were going to choose a room and settle in. - Scarlet replied, smiling and then noticing one thing. - But where's your luggage?

She couldn't help looking at her hat.

- ... Under your hat?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 18:59:44
//  :I Thats a lot of pages added since I've been in school...

"? "
The unicorn who was in the living room heard voices from the kitchen and smelled food and moved to the door slowly opening it to see whats inside.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 19:05:55
Quote from: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 08:52:33
// lol

(What where you laughing it back then? )

Game slowly waddled to the couch in the first floor living room and laid against it, unable to get on it. Maybe he could be used as a hoof-stool who knows.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 19:08:58
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 16, 18:51:50
- We were going to choose a room and settle in. - Scarlet replied, smiling and then noticing one thing. - But where's your luggage?

She couldn't help looking at her hat.

- ... Under your hat?

Smile's tilted her head at Scarlet's remark about her language; it took her moment to realize that was what she forgot. The small frown formed on her face as she tried to remember where it was left. Her head tilted in the opposite direction at Scarlet's suggestion. She looked up toward her jester hat as she said,
Fake Smile: Under my hat? Could my luggage fit there?
The mare carefully pulled the hat off her head to avoid messing up her mane. The little bells on the end of her hat jingled as she pressed her face inside the hat. She took a few moments to examine the inside of her hat to make sure her luggage wasn't in there. A small smile formed across her face; she knew her luggage wouldn't be in her hat but she was a street performer so it was her duty to entertain. A few chuckles escaped from the hat before the mare pulled away from it. As she placed her hat back on she reported,
Fake Smile: Nope, its not there! I know I brought my backpack with me. . . But I don't remember takin' it off. . . Weird. . .
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 19:10:00
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 16, 08:24:01

(I could have sworn that we had some unicorns.)


*opens kitchen door a little bit and peeks inside*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 16, 19:14:22
Flare gets up up of the couch and goes looking around the house for something intresting
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 19:39:41
Game spun around as fast he could as he felt the Cat grab at his collar. "Give it." He ordered, stomping a paw on the ground trying to make himself seem intimidating, though thanks to the jiggly wolf belly it was more of a cuddly appearance he gave off.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 19:44:18
"! Mac and cheese"
*shuts door and moves back into the living room*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 19:52:12
Game let out a low growl as he chased slowly after the cat following it in the kitchen, puffing already.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 19:56:27
// pfft You two are basically running past me because im like between the doors lol
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 20:06:13
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 20:11:50

Game having waddled faster than ever before, made it towards the cat-door, though just seeing as the cat jumped through the pudgy wolf was unable to stop and slid across the shiny floor and went straight into the cat flap, getting his un-collared neck wedged in it.

(Yes, Game's neck is fatter than a cat.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 20:14:37
*falls over due to tripping over GamePaw*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 20:34:22
"Shut up." Game growled, embarrassed and letting out a pathetic whine in the process.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 20:42:00
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 18:43:26It appeared the wolf and cat was getting along; which is good since the two would be living together.

The mare was a fool. A smiling fool. A wide smile was plstaer on her face as she watched the event unfold right before her. How could animals turn on each other so quick? They were just getting along one second, but the cat turned into a thief within seconds. Cats. Dogs. They never liked each other; at least that's what the cartoon portrays them as. Confusion, with a hint of fear, filled her eyes as the corner of her mouth twitched from smiling too hard. She couldn't respond quick enough, and the two pets already ran out off the room. Her gaze followed them out the kitchen, and it locked on the doorway. The fear faded from her gaze, but was replaced with even more confusion. What is this house? If animals could turn so easily, would the others turn on her? With that thought, a sharp pain stabbed her in the back. Her smile was crooked and twitching as she turned toward Scarlet. The fear in her eyes returned as she stared at the mare before her and she only had one thought on her mind: was Scarlet the wolf or cat? A few drops of sweat appeared on her brow as she tried to keep her smile. She didn't want to believe her new trampoline pal would turn on her, but anything is possible these days.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 16, 20:45:50
"Ha." Game laughed, watching the cat fall into the pool. "Guess that's Karma." He shouted, hoping they would hear it.

Now the cat was gone he had one thing to worry about, getting his puffed up body unstuck from the small hole.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 16, 20:52:28
*lets out a small chuckle at the sudden misfortune*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 16, 21:11:22
Flame looks down at the sudden screech as the cat fell into the water. Deciding she spent enough time in the clouds she Flys back down to land.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 16, 21:56:10
Spoiler: Joystick. • show

NAME: Joystick

Race: Unicorn

Spoiler: show

Talent: Manipulating machinery, such as arcade machines or locks.

Personality/traits: Former professional thief from Fillydelphia, though he's not privy to this with strangers. He lies in a rather gray area when it comes to morality, not being above thievery and petty crime but not willing to mindlessly harass people. Joy isn't a fan of taking things from people he knows, either. Too personal, he would think. He, like most people would, likes to keep his skills secret from most others. He'd rather tell people that he's a technician, or a locksmith.

He's off duty on personal vacations, however, and he prefers not to get his hooves dirty when he's trying to get away from his work for a while.


Joystick finally arrived to the house. He had wanted a vacation for a while, and he figured that a trip like this would be good for his health. Let some stress off, and all. All he wanted to do was just unwind, hang out, and maybe make some new friends, the whole routine.

He knocked on the door, not willing to just barge in. He'd rather people know he was there before he went inside. Plus, it made a nice avenue for introductions. Someone would answer the door, he'd introduce himself, and hopefully the favor would be returned.

He waited,  adjusting his bag so the strap would sit more comfortably. For a second, he almost thought he heard a seemingly feline screech, but he brushed it off. I hope they do have a cat here, he thought. That way if I don't get along with anyone I could just pet the cat for hours on end. Any pet would do, really, as a good fallback. I'd like a cat or dog, though, the most.

He entertained himself with these thoughts, getting his hopes up as he waited for someone to answer the door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 17, 02:05:34
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 16, 20:42:00
The mare was a fool. A smiling fool. A wide smile was plstaer on her face as she watched the event unfold right before her. How could animals turn on each other so quick? They were just getting along one second, but the cat turned into a thief within seconds. Cats. Dogs. They never liked each other; at least that's what the cartoon portrays them as. Confusion, with a hint of fear, filled her eyes as the corner of her mouth twitched from smiling too hard. She couldn't respond quick enough, and the two pets already ran out off the room. Her gaze followed them out the kitchen, and it locked on the doorway. The fear faded from her gaze, but was replaced with even more confusion. What is this house? If animals could turn so easily, would the others turn on her? With that thought, a sharp pain stabbed her in the back. Her smile was crooked and twitching as she turned toward Scarlet. The fear in her eyes returned as she stared at the mare before her and she only had one thought on her mind: was Scarlet the wolf or cat? A few drops of sweat appeared on her brow as she tried to keep her smile. She didn't want to believe her new trampoline pal would turn on her, but anything is possible these days.

Seeing the forced smile on her new pal, Scarlet grew concerned: she looked like she was having tormented thoughts.

- Smile? Are you alright? - she asked with a worried voice.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 17, 04:02:53
Blueberry was sitting, munching on some remaining Mac N Cheese chased through the kitchen in their own special way.

He finished up his meal and put his bowl away. A quick glimpse through the window told him all he needed to know about the chase as the strange cat fell into the pool.
"Guess I'd better go see what's going on out there" Blueberry said to himself in his usual way.
Suddenly a knocking sound came from the hallway.
"Or maybe not." The stallion spun around and head for the front door while calling out.
"I'll get it"

Opening the front door a white coated Unicorn stood before him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 17, 05:07:40
//uhh 2 pages already? someone give me a recap i,m lost
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 17, 05:29:51
(OOC: from what I gather there's a group in the garden ((Game, a cat and one of the Shadows)) Blueberry and Joystick are in the hallway and I think LunaDusk's Shadow, Fake Smile and Scarlet are hovering in the living room.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 17, 06:39:27
*Marble heads to the living room*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 17, 07:26:00
Quote from: x1x0000 on 2016 Mar 16, 20:43:38("The fear in her eyes returned as she stared at the mare before her and she only had one thought on her mind: was Scarlet the wolf or cat?"...Egats, this is getting a bit serious, haha! It is interesting how people have different styles and moods for their writing, and that was very well done, a bit suspenseful and frightening. Paranoia has set it.)

((LoL thanks, I'm very melodramatic.))
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 17, 02:05:34
Seeing the forced smile on her new pal, Scarlet grew concerned: she looked like she was having tormented thoughts.

- Smile? Are you alright? - she asked with a worried voice.

Smile was lost in her thoughts and was startled by the mare's voice. The mare continued to maintain a smile, but a small one because her cheeks were starting to hurt. Even if in her mind the two were playing this "cat and wolf" game, the last thing she needed was to turn a friend into a enemy on the first day. So like a flip of a switch, she returned to her usual cheerful attitude. With a warm smile she replied,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: As long as there's a smile on my face, I'm okay.~ You can head up to the rooms if you want. I'm gonna search for my backpack; its gotta be 'round here somewhere. [/color]
The mare gave Scarlet one more smile before turning toward the kitchen's door. The mare decides the best way to find her backpack was to retrace her steps. Since she spent most of the time she was here outside, she figured that would be the best place to start. With that in mind, the front door was the mare's destination.

Outside of the house laid a backpack on the front porch. It was leaning against the wall of the manor as it waited for its forgetful owner to return. The backpack was a lot bigger than a typical school backpack, and majority of its colours were black and dark pink. Besides it size, nothing was note worthy of it. It was also set off to the side, since the owner didn't want anyone to mess with it. Both the backpack and Smile thought she wouldn't be gone for long, but its not too hard for the mare to get distracted. But like most folks, the backpack will have to be patient with her. Besides, there are some stuff in their she valued more than her own life so the chances of the two reuniting is very high.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 17, 07:37:04
(Gamepaw is stuck in the Cat Flap still.)

Game beginning to pant from the struggling opted for a lazy approach and decided to whine loudly and get a pony to un-stick him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Shadow-Flare on 2016 Mar 17, 08:50:08
Flares makes his way towards all the noise and watches out for more mayhem.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 17, 09:06:01
*starts trying to push GamePaw*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 17, 09:10:38
Game whined loudly and pushed back, knowing he was defintly not going through it.

(Neck is fatter than a cat, middle must be cow level :3)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 17, 10:53:41
Marble : hey what yall doing? i think i fell asleep again...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 17, 11:40:25
//xerxhe we should meet each other in this rp i am in the living room
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 17, 13:13:48
After departing from Fake Smile, and still feeling mildly worried for her, Scarlet headed to the rooms and, after surpassing the occupied one, settled strategically for the one closest to the bathrooms. Upon entering, she was greeted by the sight of two beds in a mostly empty room, but with a wardrobe and shelves.

- Well, it seems I'm destined to share the room. - she sighed, thinking about her bad habit of talking in her sleep: whoever may came in the room with her, she hoped for his or her tolerance.
Setting down her luggage, she started to unpack and organize her belongings: mostly, books.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 17, 13:56:59
*Marble heads to her room and notices Scarlet*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 17, 15:36:53
In the empty room she chose, Scarlet was organizing her books.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 17, 15:57:11
//but...we are roommates scarlet..
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 17, 16:03:29
(Actually, Scarlet said she was going to possibly take an empty room. But didn't Marble already have a roommate?)

Scarlet turned around for a moment and spotted Marble.

- Wargh!

She got spooked.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 17, 16:14:41
Marble : so...what ya doin scarlet?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 17, 16:24:02
- Well, I'm... I'm settling my things down.

She finished dividing her books for dimensions, weight and genre.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 17, 16:51:22
"What?" Game's growled as his eyes narrowed, knowing it was the cat's fault he was stuck and without his collar.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 17, 17:00:10
"Would be better to get me out of the door first." Game offered, softer than before.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 17, 17:39:52
"Agh...Too heavy... >:/"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 17, 21:23:20
"Oh, hi, this is the house that had rooms open, right?" Joy asked, wanting to confirm one last time that he was in the right place. He felt like it was, but he considered it rude to enter too deep into someone's home, saying you rented a room after mistaking it for the place you're actually staying. He preferred not to risk that.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 17, 21:23:37
Sugar knocks on the door
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 17, 23:38:08
*opens door for the visiter*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 18, 07:54:45
Game having regained his puff, began to squirm again but was stuck tight in the catflap.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 18, 11:45:23
Marble : hey..what kind of books you got there?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 18, 11:55:21
(Thinking of added a mini-library to the 2nd floor considering it is a large open plan room. Might be good for those characters who read or talents involve teaching/books)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 18, 12:35:44
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 18, 11:45:23
Marble : hey..what kind of books you got there?

- Oh, a little from everything. - Scarlet explained, showing her some books of various genre. - Adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, psychology, cooking... Maybe I brought too many books... Well, it comes with being a librarian, I guess.  X3
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 18, 13:17:01
Marble : hey we got something in common i mean i have a library in my home...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 18, 13:22:31
- Actually, I also own a bookshop in this city. - Scarlet admitted, without being able to hide her pride: she just loved too much her work.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 18, 14:03:43
Marble : well i guess we have something in common then..
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 18, 16:01:44
Scarlet smiled fondly at Marble: it was good to find somepony who shared one of her passions.

- Do you want help settling your things? I practically already finished.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 18, 16:02:30
Marble : i don't have that much only...my book about paper magic...sheesh i haven't even finished reading it...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 18, 16:27:41
- Paper magic? - Scarlet inquired, curious: being an Earth Pony, she doesn't have a lot of knowledge on magic.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 18, 19:47:52
"Yes it is. You've come to the right place" Blueberry replied to the new pony and moved away from the doorway
"I've just got here myself actually so I don't know where anything is yet. except that pile of baggage over there." The stallion points over to a small pile in the middle of the hall "and just through that door" spinning round he points towards the nearby doorway with a hoof "Is the kitchen. I think there's still some food left if you're hungry"

Blueberry stood for a moment and then he remembered Gamepaw "Ah, yes. There's also a blue wolf wandering around here, he's not very mobile so he needs help getting about now and then. You'll know what I mean when you see him"

After all that talking Blueberry remembered that he hadn't even introduced himself "Oh, sorry. The name's Blueberry Gelato" he said with a smile.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 18, 21:16:27
Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 18, 19:47:52
Blueberry stood for a moment and then he remembered Gamepaw "Ah, yes. There's also a blue wolf wandering around here, he's not very mobile so he needs help getting about now and then. You'll know what I mean when you see him"

(Maybe if ponies had muscle he wouldn't have any issues getting around :ajshifty:)

Game, having stopped for a break again, perked as he heard a pony near the kitchen door and let out a whine while hoping they would come to his rescue.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 18, 22:07:17
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 18, 21:16:27

(Maybe if ponies had muscle he wouldn't have any issues getting around :ajshifty:)

Game, having stopped for a break again, perked as he heard a pony near the kitchen door and let out a whine while hoping they would come to his rescue.

// lol I possibly should've thrown Iron in the rp since hes all muscle...lean wise
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 19, 11:52:57
Marble : well i been studying it and well it's Quite interesting infact
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 19, 16:03:27
*-I decide to join this RP. However I will post a bit later on once I get an idea of everyone's location and action. I'll use my ponysona since he is much easier to RP x3

Spoiler: Peacekeeper • show
Name: Peacekeeper
Gender: Stallion
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: I'll update the appearance. similar to my avatar.
           Coat: Blue
           Mane/Tail: Black primary on both. Mane has an eggshell white secondary and tail has a blue secondary.
Personality: Kind, shy, somewhat gullible. positive, has a sense of humor even to cheesy jokes, avoids conflicts involving himself.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 19, 16:10:45
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 19, 11:52:57
Marble : well i been studying it and well it's Quite interesting infact

- Could you, perhaps... Tell me more about it?

Scarlet's green eyes shined with curiosity behind her glasses.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 19, 16:16:04
(Scarlet and Misty are Scarlet's Room upstairs.

Gamepaw is in the cat-flap, stuck.

X1 (The Cat) is running around the bottom floor meowing.

Sugar is walking through front door.

Shadow Flare is in the living area, along with SandFire

Joystick is asking about the house in the main hall.

Chris is showing someone around.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 19, 17:25:12
Spoiler: Maplewood • show
name: maplewood
gender: stallion
appearance:http://i.imgur.com/L7ZmSWo.jpg take out the cyborg parts and hes a normal pony again
personality: kind hearted, humors others, respectful and honest.

as maple got out of the carriage he wasn't so sure about this plan to stay in a house with so many ponies special after he had just moved away from his home town of vanhoover. but with a sigh he walked up to the door his duffle bag slung onto his back along with his saddle bags. he noticed that there was another pony at the door, well not another pony but a room mate he decided

99i hope the spoiler thing worked because this is the first time ive ever used it  :3))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 19, 18:37:36
The unicorn started to notice another pony at the door and moved over to open it slowly but giving a few sighs.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 19, 18:56:56
"thank you names Maplewood but everyone just calls me maple" he smiled holding his hoof out in a greeting
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 19, 19:16:26
"Nice to meet you, I'm Joystick." Joy smiled back, comfortable with heading a bit further into the hall, now that he knew he wasn't intruding. He noticed the other ponies in the foyer, but opted to disregard them for the time-being.

"Poor wolf. Is he injured, or something?" Joy voiced his empathy. If only he knew.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 19, 19:25:50
The pony hesitated before responding to Maple.
"...Frigid...Im FrigidMoon."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 19, 20:00:46
"Oh no, nothing like that." Blueberry replied hastily "He just doesn't look like the active type. He should be around here somewhere, I think I saw him going after a cat into the garden a minute ago. He might still be there."

The blue stallion made his way back into the kitchen "Gamepaw? Are you in here? I have a new pony to show you t-" his voice trailed off as he attempted to process the sight in front of him. The blue wolf whom Blueberry had attempted to help down the stairs had somehow wedged himself in the house's catflap. It occurred to Blueberry that this creature may be slightly high maintenance.

Blueberry turned to his new acquaintance and introduced the pair of them.
"This, Joystick is, Gamepaw. Gamepaw, this is another new pony named, Joystick."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 19, 20:10:41
Game, having heard his name whined loudly and hoped that the talking pony would free him from this badly shaped hole.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 19, 20:28:22
"nice to meet you, so wheres the living quarters" he asked looking around the large house
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 19, 20:37:38
"Yes..." Game sighed. "Once I`m out of here, I might just go live on the couch, much easier." He though, thinking he could probably get the ponies to feed him and give him stuff.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 19, 21:03:57
*Walks through the front door* Hi  ^-^
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 19, 21:43:13
maple hearing the meowing makes his way over puzzled
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 19, 23:02:53
"Oh. Oh yeah, I see what you mean. How did he even get stuck in there? What?" Joy took a few minutes to comprehend this situation, and just what was going through the wolf's head when he decided to take the course of action.

"Looks like a snug fit. How is that... nevermind. How can we possibly get him out of there?" Joystick wanted to be able to see the full extent of this wolf, and it being lodged in a door flap wouldn't help anything.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 19, 23:10:09
Game whined a bit more and began struggling again, only succeeding on sliding on the floor and tiring himself out.

(Would suggest butter, but you know. Just keep it away from his mouth.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 19, 23:19:43

"Is there any cooking spray, or grease, or butter or something here? We can use something like that to help get him out, hopefully." Joy tried to think of ideas to release the wolf, and that was the only feasible one he could come up with, aside from something like cutting Game out with the flap still around him for the rest of time, which, come to think of it, wasn't too feasible either.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 19, 23:38:10
"You could try the butter or oil trick..." Frigid said
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 20, 00:16:16
"this could work but  its going to be messy" maple said haveing shown up as well
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 04:05:11
Marble : well... let me show you...*Marble takes out a piece of paper and folds a tiny manticore suddenly the manticore starts moving on its own*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 20, 04:22:29
- Wow, it's...

Scarlet booped the paper manticore's nose and watched its reaction, amazed.

- It's amazing! It's like origami, but with magic!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 04:23:31
Marble : it's not just magic it's my cutie mark talent... also check this out... *Marble extends her hoof and it turns into a Blade*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 20, 04:31:34
- Your Cutie Mark...?

Scarlet's question was cut short by the transformation of Marbel's hoof.

Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 04:34:30
Marble : yes it's my cutie mark... but don't worry i can make it less dangerous...*she turns her hoof back to normal*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 20, 04:39:28
- Oh, no, don't worry, I wasn't scared! - Scarlet apologized quickly, not wanting to make Marble think she spooked her.

- Merely surprised, the maternal side of my family is composed mostly of unicorns, but I never saw any of them do something like that and I find it really cool-and now I must stop blabbering.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 04:41:04
Marble : cool a family of Unicorns...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 20, 04:43:10
- Only from my mother's side, my father's is all Earth ponies.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 04:53:33
Marble : to be honest i only have a sister but i don't talk to her that much
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 20, 05:47:24
- Oh, really? I have a sister too!

Getting up, Scarlet grabbed a framed photo showing her and a very pretty unicorn mare, two or three years younger than her.

- Here, this is her. - she said, smiling proudly and showing it to Marble. - Her name is Precious Lily, she's studying at Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 06:09:49
Marble : she is Pretty indeed...let me show you my sister...let's where did i put that picture..*she takes out a photo from her saddlebag and shows scarlet a photo of her and her sister* her it is her name is Deep Sense... ((i guess you already know how she looks like))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 20, 06:22:41
(Indeed  ^-^ )

- She looks pretty too! Wait, her Cutie Mark...

Scarlet took a closer look at Deep Sense's mark.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 06:25:40
Marble : yea... i don't exactly know what it means...she never told me
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 20, 11:23:44
"M-messy?, hmm...maybe that was a bad idea."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 12:08:48
(Kitchen Post-It = Fully Stocked Kitchen w/ fridge and basement pantry.)

Game continued to squirm and wiggle, trying to free himself from the flap. Though he stopped quickly as he heard a loud crack near him and laid back down.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 20, 12:34:26
"well I'm saying that but I think we're going to have to tough it out because  he not going any where"  he pointed at the game. "I'll go get the butter and do it" he sighed heading towards the kitchen
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 12:42:00
(The door is in the kitchen. :3 The catflap is in the door leading out from the kitchen into the garden)

Game stayed still and tried not to break the catflap anymore.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 20, 14:42:18
Frigid shook his head a few times before getting out a screw driver and started unscrewing some of the bolts on the top of the door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 20, 15:03:38
After a short while of looking, Smile finally found her backpack on Tue front patio. A large smile was on her face as she was sitting on the ground looking through the bag. It wasn't that she thought someone would steal from her, but she wanted to make sure the more delicate items she packed weren't broken. She realized she packed a bit more unnecessary items than she should, but it didn't bother her. Everything seemed to be in order, so the mare zipped her bag and placed it back on her back. Next thing to do was to get settled in. With a small yawn, the mare enter the Manor. She was starting to get a bit tired, but she already planned to take a nap once she settled in and met the other ponies.

