Pony science! :D

Started by Albino, 2012 Mar 31, 03:01:41

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Yeah so this thread is for things like theories about the ages of ponies, or how the magic works, and so on. ouo; So if you think you can tell me how two earth ponies give birth to twins, one of which is a pegasus and the other a unicr0n, tell me the theory in this thread. >w< KHAPPYPOSTING.
I'm on NightWish now. o3o K.


Magic is the opposite of science since there's no way to explain it! Unless we're talking about Discworld, but that's a whole different matter.


One carries teh Unicorn Gene and one Carries the Pegasus gene...?  X3

Night Pony

Quote from: Ozzy on 2012 Mar 31, 07:01:22
One carries teh Unicorn Gene and one Carries the Pegasus gene...?  X3

And if one carries both genes it becomes an Alicorn.  x3

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


The grandfather of one of the two earth ponies was a unicorn and the grandmother of one of the two earth ponies was a pegasus. Thus resulting in them being able to have a pegasus baby and unicorn baby.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...



A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Quote from: Tiger on 2012 Mar 31, 07:32:57
Quote from: Zaner-Boy on 2012 Mar 31, 07:25:55
Spoiler: show


you need to study biology to udnerstand it : but when you first understand its easy

lets have an example: your and dad have brown eyes. but you have blue eyes? well the possiblity is that your mom and dad is a "carrier" for the dna formula of blue eyes. the only reason your mom and dad dont have blue eyes becuase the brown "formula" overwrites the blue one. but that means someone else in your familiy tree must have the genes for blue eyes. it dosent have to be visible but they still have it and it can pass down the familiy, so a familiy with only brown eyed people can one day have a child with blue eyes

conclusion: genes can pass down familiy and they dont need to be visible or for others to see it. but they are there.

hope it helped, im not the best person to explain things.

avatar made by TheMysteriousArtist,and stardust for the pictures in the signature. go check thoose artists out!!

Lord of Madness

i love you science...  0:)

Project P.O.T.A.T.O.

2012 Mar 31, 09:11:28 #9 Last Edit: 2012 Mar 31, 09:20:19 by Project P.O.T.A.T.O.
Pony Genetics
by Tater

Ponies have many different genes, but Im gonna make them one phenotype.

Pegasus- P
Unicorn- U
Earth Pony- E

Ponies are co-dominant, meaning both genes appear, non are recessive.

So why y u no alicorns?

Let me explain. Ponies have not only external traits, but internal too. Pegasi have a hollow bone structure and air sacks, so flying is comfortable and easy. Earth ponies have a powerful muscle structure (for physical activity, and different voice pitches to talk to animals and farm. Unicorns have a magic gland in their skulls to generate magic. So one genotype appears INTERNALLY.

So, lets look at Fluttershy's punnet square.

Hence Fluttershys ability with animals.

Alicorns are sex-cell linked a genetic disorder , and breed very selectively due to that.

The Cake kids are pretty simple.

Pumpkin- UP (Hence flying)

Derpy Herpy Pokemanz
http://pokefarm.org/_ext/user/ViveLeEnnui#0 Click em.


No really, it kind of does.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

Night Pony

I like how we constantly try to explain ponies.  ovO

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Project P.O.T.A.T.O.

I also edited to explain the cakes.

But anyway, I could be wrong, but that's my theory.

Derpy Herpy Pokemanz
http://pokefarm.org/_ext/user/ViveLeEnnui#0 Click em.


i think everything of this is theory since we got no material evidence, or announcments form the producers XD <3


avatar made by TheMysteriousArtist,and stardust for the pictures in the signature. go check thoose artists out!!

Book Smarts

You know a fandom is awesome when they start making theories on how genetics work in the show  lol


Quote from: Night Pony on 2012 Mar 31, 07:07:29
Quote from: Ozzy on 2012 Mar 31, 07:01:22
One carries teh Unicorn Gene and one Carries the Pegasus gene...?  X3

And if one carries both genes it becomes an Alicorn.  x3

OT: Ponies age rapidly until around 6 then they're adults for 30 (that's old) more years.
Magic can't be explained. It's not real, It's from the imaginations and therefore has no explanation, It can't have one.
It's genetics. Deal with it. Pony racial genes work different from Human race genes. Perhaps Pegasus and Unicorn are dominant genes?

_____Cedar Woods____________Chilly Breeze_____________Bronze Kettle_____

The Wandering Magus

all types of magic are different but essentially driven by the same thing: willpower.  They are also seamlessly intertwined with pony biology; in fact, mana channels in ponies work remarkably like Chi lines in humans, affecting every part of the body and being effected by the body in turn.  Focus points of the channels differ from race to race.

For instance, the main focus point on unicorns is obviously the horn.  Although on the outside it is mostly hardened bone, it can still feel sensations of heat, and is filled with mana channels linked directly to the unicorn's neurological system.

Pegasus ponies have less obvious magic, but their focus points are clearly distributed throughout the wings.  Although their biology is generally optimized, their flight is actually predicated on their special magic aura, which creates an invisible aerodynamic shield around them and channels the wind.  This same shield is what allows them to walk on clouds or create storms and gale winds.  It is not only weather, but also to a certain extent gravity-based, and with careful training it is theoretically possible for pegasi to control gravity much as they control weather.

Earth ponies are by far the least obvious in terms of magic.  Their mana channels do not have specific focus points that I can think of, except perhaps their hooves.  They are linked intimately with the ley energies rooted in the very soil of Equestria, thus giving them access to their plant abilities.

There is crossover between the three races whenever focus points are placed differently due to genetics; for example, some unicorns are capable of flight due to vestigial wing focus points left over from pegasus ancestry.  Some pegasi have focus points on their hooves, linking them with the ley energies and thus with the earth.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Quote from: wanderingmagus on 2012 Mar 31, 11:25:37
Earth ponies are by far the least obvious in terms of magic.  Their mana channels do not have specific focus points that I can think of, except perhaps their hooves.  They are linked intimately with the ley energies rooted in the very soil of Equestria, thus giving them access to their plant abilities.
Wait what? Plant abilities? Where'd that come from?

_____Cedar Woods____________Chilly Breeze_____________Bronze Kettle_____

The Wandering Magus

"No easy task to clear the ground, plant our tiny seeds
With proper care and sunshine, everyone it feeds.
Apples, carrots, celery stalks, colorful flowers too!
We must work so very hard, it's just so much to do!"

"Earth Ponies do have a connection to the land that other types do not. In Equestria, growing food and tending animals (Fluttershy's talent with animals is unusual for a pegasus, I always imagined she feels more at home on the ground than in the sky) is just as necessary, as managing weather and magic. Perhaps more important, don't you think?"
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Book Smarts

If pegasususus control the weather, and the earth ponies control the ground,
what do we unicorns contribute to equestria? o.O

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