Life in Ponyvile V

Started by Ryo_D_Disk, 2013 Dec 25, 16:41:24

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Teal Turken

um...some of it. The table and bath were here, but I had to make the bed myself. Or maybe they weren't? I've been here all my life, so maybe I built it when I was super young or something.
In the back corner of the room is a hole which acts like a storage closet, where a couple berries and nuts are seen inside.


//so Teal, Seriack when you guys are in a more open area would it be okay to join you?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

// You could join us now if you want! \\


((Either way works for me. Phones almost dead, so I may go quite until I get the charger set up.))

Dream raises an eyebrow, now a little confused... How could somepony not remember doing something? She shrugs it off as she notices the storage space, "Where do you get your food from?" She asks Sanny, wondering if the tiny mare picked the berries and gathered the nuts herself.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

Teal Turken

I brought them here. It's a bit of a pain with how big they are, but it's worth it to not have to run out everytime I want to eat something. ^-^


2014 Jun 16, 19:29:08 #3205 Last Edit: 2014 Jun 16, 19:58:44 by FlameandIce
//oh okay I wasn't sure  X3
Flame finds his way to Sanny house remembering where it was he stands a little away from it not too sure if he should knock on the tree or not

//Well I totally messed that up
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((Sorry about that, had to put the dishes in the wash as well.))

Dream nods, agreeing with Sanny. It would be a lot easier to store it almost all at once rather than running all over and bringing it back, "Do you only have one bed...?" She then asks, wondering if they'd be sharing or not.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

Teal Turken

Yeah...but I could make another one if you want.


Dream shakes her head, "No, no... I wouldn't want up put you through the burden of having to make one... We can share." She tells Sanny, giving her a sheepish smile. Her blush annoyingly remained, even growing a little brighter.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

Teal Turken

Alright then! Lets just hope nothing crawls in here while we sleep tonight.


Dream's sheepish expression sours as she hears the last part, "Has that happened before...?" She asks Sanny, wondering if she could fend anything dangerous off with her magic.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

Teal Turken

Yeah, it's gross most of the time because it's usually a bug. But I can just shrink anything with that sap and be done with it easy.


Dream nods, looking back at the sap and suppressing a shudder. Just thinking about how the stuff worked made her stomach queasy, remembering the vertigo and tingly feelings of size change, "Well, if you'd need help, I do have my magic." She tells Sanny, her horn lighting up for a moment to emphasize her words.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

Teal Turken

Is it any good against squirrels? she asks.


Dream gave her a wide smile and started to speak, but stopped, thinking about it for a moment, "I'm not sure... Not at this size..." she tells Sanny, "Though I might be able to scare it away."
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"


//yeah I think I'll just wait till you the next day (RP time) X3
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

Haha, we'll see. she chuckles.
Do you want to eat something before we go to bed?


((That'll be soon, Flame.))

Dream's smile returns and she nods at Sanny, "Sure..." Though she stops as her stomach rebels a little, "On second thought, maybe I shouldn't... My stomach still feels a little tender, even if it's empty now..."
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

Teal Turken

oh, alright. We'll eat in the morning.
Sanny moves to her bed and slides in, lying on one side of it.


Dream nods and follows suit, sliding onto the other side. As she got comfy, she was glad Sanny couldn't see her face, Dream having turned so she faced away: it was a crimson red, easily shinning through her dark red coat then, "Night, Sanny..." She mumbles.
Thanks Soriku for the Pixel Poneh!
My OC's((Only one so far))
"Let me carry your burdens"

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