In the entrance of the Manor, Smile could hear some sort of commotion coming from the kitchen. As curious as she was, she didn't have the energy to handle whatever was going on in there. With a small smile and tired eyes, the mare made her way toward the staircase. It was a bit hard to walk up all the stairs with her backpack so she took her own sweet time; the last thing she needed was to fall backwards down the stairs. After climbing the mountain of stairs, she finally made it to the female living area. At the top of the stairs, the mare took a second to catch her breath before moving on to the bedrooms. She didn't really care which bedroom she had, so she randomly walked up to a door: bedroom two. As she entered the bedroom, she could tell no one claimed the room. There appeared to be three beds, which meant she would have to share with someone. A small smile formed on her face; she always thought it would be fun to have a roommate. The mare tossed her backpack on the bed closest to the window. As she whistle a tune, Smile started to get settled into her new home.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 20, 15:06:40
Frigid continued to undo the bolts from the metal parts of the door to make it lose support. Eventually he gave it a push to make it fall over.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 15:13:54
(Did you just push the door over, with Gamepaw stuck in the door still?)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 20, 15:24:39
//  :nod:
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 15:43:11
(So, you've crushed ChubWoof under a door?)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 20, 15:48:52
maple came back from getting the butter to a broken door "what did you do?" he asked more in shock the surprise
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 15:58:33
Game somehow managed to get free from the door before it fell and crushed him, the force of the door falling allowing the wolf to get free from the cat-flap as it collapsed.

Game growled at the pony who did that, knowing he could have been hurt and waddled past everyone and hid in his bed resting his sore neck.

(Warning Lunar. That would have x_x the wolf if I didn't just make him magically get free, so put the door back and do something else now.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 20, 16:10:57
//Im surprised that door would be that heavy to crush him....unless its one of those industrial large gate like doors
Frigid watched as the door fell over and hit the ground and begun to think of something. But he didnt notice until a few seconds that the wolf had already gotten out.
"Oops...Oh...wait that seemed to work" he said while adjusting the hairpins in his mane, but flinched when he heard Maple shouting.
"Agh... o_O"

"Shortcut, thats all, but I can correct this since they're only screws and the door doesnt seem to be broken."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 20, 16:14:21
"you just dropped a door onto a wolf how does that sound like a smart thing to do "  maple sighed getting his stuff and going upstairs to the bedrooms
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 16:14:52
(Pay more attention and think more next time.)

Game slowly chewed on one of his toys as he hid on his mattress in the kitchen cupboard.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 20, 16:26:45
Frigid gave a bow to Maple before he left.
"Sumimasen... :c" he said before working on the door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 20, 16:29:30
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 20, 06:25:40
Marble : yea... i don't exactly know what it means...she never told me

- Strange, why?

Scarlet was confused: she was the first pony Precious Lily told about her special talent.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 20, 16:45:12
*-Alright. NOW I shall make a debute.
Peacekeeper with a saddlecase of his personal belongings makes his way to the massive house. He looks at the house with awe.

Aww :c

I said 'awe'... A-W-E
Oooh   *-*

That's better.

Peacekeeper approaches the house closer and nears the large doors. He takes a deep breath and with his hoof he knocks on the door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 20, 17:09:33
Smile's smile turned into a frown and her whistling stop the longer she took to unpack. The backpack was packed beyond its capacity, and the mare had a hard time forcing items out of it. The first thing that came out was her pet frog. The frog was large and it was from the mountain chicken breed which made the frog the size of a chihuahua. Smile placed the frog on a near by desk and gave it a quick smooch before returning to her bag. Other colourful things were pulled from the bag: juggling pins of different colours; a jester costume that matched her hat; an unholy amount of sweets; many colourful clothing items (she put on a grey sweater with a smiley face on it); and much much more. The clothing items were placed in a dresser, while her stash of candy was hidden between her bed and the wall. She left her jester costume to the side, since she planned on working later and would have to iron out the wrinkles. The mare was just about to pull out more clown equipment, when a small ring filled the room. Her ears twitch as she gazed out the door. It sounded like the doorbell, but she wasn't so sure. . . . Though she would never pass up an opportunity to get away from unpacking. With a small smile, the mare happily left her room to answer the door.

After a few steps later, Smile returned to the first floor of the manor. With a smile on her face, she happily made her way toward the door. Once she made it toward the door, the mare took a second to make sure her hat was on properly; can't have herself looking like a mess in front of her future roommate. After she was satisfied by the way she looked, the mare opened the door. Behind the door revealed a stallion with a dark blue coat and black mane. She stood in silence for a few seconds to examine the stallion. He appeared alright in her book, so she decided to break her silence. With sleepiness in her eyes and a smile of her face she chimed,
Fake Smile: Hello, welcome to The Manor!~ Who are you?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 20, 17:16:21
Peace sees a mare opening the door.

Ah hi. My name's Peacekeeper. I am here for the move-in.

To his shyness he is unsure what else to say. He can tell the sleepiness in Smile's eyes but lets the thought slide off as he usually does with everything else around him. He decides to enter the house stopping quickly looking around at the decore inside. He looks to Smile. He begins to ask in an uncertain voice.

Um excuse me miss. Where do I start so I can move in?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 20, 17:47:59
Smile moved out of the way of Peace so he could enter the manor. She tilted her head in a curious fashion as the stallion examined the interior. The mare was a bit surprised by the stallion's question; she just moved in and she wasn't too sure where everything was either. But that was a tiny detail she can worry about later. With a small smile she replied,
Fake Smile: Where to start? Hmmmm. . . Do you want the house tour or take you straight to the rooms?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 20, 18:15:40

Peace thinks, but doesn't take long as to not keep Smiles waiting too long.

I suppose the house tour. Seems pretty big. Sure like to know everything around first. X3
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 20, 19:41:05
(OOC: Dear sweet geebus, Peace made a George of the Jungle reference)

Blueberry stood in what he imagined was sheer dumbfoundery as he watched the ponies attempt to free Gamepaw and managed only to free the door instead.

"Well, at least he wasn't harmed. At least as far as I know. I'm no DIY pony so I'll leave you to fix the door back up. I'll go and check on the wolf, he can't have gotten too far.

The blue stallion raised a hoof and made his way out of the kitchen.
"Now where could he have gone? Oh..." Blueberry stopped as he saw a couple of ponies by the front door.
"Hey there! I don't suppose either of you saw a blue, rather round wolf wander past did you?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 20, 20:00:29
((Could we have an updated room list, if it's no trouble?))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 20, 20:04:55
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 20, 18:15:40

Peace thinks, but doesn't take long as to not keep Smiles waiting too long.

I suppose the house tour. Seems pretty big. Sure like to know everything around first. X3

A cat like smile formed across Smile's face at Peace's response. With a cheerful tone she replied,
Fake Smile: Excellent choice my friend!~ I just got her not too long ago, so we both will get the chance to get familiar with the Manor! But for now I will be your friendly guide. . .
The mare rushed up to the stallion with a smile. She gave the stallion a polite bow before she continued,
Fake Smile: Good Evenin' and Welcome To The Manor!~ My name is Fake Smile and I will be your Tour Guide today! I will show you 'round this lovely Manor and help you get settled in! Please remember to keep close and not to wonder too far from the group!
The mare let out a few chuckles at her introduction; she thought the introduction was pretty good for her tour. To be even more dramatic, the mare decided to do a twirl before leading the two toward the kitchen.

Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 20, 19:41:05
"Now where could he have gone? Oh..." Blueberry stopped as he saw a couple of ponies by the front door.
"Hey there! I don't suppose either of you saw a blue, rather round wolf wander past did you?"

The mare twirled stopped on in the direction of the unfamiliar voice. Her gaze fell on yet another blue stallion; how odd. She tilted her head as the stallion asked his question. The mare didn't recall seeing a wolf recently; nope only a frog. With a small smile she replied,
Fake Smile:Sorry Sir, my tour group and I have not seen a wolf yet. But! If we happen to find a wolf during our tour, I will report it back to you immediately! All I need is a first name so I know who to return this information to.
The mare's smile grew as she let out a few chuckles. It was a rather odd way to respond to a question, but she thought it was pretty funny. Of course, the probability of the mare remembering to return the information is pretty slim but who knows, the mare might beat the odds this time.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 20:35:12
(I have no idea's whose where. So you get what you get :3 I`ll update it.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 20, 21:45:33
After a few minutes Frigid managed to repair the door. When he heard a few ponies talking he moved towards the manor area.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 20, 21:49:56
maple manged to get into a room placing his duffle bag down
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 20, 22:03:51
Game having seen that the ponies have disappeared slowly stretched and waddled out of his closet and went to find his collar.

Glaring at the cat flap the rotund wolf continued out the larger door and found his collar just outside and he laid down on his stomach to try and reach it, failing the first time but managing to stretch enough the second time.

Pulling himself back up off the floor, the waddling wolfy headed towards the downstairs living area with collar in mouth, hoping somepony would put it back on him.

Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 20, 23:07:37
Peace to Fake Smiles: Thanks Ma'am.

As he is about to begin, a stallion appears asking the question about a blue round wolf.

Peace to Blueberry: Oh. Um sorry. I haven't seen a wolf. Where was the last time...

As he is speaking, within his peripheral vision, he spots something large and blue moving along the ground. He points with his hoof.

Wait... is that the wolf you are talking about?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 21, 00:00:50
"Well, that was something. I'm gonna go get a room, if you don't mind." Joy wasn't exactly sure when the method for the wolf's escape became dangerous, but he'd figure he'd get out of the way before it was him in danger.

Heading up to the fourth floor, Joy took a look at the rooms, wondering which one to take. He didn't know if there were all single rooms, or if he had to room with someone, or what, but he didn't really prefer one or the other.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Aeterna Sol on 2016 Mar 21, 02:36:02
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 19, 16:16:04
(Scarlet and Misty are Scarlet's Room upstairs.

Gamepaw is in the cat-flap, stuck.

X1 (The Cat) is running around the bottom floor meowing.

Sugar is walking through front door.

Shadow Flare is in the living area, along with SandFire

Joystick is asking about the house in the main hall.

Chris is showing someone around.)

((No one realized Blaze was play Smash Ponies the entire time? Well, not really. You'll see.))

At this point, Blaze had been asleep on the couch for a while. Apparently, she was tired from all the walking to get here.
((She still on the first floor, BTW. Sorry if i'm not doing much and/or boring.))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 21, 02:45:54
maple got settled into a room and with a smile headed down to the pool where he dived in swimming around
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 21, 03:49:48
Marble : well..you know i don't have other relatives...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepad on 2016 Mar 21, 07:51:29
"Almost had a door land on my head." Game stated, glaring slightly at the cat. "Now I just want to lie down on the couch."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 21, 15:53:36
"Yeah, is not like I can do it myself." He replied sitting up and allowing the cat to re-attach the collar that started all of this.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 21, 16:22:18
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 21, 03:49:48
Marble : well..you know i don't have other relatives...

- Well, I have too many and some doesn't even remember my name when they see me...

With a sigh, Scarlet got up.

- Do you want to go take a walk around?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 21, 19:45:28
Spoiler: show
Name: Ebony Whisper
Gender: Female
Race: Earth Pony
Look/Visual Description: http://orig11.deviantart.net/ff11/f/2016/081/8/d/8dad347b4b54a2112f04fccaffeb914e-d9w1mbt.png
Personality/Attitude: Ebony is quite the shy pony, however she's not shy to the point where she's rather afraid in most situations, but she is definitely a shy pony. Her friends would often describe her as quiet or perhaps timid around new ponies, but that's to be expected from Ebony. Although she is rather friendly and will engage in conversation if spoken to first and is still a bit rather shy when doing so, though she is very considerate when doing so as to not say something wrong (which she ends up doing either way). Though there is more to this pony other then her shy and quiet demeanor, she is a adventurous pony who loves to explore every nook and cranny of this world, whether it be dangerous or not, she loves adventure but quite often prefers to do this with other ponies much rather then her exploring on her own, and as said above, she often writes down her adventures and often times is seen writing or even doodling, not to mention she is also a hopeless romantic, but she tries to keep that trait hidden, making her all together a shy, hopeless romantic, friendly, quiet, adventurous, creative, timid pony.

(I noticed there was an open room for a female so I was hoping I could join ^^)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 21, 20:24:05
(Hewwo, and welcome. Start whenever as it is a Open RP. Any new ponies will have to double up with others.)

Game let out a little whine and looked at the cat. "Just don't do it again, I don't trust that pony who unscrewed the door."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 21, 21:06:21
Joy had set his bag in the first open room he could find, claiming a bed before any would-be hooligan stole his spot.

Happy to secure a bed, Joystick decided to take a quick look around the property from the floor, getting a good vantage point. He observed the outside areas, including a garden, a trampoline, a pool, to name a few.

He didn't quite yet know where he wanted to go, so he opted to head downstairs and check on the wolf, and maybe get some of the food Blueberry had mentioned. He figured that sounded like a plan.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 21, 21:08:50
maple swam around in the pool have a whale of a time. it had been a long time since he had been able to swim in a poll and he was liking it alot
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 21, 21:21:08
Ebony trotted up to her to be room which as expected, she would have to share, which did not bother her much as long as they were not to read any of her personal stories. As she trotted into her room she set her bags down on her bed as to not take up any space. She examined the room, it seemed rather clean and her roommate was no where to be found at the moment, they must have been busy at the moment. Going on with her buisness, she decided to go downstairs and examine the house fully as to get adjusted, in hopes and also fear of meeting her new roommates.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 21, 21:23:09
((whos room are you bunking with by the way))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 21, 21:28:12
(All the rooms are capable of holding 3 people, however are already made for 2, two beds ect.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 21, 21:37:35
(I'm not sure, but I'd be happy to bunk with anyone ^^)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 21, 21:46:29
((just curios thats all)) seeing that there was a hot tub as he liked to call it in vanhoover maple got up and into it feeling more relaxed after a long day of travel
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Nameless Whirlwind on 2016 Mar 21, 21:55:32
((This is been really tempting for me to join...

...would everyone be alright if I can join this RP?))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 21, 22:02:22
(( Oh heavens no, why on earth would we wan't you? :PP

Its a jump in, so jump on in partner.
:DD ))

Smile's watched the two pets interact with a thin smile; a friendly reminder of the delusional cat and wolf game that was taking place. Seeing that the wolf was found, the mare figured it was time to get this tour on the road. Turning her attention to Peace she chimed,
Fake Smile: Shall we get this tour on the road? You gotta see the back yard, its huge!
Excitement filled the mare's tired eyes as she mentioned the back yard. Although she hasn't seen the rest of the house, it was already her favourite place. Hopefully the trampoline dried off by now, but of course she would have to practice on it later; she had a tour to guide.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 21, 22:46:14
As Ebony explored the ever so big house she came across the backyard which was rather tempting. The trampoline, and everything, she found herself trotting outside to get a better look.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 21, 22:53:28
 seeing a mare come out maple smiled and waved"hey there miss whats up"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 21, 23:15:21
Ebony flashed a nervous smile as Maple waved to her. "Hi... Nothing much, just getting settled in... " She said quietly as she trotted up to Maple.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Nameless Whirlwind on 2016 Mar 21, 23:17:35
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 21, 22:02:22
(( Oh heavens no, why on earth would we wan't you? :PP

Its a jump in, so jump on in partner.
:DD ))

((So...is that a yes or a no?

Sorry, just want to triple-douple-quadruple make sure (there was a recent incident with another forum, just want to make sure)))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 21, 23:23:45
((Pretty sure Fake was being sarcastic, homie, join on up! No one is gonna have beef with ya.))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 22, 00:31:09
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 21, 20:24:05
(Hewwo, and welcome. Start whenever as it is a Open RP. Any new ponies will have to double up with others.)

Game let out a little whine and looked at the cat. "Just don't do it again, I don't trust that pony who unscrewed the door."

//Oi! Not the the type of first character impression I was going for....now I know how Zuko feels  :/

Frigid walked up behind Maple and gave a bow to him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 22, 01:41:11
"names Maplewood but most just call me maple whats your name?" he asked getting out of the hot tub
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 22, 01:59:08
Ebony watched as he got out of the hot tub. "My name is Ebony Whisper... But you may call me Ebony..." She replied.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 22, 02:41:58
smiling maple replied "nice to meet you miss, so how did you find out about this place "
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 22, 02:44:06
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 22, 02:49:43
"Oh well, I needed a place to stay and I thought I'd stay here since... A friend recommended it for me though and I thought, why not" She said softly as she flashed a smile at him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 22, 02:50:13
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 21, 22:02:22
... the mare figured it was time to get this tour on the road. Turning her attention to Peace she chimed,
Fake Smile: Shall we get this tour on the road? You gotta see the back yard, its huge!
Excitement filled the mare's tired eyes as she mentioned the back yard. Although she hasn't seen the rest of the house, it was already her favourite place. Hopefully the trampoline dried off by now, but of course she would have to practice on it later; she had a tour to guide.

Oh sure. I do like seeing outside.
Peacekeeper now feels excited from hearing Smile's voice in excitement. Peace has been kind of an outside site-seeing pony so he gladly accepts the start to go outsice.
I'm ready to see it miss.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 22, 02:56:07
"ha sweet I wish a friend had done the same but unfortunately  nope this was my own under taking, hungry?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 22, 08:25:20
Quote from: Nameless Whirlwind on 2016 Mar 21, 23:17:35
((So...is that a yes or a no?

Sorry, just want to triple-douple-quadruple make sure (there was a recent incident with another forum, just want to make sure)))

((Ah, its a yes! Sorry for the confusion! <ww<))

Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 22, 02:50:13
Oh sure. I do like seeing outside.
Peacekeeper now feels excited from hearing Smile's voice in excitement. Peace has been kind of an outside site-seeing pony so he gladly accepts the start to go outsice.
I'm ready to see it miss.

[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: A'ight, follow me!~ [/color]
With a big smile, the mare lead Peace toward the kitchen. Her pigtails bounced beside her face as she happily made her with through the kitchen. Since the duo was already here, she decided to give the stallion a brief tour of the kitchen. While she lead the group toward the back door she said,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: This is the kitchen! Just your typical kitchen, nothin' too special. Its also the dinnin' room; I assume some meals we will try to eat together. Be a bit weird if we all stayed in our rooms the whole time. But yeah, through the kitchen leads to the back yard![/color]

Smile happily approached the back door and made her way outside. She stood on the back patio as she gazed upon the yard. A smile formed across her face as she gazed upon all the pool and equipment provided for them. Her gaze fell on a few ponies who were already outside. Even though she didn't recognized them, she figured they were also residents of the Manor. To be polite, she gave the ponies a brief wave before returning her attention back to Peace. As she made it down the steps toward the lawn she chimed,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: This is our back yard! It has all kinds of cool equipment and a pool. There is a small shed over there, but I haven't bothered to check it out yet. I have checked out the trampoline though and it works great! I was able to get some air on it, but I advise usin' it as much as possible. I tend to wear the springs out of these normal trampoline. But yeah, this is the place! This is the part of the tour where you look 'round![/color]
The mare finished her tour of the back yard with a smile. She thought she did a good job introducing the stallion to the yard, and figured he might want to check it out for himself. Smile quickly made her way back toward the trampoline to see if it was dried yet.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 22, 08:33:45
"...Taking? So  um...you came here because you felt like it?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 22, 11:37:04
(OOC: Can ponies actually understand Gamepaw or does he speak in a Garfield kind of way?)

Blueberry thought for a moment as both of the ponies he'd asked told him that they hadn't seen the wolf he was looking for.
"Hmm. Maybe I was sure he left the kitchen" the blue pony mused as the pony known as Peace spoke and pointed behind him towards the kitchen

Blueberry turned around to find the wolf waddling out of the kitchen towards another room.
"Oh, heh. Guess he didn't leave it after all" he waved to the two ponies in thanks and walked into the room after the wolf.

Blueberry had enter what appeared to be a living area, blanking out the odd sight of a cat putting a collar on the wolf he had a quick glance around the room. Other than possibly the kitchen this would most likely be one of the rooms Blueberry would be frequenting quite often.
"Not to bad a place. Hopefully there'll be plenty of things to do around here"
Finally making his way up to the sofa Blueberry glanced at the wolf.
"Hey there, that door didn't bang you up too badly did it?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 22, 11:59:42
Marble : yea sure let's go somewhere
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 22, 13:33:07
(The ponies can not understand the ChubbyWoof no, though he does make noises such as whines and other weirder noises so ponies can get a sense of what he is feeling.)

Game let out a lazy whine, remembering the panic from almost being crushed by the door as well as little neck wiggle as the cat flap dug into his neck fairly deep.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 22, 14:30:46
Quote from: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 22, 02:56:07
"ha sweet I wish a friend had done the same but unfortunately  nope this was my own under taking, hungry?"

Ebony gave a slight nod as she came under the realization that she hadn't had anything to eat. "Oh yes I am.." She replied with a slight smile.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 22, 17:21:44
Blueberry tilted his head as the wolf whined and begun to realise there was a small hitch in his plan to check on him.

He knew absolutely nothing about animals.

"Well you don't seem to be too bad." The stallion raised a hoof and began to brush about the fur on Gamepaw's neck, avoiding the collar as best he good with all the dexterity a hoof provides.
"Looks like everything's alright."
Blueberry turned his head towards the cat who had also been sitting on the sofa.
"Oh, I remember you now. You ran off with this collar earlier into the garden"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 22, 17:26:05
Game purred at the rubbing hoof and looked up at the sitting pony, hoping they would put him on the couch too. The pie loving pi wolf has had many issues with the couch, many involving him doing a good impression of a fluffy turtle.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 22, 17:48:16
Blueberry gazed at the wolf staring back at him for a moment. The animal appeared to want something, but what?

He looked at the sofa and the incident of the stairs flashed into the pony's mind. If the wolf had problems getting up and down stairs, it only made sense that he couldn't get onto furniture either. Especially since sofas were obviously taller than a single staircase step.

Looking back at the somehow purring fluff monster, Blueberry said in a mildy dejected sigh "You want to get on the sofa don't you?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 22, 18:05:34
Game wagged and nodded and put his front paws on the couch, keeping his balance with his stomach.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 22, 18:30:05
"I was worried about that" The blue stallion mumbled to himself. there was no way of getting around what had to be done. Blueberry got up, preparing himself for the task at hand "Alright, let's see how we go"

The stallion made his way around the wolf. Carefully assessing the situation. This should be easier than his last plan to carry the wolf down the stairs.

After internally deliberating and sussing out every possible angle he could find, Blueberry came out with precisely nothing. However any way is better than nothing.
The stallion moved up to, Gamepaw and eventually managed to slide one hoof under the wolf's blubbery body. The other front hoof up against the canine's back leg. With some effort, the plan was to lift with one hoof and push with the other.

"Well, Wolfy. Here goes nothing!"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Nameless Whirlwind on 2016 Mar 22, 20:15:15
((Oh, alright.

I'm still debating on what OC to use for this...hm...))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 22, 21:17:48
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 22, 08:25:20
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: A'ight, follow me!~ [/color]
With a big smile, the mare lead Peace toward the kitchen. Her pigtails bounced beside her face as she happily made her with through the kitchen. Since the duo was already here, she decided to give the stallion a brief tour of the kitchen. While she lead the group toward the back door she said,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: This is the kitchen! Just your typical kitchen, nothin' too special. Its also the dinnin' room; I assume some meals we will try to eat together. Be a bit weird if we all stayed in our rooms the whole time. But yeah, through the kitchen leads to the back yard![/color]

Smile happily approached the back door and made her way outside. She stood on the back patio as she gazed upon the yard. A smile formed across her face as she gazed upon all the pool and equipment provided for them. Her gaze fell on a few ponies who were already outside. Even though she didn't recognized them, she figured they were also residents of the Manor. To be polite, she gave the ponies a brief wave before returning her attention back to Peace. As she made it down the steps toward the lawn she chimed,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: This is our back yard! It has all kinds of cool equipment and a pool. There is a small shed over there, but I haven't bothered to check it out yet. I have checked out the trampoline though and it works great! I was able to get some air on it, but I advise usin' it as much as possible. I tend to wear the springs out of these normal trampoline. But yeah, this is the place! This is the part of the tour where you look 'round![/color]
The mare finished her tour of the back yard with a smile. She thought she did a good job introducing the stallion to the yard, and figured he might want to check it out for himself. Smile quickly made her way back toward the trampoline to see if it was dried yet.

Peacekeeper followed behind Smile as he traverses to the kitchen. He thinks to himself
(This kitchen is bigger than mines. Could have a small family eating here. Looks nicer, too.)

Well he does live in an apartment, any house will be bigger than his. Poor happy homie.

Aaanyways... he follows again through the back door to witness something bigger, the backyard. With such green grass and high tides from the backyard and not the outlaws, he is barely able to grasp the open area. To him it is like the size of a municipal park. Hearing bits from Smile he turned his attention to the trampoline. Has been years since he jumped in one.

This yard is huge! You can throw a concert here or a carnival. Gonna have so much fun being out here.

He follows Smiles to the trampoline so to stay for the tour.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 22, 23:51:16
"great come on lets go get some sandwiches and salad" maple smiled heading to the kitchen
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 23, 00:01:43
Frigid followed the two into the kitchen and stood by the edge of one of the counters. He tilted his head to wait patiently for what Maple was about to do.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 23, 00:33:25
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 22, 21:17:48
Peacekeeper followed behind Smile as he traverses to the kitchen. He thinks to himself
(This kitchen is bigger than mines. Could have a small family eating here. Looks nicer, too.)

Well he does live in an apartment, any house will be bigger than his. Poor happy homie.

Aaanyways... he follows again through the back door to witness something bigger, the backyard. With such green grass and high tides from the backyard and not the outlaws, he is barely able to grasp the open area. To him it is like the size of a municipal park. Hearing bits from Smile he turned his attention to the trampoline. Has been years since he jumped in one.

This yard is huge! You can throw a concert here or a carnival. Gonna have so much fun being out here.

He follows Smiles to the trampoline so to stay for the tour.

The trampoline looked dry enough, so Smile quickly climbed back onto it. The bells of her hat jingled as she bounced her way toward the middle of the trampoline. After a few practice jumps, the mare started to do flips and twirls on the trampoline. Peace made the mistake of mentioning the word "carnival" near her, and now she was bursting with excitement. She loved carnival and the idea of having one in their back yard was almost to good to imagine. While the mare continued to practice her flips she chimed,
Fake Smile: A carnival would be so much! I could be the clown, and everyone else could have a different role. I would be a great clown! I mean, I'm already a clown but I am not part of a carnival. I prefer to do my stuff solo, so I am street performer. Well, solo isn't true I tend to put on a show with other performers if they want to. Oh, I could get them to come down and help out with the carnival!~ . . . . On second thought, I won't do that. Some of those guys are really really weird. I mean, even weirder than what is socially acceptable. Can't have them knowin' where I live! They would never leave if they saw all the food in the kitchen. Honestly, they can be really annoyin' sometimes. Like, leave me alone I am tryin' to make bank here. Oh, we could make so much money if we had a carnival! I wouldn't have to work for like, a week. But I wouldn't want a bunch of strangers knowin' where I live, so maybe this would be a private carnival? Just a few friends and of course all the roommates. But. . .
As her words trailed off, she did one final flip off the trampoline. In order to avoid injuries, she didn't show off and did a simple front flip off it. With grace, she stuck the landing a few feet away from Peace. A large smile was on her face; she was both proud and relieved she didn't hurt herself by doing that. As she returned to the side of the stallion she continued,
Fake Smile: Carnivals are more fun attendin' than runnin'. Okay, enough talkin' 'bout carnivals! We have a tour to continue; you probably want to get settled already. No worries, our next stop is the second floor and after that our tour will end on the last floor; which I assume are the male bedrooms. Might be wrong, but we won't know till we get there!~
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 23, 02:51:32
Game, even with the help of the pony still struggled with the couch as his stomach pushed into the cushions and pushed him out. Eventually making it Game forced the cat out the way from the fear of being squished and laid down.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 23, 04:36:43
After a while listening to her speak as excentric as an Energizer commercial, he thinks to himself.

(She really loves carnivals. Wow is she good on the trampoline. She makes me look like I jump on a tumbeline.)

Finally seeing her give one final jump, he looks in awe, and I do mean A-W-E, giving a nod of approval.

The next plan sounds like it will take him back into the manor. He responds.

Ah okay sounds good. I can last a bit more touring around. No worry bout me. x3 Really appreciate you giving me a tour.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 23, 12:54:06
maple begins to make up sandwich and a huge salad for any pony who is hungry"it's funny how much I know about food because I was really good friends with the cook in my battlion "
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 23, 14:46:13
"Well." Game started, looking at the already curled up ball of cat. "Apparently." Game finished, looking up at the pony and expecting something either to happen or to be given to him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: NotVlinny on 2016 Mar 23, 15:12:06
Quote from: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 23, 12:54:06
maple begins to make up sandwich and a huge salad for any pony who is hungry"it's funny how much I know about food because I was really good friends with the cook in my battlion "

Ebony followed after him as she listened to him, watching him cook and such. "I see.." She muttered as she watched with hunger.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 23, 15:31:25
Marble : i guess i should go see the others since Scarlet fell asleep again...*Marble heads downstairs*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 23, 18:49:33
After enough pushing and shoving for a full workout, Blueberry finally managed to slide the chubby wolf onto the sofa. The not so little fella' was heavier than he looked.

"Phew, well, Game we got there in the end"
As the cat jumped up onto the sofa to join the wolf, Blueberry started to wonder who owned these animals or even the building itself, it wasn't something he'd questioned before traveling up to town.

Snapping out of his thoughts he saw the wolf staring longinly at him. Blueberry tilted his head questioningly
"What is it? Haven't you eaten yet?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 23, 18:59:42
Game copied the pony with a head tilt and wagged at the mention of the word 'eat.' Even though he had just ate a pie off the floor the heavy wolf was never totally sated.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 23, 20:24:20
" >.< ....."
*lowers head out of hunger*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 23, 20:28:08
"anyways that's a story for another time here dig in" he smiled presenting a platter full of sandwiches and a large salad
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 23, 20:39:52
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 23, 04:36:43
After a while listening to her speak as excentric as an Energizer commercial, he thinks to himself.

(She really loves carnivals. Wow is she good on the trampoline. She makes me look like I jump on a tumbeline.)

Finally seeing her give one final jump, he looks in awe, and I do mean A-W-E, giving a nod of approval.

The next plan sounds like it will take him back into the manor. He responds.

Ah okay sounds good. I can last a bit more touring around. No worry bout me. x3 Really appreciate you giving me a tour.

A large smile formed on Smile's face at Peace's nod of approval; she was glad at least two ponies thought her tricks were neat. But there is always time later to show off, the tour must continue. As the mare made her way back toward the kitchen door she replied,
Fake Smile: Okay!~ I only know where the second floor and bedrooms are, but I can find other places to take this tour. Shouldn't be too hard, this place is huge!
When the duo made it inside the kitchen, she was surprised to see that another pony prepared more food. This house hold must be filled with starving ponies; always seemed like someone was eating at any given time. The mare glanced at the food then back at Peace. She already ate (sort of), but she wasn't so if he had. With a small smile she asked,
Fake Smile: Before we continue the tour, do you want to get somethin' to eat real quick? I think its. . . lunch time? Who knows, I don't keep track of time anymore.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 23, 21:45:54
Well... maybe a little. I did ate something some time ago. Well... I guess just a snack will do.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 23, 23:19:13
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 24, 08:23:25
*Marble approaches the group*
Marble : hey what's going on
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 24, 09:00:38
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 23, 21:45:54
Well... maybe a little. I did ate something some time ago. Well... I guess just a snack will do.

[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Radical. This will be part two of the kitchen tour then![/color]
The mare smiled as she gazed around the kitchen. There wasn't much to tour, since the name gives you a general idea of what to expect. But she agreed to be a tour guide for the day, and she will be the best she could be. As she pointed at the objects she was talking about she said,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: This is the fridge, it holds the cold stuff. And that is the pantry, it holds everythin' else. We also have the basics, like a sink and stove. Looks like someone made more food. I bet  with all the ponies here, there will be a lot of trips to the store to keep this place stock. . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oh right, food. Some pony made some sandwiches, so less work for you! [/color]
The mare's gaze fell upon the group in the kitchen with them. There seemed to be a lot of folks in this manor, but the more the merrier. She decided to stop starring at the group and returned her gaze on Peace. A big smile was on the mare's face; she was really happy to be on this tour.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 24, 09:42:26
*Marble opens the fridge*
Marble : right...sandwiches...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 24, 18:03:43
"[glow=purple,2,300]!?... o_O[/glow]"
*glances over at the fridge where Marble is before quickly turning back to the plate*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 24, 18:16:15
"well dig in guys" he smiled eating a sandwich
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 24, 19:49:15
Peace looks in astonishment of food alrsady served. Feels like there is an hourely manner of food being served. He also listens to Smiles showing him the ropes, well appliances. He waves to everyone in a shy manner. He then looks at the sandwich.

ah sandwich. Thank you so much. Guess it is lunch time. We must have a chef or butler here? I am bad at making food.

Calm down eager mcbeaver, you still not realized yet you make your own meal. Ill let the others break the news, or responsibility.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 24, 20:56:08
maple laughed"nope no butler just me"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 24, 22:35:25
Game stretched out across the couch and nuzzled into the back of it, getting comfy on the couch.

(I`m gonna add little mystery-ish boxes to the rooms. They are small chests that contain stuff that could be used in that room. E.g. in the bathroom - Soap, towels or in the living room, blankets and extra pillows.)
Spoiler: Another Sticky Note - Chests • show

Hoping you've settled in somewhat already, I`m sure you've noticed the chests in some rooms around the house. Well, I assure you they are not just for sitting on.

They contain stuff that you might find useful in that room, I think the cinema one contains popcorn boxes (The popcorn is in the basement.) Anyway, feel free to use what you find in the boxes, just make sure to tidy up after you are done.

Have fun!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 25, 10:37:15
Marble : hmmm what's this? bacon i love bacon...*she grabs the plate full of bacon*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 25, 19:09:22
"I guess you haven't had anything yet then" Blueberry said to the wolf who had started wagging his tail at the sound of food.
"I'll go and see what I can find"

As he turned to make his way out of the living area, Blueberry noticed a sticky note stuck onto a slightly out of place chest sitting in the corner of the room. He read the note but decided to leave the chest alone for now, he wasn't planning on staying in this room anyway. Though he may have overlooked one in the kitchen, which just so happened to be his new destination.

Walking through the hallway, Blueberry couldn't help but wonder who had written the notes that appear to litter this place. It was most likely the landlord, maybe even the owner of the wolf of whom he felt he was somehow slowly becoming the new caretaker for. What did the wolf even eat anyway?

Lost in his current thoughts, Blueberry walked into the kitchen.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 25, 19:54:40
"could I get a quick recap? Thinking of jumping in."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 25, 20:52:32
(I also have no idea where everyone is, would suggest just skimming through the last 2 pages.

Everyone except 2 people I think are somewhere downstairs, either outside or in the kitchen.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 25, 23:36:02
*I'm not sure if I'd want to do this or not yet, but I wanted to ask if it'd be possible to, and what the limitations are OC-wise.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 26, 02:52:33
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 25, 19:54:40
"could I get a quick recap? Thinking of jumping in."

((Nothin' too big has happen. Pretty much everyone has arrived and are either explorin' the house or settlin' in. Majority of the folks are in the kitchen.))

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 25, 23:36:02
*I'm not sure if I'd want to do this or not yet, but I wanted to ask if it'd be possible to, and what the limitations are OC-wise.

(( Its an Open-RP, so you just gotta fill out the application on the first post and you can hop on in. The only limitation I can think of is too violent OCs. ))

Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 24, 19:49:15
Peace looks in astonishment of food alrsady served. Feels like there is an hourely manner of food being served. He also listens to Smiles showing him the ropes, well appliances. He waves to everyone in a shy manner. He then looks at the sandwich.

ah sandwich. Thank you so much. Guess it is lunch time. We must have a chef or butler here? I am bad at making food.

Calm down eager mcbeaver, you still not realized yet you make your own meal. Ill let the others break the news, or responsibility.

A small smile formed across Smile's face as she watched Peace converse with the others. She could tell the stallion was shy, and didn't blame him. The mare herself was on the shy side, but her clown persona made it easier for her to put on an act. Besides, house full of shy ponies would be awkward and she can't be a clown forever.

Quote from: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 24, 20:56:08
maple laughed"nope no butler just me"

Smile's eyes widen as a small frown formed across her face. She didn't really think about the manor having a Butler, but now she kind of hoped there was one. The mare could cook a decent meal. . . for herself. She doubt anyone would actually like her cooking. As she tilted her head as she said
Fake Smile: Huh, you think this place would have one. Oh well, there is a house full of ponies; I'm sure a few of us can prepare a meal.
The mare's smile returned as she finished her sentence. She would mostly eat out all the time, since she tends to work all day. It would be nice to have a home cook meal every once in a while.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 26, 11:47:38
*Marble eats the bacon and looks at everyone*
Marble : mmm...this tastes good...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 26, 15:31:00
There was three quick knocks on the front door of the house. Outside, a white stallion with a pale, minty mane was standing at the door, with multiple boxes around him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 26, 15:39:23
(Now, since all the rooms are full. You will have to discuss with somepones about who you are going double up with, or if they will double up with someone else so you get your own room.)

Game continued to lay on the couch, deciding that moving was un-needed, and waited for the pony to return with some food.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 26, 15:45:14
*Marble walks towards Gamepaw*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 10:58:01
Game looked up at the approaching pony, wondering if they had any food for him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 27, 11:05:59
Marble : hey Furball you want some bacon? i got plenty and i,m actually i,m the only one here who actually likes meat
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 12:35:03
Game shrugged and nodded opening his mouth for a piece of bacon.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 27, 12:43:11
*Marble gives Bacon to Gamepaw*
Marble : so i guess you like it too?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 13:09:40
Game let out a noise of indifference, they were okay.

(Thinking about fast forwarding it a bit to night time/bed time, so all the pones have to retreat upstairs. The 3rd/4th floors have been basically untouched. You could go into the bath then to bed.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 27, 13:38:20
*Marble gives the rest of the bacon to gamepaw and heads upstairs*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 27, 14:38:59
*-I'm can accept the fast-forward if everyone agrees with it. Ima also await if it is alright for Fake to skip.


Peace finally finishes his sandwich with a wipe of his mouth.

That was good PB&J. Really thank you for this lunch.

He hears something at the door. A knocking sound to be exact.
Hmm? I believe someone is at the door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 27, 14:46:08
(Let me just get my guy in first, then I'll be fine with a skip.)
The white pony knocked the door again, getting impatient.
"Really, how much longer do I have to wait? The ingrediants will spoil..." He thought to himself.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 27, 14:58:05
Um... I'll go ahead and open the door.

Peace moves away from the table and makes his way to the front door. The hallway makes for a god acoustic echo, amplifying the sounds of his hoofsteps even as he walks softly. He makes it to the door and opens it. He finds a stallion at the door... with a bunch of boxes.

Oh, hello there.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 27, 15:34:01
"Ah, finally." The stallion said, with a slightly sophisticated air. "You see, I've moved into one of the rooms in this establishment, and have only just arrived. May I request some help getting my things in?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 27, 15:47:52
Oh uh... sure.

Peace opens the door more wide to allow to carry the cargowithout bumping. He lifts a box and places it on his back. He infurls his wings straight up to help balance the box. He lifts another box with one leg and walks to the door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 27, 15:55:27
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 13:09:40(Thinking about fast forwarding it a bit to night time/bed time, so all the pones have to retreat upstairs. The 3rd/4th floors have been basically untouched. You could go into the bath then to bed.)

((I'm good with a time skip. ))

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 27, 14:46:08
(Let me just get my guy in first, then I'll be fine with a skip.)

(( If you don't mind, can you give a description or picture of your OC? ))

Fake Smile peaked her head out of the kitchen to see who was out the door. Her head tilted in a curious fashion as she watched Peace talk to a white stallion. A smile wide smile formed across her face at the sight of another resident. She was a bit surprised to see how many folks agreed to live here. The mare's eye grew with curiosity as he watched Peace pick up a box. There must be something really neat if the stallion had to place it in a box. She slowly emerged from the kitchen and made her way toward the front door. Her gaze fell past the white stallion and onto the boxes. Wow, this stallion didn't pack light. The mare smiled a cat like smile as she tried to guess what could be in the boxes. She was so caught up in her thoughts she forgot to actually introduce herself or offer to help.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 27, 16:47:45
(I can't get a picture, PonyMaker seems to have kicked the bucket for me. Got his profile right here:)
Spoiler: show
Age: 24
A young-ish unicorn stallion, known as Pat for short. A ghostly white stallion with a faded, mint-green mane, Nonpareil is a baker in Canterlot, famous for making incredibly tasty confections. This adoration, however, has lead him to be quite full of himself, and more often then not has been in trouble with health officials for supposedly using magic ingrediants to enchant some of his creations. He also seems to have very little care for other ponies sometimes, thinking of them as customers and fans, and nothing more. His mark is a silver cake cutter with a sparkling cupcake on top.

"Thank you for the assistance." He smiled, picking up a box. "My name is Pastissier Nonpareil, but for simplicity's sake, you can call me Pat."
He picked up a box too and moved it inside, with about four smaller ones still outside.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 27, 19:02:33
((I'm fine with a timeskip))

Joy had seated himself with everyone else, eating a sandwich. He didn't quite socialize while he was eating, but he stuck around after he finished his meal. He did notice a pegasus heading to answer the door that he hadn't seen around yet, but he could introduce himself when the pegasus was less busy. Right now he would let people come up to him if they wanted, and just sit back for a few minutes.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 20:55:16
( @Chromastone64 Would help if you could add some sort of visual aid, if not a picture a visual description. Colours ect.)

(TIME SKIP! It is now night time or bed time, ponies will now be heading into bed or into a wash before sleep.

Remember the rooms, if you do not have your own room, just double with someone until it becomes official.

Females on the 3rd floor. Males on the 4th.

Also there are a communal bath like room on each floor as well as a more private separate bathroom area next to it.)

Game slowly stretched out on the couch and stared at the empty plate now on the table. The pudgy wolf must have fell asleep on the couch after the hard day of cat flap.

Looking around he noticed some ponies getting up and leaving. Not one for being left alone the waddling wolf let out a whine hoping one of the multiple ponies will stay with him or take him with them.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 27, 21:08:55
*Sugar Delight wonders on who to ask for permission on sharing a bed with but as she is a bit new to this house she is  a bit shy-ish to ask*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 21:20:47
(You actually have your own room Sugar. I`m going to add sticky notes.

Spoiler: Room Occupation • show

I see you have decided to find your rooms. Have fun with all your Zzzs. Also, don't let the wolf on your bed if you don't want to be flattened.

In Room X is Y. (Go to the first post, Alll ponies are in that, that I remembered :ajshifty:)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 27, 21:21:05
Joy was just about to head up to his bed when he heard Game's whines. He stopped and approached the wolf, giving it a little rub. "Hey, you're that wolf who got stuck in the door today. Don't you have anywhere to sleep?" He asked, curious. He didn't see a doghouse when he was outside or when the door was knocked down, but then again, he doubted that if the wolf got into a doghouse he'd be able to get out of one.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 27, 21:26:24
*Sugar now knows that she has her own room and decides to make some sweet tea and enjoy a good book for now*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 21:40:49
Game looked up at the pony who had came, he had a place to sleep in the kitchen but he'd much rather be upstairs with the ponies.

Putting on his best puppy eyes the wolf attempted to win over the pony, his pudgy and fuzzy appearance helping him look even more adorable.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 27, 21:46:07
Something in those, admittedly adorable, eyes clued Joy in to exactly what Game wanted, and he felt like he was going to have a reason to be tired very, very soon. "You want to go upstairs, with us, all the way up four floors, don't you?" Reluctantly, Joy asked Game what he wanted to do, already knowing what his answer was going to be. He had already resigned himself to his fate, mentally preparing himself for the trek.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 21:48:07
Game nodded adorably and slowly struggled up from his indent on the couch to let the pony carry him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 27, 22:13:12
*Sugar decides that its time to sleep already since she is very tired and wants sleep**Sugar then sleeps on a comfy bed :3*

Sugar will kindly accept any request on sharing her room with whoever needs a room cause she is nice to do it  :P
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 27, 22:23:40
"Alright," Joy sighed. He felt that his preparations wouldn't quite be enough, but he couldn't exactly say no to the creature. That had to be bad luck, or something. He took a moment to collect himself, before tackling the issue at hand. He used both magic and his own strength to life Gamepaw, even then still struggling with holding him up. "This is going to, going to be a hard climb," he gasped out through his teeth. "Anyone wanna help me out?" he called to any of the ponies still in the room, desperately needing the help. He hoped he would be able to make it up on his own if no one responded.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 28, 00:09:38
After a grand tour around the house with the great help of the wonderous Fake Smile, he now knows how NOT to get lost in the house. As much as he would have love to stay put to the second floor like gum on a hoof, the time has come to go to his special place... Meemee-Landia. Yea... that is what he calls it. I would have suggested to keep it to the chat room.

He comes up to Fake feeling much more comfortable at the new home.
I really thank you for everything. Guess we all got to be going to sleep then. It was great to see the entire house.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 28, 01:30:32
maple cleans up the dishes and heads upstairs to his room"man the time goes by so fast"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 28, 05:50:21
*Marble brushes her hair and falls asleep*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 28, 10:22:58
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 27, 20:55:16
( @Chromastone64 Would help if you could add some sort of visual aid, if not a picture a visual description. Colours ect.)

(TIME SKIP! It is now night time or bed time, ponies will now be heading into bed or into a wash before sleep.

Remember the rooms, if you do not have your own room, just double with someone until it becomes official.

Females on the 3rd floor. Males on the 4th.

Also there are a communal bath like room on each floor as well as a more private separate bathroom area next to it.)

Game slowly stretched out on the couch and stared at the empty plate now on the table. The pudgy wolf must have fell asleep on the couch after the hard day of cat flap.

Looking around he noticed some ponies getting up and leaving. Not one for being left alone the waddling wolf let out a whine hoping one of the multiple ponies will stay with him or take him with them.

(I did put one, it's in the bio.)
Pat finally finished moving the last of his boxes inside, noticing everypony was going to sleep.
"Ah, well. No room yet, but I can use this time to set up. Or, should I ask to share?...Where's that pony who helped me earlier?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 28, 10:27:29
*Marble wakes up*
Marble : Darn it..i can't sleep...dang it's hot out of here kinda...*she turns her hoof into a paper propeller and it starts spinning*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 28, 14:18:06
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 28, 00:09:38
After a grand tour around the house with the great help of the wonderous Fake Smile, he now knows how NOT to get lost in the house. As much as he would have love to stay put to the second floor like gum on a hoof, the time has come to go to his special place... Meemee-Landia. Yea... that is what he calls it. I would have suggested to keep it to the chat room.

He comes up to Fake feeling much more comfortable at the new home.
I really thank you for everything. Guess we all got to be going to sleep then. It was great to see the entire house.

A large smile was on Smile's face as the tour came to the end. Regardless how long they had to wonder around the manor, cause she somehow managed to get lost, she still enjoyed being a tour guide for the day. She was also glad to see that Peace appreciated her help and was patient with her. But as one job ends another one starts. The mare would have to set out for the night and door her night gig around town. She usually would leave without warning, since no one ever lived with her, but that might not pass with these folks. Better to let them know she'll be out for the night with a big smile she chimed,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: No problem!~ It was a lot of fun bein' your tour guide! . . . Even though I got lost, Ha Ha Ha! Well, you best be off to bed. Im'ma leave for work soon. . .  If its not too much trouble, can you unlock to door for me later? I should be home 'round two in the mornin'.[/color]
The mare could help but let out a few giggles as she spoke. She loved entertaining the night owls of Equestria and she always made better tips at night. The town at night was the place to be and she wouldn't miss it for the world. . . Unless it meant being locked put of her new home. As much as she loves burning the night oil, she would like to end her job on a cozy bed rather than the grassy yard. So with big eyes and a bigger smile, the mare hoped the stallion would agree to help her.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 28, 14:54:51
Frigid woke up and shook his head when he realized that he just passed out in the kitchen.  He looked at the time on the microwave and the window to see that it was obviously night time. Though he doubted that any rooms would've been open to him by now and he'd have to share one with another pone. Still, he was unable to sleep so, the unicorn moved directly to the stairs going up to the 4th floor and going to a balcony to sit down at and think.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 28, 15:13:09
Pat saw the pony pass by from the kitchein, before opening one of the smaller boxes.
"All of the essentials...clock, Bits, personal belongings...ha ha, and now, to set up shop. I may as well plan a breakfast for tomorrow for the houseguests."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 28, 15:26:49
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 28, 19:09:56
Peacekeeper became a bit hesitant of a task of waking up very early to open the door. However he felt it would be a disrespect for himself to not do the task. Being a very nice pony, he only pauses for about 2 seconds, rubbing the back of his head with his right front hoof and responds.

Well... that means I will need toset my clock a bit early to do so. Eh-alright then. I'll be up to open the door for you. I must get going now then. Goodnight ma'am.

Giving a final wave and smile he leaves Fake's room and makes his way upstairs to the 4th floor, the Stallion Floor. He finds his door and opens it where he now gathers some of his personal belongings to prepare himself to sleep. He looks out the window seeing a great view from a great height he hasn't seen since he had a class on the 4th floor.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 28, 20:19:00
getting into bed maple was happy that everyone has liked his sandwich and salad "good start to the day"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 28, 21:25:28
*Sugar wakes up because she had a nightmare and sees it still midnight and decides to read a book and calm down from the nightmare and see if she can sleep again*

*will kindly accept any request on sharing her room with whoever needs a room cause she is nice to do it *
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 28, 21:40:35
*Don't know where I can stay room-wise, or how to enter, but here's the information.

Name: Raven Star
Gender: Stallion
Race: Batpony-Unicorn
Look/Visual Description: Look at my profile picture.
Personality/Attitude: Raven Star is an introvert of extroverted qualities. He stays in his mind a lot, thinking to himself a lot, and always battling an internal struggle due to a lot of his past. Despite the introverted nature, he fears the state of being truly alone, always trying to reaffirm that there are people who care about him, and that don't want him gone. He will also protect, no matter what, those who he loves and cares about. Overall, he generally is a gentlestallion, who tries his hardest to do right, but will argue and fight for what he believes in, regardless of how detrimental it might be.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 28, 21:54:28
(( My OC is headin' downstairs so you can have him knock on the door. ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 28, 21:57:55
*Alright. It'll be a little bit, currently a bit busy. I'll edit this post when I get the chance.
**It'll end up being tomorrow.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 28, 22:12:21
*Sugar stops reading a book and decides to make some sweet tea before heading to bed*
*Sugar pours the sweet tea into a cup and delightfully drinks it,then heads to her bed and sleeps*

(Sugar will kindly accept any request on sharing her room with whoever needs a room cause she is nice to do it :P)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Aeterna Sol on 2016 Mar 29, 01:21:58
Blaze finally wakes up again... At midnight. She lets out a yawn. "Oh great, it's night. I believe there are some rooms, but they might be taken now. Still, it couldn't hurt to check." She teleports to the third floor quietly, and uses her magic sensing to see which rooms are available. Room 4 was the only empty one. "Well, looks like this one's mine." She opens the door and goes inside, remembering to close it behind her. She teleports her bags into the room and unpacks them. Instead of simply putting the keychain somewhere, though, she tossed it upward, and it created a giant key. Blaze stopped to admire it. "I still love this thing. It just looks so cool, and is so useful." She left the key next to her bed, and finished putting away her belongings. Once that was done, she got into bed, and went to sleep. Well, she tried to.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 01:43:04
Marble : uh...is it morning already?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 29, 02:37:30
Peacekeeper takes out his own toothbrush and exits the door. He leaves it slightly open so he can enter easier. Well surely life is easier without turning the knob, ain't it?

Peacekeeper: Definitely. My old bedroom's doorknob was just there for grip. You can just push it open.

Right. Don't think you will be doing the same for this home.

Peacekeeper: I know. X3 This ain't my house.

Let's continue on. Peace makes his way crossing the hallway. He decides to head to the public bathroom to wash up his face and brush his teeth.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 03:26:28
*Marble makes her bed and leaves downstairs to the kitchen and starts making coffee *
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 06:53:15
*Now I have a chance to do this.

A black and grey stallions trots up to the front(?) door of a large house of which he'd been directed to go to, looking in amazement at the size, for he isn't accustomed to large buildings, given his usual places of residence.

Recovering from his amazement long enough to focus on the task, he knocks on the door, hoping one would hear its thud, and allow him refuge from the outside.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 07:36:56
*Marbles ears flicker as she heards the doorknock and goes to open the door*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 29, 08:01:13
(Hey, guys, sorry I've been missing for a while, but I wasn't sure where to go or what to do.  X3 )

After taking a shower and brewing herself a warm cup of tea to wake up, Scarlet wandered a little in the house, waving at the ponies she met and eyeing a near calendar: she still had two days of freedom before having to open her library again, so she may as well pick her time having a little fun.
She was heading for the entertainment room to see if there were any interesting videogames, when she heard somepony knocking on the door and, taking a peek down the stairs, saw Marble going to open the door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 08:02:48
*Marble opens the door for the Stallion*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 29, 09:00:41
Pat had opened quite a few of the other crates now; all filled with different confectionary and baking ingrediants. He'd organised them neatly, before placing his mixing bowl on the side.
"There. All ready for the morning. Pancakes should be a pleasent suprise."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 29, 09:37:42
Frigid, still at the balcony woke up.
"That was fast..."
Though this would normally be the time that breakfast would be made by now. SO he opened the door to move through the halls and down the stairs to the kitchen.

Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 29, 09:50:28
(Isn't it still midnight?)
Hearing the knock, Pat turns and opens the door slightly.
"Yes? And before you say anything, NO, I'm not a thief. I'm a new resident."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 29, 09:53:07
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 01:43:04
Marble : uh...is it morning already?
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 29, 02:37:30
Peacekeeper takes out his own toothbrush and exits the door. He leaves it slightly open so he can enter easier. Well surely life is easier without turning the knob, ain't it?

Peacekeeper: Definitely. My old bedroom's doorknob was just there for grip. You can just push it open.

Right. Don't think you will be doing the same for this home.

Peacekeeper: I know. X3 This ain't my house.

Let's continue on. Peace makes his way crossing the hallway. He decides to head to the public bathroom to wash up his face and brush his teeth.
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 29, 08:01:13
(Hey, guys, sorry I've been missing for a while, but I wasn't sure where to go or what to do.  X3 )

After taking a shower and brewing herself a warm cup of tea to wake up, Scarlet wandered a little in the house, waving at the ponies she met and eyeing a near calendar: she still had two days of freedom before having to open her library again, so she may as well pick her time having a little fun.
She was heading for the entertainment room to see if there were any interesting videogames, when she heard somepony knocking on the door and, taking a peek down the stairs, saw Marble going to open the door.

/// OI!....I just went with it... >.<

"I...I am new resident too..."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 29, 09:59:45
(It is still nightime yes. When everyone is upstairs and sleep. I`ll fast forward again. I`m still waiting for @PlatinumJoystick to get me to the 4th floor.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 10:11:29
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 08:02:48
*Marble opens the door for the Stallion*

"Good evening my fair mare, I was directed to come to this house, would you perhaps know why?" He inquires.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 10:30:33
Marble : sure..come on let me show you your room
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 10:46:22
*Alrighty then, that was easy.

"Very well, your help is appreciated," Raven responds. "My name is Raven, by the way, pleasure to meet you, miss.." He says with a leading implied question as to her name.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 29, 10:53:31
Smile calmly waved at Peace as he left her room. A large smile was on her face knowing that she made two friends today and one was willing to help her out. She happily closed the door behind Peace as he ventured off to the fourth floor. For a bit, she stood in front of the door with the smile plastered on her face. Her gaze fell onto the window as she watched the moon shined through her blinds. The smile soon turned into a cat smile as she tried to control herself. With the moon's light shinning down upon Equestria it could only mean one thing. . . .


As the mare let out her joyful squeal, she jumped into the air. As she twirled around her, neon green and hot pink specks of magic surrounded her. After a long day, the mare was glad she could use her magic again. The mare quickly turned her excited eyes toward her jester costume. She motioned for the costume to come her way as she let out a few giggles. Colourful magic surrounded the jester costume as it sprung to life. The costume happily galloped toward the mare. The two took each others hooves and began to spin around. As her giggles continued to fill the room, more magic dust surrounded the spinning top of energy. The longer the mare spun with her costume, the wider her smile grew. As the spinning top started to loose momentum, the jester costume slowly started to attach itself to the mare's body. With one last twirl, Smile stood in the middle of the room with her uniform on and a big smile. The mare could barely contain her excitement as she began to pack up some props she would need for tonight's show. She didn't plan on doing anything showy today, so a few juggling pins and a balancing ball should be enough. As the mare began to blow up the ball, something caught the corner of her eye. When she turned to look at it, it turned out to be her frog trying to get her attention. The mare let out a little gasp, she almost forgot to feed him. Smile let go of the ball, and quickly headed toward her frog. She smiled down at the big guy as she started to feed him some crickets.
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Don't stay up too late, okay? I don't want the others to complain bout your late night croakin'. Try to be good while I'm gone and stay in this room! [/color]
The mare planted a kiss on the frogs head before returning to her work. Once everything was packed and ready to go, the mare blew one last kiss to her pet before dashing out the room.

Making her way down to the first floor, the mare slid down the railing of the staircase. A large smile was on her face as she planned the entertainment for tonight; nothing too showy but good enough to get tips. Once the first floor came into sight, the mare prepared herself for the best and worse outcome of this. Lucky for her, when she ran out of rail to slide on she simply didn't fly too far. She landed gracefully on her hooves and began to make her way toward the door. To her surprise, there were two ponies already there. It appeared one was Marble and the other was new resident to the manor. As much as she wanted to greet the stallion, she had business to attend to. The mare gave the bat stallion an energetic wave before she exited the manor. With a bag full of fun and a smile upon herself, the mare ventured off toward the town to enjoy the night life.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 10:55:50
Marble : my name is Marble *she Smiles while holding the cup of coffee with her hoof shaped into pincer*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 29, 12:04:44
After seeing a new stallion entering and almost being ran over by Fake Smile, Scarlet decided to wait for Marble and the new guy to come up the stairs.

- Hey, Marble! Hi, new guy!  ^-^
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 12:27:14
Marble : hey Scarlet..i can't believe you fell asleep yesterday...when you asked me if we could go somewhere anyway wanna go somewhere?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 12:45:45
"A wonderful name," He replies, before they encountered Scarlet. Upon being greeted, he smiles, and responds: "Greetings to you as well. My name is Raven, how about yourself?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 13:01:04
Marble : so yea..it happens
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 29, 13:04:05
((I was waiting for anyone's help, but that time has passed.))

Joystick, unaided, had struggled very hard in order to bring Game up to the fourth room and, surprisingly, he had succeeded with the task, bringing Game into his room and sitting him down on an empty bed. He had breathed out a cry of relief and sat himself down next to the wolf, petting it.

"There you go, now you're up. I think that took a bit out of me. Might go on to sleep." He stood up and moved his stuff from his bed to the floor, and laid down. A small part of him refused to go to sleep until Game did, however. He needed to make sure that he wouldn't be crushed in the middle of the night if Game decided he'd rather sleep in Joy's bed, with Joy. He did eventually doze off, regardless.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 29, 13:41:03
(Clearly my house guests are not the most useful of ponies when it comes to heavy lifting. :3)

Game having been carried up through the house had been settled on a bed, looking towards the visiblly exhausted pone, he felt it would be rude to get the pony to put him in their bed.

Moving around on the bed caused a lot of creaking but the wolf finally found a opening and grabbed a pillow, retreating under the blanket with pillow in tow.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 29, 13:44:04
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 12:27:14
Marble : hey Scarlet..i can't believe you fell asleep yesterday...when you asked me if we could go somewhere anyway wanna go somewhere?

- Yeah, I'm sorry, Marble, I guess I was more tired than I thought. But yeah, I'd love to.

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 12:45:45
"A wonderful name," He replies, before they encountered Scarlet. Upon being greeted, he smiles, and responds: "Greetings to you as well. My name is Raven, how about yourself?"

- Hi, Raven, I'm Scarlet Ink, but please, call me just Scarlet. - she said, offering her hoof.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 13:45:03
Marble : great...! i.ll meet you at the pool..*She heads to the pool*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 13:47:22
Raven accepts her hoof, shaking it, commenting "A lovely name for a lovely mare," to be polite, stopping the hoofshake after a time, to not exaggerate it, asking "So I was informed that I'd be staying here for a time, I assume you're another one of those that were?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 29, 13:51:58
- I'll come with you as soon as possible! - Scarlet called after Mable, before turning towards Raven, blushing a little from the compliment.

- W-well, yes, I'm still exploring around, trying to get comfortable. The male rooms are up the stairs, I think fourth floor, if you want to settle down your things. The room are still mostly empty, so you got choice.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 29, 14:08:33
*Marble Lays on the pool chair and waits for scarlet*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 29, 15:09:07
Quote from: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 29, 09:53:07

/// OI!....I just went with it... >.<

"I...I am new resident too..."

"Ah, very well, then. How may I help you?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 15:32:36
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 29, 13:51:58
- I'll come with you as soon as possible! - Scarlet called after Mable, before turning towards Raven, blushing a little from the compliment.

- W-well, yes, I'm still exploring around, trying to get comfortable. The male rooms are up the stairs, I think fourth floor, if you want to settle down your things. The room are still mostly empty, so you got choice.

"Appreciations for the information. I'll probably look around some more first though. You should probably head out with your friend, she seems to be an impatient one," Raven replies.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Mar 29, 15:57:32
Blueberry exited from the bathroom of the fourth floor. Having washed up he prepared to make his way to his new room. It had taken him a while earlier but he'd managed to eventually find out which room he was staying in and had taken up all his bags, albeit left them still full in the corner of his room.

Walking across the hallway to his room, Blueberry noticed the white body of Joystick and the fluffy waddle of Gamepaw going into room four, just opposite his own room of three.

"Poor, Joy." Blueberry had, had a run in with the wolf earlier and experienced first hand the difficulties of moving the canine from place to place. He was surprised that the wolf didn't have an area of his own to go to, it seemed likely that "Gamepaw duty" may be something that would have to be thought on.

Making his way to his own room, Blueberry thought to himself about the coming day, it would be his first actual day at this house and if what had happened so far was anything to go by, he'd better be prepared.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 29, 16:41:43
"I...just hungry..."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 29, 17:34:48
After a final washing and brushing of teeth, he finally exits the public bathroom. He walks down the hallway seeing a door open. As he walks by he tries peeking inside seeing a white and blue stallion with a fluffy wolf. He was astonished by the wolf's size. Perhaps that is something common for domestic wolves. He continues his way back to his room and makes a push. He doesn't bother closing it and undresses his shirt off and places his toothbrush in a drawer. He returns again to unpack his personals and sorting where to place his stuff. Though could be short seeing he really doesn't pack as much. Might as well be a suburban Baloo and go for the bare necessities. Bet that song will hit your head by now.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 29, 17:39:19
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 15:32:36
"Appreciations for the information. I'll probably look around some more first though. You should probably head out with your friend, she seems to be an impatient one," Raven replies.

- I'll go immediately. You're welcome to join us later, if you want. - Scarlet said, smiling at the new, gentle stallion, before looking at the way between her and the pool.
Then, she started running and, when near the pool, she jumped with a victorious...

- Cowabungaaaaa!

(Aaaand that's the undying TMNT fan inside of me!  :D )
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 29, 17:40:25
Chuckling at this, Raven looks around, picks a random direction, and trots in it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 29, 17:51:15
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 29, 09:59:45
(It is still nightime yes. When everyone is upstairs and sleep. I`ll fast forward again. I`m still waiting for PlatinumJoystick to get me to the 4th floor.)

(( Just a reminder that its bed time. cc: ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 29, 17:55:27
(Yep everypone should be sleeps. Will fast forward again to morning once everypone is settled someplace.)

Game snuggled the pillow in his sleep, unable to curl around it, it was simply just grabbing it with his paws and nuzzling it.

Letting out little noises every now and again, it was clear that the wolf was dreaming about something. Most likely food.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 00:53:18
Marble : great...i should remember this...never trust Scarlet...ever...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 30, 02:49:58
*-Seems everyone gonna sleep till dawn. I pretty much gotta wake up at 2 AM to help open the door lol . Hopefully this isn't too big of a hiccup x3

*-Also looks like some stallions are gonna need to double up. I feel I might get a roomate :3


Peacekeeper now feels ready to sleep. He gets to the door to close it, but leaves it unlocked. Perhaps he can trust these ponies... or probably just lazy again.

Peacekeeper: Yea... probably lazy.

Right... so he now gets out his watch and sets his timer to 1:50 A.M. and begins to slip into his bed. With a stretch of his body and wings, he lays down and covers himself in the blanket. He turns off the light, which thank goodness the house has modern electricity instead of candle light. Poor Keeper would have to play with fire if it were so. Could be worse he could have had no bed and be a cavepony. So now with lights off and window slightly open for outdoor air, he now closes his eyes to sleep whatever time he had before waking up to get the front door.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 30, 03:03:29
(( I could double up ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 03:30:38
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 00:53:18
Marble : great...i should remember this...never trust Scarlet...ever...

- Just for a little "Cowabunga"? - Scarlet pouted, swimming toward Marble.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 04:02:41
Marble : hey there...Scarlet..how is the water?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 04:04:58
- Oh, it's perfect. - Scarlet replied, turning to do dorsal. - At night it gets warmer, you should come in.  ^-^
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 04:07:57
Marble : not a bad idea..*She puts down her sunglasses and jumps in the water next to scarlet*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 04:26:02
- Well, how is it?

Scarlet glanced at the sunglasses, wondering why Marble wears it at night-time.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 04:27:36
Marble : oh it's good i like it...*She turns her hoof into a propeller and the water starts to spin*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 04:33:21
- Wow, I think I'll get a while to get used to this.  X3
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 04:37:37
Marble : why..? it's normal for me honestly... besides it helps me swim
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 04:55:14
- It's a pretty useful magic.

Scarlet dove in, then emerged again, shaking her mane.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 04:57:38
Marble : i like your mane though...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 06:57:40
- Thank you, but you should Fake Smile's: hers is much more colorful. - Scarlet replied, getting out of water and shaking herself dry.

- Well, it's getting pretty late, better if we head to bed. See you tomorrow, Marble.

Waving at her, Scarlet retreated in her room.

(Misty, everyone is fast-forwarding to the day after, keep up!  ^-^ )
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 30, 08:37:59
(Going to do the fast forward after Fake Smiles returns to the house at 2am. Suggest anyone who isn't in a room finds one and goes to sleep.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 30, 08:43:13
(( That was gonna be off screen stuff, you can fast forward. ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 30, 08:47:43
// yeaaah.... Ill be sleeping out of the room for that moment
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 30, 08:57:25
((I still don't have a room, I'll improvise.))

Growing tired after a bit, Raven finds a couch of sorts inside one of the rooms(not familiar yet with the house), and falls asleep.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 30, 09:09:14
(I`m going to FAST FORWARD it then. It's now morning and ponies are getting up having breakfast, getting washed ect.)

Game stretched under the blanket, the pillow having escaped during the wolf's movements. Stuck on his back, if you looked over you'd just see something that looked like a yoga ball under the blanket.

Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 30, 09:49:29
Quote from: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 29, 16:41:43
"I...just hungry..."

"Ah! Well, just wait for a second, then."
He quickly spins around, using magic to levitate all the ingrediants needed for pancakes to him, before beginning his work.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 10:03:09
*Marble makes coffee*
Marble : i wonder where Scarlet is
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 10:09:30
Scarlet stretched out of her blanket, waking up from the light entering her window. In the end, the night before she had stayed up one more hour to read another chapter of "Pride and Prejudice".

- Scarlet, you need to get a better schedule. - she mumbled to herself, yawning and going to wash her face, before wandering out of her room still in her cow spotted pajama: she forgot she moved, in a house full of other ponies.  :facehoof:
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 30, 10:12:50
With it now being morning, Pat had made nearly enough pancakes for a feast. He figured with so many ponies living in one house, he'd need a lot. And when it came to baking, sleep was an afterthought.
"Annd, done. Now, to give everypony the hint..."
Pat opened the kitchien door a little, letting the pancake smell waft out.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 30, 10:15:27
Flame woke up in her bed after meeting someponies yesterday and disappearing for a bit. Being a bit out of it she walked to the bathrooms to help herself wake up faster.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 10:21:14
Scarlet kept walking groggily towards the kitchen, but, since she used to live in an apartment and still wasn't completely awake, missed the first step on the stairs and slipped, arriving on the second floor slipping on her belly.

- Owowow...!
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 10:27:30
*Marble approaches Scarlet and helps her up*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 30, 10:27:36
(I'm a complete idiot, didn't see the bio thing at the start. I know it's a bit late, but I'll put it anyway)
Spoiler: show

Name: Pastissier Nonpareil
Gender: Male
Race: Unicorn
Look/Visual Description: A white stallion with a faded green mint mane. Often has an apron on.
Personality/Attitude: A little prideful and arrogant, but can be nice at points.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 10:35:43
((so baically R63 Minty Root ? http://pre14.deviantart.net/9a1e/th/pre/f/2014/307/c/6/minty_root__rev_4_by_mintyroot-d8571yj.png ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 10:39:34
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 10:27:30
*Marble approaches Scarlet and helps her up*

- Ouch, thank you, Marble. - Scarlet thanked her, grateful that she was an Earth Pony and therefore resistant as one. - I forgot about the stairs...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 10:41:08
Marble : anyway...i made you coffee
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 10:51:01
- Aww, thank you, you didn't have to...

Scarlet then noticed a little thing: she was still in her cow spotted pajama. In a house full of ponies that, as welcoming as they were, were still strangers. In front of one of said ponies.

- I'm going to change, first, sorry! - she said, rushing to her room, limping a little and blushing from embarassment.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 30, 12:21:31
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 10:35:43
((so baically R63 Minty Root ? http://pre14.deviantart.net/9a1e/th/pre/f/2014/307/c/6/minty_root__rev_4_by_mintyroot-d8571yj.png ))

(Nah, hair's faded on Pat. Looks more like ice cream)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 30, 12:30:16
Marble : hehe...i like her she is funny...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 30, 12:56:37
3:04 a.m.

As Peace was questioning if Smile was still alive, a machine gun of knocks began banging on the door. The stallion was suffering much of the fright, but had to open the door before she punched a hole through it. With the speed of a liger, Peace quickly opened the door for energetic mare. Behind the door reveled a mare with a smile as bright as the moon. Despite how late it was, Smile was vibrating with energy. As soon as her gaze fell on the stallion, he was hit by a wave of sentences. She began to exclaim how successful the night was and how much money she made and all the tricks she did and all the ponies she met. As she rambled on, Peace struggled to keep his eyes open and desperately wanted some sleep. So as she talked about the night life, the stallion led the mare to her room. Once there, the stallion stood for another good ten minutes because she wanted to show off the loot she got the night. While the mare finally took a deep breath, the stallion took the chance to wish the mare a good night and escaped to his room. As the stallion collapse on his bed, the mare continued to do quiet activities till she burned off the rest of her energy.


[Center][I]Mornin' [/I][/center]

Soft croaks could be heard outside Smile's room. It was her pet frog who was trying to get his owners attention. It was that time again to be feed, and he also didn't like being in his tank for too long. Too bad for the frog, Smile is a heavy sleeper. It wasn't till the sunrise the mare finally ran out of energy and collapse from exhaustion. The mare valued her sleep more than most ponies life, so to protect the innocent she locked her door before going to bed. Now she remains hidden away from the world under a fort of pillows and blankets. And she will remain there for a while; hopefully no one will wake her.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 14:35:34
After combing her mane, cleaning her glasses and wearing her clothes, Scarlet walked out of her room and, before heading down the stairs, heard a frog croak.
Curious, she followed the sound to Fake Smile's door:  it seems to come from inside.

- Smile? - she called, knocking softly.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 30, 15:30:20
As morning dawns upon the house, Raven wakes up from the couch of his resting, to a smell of pancakes drifting through the air. Hunger coming to him at the smell, Raven heads towards the origin, a kitchen, his traveling bag in tow, shortly finding it and walking in, saying in greeting: "Good morning, I came at the smell of pancakes."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Mar 30, 15:42:52
Pat turned to the new entrant.
"Ah, hello. I am a new resident here. Considering I had no room, I spent the best part of the night preparing everybody breakfast. I can guarentee you, these will be the best pancakes you've ever tasted."
Using magic, Pat floats a plate of delicious-looking pancakes over to Raven with a smile.
"There are sauces and other condiments arranged around if you so desire. Enjoy."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 30, 15:51:05
"Appreciations," Raven says, nodding in curtesy. "I don't have a room either, so we're in the same boat," He continues, pouring syrup over the pancakes.

*Making me more hungry xD.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 30, 15:52:38
The frog turned its body toward the door of the room. Hearing someone call out a noise that his owner responds to made him think of an idea: if he keeps making noise, the other noise might continue. The frog started to croak much louder and more frequently in hopes of waking up Smile. That won't be too easy though, Smile was deep in sleep and much like a certain monochrome villain, you gotta call her name three times before something happens.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 30, 15:59:30
(Would suggest that anyone who does not have a room does @Gamepaw in their next post while trying to find a friend or another pony to double up. Typing @Gamepaw will help it stand out for me :3)

Game sniffed the air subconsciously, still asleep and wiggling under the blanket. Smelling the freshly baked pancakes down stairs the wolf perked and groggily woke up and stared into the darkness of the blanket.

Wiggling in the spot and failing to kick off the blanket off of him the wolf then attempted to try and roll over. However, having sunk into the mattress and mixed with the wolf's lack of doing anything really, he was unable to get himself free and resulted with a muffled whine from under the blanket.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 16:00:17
- Fake Smile? Hey, Fake Smile?

Scarlet kept knocking, with more strenght upon hearing the frog croaking louder. The poor creature must be hungry.

- Rise and shine, Fake Smile!

(Tell me you were talking about Beetlejuice!  :D )
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 30, 16:12:34
(Gonna be a delivery pone, it appears no one has keys.)

"It's too hot today." A green frizzy maned zebra complained, wiping his brow and checking his list, before heading up to the door and knocking quickly and hoping that someone was home.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 30, 18:02:34
*-Dang #1) 2 pages already x3 . Dang #2) 3:10AM lol . Dang #3) Pancakes and pizza :P


Finally morning coming by with the sun shining up. It is a new day and day 1 at the new house, and Peace moves a bit in his bed seeing the light from the window. He feels ready to start the day.

Peacekeeper: ... *covers head with pillow*

I said Peace is now ready to start the day.

Peacekeeper: *grunt*

Uppies now. Come on up you wittle stallion.

Peacekeeper: *grunts*

Everyone is up. Can't be a lazy horse

Peacekeeper: *in a low and muddy voice* I had to get up early to open the door for Smiles. Only got like 5 hours.

You could have slept earlier instead of staying up past 1 AM.

Peacekeeper: ...

They got pancakes and pizza is coming.

Peacekeeper: Mmm. *signs* Alright I get up.

Just pertend you didn't know about the pancakes and pizza. Make yourself surprised. Now... let's return to 3rd person narration. Peacekeeper gets up and pulls his sheet up. He gets his shirt and slips it on. Checking everything else he makes his way down to the first floor and to the kitchen. Already he can smell the pancakes from the hallway as he approaches. Sure enough a good amount of ponies are at the kitchen getting food. A crowd similar to that of Golden Corral in prime time. He looks around to grab a plate. He finds a rather plain plate and serves himself 3 stacks of 'cakes. He looks at the pancakes with a smile and looks around to see who cooked the pancakes. He tries to find a spot on the table at the dining hall and sits. He returns back to also try to find some milk. While in the kitchen he hears a door knock. He makes his way to the front door peeking out to see who it was. He opens the door.

Peacekeeper: Hello?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 30, 18:06:55
"Taking a while..." The zebra complained before looking at the pony opening the door. "You've got a delivery. If you'll please sign here." The zebra stated monotonously, having said the exact same line hundreds if not thousands of times before. "S, bring it in." He called as he showed Peace the signage papers.

Meanwhile at the wagon a beefy "Yeah!" Could be heard.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 30, 18:41:49
Peacekeeper: Oh! Uh sure thing sir.

He takes a pen by the mouth and moving his head he writes his signature. He finishes and gives the pen back.

Peacekeeper: There you are, sir.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 30, 18:59:05
"Bring it in, S." The Zebra stated, as he stood aside as a hulking white Pegasus walked in caring a huge box. Putting the parcel down and removing all the wrapping from it, revealing a large wooden piece of a furniture.

The piece of furniture looked like it was made of dark oak and consisted of a base with 4 drawers, 2 large and 2 small on top of the drawers was a large board consisting of numerous hooks each with a set of 4 keys on them, all with little name tags, numbers and picture frames. There was one for each bedroom as well as other keys for things like the cupboards, theater and the shed in the back yard.

In the top drawer was a bunch of house keys, all for those who lived here. A post-it note was attached, no doubt explaining all this.

"Thank you. Have a good day." The zebra stated before disappearing with his muscly friend.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Mar 30, 19:36:43
Peacekeeper: Thank you sir, and have a good day.

Peace closes the door and looks to the furniture. He opens his eyes wide at how nice the furniture looks. He also notices there were keys. He also spots some note and picks up the note. He decides to walk to the dining room while reading the note. He then looks up to ask.

Peacekeeper: Um... there is some furniter that came in. Not sure who ordered it but probably for all of us?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 30, 19:52:09
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: SandFire on 2016 Mar 30, 21:33:57
After a bit getting up Flame walks out of the bathroom to see a pony knocking on the door and saying fake smile over and over again. Flame not sure what to do just watched her.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 30, 21:42:30
*Sugar wakes up and sees that its morning,she decides to go the bathroom to takes a shower to freshen her up*
*After drying herself with a towel,she nibbles two sugar cookies and drinks a cup of warm tea*
*Sugar wonders what the others pones are doing,so she decides to brush her sugary mane and walks out of her room and goes downstairs to the living room and see if there other pones are there as well*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Mar 30, 23:18:15
*I'm making an assumption of the delivery here.

After eating and hearing some noises from another room, Raven says a thanks to the chef, and trots in the direction of the noises, where he finds ponies of whom he has had no prior acquaintance with. Deciding it best to not draw attention, he remains silent, looking on.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Mar 31, 02:05:47
maple sadly is sleeping still nothing has seamed to wake him up mabye some pony should give him a helping hoof
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Aeterna Sol on 2016 Mar 31, 02:39:12
Blaze finally wakes up, realizing she still hasn't socialized at all yet. She immediately teleports out of the room, the key from last night disappearing, and heads down to the first floor. Once there, she could smell pancakes, which was an old favorite of hers. She trots up to the other ponies that were eating. "May I have a stack of three pancakes? I miss eating those."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 31, 02:46:23
*Marble stars making waffles*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 07:10:21
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 30, 16:00:17
- Fake Smile? Hey, Fake Smile?

Scarlet kept knocking, with more strenght upon hearing the frog croaking louder. The poor creature must be hungry.

- Rise and shine, Fake Smile!

(Tell me you were talking about Beetlejuice!  :D )

(( The one and only, LoL. ))

For a moment, Smile didn't budge from her blanket cave. Between the mare's voice and the frog croaking, Smile was force out of her dream state. And irritated look formed across the mare's face as she tried to block out the noise. But it was too late, she was already wide awake. . . So she might as well feed her pet. Smile literally rolled out of bed and landed on the ground with a soft thud. She remained on the floor a good bit, debating if she still had time to good back to sleep; but she knew it was too late to back out now. With a blanket as her shield from the morning rays, the mare inched her way toward her pet. Her body felt like a brick as she slowly rose from the ground. The irritated expression was still locked on her face as she threw a few crickets into the tank. The mare let out a sigh of relief as the frog accepted the food in exchange for silence. One noise down, one more to go.

Smile's gaze locked on the closed door as she figured how to go about answering it. She was a bit annoyed that she was disturbed from her sleep, since she got back from work not too long ago. But Peace was the only pony aware she was leaving, so in the end it was her fault. A sigh filled the room as she sluggishly made her way toward the door. A long the way, she dropped the blanket in order to not look like a sleepy bum. A another sigh escaped her frown as she stood in front of the door. She slowly unlocked it and peaked her head outside to see who it was. Seeing that it was a mare, she opened the door wider. Smile was wearing a baggy white T-shirt and had her mane pulled back into a braid. It was obvious she was exhausted, and she wasn't even trying to hide it. As she tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes she yawned,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Mornin' . . . . . Green eyes. Is there, uh, anythin' I can do for you?[/color]
The dazed mare used the frame of the door to support her sleepy head. She was so tired she had no idea who Scarlet was. But all she cared about was going back to sleep.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 07:23:19
- Oh, I'm sorry, Smiley, I just...

Seeing Fake Smile obviously exhausted, Scarlet felt sorry for disturbing her.

- I just... Heard your frog croaking very loud and I got worried.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 08:42:27
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Nah, he is a bit dramatic; all he wanted was to be feed.[/color]
The mare replied as she rested her eyes for a bit. She wasn't surprised by Scarlet's reason, her pet can be very loud if he wants to. Smile was glad that was the reason instead of Scarlet just wanting to wake her up. As much as she wanted to jump back into bed, all the movement and talking made her wide awake. She figured since she is awake, she might as well eat too. As she let out another yawn she mumbled,
[Color=Yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Is breakfast ready yet?[/color]
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 31, 09:24:12
*Marble looks at Fake Smile*
Marble : that depends if you like waffles...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 09:38:21
(( @Misty Fly , for the love of all things good in the world. Read. Our. Post. Before. Posting. There is no way Marble should have heard what Smile just said. Marble is on the first floor. Smile is on the third floor. I don't know how to make this much clear to you. You have to read other posts before posting. I get it. I post big post. But if you want to interact with my Oc then you read my post. They don't take that long to read. And this goes with everyone you want to RP with, not just me. ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 31, 10:59:23
//if there is anything made of paper next to fake Marble would have heard it perfectly...//
*Marble finishes making the waffles and heads to the pool*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 11:06:07
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 08:42:27
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Nah, he is a bit dramatic; all he wanted was to be feed.[/color]
The mare replied as she rested her eyes for a bit. She wasn't surprised by Scarlet's reason, her pet can be very loud if he wants to. Smile was glad that was the reason instead of Scarlet just wanting to wake her up. As much as she wanted to jump back into bed, all the movement and talking made her wide awake. She figured since she is awake, she might as well eat too. As she let out another yawn she mumbled,
[Color=Yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Is breakfast ready yet?[/color]

- Well, from the kitchen it comes a really good scent, if you're up to it.  ^-^
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Mar 31, 12:42:12
As Frigid finished eating, he moved his place away and headed outside where the pool was at.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 13:16:34
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 11:06:07
- Well, from the kitchen it comes a really good scent, if you're up to it.  ^-^

Smile gave a lazy nod at Scarlet's offer. She let out another yawn and tried to rub her eyes awake. The mare didn't bother to get ready for the day, since she would go back to sleep after breakfast. So she exited from her room and closed the door behind her.
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Any plans for the day. . . Green eyes?[/color]
The mare said as she started to make her way down the hall. She was still a bit dazed by the loud awaking and couldn't figure out who the mare is. A bit of thought she remembered it was her "trampoline pal". . . Oh well, someone is bound to call her name sooner or later.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 13:21:52
- Well, not really, I was just going to get coffee with Marble. You know, the one who basically threw me in the pool yesterday.

Scarket chuckled at the memory, as well as at the repeated, she thought, nickname: Green Eyes... Pretty nice.  ^-^
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Mar 31, 13:25:49
*Marble puts her sunglasses on*
Marble : i,m glad it's not raining...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 16:52:45
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 13:21:52
- Well, not really, I was just going to get coffee with Marble. You know, the one who basically threw me in the pool yesterday.

Scarlet chuckled at the memory, as well as at the repeated, she thought, nickname: Green Eyes... Pretty nice.  ^-^

Despite how tired Smile looked, she was surprised to hear that Scarlet had no plans. Maybe she is the more spontaneous type. Either way, no plans sounded boring in her book. As she sluggishly made it down the stairs she replied,
Fake Smile: No plans? That's pretty borin'. I'm gonna be on the trampoline in a bit so you could keep me company if you have nothin' better to do.
Another yawn escaped from her tired face as the duo made it down to the first floor. Even with the smell of breakfast slapping her across the face, Smile was still slipping in and out of sleep.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 17:09:20
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 16:52:45
Despite how tired Smile looked, she was surprised to hear that Scarlet had no plans. Maybe she is the more spontaneous type. Either way, no plans sounded boring in her book. As she sluggishly made it down the stairs she replied,
Fake Smile: No plans? That's pretty borin'. I'm gonna be on the trampoline in a bit so you could keep me company if you have nothin' better to do.
Another yawn escaped from her tired face as the duo made it down to the first floor. Even with the smell of breakfast slapping her across the face, Smile was still slipping in and out of sleep.

- I think I'll take your offer, since yesterday I got catapulted away. Though... I think you're not enough conscious to jump on a trampoline, right now.

Seeing the colourful mare slugging around was a bit of a shock, after seeing her so lively just the day before. Although, Scarlet still didn't knew her, so she wasn't anypony to judge.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 31, 17:11:01
Game whined and wiggled once more, attempting to free himself from the confines of a bed, the wolf was pretty much only good at eating. Escaping from Bed Alicotraz was not something the wolf could do.

(Looks like kitty cat has been hanging around with Game too long :3.

Alicortraz = Alicorn + Alcatraz)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: PlatinumJoystick on 2016 Mar 31, 17:30:11
Joy watched the wolf for a moment, almost smiling at Game's predicament before getting up and attempting to help the wolf, removing the blankety cage that confined the animal. "Let's get you out of there, huh? I'm sure you didn't like that trap too much."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Mar 31, 17:33:28
Game wagged as he was freed, still belly up and unable to get anywhere he was happy to see light again.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 31, 19:02:43
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Mar 31, 17:09:20
- I think I'll take your offer, since yesterday I got catapulted away. Though... I think you're not enough conscious to jump on a trampoline, right now.

Seeing the colourful mare slugging around was a bit of a shock, after seeing her so lively just the day before. Although, Scarlet still didn't knew her, so she wasn't anypony to judge.

The duo made it into the kitchen and to Smile's surprise, a few others had as well. Some look ready for the day, while she looked like a hot mess; good thing she was too tired to care. The walk from the third floor from to the first floor drained her of the energy she had left, so she walked straight to a chair. As she took a spot at the table, the mare laid her head on the table. Through a yawn she replied,
Fake Smile: No worries, I'll be fine. Gonna practice in a few hours.
The mare rested flashed Scarlet a small smile before closing her eyes. They were getting a bit heavy, and maybe they will let her rest them for a few minutes.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Mar 31, 20:48:39
*Sugar sits down on a couch and wonders on what to do;she decides to read a book and wait to see if she can make something up to do*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 01, 00:29:45
*sits on the edge staring at my reflection*

"  :o ..."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 01, 00:50:21
maple finally  woke up with a start getting himself ready for what remains  of the day
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 01, 02:09:17
*Marble falls asleep next to the pool*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 03:21:44
- Strange, I thought Marble was here...

Scarlet shrugged and served herserlf some coffee and pancakes.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 01, 07:55:56
//scarlet i left a note next to the pancakes saying that i went to the pool
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 01, 08:13:24
Blueberry finally awoke from his slumber. With a yawn he opened his eyes and was instantly blinded by rays of sunshine creeping through the blinds. Twisting his head away from the window his eyes fell upon his bags, laying dejected in a corner of the room.
"Uh, I have to sort out those today."
With a sigh Blueberry got himself up and made his way out of his room.
"I'll sort them out later"

After completing his morning pony tasks in one of the bathrooms, Blueberry made his way down into the kitchen intending to make himself some breakfast and possibly investigate the dairy situation.
Fortunately, even though the stallion arrived late to breakfast it appeared some pony had made some pancakes in advance.
"Oh, well this is a nice surprise, morning ponies"
Blueberry glanced around at the ponies who were still in the kitchen and made his way to serve himself some food and caffeine.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 08:25:02
- Hi, morning! - Scarlet greeted the just arrived stallion.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 01, 08:31:36
(( That is a really nice jar Chris. Real nice.))

Fake Smile's ear twitch at the sound of a sorta familiar voice. She thought she ran into a voice like that yesterday, but she wasn't really sure. As much as she wanted to give out a hardy "Mornin' ", her head laid like a brick on the table. She figured she could rest her eyes for a few more minutes.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 01, 08:55:14
Marble : mmm....what's taking them so long
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 01, 09:05:04
As Frigid was staring at his reflection in the pool, he rose his head when he heard someone grumbling causing him to look across the pool starring at Marble.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 09:22:07
After finishing her breakfast, Scarlet cleaned her dishes and put them away.

- Smiley, I'm heading out. If anypony ssearches for me, I'm at the pool. - she announced, trotting out the room. Spotting Marble and Frigid, she approached them and put her hooves in the water.

- Morning, guys.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 01, 09:32:58
Marble : hey there Scarley...you know i was wondering...are you a good swimmer?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 09:44:15
- I took swimming lessons for two years, so, I wouldn't say I'm good at it, but yes, I can swim. Why?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 01, 09:44:56
Marble : well...do you think you could teach me i,m not very good
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 09:54:20
- Oh.

Scarlet looked surprised at Marble: a pony she just met was entrusting her to learn to swim?

- I... Of course, yes, if you want! - she replied, enthusiastic.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 01, 10:00:16
Game looked up at the pony and wiggled helplessly, trapped like a turtle on his back. Giving up on the struggle the pudgy wolf wagged and used puppy eyes on the pony hoping they'd help again.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 01, 10:21:48
"I cant swim unlike her..."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 01, 11:52:44
Marble : cool..*She jumps in the pool*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 12:13:50
- Ok!

She jumped in the pool, swimming closely to Marble and holding her hooves up.

- Now, hold on on my hooves and try to kick with your back hooves.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 01, 12:34:50
*Marble tries to paddle holding Scarlet's hooves*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 15:01:31
- Ok, you're doing ok...

Scarlet started backing up a little, pulling Marble with her.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 01, 15:35:03
stepping out of his room maple headed down getting himself  some breakfast before sitting down in front of the TV
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 01, 16:58:27
Growing bored after a time, Raven remembers one of the mares, Scarlet if he recalls correctly, informing him of a pool. He starts attempting to find the pool, and after a few, he hears noises, finding said pool in the process. In greeting, as he recognizes the two mares, he says "Good morning!"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 17:05:04
- Oh, good morning, Raven! Slept well?  ^-^
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 01, 17:12:13
(Well, tired of waiting for Platinum :3 Just gonna move myself downstairs and say Platinum did it.)

Game having been carried downstairs by Platinum, waddled freely and out into the back garden amongst the ponies enjoying the pool.

Waddling his body to the corner of the pool the wolf turned a small dial to cause bubbles in the pool and jumped in creating somewhat of a Tsunami, before he floated around to a bubble spot, using his own stomach for buoyancy.

(If you remember in either the description or the post-it notes, the pool does in fact double as a Jacuzzi/hot tub.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 17:17:19
Almost taken under by the tsunami, Scarlet managed to keep Marble afloat, before glaring half-serious and half-amused at Game.

- Good morning to you too, Wolfy. Sorry if I don't pet you, but my hooves are busy.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 01, 17:21:39
Game let out a noise of okayness to the pony and settled over the bubbles, purring as the massaged his overfed body.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 01, 17:50:44
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 01, 18:21:54
(OOC: Thank you, FakeSmile. Better burn it into your mind, I can only break the no IRL pictures rule for today :P )

Blueberry had managed to serve himself up some pancakes and a cup of coffee. He bit into the tray that held today's breakfast and made his way to the table. The mare that had greeted him had already finished up and made their own way out towards the garden, the other one seemed to have passed out.

"Rough night, huh?" The stallion muttered softly and began with his breakfast.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 01, 18:26:03
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 17:05:04
- Oh, good morning, Raven! Slept well?  ^-^

"Indeed. There was a comfortsble couch in one of the rooms, I layed to rest there. I still have no clue as to my room or the like, so I get to carry my stuff around all day," He replies, motioning to his stuff.

"No reason to complain though. Did you sleep well yourself?" He inquires.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 18:36:46
- Yeah, I slept well, thank you.

Glancing at his stuff and then at him, Scarlet couldn't shake away some worry for his back: a couch may be comfortable, but it's not a bed. And Raven carried his fair amount of luggage.

- Do you want some help settling down?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 01, 18:47:13
"I wouldn't want to impose on a mare I have only met yesterday," He replies, a bag of his falling and crashing to the ground, leading to him rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.

"But..it'd definitely be appreciated," He continues, sheepishly.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 18:55:03
- Well, I'm offering my help to a stallion I only met yesterday too, so I think we're even. - Scarlet replied, chuckling a little at his sheepish face.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 01, 19:08:24
His face flushing at that, him mentally cursing his fur color, he chuckles in kind.

"I suppose we are," He comments, smiling. He uses his magic to get the bags upright once more, taking care so that won't fall before they're moved again.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 01, 19:36:08
Getting distracted by the pleasure of the bubbles the wolf failed to notice the ponies leave the pool and leaving him alone in the pool. Only noticing as he almost rolled over in the pool and had to save himself, he wiggled around the pool doing a strange version of the doggy paddle except just a lot slower.

Getting to the side of the pool the wolf knew he couldn't get out by himself and began questioning why he even jumped in to begin with. Putting his front paws on the side of the pool the soaked wolf let out a whine and waited to be rescued.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 19:42:11
Scarlet got distracted by Game's whining.

- Oh, my, Game can't get out!

She petted his head to calm him down a little.

- Raven, can you help me to get him out?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 01, 19:46:51
"Yep, hold on there little Wolfy!" Raven states, heading over to her.

"If you stand back, I could probably levitate him out," He suggests, assessing the giant wet wolf.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 19:48:15
- Are you sure? He's a giant ball of wet fur-no offense, Game. - she immediately apologized.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 01, 19:52:22
Game let out another whine, he wouldn't call himself a giant but he was definitely a ball of a wolf. He wondered if he would get blow dried, it always felt warm and made his fur strangely soft and fluffier.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 01, 20:08:53
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 01, 19:48:15
- Are you sure? He's a giant ball of wet fur-no offense, Game. - she immediately apologized.

"I'm sure. I don't want to accidentally drop him on you though, so I don't want you to be too close," He says in response.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 01, 20:35:18
*-interesting. Nobody seemed to notice the delivery and Peace letting everyone know...

"Oh well" - Patrick Star


Peace finishes his pancakes and walks up to wash his dish. He decides to go to the second floor where he was most intrigued. He thought to find out if anything he can find to watch is worth it. He decides to go to one of the TVs and pick out a movie. He happens to find... My Little Humans!? Does a movie like that exist here? If not, lets rewrite this movie. How bout some Popeye. That seems good. He pops the disc into the player, raises the volume to a level nice enough to not make him deaf, but enough to hear it nicely. He watches as he laughs histerically.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 01, 20:37:55
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 01, 20:35:18
*-interesting. Nobody seemed to notice the delivery and Peace letting everyone know...

"Oh well" - Patrick Star

(( Ahh, sorry. Smile is pretty tired. <ww< ))

Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 01, 18:21:54
(OOC: Thank you, FakeSmile. Better burn it into your mind, I can only break the no IRL pictures rule for today :P )

Blueberry had managed to serve himself up some pancakes and a cup of coffee. He bit into the tray that held today's breakfast and made his way to the table. The mare that had greeted him had already finished up and made their own way out towards the garden, the other one seemed to have passed out.

"Rough night, huh?" The stallion muttered softly and began with his breakfast.

(( To come across a jar that nice only happens so many years. . . Been a blessin' while it lasted. LoL ))

Smile gave a sleepy nod at the sorta familiar voice. Given how messed up her internal clock is, she knew it would be impossible to fall back asleep now. With all her strength, the mare slowly lifted her head off the table. She kept her eyes close; she wasn't ready to face the morning rays. But she also didn't want to pass up an opportunity to get associated with one of the other household members. In a tired tone she mumbled,
Fake Smile: Work lasted a bit longer than it should had. . . Only got like. . . maybe five hours of sleep. . .
It was bothering her a bit that she couldn't place a face on the voice, so she decided to give the stallion a real quick look. The mare slowly opened one brown eye and examined the stallion before her. Yeah, she had no idea who he was. Which was a problem she could easily fix. As she tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes she yawned,
Fake Smile: Oh and Mornin', I hope you caught enough "Z"s last night. I'm Fake Smile by the way.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 02, 02:52:20
//okay so much has been skipped
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 08:00:19
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 02, 02:52:20
//okay so much has been skipped

*I don't see a single thing that's been skipped, we're all just going about our respective timelines.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 10:25:01
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 01, 20:08:53
"I'm sure. I don't want to accidentally drop him on you though, so I don't want you to be too close," He says in response.

- O-ok, then.

Scarlet backpedaled, pulling Marble with her to a safer, further point from Game.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 10:32:23
After ensuring she's a good distance away, Raven charges up his magic, pulling some extra energy for the task at hand, enveloping Gamepaw in a white glow, lifting him from the water. The weight of the wolf quickly starts making him sweat, and his horn to fire flecks of magic from his horn due to stress on his magic reserves. Funneling further magic through, he ends up being able to fully lift Game, and land him safely on the ground nearby the pool. After he cancels his magic, once the wolf is safe, he falls to the ground from exhaustion, his horn flickering.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 10:40:41
- Raven!  :I

After taking Marble out of water, she rushed to the stallion, kneeling near him: second day and she already managed to exhaust one of her housemates!

- Raven, are you okay?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 10:44:33
Taking a minute or so to recover and focus on the speaking mare, he slurs a bit, responding: "That wolf..really was heavy, huh?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 10:49:21
Game having landed safely, waddled over to the exhausted pony and nuzzled their side. Dripping wet and weighed down by the water absorbed by his fur. Though as he did, his stomach growled and he growled back at it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 10:51:28
- Well, I warned you about it. - Scarlet chuckled lightly, almost cooing at the scene of Game nuzzling Raven. - Doy you feel alright?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 02, 10:56:18
Marble : can the wolf swim?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 11:28:16
Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 02, 10:56:18
Marble : can the wolf swim?

*Why would that matter now..

Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 10:51:28
- Well, I warned you about it. - Scarlet chuckled lightly, almost cooing at the scene of Game nuzzling Raven. - Doy you feel alright?

Feeling the wet fur of Game nuzzling against him, chuckling a bit, before he becomes winded again, he offers "Sort of?" as he closes his eyes to try to avoid vomiting. "On..second thought..not..really," He continues, starting to pass out somewhat.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 11:48:03
maple turned on the TV and changed the channel  so that it was on the news channel "third week of these night raids by the group calling themselves the "children of the night" the news anchor finished  going on to the weather
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 02, 11:50:59
*Marble gets out of the pool and goes inside*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 14:25:25
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 11:28:16
Feeling the wet fur of Game nuzzling against him, chuckling a bit, before he becomes winded again, he offers "Sort of?" as he closes his eyes to try to avoid vomiting. "On..second thought..not..really," He continues, starting to pass out somewhat.

- Oh, no, Raven!

Alarmed, Scarlet put an hoof around his shoulders, sustaining him and dragging him toward one of the deckchair near the pool,  then laying him down as comfortably as she could.

- Maybe Game was really TOO heavy...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 14:29:41
"I'll..be fine. Saved you..from having..to..possibly hurt..yourself, so..that's..what matters," He replies, smiling, keeping focus on her as he takes deep breaths to quell the overexertion.

"I..really need to..train..my magic..more..though," He continues, chuckling.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 14:40:56
Game watched as the pony's consciousness almost failed him and waddled to the deck check and laid his head next to him, letting his tongue lay out.

Game whined sadly at the situation he had caused, maybe it'd be better if just he laid on his mattress from now on.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 14:41:41
- And you probably also need something sugary, right now.

With the quick loss of energy, Scarlet's mother had always told her that eating or drinking something sweet helped to get better.

- Stay here, I'll bring you something. - she said, turning to go inside, but stopping at the last moment.

- Do you have any allergies?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 14:50:44
"Not..to any..sort of food..or drink," He responds. "Also..you don't have..to. I..don't want..to..be a bother," He continues.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 15:02:13
(Is a bit of a 2 pone 1 woof show.)

Hearing about food the wolf's stomach growled and Game began growling back at it, instigating a growling match between the wolf's rounded middle and his chubby face.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 15:03:13
- Shush you. - Scarlet replied, putting an hoof on his mouth. - I'm offering and anypony else would do the same. You're not bothering me at all.

After saying this, Scarlet trotted inside and reached for the kitchen, thinking that she would have also had to prepare something for Game: his stomach growled like a manticore.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 16:22:03
(Reminder, if anyone doesn't have a room please tell me. There is a strangely higher number of pones in this RP. 15 to precise. Then me and X1 without rooms making it 17 :3)
Spoiler: Rooms • show

Male Room 1 = Shadow Flare
Male Room 2 = Peace Keeper, Chromastone64
Male Room 3 = ChrisGotJar, JCFraven
Male Room 4 = PlatinumJoystick
Male Room 5 = LunarDusk
Male Room 6 = MapleWood

Female Room 1 = Marble Star(Misty Fly), Shadow Flame(SandFire),
Female Room 2 = FakeSmile
Female Room 3 = Sugar Delight
Female Room 4 = Blazing Sun
Female Room 5 = NotVlinny
Female Room 6 = Scarlet Ink

Once all 6 rooms have at least 1 person in them, the rooms will then be doubled up until a maximum of three, then I`ll probably add more rooms in the loft space or something.

Game watched as the pony disappeared into the kitchen and continued to stay with the exhausted pony, offering his nuzzles and licks as repayment.

(Also, remember there is new furniture in the entrance hall. It is a key rack, look back at one of my previous posts for more details.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 02, 16:27:03
"At least that wolf didnt jump in that pool..." said Frigid
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 16:30:27
*I'm with Chris? Alrighty. Now I know :p.

Smiling as she trots into the house once more, he pets the wolf, saying "At least..you're..a sweet wolf. Otherwise..I'd regret..doing..what I did," chuckling.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 16:37:01
(I got tired of waiting for people to reply, so I just threw you in the rooms. :3)

Game purred happily and nuzzled into the petting hoof. Wagging is tail as he continued to soak the floor with the water his sponge like body absorbed.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 16:38:47
"hmm this conflict is getting serious "he sighed continuing to watch
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 02, 16:41:14
Peace finishes the first set of Popeye and ejects the disc to return it to the shelf. He then sees Maple at a TV watching something that seems tense. He walks by and sees what Maple is watching out of curiosity.

Which movie is this?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 16:42:07
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 16:37:01
(I got tired of waiting for people to reply, so I just threw you in the rooms. :3)

Game purred happily and nuzzled into the petting hoof. Wagging is tail as he continued to soak the floor with the water his sponge like body absorbed.

*Fair enough, haha.

Once more noticing the massive quantities of water soaked into the wolf's fur, Raven states: "Sorry..wolfy..if I..had..the strength..I'd..dry you off..with..a spell."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 16:42:32
Once inside the kitchen, Scarlet made some chocolate milk to give Raven and, after a while searching, found the food for Game and prepared a bowl of it, carrying it on her hoof and balancing the cup on her head before heading back to the pool.

- Here I am. This is for you, Game... - she said, placing the bowl near the wolf and then giving the cup to Raven. - ... and this is for you.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 16:44:45
"Appreciations..you're..very kind..for..doing this," Raven says, bowing his head in curtesy.

*I've never figured out how to describe the motion of bowing one's head out of respect, affirmation, or general curtesy. "You..looked silly..with..the..cup..on your head,"He continues, chuckling.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 16:45:04
maple chuckled "I wish it was a movie but it's the news" he moved over for peace."more attacks from these children of the night agian"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 16:46:08
Game happily wagged and laid down on his stomach, devouring and licking the bowl of food. Unable to reach the very bottom, the wolf managed to eat and clean everything else in his reach.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 02, 16:51:38
- You're welcome. - she replied, sitting down on the nearest deskchair and petting Game's back.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 02, 16:59:57
Frigid started to move beside Gamepaw to watch him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 17:00:04
Game happily melted into the floor, purring and wagging from the stroking. Resting on his stomach, he placed a imaginary betting that it was more comfortable than those wooden deckchairs.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 02, 17:43:19
The news? Oh shoot. Wow... that is terrible. Just hurts me seeing stuff like this. When will they learn?

He sits somewhere next to Maple watching the news as he now got hooked on to it, even if it bad news.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 17:50:52
"names maple by the way" he smiled holding his hoof out
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 02, 17:58:06
He looks to Maple seeing the hoof out. He lifts his own to give to Maple and gives a smile.

Hi Maple. I'm Peacekeeper, or Peace for short. You can use any.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 18:06:43
(I'm RPing again! :D
Name: Sketch Art
Gender: Female
Race: Pegasus
Look/Visual Description: Grey coat, red eyes, long blue mane and tail. Cutie mark is a canvas with a paintbrush painting
Personality/Attitude: A bit competitive. feels very strongly about not lying.  dislikes flying. not shy, except if she's in love or something like that. (I still need to flesh out this OC some : /) )

Sketch Art looked upon the four story house that lay before her. She had gotten lost four times along the way, but she had finally made it to her new home. Lugging her suitcase along with her, she walked up to the front door and knocked a few times.

"Hello? Is anypony home?

Nopony answered. She tried a few more times to no success, and found that the door was also locked.

"Great," she muttered. "Just great."

Well, she wasn't going to stand there all day looking like a fool. She left her luggage on the doorstep, and headed towards the back of the house.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 18:19:52
maple smiled "nice to meet you peace,so how did you end up here "
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 02, 18:31:01
Still in the kitchien, Pat heard the knocks on the door.
Moving to the entrance, he opened the door for Sketch.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 02, 18:33:24
I ended up getting referred by a pony in Las Pegasus. So after a bit of talk I accepted the pony's offer and also came on a taxi. I couldn't miss out on how open this house is located. Always wanted to rest outside of the big city. Didn't know there will be a lot coming. Great to know there are good ponies like you living here.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 18:36:36
"ah I see, we'll I'm a new royal guard from vanhoover "  he sighed  watching the news
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 02, 18:40:16
*touches Gamepaws back*

" ;) ...."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 02, 18:43:45
Ah, royal guard from Vanhoover. Wow, interesting to meet a member of the Equestrian guards. I have great respects to those in the armed force. How are you doing in the royal guards?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 18:46:46
(Chroma, Waaaaah has headed to the back :3)
Gamepaw was startled from the sudden touch that he stood up quickly and instantly fell onto his side, letting out a scared whine in the process, he didn't here the pony come up behind him.

However, he did here a pony start walking up the garden and wiggled around to try and see who it was.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 18:47:54
"well it's tough that's for sure, but I it's nothing I can't handle"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 18:52:55
Sketch's eyebrows rose at the sight of the chubby wolf. She stepped back, startled, but then melted at how cute he looked.

"Aww, who's a good boy?" she said sweetly, petting him gently.

(Chroma, sketch's luggage is sitting on the doorstep, fyi :P)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 18:55:28
Game having watched the newcomer appear remained on the floor and when he got pet by the newcomer, he wagged happily.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 02, 18:56:14
Hmm... can imagine the toughness. I do appreciate your serving Equestria. Really like to help out on stuff like that. I am not really a fighter or ready for extreme discipline, but I do like to do weather casting and planning. At least enough to help out for rainfall for crops and stuff. Any hobbies you got?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 18:58:44
"I love to build and tinker with stuff " he smiled pointing towards his cutie mark which was a hammer and blowtorch
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 02, 19:00:24
Pat was confused; nopony was at the door, but there was luggage here.
"...Did somepony forget this...?"
He stepped outside and brought it in, just to be safe.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 02, 19:16:30
Blueberry slid his coffee cup over to FakeSmile
"Well then, looks like you need this more then me." he said with a brief smile.

Blueberry dug into his breakfast "So, are you from around here then? I'm here on holiday so I don't have any work planned. Don't know how much relaxing I'll get done given what little I've seen of the company though" the stallion laughed.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 19:17:43
"Hello..madame..how are you?" Raven asks the new pony, slowly gaining his energy back.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 19:28:21
"Oh, sorry!" Sketch said sheepishly. "I got a little distracted. Anyways, I'm looking for somepony named Raven. Do you know where he or she is?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 19:40:53
Game wagged at the mention of his Master's name, she travelled a lot but he always got to stay at this house.

(The owner of the house is infact, Game's master. Who is also called Raven, but she is a yellow furred dragon. She own's the house and is the one who has been leaving the post-it notes around :3

Spoiler: Raven Dragon/Human • show

Name: Raven
Species: Human/Furred Winged Dragon
Gender: Female
Colours: She dark yellow fur covering her entire body and the outskirts of her wings (#a09b03), while she has a pure white furred underbelly and tail tip (#ffffff). She also has a bright blonde hair when not a feral which is also the colour of the thinner part of her wings.(#f5e63a), with light pink eyes(#d290dc), her claws are a dulled white colour, along with the fur stylings around her face and ears.(#cecece). As a human she has fairly pale white skin.
Personality: She is a fairly motherly character, preferring to take care of others. This leaning into her lenience, letting her friends and family get away with things, this shows through Game's increased weight as a pet. She also happens to be a vegetarian, avoiding eating any animals, or products made from the animal's body. Her fondness of animals is shown with her having three pets as a anthro/taur or human and her horde of smaller animals as a feral. She also has a fairly strong characteristic while remaining peaceful mostly, she will protect those she cares about and deal with those who threaten this.
Physical Description: Being moderately chubby across the board due to her job and lifestyle with its lack of physical exercise She also happens to be a furred dragon, with her body mainly being the dark yellow/gold colour, with bright white underbelly and tail end with a piece of fur. For her claws she has a dulled white colour, this goes the same for her muzzle and inner ears. Her inner wings are also a bright yellow. While as a human she has a very womanly figure. Raven stands at a moderate 174cm or 5' 9" as a human. A 195cm or 6' 5" as an Anthro, a 215cm or 7' 1" as a taur and a large 1756cm or 57' 7" as a feral full sized dragon and as a feral pet. 110cm or 3' 7".
Short Backstories:(There are seperate specific backstories for certain universes e.g Pokemon, Fallout)
Human/Anthro/Taur: Working for a international company as a Bio-Scientist, working with mainly DNA such as repair or modification. She has been a key part in finding cures for some diseases or inherited problems. Though, some of this has been done through Animal testing, which she is not fond of. The company however looks after the animals very well, each having their own little habitat, a zoo-like environment. Being able to do some draconic magic she uses it to help with her experiments, job and life.
Feral - Wild:
Living a cave of her own carving, she is hundreds of years old. She being as large as she is, is considered very intimidating. Her cave is near a town, who pay her tribute to keep their town safe. Even though she has no interest in destroying it unless they cause trouble. She keeps a large collection, or hoard, of spherical and soft objects, some of which are animals. She is also able to perform some advanced draconic magic, making it easier to take care of her hoard and home.
Feral - Pet: Originally raised in the wild, she ventured inwards to the cities and towns, scavenging and scrounging up food. Not many wanting to deal with a dragon she was for the most part ignored, however she was eventually found and enticed with food to come inside a building where she eventually, settled and stayed becoming a pet dragon. She was a rare pet, not many can say they have had a dragon as a pet or even seen one and remained unburned.

I won't add this to the first topic, but it might be useful later.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 02, 19:44:51
Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 02, 19:16:30
Blueberry slid his coffee cup over to FakeSmile
"Well then, looks like you need this more then me." he said with a brief smile.

Blueberry dug into his breakfast "So, are you from around here then? I'm here on holiday so I don't have any work planned. Don't know how much relaxing I'll get done given what little I've seen of the company though" the stallion laughed.

Fake Smile took a hold of the coffee and looked deeply into the pool of brown energy. A small frown formed across her face, she knew that the last thing she needed was caffieen in her system; the stuff makes her weird. But she felt bad for rejecting the stallion's kind jester. . . She learned a long time ago that its better to take care of yourself instead of avoiding hurting someone's feelings. The mare politely slid the cup of coffee back to the stallion. In order to avoid looking rude the mare gave the stallion a sleepy smile as she said,
Fake Smile: I don't drink coffee, doesn't sit too well with me. But thank you.
The mare leaned back in her chair as she listened to the stallion make small talk. She didn't mind though, it was nice to have someone to converse with on this early morning. Once the stallion finished talking the mare replied,
Fake Smile: I'm not really from anywhere. I travel 'round as a street performer. . . Gotta have new faces who haven't seen my old tricks. I decided this place needed some Smiles and this manor seem a'ight.
The mare ended with a smile as pushed back a loose mane strand. She was interested in not only what the stallion did for "work" but also his name. In an attempt to kill two birds with one stone she asked,
Fake Smile: So, my nameless roommate, what kind of work you takin' a holiday from?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 02, 20:08:45
"Another one?..." Frigid muttered
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 20:34:41
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 19:28:21
"Oh, sorry!" Sketch said sheepishly. "I got a little distracted. Anyways, I'm looking for somepony named Raven. Do you know where he or she is?"

"Indeed..you're looking..at him," He replies, getting into a better position to look more professional, trying to control his speaking a bit more. "What do you..need?" He inquires.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 20:41:17
Sketch blushed a bit in embarrassment at the revelation that pony she was speaking to was also the owner of the house.

"R-Right. I contacted you last week about lodging in your house, so, uh...yeah. Here I am."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 20:45:00
*I'm wondering if I should play the mystery angle here, or play the roll with it angle. Your choice.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 20:47:57
(¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I dunno, whatever would be in more character for Raven. That, or whatever he's in the mood to do)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 20:50:58
"Um..I see. I think..you're..confused. This isn't..my house..and..I'm lodging..here myself," He replies, confused as to who this pony is.

"My name..is..Raven though. Pleasure, Miss.." He says, inviting her to enlighten him.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 20:56:13
"Sketch," the aforementioned mare replied, feeling even more embarrassed at the revelation. "I guess there's another pony named Raven who owns the house."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 21:05:49
"Perhaps," He agrees, chuckling some at her embarrassment.

"No..worries..honest mistake. I'm..more..embarassed..by the fact..that..I'm..having problems..talking..currently," He continues, smiling.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 21:07:49
"Why? What's the matter?" Sketch asked Raven curiously.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 21:16:48
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 02, 21:07:49
"Why? What's the matter?" Sketch asked Raven curiously.

"See..the wolf? I..lifted..him..with my magic..out of..the water..alone. Overexertion..occurred," He explains.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 02, 21:19:55
Game wagged again, remaining on his side , at being included in the conversation.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 02, 22:43:19
Quote from: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 18:58:44
"I love to build and tinker with stuff " he smiled pointing towards his cutie mark which was a hammer and blowtorch

He looks at the cutie mark and comments.
Wow. So you have the talent of building. Interesting you are a Royal Guard and a builder. Must be great having such talent like that. I wish to be great at building stuff myself.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 02, 22:46:13
"well ill be honest its all my dads work if he hadn't been into the hobby himself i would never have gotten involved" he smiled switching the channel to a talk show about the equestrian games
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 03, 00:21:30
Ah. Great to see you take that from your dad. For me I love weather, but my dad is a baker.He makes such good bread.

He looks to the TV and watches along to the talk show.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 02:00:35
Marble : hey...whats on TV?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 03:28:05
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 21:16:48
"See..the wolf? I..lifted..him..with my magic..out of..the water..alone. Overexertion..occurred," He explains.

Sketch looked at the chubby wolf wagging his tail.

"Yeah, I can see why," she chuckled. "How much does he weigh, anyways?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 03:38:35
*Marble sighs and looks at sleeping Peace*
Marble : great... i might aswell go see what Scarlet is up to...*She heads outside*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 03, 05:21:47
*-Oh...kay? So apparently my character is sleeping x3 . He is right there bright awake with Maple watching TV.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 05:40:40
Marble : i wonder is it gonna rain?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 03, 09:51:23
(I've generally just said Game is 3x what a normal wolf should weigh. Could take a mini adventure into the bathroom, there is one near the stairs on the first floor.)

Game continued to wag and hoped for more pets.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 03, 10:30:44
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 02, 21:16:48
"See..the wolf? I..lifted..him..with my magic..out of..the water..alone. Overexertion..occurred," He explains.

- Still, it was pretty impressive of you.

Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 03:28:05
Sketch looked at the chubby wolf wagging his tail.

"Yeah, I can see why," she chuckled. "How much does he weigh, anyways?"

- From the note we found about him, he should weigh something like three times a regular wolf. - Scarlet replied, scratching Game's ear. - By the way, I'm Scarlet.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 10:35:04
"Nice to meet you, Scarlet," Sketch smiled at the white mare. "So, uh, how do I get a key to this place?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 03, 10:36:03
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 03, 10:30:44
- Still, it was pretty impressive of you.

"If..you..say so," He responds, closing his eyes and leaning back again.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 03, 10:41:25
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 10:35:04
"Nice to meet you, Scarlet," Sketch smiled at the white mare. "Do, uh, how do I get a key to this place?"

- They keys should be near the entrance door. Need help bringing in your baggage? - Scarlet asked, getting up.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 10:42:03
Marble : hey Scarlet! *she waves* who is your new friend?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 10:46:07
"I left it on the front doorstep," Sketch told Scarlet. "I suppose I could use a bit of help!"

(Misty ;))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 10:48:01
Marble : i could help you with your stuff...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 10:49:05
Sketch shrugged. "Sure, we can all go!"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 10:50:30
Marble : i guess you could stay with us i mean we have extra space in our room for one more... *she climbs upstairs*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 03, 10:51:04
Scarlet checked on Raven before going and decided the best was to let him rest.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 10:55:42
*Marble heads towards her room and waits for sketch*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 10:55:59
(The luggage was brought inside already by Chroma's character)

Sketch led other two ponies to the front, but her luggage was gone!

"It's not here! I left it here a minute ago!"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 03, 10:56:38
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 03, 11:00:18
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 10:55:59
(The luggage was brought inside already by Chroma's character)

Sketch led other two ponies to the front, but her luggage was gone!

"It's not here! I left it here a minute ago!"

- Probably one of the other ponies brought them inside, there's no need to panic. - Scarlet tried to reason, even if she too found strange the disappearance.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 11:03:21
Sketch nodded, and fought a rising urge to overreact. "Yeah, probably. I guess we should just go inside now."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 11:04:25
Marble : hey you coming?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 03, 11:13:46
- Yeah, we're coming! Come on, let's see inside.

Sketch's luggage was actually inside, near the stairs.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 11:14:58
"Lead the way," Sketch said to them.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 03, 11:18:49
Game, also leaving Raven to rest, waddled after the ponies and inspected the strange piece of furniture that had appeared. Letting out a puff of air the wolf promptly began sniffing it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 03, 11:28:34
*Marble waits for the 2 ponies*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 03, 11:34:54
*I guess I can just wait until being woken up, or just wake up and continue when I'm not busy. Whichever way works.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 03, 11:41:18
(¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever floats your boat. Or you can figure a way to insert yourself into our group)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 03, 11:47:26
(I`ll probably return to you raven, when the ponies figure out they can't take me upstairs without being superpowered.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 03, 11:49:46
Frigid decided to follow after the ponies in case he'd be needed in helping.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 03, 13:19:29
"oh a baker that sounds awesome , I could do with a sweet roll right now"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 03, 14:45:06
Hehe yea. He makes many sweet breads. Hopefully there is sweet bread in this house. Sure wish I had brought some with me when I came here.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 03, 18:54:57
"Oh, right. Sorry to hear that. Well, saves me a trip back up doesn't it?" Blueberry said with a smile after the mare he was speaking to slid his coffee back to him. The stallion slurped at his beverage and almost choked when asked for his name.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. The name's Blueberry Gelato. I own an ice cream stall at one of the Manehattan marketplaces. Pleased to meetcha FakeSmile."
He stretched out a hoof, though after doing so wondered to himself if shaking hooves was really the best thing to be asking of a semi conscious mare.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 03, 19:23:22
Smile's eyes widen as she watched Blueberry almost choke on his drink. A cat like smile formed across her face as she forced herself not to laugh. She let out her last yawn for the morning as she listened to the stallion's introduction. Talking to him helped waked her up, but it was still visibly clear she needed to rest. The stallion also caught her interest with his occupation and name. She always liked hearing other ponies' name and wished hers was as nice as theirs. But she did enjoy being called "Smile", and thought it was humorous to be called "Fake". Once the stallion finished speaking the mare chimed,
Fake Smile: Oh man, that's a wicked cool name. Nice to finally know a third name in this household.
Giving how dazed she was, the mare assumed the stallion wanted a high hoof; the stallion hoof was a bit too low for a high hoof but she rolled with it. A smile formed across her face as she delivered a strong high hoof. Now that the two were acquainted, now its time for the mare to ask the real questions. With puns. The thought of what she was about to say made tired giggles slip through her smile. With a bit of life in her tired tone she said,
Fake Smile: That is a pretty sweet job. Please tell me you can make homemade ice cream. That would make you at least ten times cooler.
The pun was bad, but please patronize Smile and the player.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 03, 19:30:28
Game being unable to get up the stairs without some serious help, slowly waddled his way back to the sleep pony and laid down next to them. Of course, being next to the kitchen is a bonus too.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 03, 19:48:02
(Where are Blueberry and Fake?)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 03, 19:50:31
(( In the kitchen my dude. We chillin' at a table havin' friendly breakfast convo. ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 03, 20:47:45
maple smiled at the reply from peace hoping that there was a sweet bread in the house. as he was about to say something the talk show had begun to play a highlight video on the equestria games "woah look at that pony jump "
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 03, 20:48:10
(Oh, ok.)
Pat overheard Blueberry mention an ice cream stall. He peered out, trying to be covert and making it look like he was still working.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 03, 21:20:07
Game having grown tried of the floor attempted to get on the deck chair with raven, however it didn't turn out well. The pudgy wolf only managed to get about 3 of his legs anyway near the deck chair before he fell off and landed on his back.

Trapped on his back the wolf wiggled and let out a quiet whine as to not wake the pony next to him.

(I'd be completly fine with you using scenes/posts from other RPs as tv programs. Such as Stranded (Lost), Reach for the gold(Olympics/EqGames) or Lost in Space. (Some generic Sci-Fi show :3) could be fun.)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Apr 03, 21:21:00
*Sugar decides to go upstairs to 3rd floor to her room and make some sweet tea and nibble a sugar cookie*
*She decides to read a book for a while*

(Sugar will kindly accept any request on sharing her room with whoever needs a room cause she is nice :P)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 04, 18:46:28
Quote from: ScarletInk on 2016 Apr 03, 11:13:46
- Yeah, we're coming! Come on, let's see inside.

Sketch's luggage was actually inside, near the stairs.

Sketch finally walked inside the house and reclaimed her luggage.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 04, 19:27:04
The two ponies' hooves met and it seemed that some life began to creep into the mare but Blueberry couldn't be too sure.

"Thank you" He replied with a smile. The stallion noticed the mare giggling to herself but had no idea what to make of it "Actually I don't know anyone here yet either, I've only properly met one other pony here so far.
Sadly or maybe fortunately, Blueberry's mind was not fast enough to grasp the punage of the mare and they flew straight over his head. "Yeah, I make my own ice cream for the stall, I actually made my first by accident back in school..." Blueberry stopped himself once he realised that he might have started waffling on "Though I guess my Cutie Mark story is one for another time."

Blueberry finished off his breakfast and coffee, unaware of the other pony listening in on their conversation.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 04, 20:17:42
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 03, 21:20:07
Game having grown tried of the floor attempted to get on the deck chair with raven, however it didn't turn out well. The pudgy wolf only managed to get about 3 of his legs anyway near the deck chair before he fell off and landed on his back.

Trapped on his back the wolf wiggled and let out a quiet whine as to not wake the pony next to him.

(I'd be completly fine with you using scenes/posts from other RPs as tv programs. Such as Stranded (Lost), Reach for the gold(Olympics/EqGames) or Lost in Space. (Some generic Sci-Fi show :3) could be fun.)

*Apologies for the delay.

Waking up, recovered mostly from the ordeal, Raven stretches, and looks around for the initial noise that awoken him. By doing so, he notices the infamous wolf on his back, stuck.

"Bloody furball," Raven says, chuckling. Deciding not to stress his magic, Raven attempts to push Game, to help him roll over.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 04, 20:51:03
Quote from: Sugar Delight on 2016 Apr 03, 21:21:00
(Sugar will kindly accept any request on sharing her room with whoever needs a room cause she is nice :P)

((I think waaaaaaah's OC, Sketch Art, still needs a room. I might be wrong though.))

Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 04, 19:27:04
The two ponies' hooves met and it seemed that some life began to creep into the mare but Blueberry couldn't be too sure.

"Thank you" He replied with a smile. The stallion noticed the mare giggling to herself but had no idea what to make of it "Actually I don't know anyone here yet either, I've only properly met one other pony here so far.
Sadly or maybe fortunately, Blueberry's mind was not fast enough to grasp the punage of the mare and they flew straight over his head. "Yeah, I make my own ice cream for the stall, I actually made my first by accident back in school..." Blueberry stopped himself once he realised that he might have started waffling on "Though I guess my Cutie Mark story is one for another time."

Blueberry finished off his breakfast and coffee, unaware of the other pony listening in on their conversation.

The tired smile grew to a small smile the longer Blueberry talked to Smile. Despite her pun ending in failure, she was glad to be hold a conversation with someone in the household. The mare's eyes widen a bit when the stallion spoke about his first ice cream, but slowly grew back to normal size he he ended his ramble. Although she lacked a cutie mark, the mare enjoyed hearing about other ponies' marks. With a bit more life shinning from the mare she chimed,
Fake Smile: Well, whenever you want to share your story I am all ears. I do enjoy a good cutie mark tale.

She gave the stallion a warm smile as she tried to adjust the ponytail holder that was containing her bed head. One thing did bother her a bit that the stallion said, he too didn't know too many folks in the house. It felt like a small community was within these walls, yet she knew only three of them. A small frown formed across her face at the thought of her not knowing the others; at least she should know there names. As she rested her chin on her hoof she said,
Fake Smile: Well, the place been busy with folks settlin' in; not much time to socialize. So far, I met Scarlet, Peace, and you. But it will start to get weird if everyone doesn't get to know each other. . .

The mare sat silent for a moment. But then a light sparked in her brown eyes. A thought had emerged into her mind which caused a rather large smile to appear across her face. Turning her gaze back to Blueberry she beamed,
Fake Smile: Oh I have an idea, we should have a mini welcome party. We could grill outside and everyone can hang by the pool. Be nice way to meet everyone.
A large smile formed across her face as she thought of the party. Parties were something she could always enjoy, regardless of the reason. The mare started to venture away from reality she began to mentally plan the party.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Apr 04, 21:27:53
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 04, 20:51:03
((I think waaaaaaah's OC, Sketch Art, still needs a room. I might be wrong though.))

Alright ill see if they need me to share

Post Merge

*Sugar will be available to share a room with anypony that needs one ^-^*
*Just leave a quote on saying that you need one though just to make sure that i dont skip the request  x3*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 04, 22:17:43
"I fink thash a greah idea" Blueberry replied with a mouth full of plate as he carried it over to the sink. Placeing the plate down he turned back to FakeSmile.
"The only other ponies I've met so far are Joystick and that blue wolf."

"Hmm..." He started to ponder what would be involved in making the party. Blueberry was never really a party pony, so most of the preparations and planning was way out of his league. Luckily though the other pony seemed to have an idea of what to do.
"I guess we'll need to find a way of letting everyone know. I don't suppose any of the ponies you've met can make posters or have a talent screaming down hallways do they?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 05, 02:09:59
//what time is it?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 05, 02:46:25
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 03, 21:20:07
(I'd be completly fine with you using scenes/posts from other RPs as tv programs. Such as Stranded (Lost), Reach for the gold(Olympics/EqGames) or Lost in Space. (Some generic Sci-Fi show :3) could be fun.)

*- lol would be interesting. Peace isn't part of those RPs so he is alright. However Maple's been in the Equestria Games RP so it be interesting seeing himself on TV.

Quote from: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 03, 20:47:45
maple smiled at the reply from peace hoping that there was a sweet bread in the house. as he was about to say something the talk show had begun to play a highlight video on the equestria games "woah look at that pony jump "

Peace watches the TV seeing an event of the Long Jump(?). He sees in surprise.

Wow. Would be cool to jump that far. Well I can just fly, but still, jumps like that are amazing.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 05, 04:17:12
*Marble approaches Peace*
Marble : hey what ya watchin?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 05:09:26
Sketch was bewildered how the ponies with her had suddenly disappeared, but put it out of her head.

"Hellooooo?" she called down the hall. "Is anypony there?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 05, 05:28:34
As Blueberry asked his question to, FakeSmile a sign from the sun itself beamed upon them, in the form of an unknown pony screaming down the nearby hall.

"I guess there is somepony here with that talent after all" he said mischievously "Better go say hello" peering around the kitchen door, Blueberry called out "Hey, we're in the kitchen"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 05:42:54
"Ah, alright." Sketch stepped back, a bit startled at the sudden appearance of a blue earth pony from a nearby doorway. She grabbed her luggage and walked into the kitchen area, seeing the aforementioned pony (who had a dirty blond mane)  and a blue maned unicorn with a jester's hat sitting down at a table.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 05, 07:56:46
Smile opened her mouth to respond to the stallion's question, but an unfamiliar voice cut her off. She turned her head toward the doorway of the kitchen to see who was the source of the noise. Smile gave the stallion a understanding nod as he went off to met another nameless resident.

Smile gave the stranger a friendly wave as she joined the duo at the table. A small smile was on her face and she was pretty much fully awake. She was a bit surprised to see the new mare had her luggage on her, since she figured she arrived yesterday like the rest of the ponies. Once Blueberry joined the mares back at the table, she decided to respond to his question to avoid looking rude. With a small smile she replied,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: We don't need any yellers or posters, we do all live in the same manor. Once they smell food they'll come runnin'. But. .  . . [/color]
The turned her brown eyes onto the new mare at the table. Although she thought a screamer was unnecessary, they would need some extra hands to help get the party ready. With a big smile she continued,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: We could use some help gettin' it ready! There is a lot of stuff we gotta do. Like make the food, and get the backyard "Party Ready". I doubt you and I could do it all my ourselves, Blueberry! Besides asking this mare for help, we should find another pony. Preferably someone who can cook.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 08:11:09
"Party? What party?"  Sketch asked the mare.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 09:08:48
(Waaaaah is now sharing rooms with Sugar :3)

Game accepted the push and had managed to roll over onto his paws again. Letting a whine of thankfulness, the wolf nuzzled into the pony's hoof.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 05, 11:35:25
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 09:08:48
(Waaaaah is now sharing rooms with Sugar :3)

Game accepted the push and had managed to roll over onto his paws again. Letting a whine of thankfulness, the wolf nuzzled into the pony's hoof.

Petting him and smiling, Raven asks: "You wouldn't to know the direction our lovely helper mares went, would you?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 05, 12:15:59
"by the way this might sound weird but what's it like to stand up on a cloud?" he asked not looking at peace
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 12:19:18
Game letting out a knowing whine and got up off the floor, slowly waddling into the kitchen, showing Raven that he should follow.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 05, 12:27:17
Raven follows behind the wolf, keeping some magic on standby in the event of the wolf falling again.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 05, 12:42:52
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 08:11:09
"Party? What party?"  Sketch asked the mare.

A smile appeared across Fake Smile's face. The mare was pretty excited about the party and forgot to properly introduce herself. She enjoyed parties than almost anything, and loved going over the plans.  With a spark in her eye she replied,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Since we all are sort of strangers, Blueberry and I decided we should throw a "Welcome Party" so we all can get to know each other! Doesn't that sound like fun? There's gonna be food, and swimmin', and friendly conversation, and music, and much much more. I already got it planned up here! [/color]
The mare tapped her forehead to indicated where the party plan was stored. She had many party ideas already planned out in her head, so it wasn't too hard to apply it to this party. With a big grin she continued,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: If you want to help you can! Gettin' the back yard ready won't be too hard, I'm more concern with the cookin' part. . . I'm not very good at it. Unless you like food extra crunchy![/color]

The mare laughed at her own poor cooking skills. She started to winder who else they could ask. If only a white stallion with faded mint mane could assist them.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 12:57:26
"Crunchy food is the best!" Sketch agreed with the mare. "I can really only cook soups well; everything else comes out...eh."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 13:12:31
Game having lead Raven into the kitchen he came across two ponies, one they were in search of talking about food. Being the food loving wolf he was he instantly went up to one and started wagging.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 05, 13:40:43
Catching up and seeing two mares, one he knew, and one he didn't, he pets Game's head in thanks, saying in greeting "Hello again Miss Sketch, and to you, Miss..", inviting the other mare to introduce herself.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 05, 14:14:17
*Marble watches the TV*
Marble : what's this?...hmm...the news? interesting...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 05, 15:05:46
Quote from: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 13:12:31
Game having lead Raven into the kitchen he came across two ponies, one they were in search of talking about food. Being the food loving wolf he was he instantly went up to one and started wagging.

(Is that Pat or Blueberry?)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 15:18:26
(Was looking for Sketch and found them, I think she is talking to Smile and blueberry is around somewhere :3)

Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 15:22:58
(Smile and Blueberry are in the kitchen with Sketch)

"Hello again, Raven. Hello again, you!" Sketch smiled at the wolf, and petted him again.

Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 05, 15:39:26
(ok, just got confused)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 16:25:21
Game let out a very un-wolflike purr and wagged his tail. Hoping for a reward.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 05, 16:34:10
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 15:22:58
(Smile and Blueberry are in the kitchen with Sketch)

"Oh hello, you!" Sketch smiled at the wolf, and petted him again.

*Raven greeted you by the way, just so you know. Kind of ignored him :p.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 05, 16:44:06
(X3 sorry about that. I fixed my post)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 17:58:05
Game flinched and folded his ears at the loud noise but quickly turned to the source and saw the cat almost squished under a hoof.

"Heh. You should be more like me, I never get stepped on." Game offered.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Apr 05, 18:30:11
*Sugar now knows that she has a roommate to share with :3*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 05, 19:20:42
(BTW Pat still needs a room.)
Pat noticed a few more arrivals, particuarly Sketch. He approached her.
"Terribly sorry for interrupting, but, did you per chance leave some luggage on the doorstep?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Apr 05, 19:26:31
*Sugar fixes her room to make some space and room for the new roommate*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 05, 21:02:27
Blueberry pondered as FakeSmile explained to their newly met pony their party plans.
"I'm not that good at cooking either. A little thing here and there but nothing a party would need"

He greeted the new ponies as they entered the kitchen. Quite the crowd was starting to gather. "looks like we're getting a gathering already"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 05, 21:27:25
Quote from: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 05, 12:15:59
"by the way this might sound weird but what's it like to stand up on a cloud?" he asked not looking at peace

To Maple: Ah. Well it is like standing on grass, maybe soft grass but without the grass. Even walking feels like that. Landing on it feels kinda like a thick pillow. Feels safe to fall from a high place but still painful believe it or not. X3
Those are the clouds you tend to see. There are other clouds that are actually made more dense that makes it possible for non-pegasi to walk on it. To you it would feel like thick padding. To me it feels like concrete. There are a couple towns in Las Pegasus that has thick cloud walkways.

Quote from: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 05, 14:14:17
*Marble watches the TV*
Marble : what's this?...hmm...the news? interesting...

He turns around to see Marble asking.
To Marble: Hi there. This is just the Equestria Games. Well a talk show of it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 05, 21:46:39
Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 05, 21:02:27
Blueberry pondered as FakeSmile explained to their newly met pony their party plans.
"I'm not that good at cooking either. A little thing here and there but nothing a party would need"

Smile turned to face Blueberry when he began to talk. A small cat like smile formed across her face as the stallion said he wasn't a good cook. Its true, you don't cook ice cream but the party didn't need just "healthy food". No "Welcoming Party" would be complete without ice cream, and lucky for her there was a stallion who could get the job done. The cat smile turned into a warm smile as the mare chimed,
Fake Smile: Now, you can make ice cream! Majority of my diet is mainly sweets, so you would prob be a excellent cook in my book.
The mare shot the stallion a big smile; hopefully he would agree to make the frozen treat for the party. Smile was about to go over a few more details about the party, till she heard a door opening. The mare turned her head toward the back door and smiled when she saw another unfamiliar face enter the kitchen.

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 05, 13:40:43
Catching up and seeing two mares, one he knew, and one he didn't, he pets Game's head in thanks, saying in greeting "Hello again Miss Sketch, and to you, Miss..", inviting the other mare to introduce herself.

The mare tilted her head in a curious fashion as she watched the stranger talk to the mare in front of her. Her eyes widen a bit as the stranger reveled the mare's name; she was surprised that she forgot to ask the mare for her name. When the stallion turned his speech to her, she caught the hint he wanted to know her name. The mare winced at the stallion using the word "Miss". Female pronouns, Male pronouns; neither pronouns she went by but did for the sake of not having to explain herself. Despite the "Miss" part, she was still happy to introduce herself. The mare flashed the stallion a large cat smile as she introduced herself
Fake Smile: Hiya, my name is Fake Smile!~ Just Smile will be fine; I don't care for formal titles too much. Its nice to meet yet another unfamiliar face in this manor.

Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 05, 21:02:27
He greeted the new ponies as they entered the kitchen. Quite the crowd was starting to gather. "looks like we're getting a gathering already"

Smile examined the kitchen of ponies' faces as Blueberry greeted them. She turned her attention back to Blueberry as he spoke again. The mare gave him an energetic nod to show she agreed with him. This was lucky break for her, since it meant she didn't have to venture too far from the kitchen to find more help. With a small smile the mare beamed,
Fake Smile: Good, more folks to recruit to our Party crew!~ Oh, I am so excited to get this party on the road; this is gonna be a blast!
A few excited giggles slipped through the mare's smile as she finished speaking. All this party talk made her forget that she had failed to get ready for the day. Her bed head was still being held back by a hair tie and she was wearing a t-shirt with a smiley face on it. But the mare never worried too much about her appearance when she was at home.  Despite her sleep wear, she wore an energetic smile as her thoughts were far away from fashion and in the realm of parties.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 05, 22:07:18
Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 05, 21:46:39
The mare tilted her head in a curious fashion as she watched the stranger talk to the mare in front of her. Her eyes widen a bit as the stranger reveled the mare's name; she was surprised that she forgot to ask the mare for her name. When the stallion turned his speech to her, she caught the hint he wanted to know her name. The mare winced at the stallion using the word "Miss". Female pronouns, Male pronouns; neither pronouns she went by but did for the sake of not having to explain herself. Despite the "Miss" part, she was still happy to introduce herself. The mare flashed the stallion a large cat smile as she introduced herself
Fake Smile: Hiya, my name is Fake Smile!~ Just Smile will be fine; I don't care for formal titles too much. Its nice to meet yet another unfamiliar face in this manor.

-To those who saw the message here before, such is being dealt with elsewhere.-

"Pleasure to meet you," Raven states, smiling. "You all seem very active at the moment, what's going on?" He inquires.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 05, 22:24:43
Game looked at the cat with a incredulous look. "Out of place?" Game said, feigning shock. "A stupidly overweight wolf who purrs and needs ponies to help him almost 24/7. Not out of place at all."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 06, 01:01:34
Marble : those ponies look very similar to us...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 06, 01:13:43
"ah I would love to walk on a cloud or fly funny enough, but we'll I'm me" he sighed continuing to watch the game
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 06, 01:25:42
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 05, 19:20:42
(BTW Pat still needs a room.)
Pat noticed a few more arrivals, particuarly Sketch. He approached her.
"Terribly sorry for interrupting, but, did you per chance leave some luggage on the doorstep?"

(the luggage is with her now, just a reminder)

"Yeah, I did," Sketch, eyeing a white stallion who had asked her the question. "Were you the one who brought it inside?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 06, 02:35:48
To Maple: I understand ya. If ya like you can travel to Las Pegasus. Best chance to walk on a cloud. As for flying, well hopefully some day mechanical wings will be made. Would love to fly with any non-pegasi like you.

To Marble: Hmm... now that you mention it they do look a lot like you.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 06, 10:52:11
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 06, 01:25:42
(the luggage is with her now, just a reminder)

"Yeah, I did," Sketch, eyeing a white stallion who had asked her the question. "Were you the one who brought it inside?"

"Yes. I apologize if I caused any distress."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 06, 11:03:57
Marble : yea well...wait...is this the Article about Equestria games 2015? yea..ofcourse i,m there
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 06, 11:06:03
((probably  should have mentioned that I was just poking fun at the equestria games rp and stuff, my fault ))
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 06, 16:12:39
*-Ah. I kinda had a hint x3 . We can still play it along.
It is amazing there have been already like 5 world records broken. These athletes are getting more... more... powerful? Can't find the right word. x3
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 06, 16:23:52
"well there lucky because  it looks amazing  over there right now"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 06, 16:49:57
Hehe yea. Really love to go see the Equestria Games inside the stadium.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Apr 06, 17:35:11
*Sugar decides to go down stairs to the first floor to see anypony are there or needs help cause she wants to help out* 0:)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 06, 18:27:37
"I had a feeling the subject of ice cream would crop up" Blueberry laughed. If anything the mare certainly lived up to the smile part of her name, she appeared to have a different kind for any occasion. Now here she was giggling like a school filly.

"I'd better get to work then, I'll leave party preparations to you, Smile. You look like you know what needs to happen.
The stallion made his way over to the fridge to check out the ingredient situation. "I don't suppose anyone has any particular flavors in mind do ya?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Sugar Delight on 2016 Apr 06, 20:38:04
"I wonder where are the pones are?",Sugar wonders.
*Sugar decides to walk into the kitchen to see anything interesting is in there* 
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 06, 23:07:11
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 06, 10:52:11
"Yes. I apologize if I caused any distress."

"Oh. I guess it's alright."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 07, 05:00:05
Marble : hmm...i wonder what else is on...*She changes the channel and sees a sitcom and quickly changes back* never mind i.ll watch this...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 07, 11:06:41
"peace what do you do for a job by the way" he asked looking at the relaxing in the chair
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 07, 11:14:00
"Of course there is more out there." Game said, thinking about the type of creature he is. "I`m a wolf, naturally I should be out there in forests running around with a pack, but I`m here as a pet, unable to even get upstairs properly. I don't have the luxury of the choice. You are a cat, you can basically do whatever. Climb, run and be free."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 07, 11:37:01
*Marble looks at Maple*
Marble : and do you work anywhere?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 07, 12:52:46
Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 06, 18:27:37
"I had a feeling the subject of ice cream would crop up" Blueberry laughed. If anything the mare certainly lived up to the smile part of her name, she appeared to have a different kind for any occasion. Now here she was giggling like a school filly.

"I'd better get to work then, I'll leave party preparations to you, Smile. You look like you know what needs to happen.
The stallion made his way over to the fridge to check out the ingredient situation. "I don't suppose anyone has any particular flavors in mind do ya?"

Smile laughed along with Blue as he accepted Ice Cream Duty. When he asked about a flavour, the mare took a minute to think. It would be fair to the stallion to make a bunch of different flavours, but she wanted everyone to be able to enjoy the ice cream. After a bit of thinking, the mare's smile curled into a cat smile as she came up with the perfect flavour. Turning her attention to Blueberry she replied,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Thanks Blue!~ To make it easier on you, you should just make vanilla! There's gotta be a bunch of toppin's and syrups layin' 'round here. I'm sure a sundae station would make everyone happy.[/color]
The mare's smile brighten at the thought of making her own sundae. Though she is pretty boring when it comes to toppings, the mare would argue that plain vanilla is the superior ice cream flavor. But she didn't have time to day dream about ice cream, there is a party she had to get together.

Quote from: Jcfraven on 2016 Apr 05, 22:07:18
"Pleasure to meet you," Raven states, smiling. "You all seem very active at the moment, what's going on?" He inquires.

Smile turned her attention to the stallion who asked for her name. The mare's eyes sparkled as the stallion asked her the question. With a small smile she replied,
[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Oh, me and Blueberry are plannin' a "Welcome Party"!~ We figured it would be the best way for all of us to get to know each other. Blue is in charge of the food part and I'm in charge of the backyard preparations! If you're not doin' anythin', we would appreciate the help!~[/color]
The mare gave the stallion a big smile once she finished talking. She hoped the stallion would agree to help; the mare figured if more folks were on the party preparation crew, the faster things will get done.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 07, 13:01:13
Pat heard the mention of ice cream again, this time deciding to approach.
"Did I hear somepony mention ice cream?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 07, 15:53:00
Game's ears flattened as he looked at the cat. "Will be a shame to lose the only one I can talk to. But, you gotta do what you gotta do I guess." Game said, visibly saddened. "Good luck."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 07, 17:14:08
Game slowly waddled after the cat, catching a glance as the cat disappeared through the fence, not knowing when the cat will return. The wolf sat there and stared for a while, knowing he is not going to be talking for a while.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 07, 22:03:28
To Maple: Me? I really don't work. I go to college. I'm studying weather science. I want to become a weather planner and precipitation mapper. I also would do research on clouds so we can make better rain and snow, and make better building material.

What job do you work in, or plan to do?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 08, 00:54:44
Marble : i work at the bakery...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 08, 08:41:00
*walks close to Peace*
"Unemployed...But a bit indecisive on what to be.  >:/" Frigid said with a sudden pause.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 08, 08:54:31
Marble : wow...the griffons were pretty tough if they managed to beat everyone eh
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 08, 14:49:30
"Vanilla should be pretty easy. I just hope there are some pods lying around, those things can get a bit pricey sometimes"

Blueberry started shuffling round the kitchen, rummaging through cupboards and grabbing some milk and cream from the refrigerator. "Getting all this stuff together shouldn't take too long so I can help out with something else if you need me. The ice cream will take a few hours until anypony can eat it though"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 09, 01:09:25
"well I'm planning on getting a job at one of the research centers around equestria " he sighed continuing  on watching the game
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 09, 03:47:05
Marble : you should try getting the one in Canterlot its one of the best ones
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 09, 15:24:18
To Marble: Ah sounds neat. Hehe just like my dad. *looks to the TV* Yea. They have been doing well in like the sporting events.

To Maple: Research eh? Interesting. Hopefully you get into one. I feel you will get into the researchimg.

He hears a sudden voice he didn't expect and turns to find Frigid answering.
To Frigid: Oh hi there. You surprised me. So you not working yet? Guess we're both unemployed. I'm pretty sure there can be jobs you like to do.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 09, 16:27:19
"So uh, what's everypony doing now?"  Sketch asked the room, looking around.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 10, 06:33:07
(Does Sketch know about the party?)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 10, 11:25:33
Game, having watched the cat disappear slowly waddled back inside to find a pony to be near to.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 11, 08:26:30
*looks down*
"Maybe...maybe... :c"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 11, 09:32:18
(I think so Chrome)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 11, 11:10:47
Marble : wow look at that...it's getting late...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chromastone64 on 2016 Apr 11, 14:31:06
Quote from: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 09, 16:27:19
"So uh, what's everypony doing now?"  Sketch asked the room, looking around.

"I heard about this party being planned. I'd be more than happy to assist with providing food and other confectionary."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Apr 11, 15:45:57
"Er...I'm only good at making soup," Sketch grinned sheepishly.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: FakeSmile on 2016 Apr 11, 23:27:12
Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 08, 14:49:30
"Vanilla should be pretty easy. I just hope there are some pods lying around, those things can get a bit pricey sometimes"

Blueberry started shuffling round the kitchen, rummaging through cupboards and grabbing some milk and cream from the refrigerator. "Getting all this stuff together shouldn't take too long so I can help out with something else if you need me. The ice cream will take a few hours until anypony can eat it though"

Smile had a hard time containing her excitement the more she thought about the ice cream. This motivated the gal to get started on preparing the party. With a smile the mare replied,

[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Alright!~ I gotta go to my room real quick; got some party gear that we could use. Once you're done, you can meet me out back![/color]

Not wanting to waste anymore time, the mare quickly stood up from the table and made her way toward the door. But before she could leave, the mare had one last thing she wanted to say. As she approached the exit of the kitchen she happily said to BlueBerry,

[Color=yellowgreen]Fake Smile: Thanks for the help, Blue!~ I know this is gonna be a great party![/color]
The mare flashed the stallion a big smile before departing from the kitchen. As she beamed with excitement, the mare started to make her way upstairs.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 12, 00:57:37
Marble : mabe i should get something to eat....wanna come with me Peace?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 12, 01:48:23
To Marble: Um sure. I'll be down there.

To Maple and Frigid: How bout ya guys. Ya guys wanna go eat?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 12, 01:53:08
Marble : kay then..*she climbs downstairs*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Apr 12, 11:14:48
"yeah sure, besides theres nothing good on right now " he yawned getting up
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 12, 19:12:27
*follows behind Marble*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 13, 00:53:36
Peace comes along with the group from the second floor to the first floor heading to the kitchen.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 13, 10:38:13
//uh i forgot what were supposed to do in the kitchen
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Apr 13, 19:45:52
Uh oh. Looks like someone forgot to do something in the kitchen.
*-Well you planned for us to go to the kitchen to eat. How can you forget!? lol
*-Well we do have several others who are also in the kitchen so possibly clash interaction of the rest of the residents.
*-One more thing, pardon the intolerance for not making way for Fake to run up the stairs while the rest head down x3.

Coming near the kitchen he can smell the variety of foods being prepared. He can only imagine a banquete making taste buds glitter, stomach rumbling, nose smelling, mouth watering...

Peacekeeper: Wow, so much to describe how hungry I am
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 14, 01:44:29
Game waddled around the kitchen and proceeded to lick up any spillages he could reach. Some of them tasted okay but it wasn't very filling for the large wolf.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Apr 19, 01:04:08
"You dont say"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 19, 01:07:24
Marble : yea it looks good...i,m hungry too
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 26, 14:04:53
Having ate the little droppings of food that splattered the floor. The pudgy wolf waddled to a nearby cooking pony and stared up at them, hoping for something more substantial.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 26, 14:07:12
*Marble looks at gamepaw*

Marble : hmm mabe i could making something for you?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Chrisgotjar on 2016 Apr 26, 15:20:59
"Whoa there wolfy!" Blueberry wobbled on his hind legs, bowl in hooves doing all he can not to accidentally tread on the blue wolf trying to nick any fallen ingredients.

Waddling his way to a counter top the stallion placed the bowl down and started gathering his ingredients. Rustling through the fridge for milk, cream and eggs he glanced out at the wolf staring up from the floor.
"Haven't you eaten yet?" Blueberry questioned. "Let's see what we can find here, what is with this fridge? It's like every time I open it, it's been refilled. Ah this looks like wolf food"

Blueberry's head slowly came out of the fridge with a very cartoon looking piece of ham holding it up by the bone with his mouth. "Ish ish uaht oo ant?"
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 26, 15:25:57
Game looked at the cartoony ham and drooled slightly, eagerly attempting to grab the ham right out off the pony's mouth.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 27, 01:22:04
//cartoony ham..wow talk about creativity

Marble : hmm..mabe i should make waffles?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Apr 27, 12:28:24
Game happily started tearing chunks of meat off the ham bone, eagerly and ferociously devouring it, leaving smaller splatters in his fur and around the food demolition site.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Apr 27, 13:01:55
*Marble starts baking waffles*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 May 28, 18:42:21
Game having devoured the cartoony meat, now had is appetite sated but it was still there and he waddled over to the pony making food and looked up for them, hoping to get some more food and maybe actually get full.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 May 28, 19:37:24
Marble : all done...okay then what now? *she looks at the audience*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Jun 05, 07:56:08
Game put a paw on Marble's leg as a sign of him wanting more food to eat.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 06, 02:10:44
*she looks at gamepaw*

Marble : do you want waffles? if you do just nod...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Jun 06, 02:22:53
Game nodded eagerly, thinking with his stomach once more.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Jun 06, 02:55:18
Frigid sat on the opposite side of a table watching Gamepaw eat while letting out a small sigh.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 06, 04:04:07
*Marble takes a large pile of waffles and gives them to gamepaw*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Jun 06, 12:11:07
Game wagged happily and dug into the pile of waffles, devouring them all and licking the plate clean, before resting on his waffle filled stomach.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 06, 13:32:18
Marble : don't tell me you want more...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Jun 06, 13:38:15
Game, looked up at the pony and nodded innocently. While he was sated and not hungry anymore, he could still eat.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 06, 16:11:55
Marble : okay then another Pile of hot waffles coming up...
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Jun 06, 16:51:33
Game wagged his tail in enjoyment while observing the room, wondering where all the ponies had gone too.

( Let's try to revive this :3
@Shadow Flare @Peace Keeper @Chrisgotjar @Jcfraven @PlatinumJoystick @LunarDusk @Maplewood @Misty Fly @SandFire @FakeSmile @Chromastone64 @Sugar Delight @waaaaaaah @Blazing Sun @NotVlinny @ScarletInk )
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 06, 16:55:13
Marble : oh they went to sleep...*she puts the giant pile of waffles next to gamepaw and falls asleep*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Jun 06, 17:04:17
Game once again devoured the waffles and felt full enough and felt like he need to lay down.

The pudgy canine waddled, even slower than before, heading towards the living room and moving around in front of the couch. Knowing that he can't get up he happily collapsed onto his side, taking up the role of a ottoman.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: LunarDusk on 2016 Jun 06, 21:09:06
Frigid watched as Marble fell asleep with Gamepaw moving into the living room.As the only one awake he didn't know what to do while somewhat still mentally reeling. He walked over to the door of the living room to gaze around to see who was in it before moving towards the counter lowering his head with a growling stomach.

" :c ....."
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Maplewood on 2016 Jun 07, 00:16:14
maple forgot what he was saying as he moved next to peacekeeper to the outside
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 07, 02:39:24
*She wakes up*

Marble : huh what?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: waaaaaaah on 2016 Jun 07, 04:09:22
(I don't think I can recommit to this. Sorry Gamepaw  >.<)
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 07, 05:27:30
*Marble gets up and walks to her room*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Jun 21, 02:35:02
Quote from: Maplewood on 2016 Jun 07, 00:16:14
maple forgot what he was saying as he moved next to peacekeeper to the outside

It's a nice home, don't ya think?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jun 21, 08:14:40
*she wakes up and notices there is noone in the room*

Marble : what time is it...? *she looks at the alarm clock*
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Gamepaw on 2016 Jul 13, 15:58:30
Game having settled into his spot on the floor attempted to reach the TV remote but with a strain the wolf failed at his attempt and just watched the blank screen on the wall, waiting for a pony to come along and use it.
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Misty Fly on 2016 Jul 13, 20:28:28
Marble : i can't sleep at all...

*she climbs downstairs and turns on the TV*

Marble : my my fashion TV and my sister is on tv? oh wait its about fashion week in fillydelphia my bad
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Peace Keeper on 2016 Jul 25, 03:57:52
*-Sure gotten quiet here. Sowies if this isn't running as planned ono .


Peace to Maple: Ima go back in. Would like to see more of this house. Gonna stay outside more?
Title: Re: The House (Open-RP)
Post by: Kat the skeleton on 2016 Sep 16, 05:06:29
Iceyflame/likes the cold and heat/18/blue and red mane and tale/fur is golden yellow/female/always happy very protective to others/crush:game-nopony/kind/does a lot of chores
"Hey guys!" She said.