Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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((I don't know the prices x3))
Neat. Nice meeting ya again Red Dawn. I'll come back when I have something in mind.

Jenzy returns the book to his bag and he teleports up to the main floor.

He waves goodbye to Scroll Scripts and leaves the shop...
((Now what?))


the captain goes and levitates the papers up and looks at them

Teal Turken

Teal sobs into the pillow quietly.


Spoiler: Poor pony • show


((whats wrong with teal O-o))

Teal Turken

Quote from: Jenzy on 2013 Feb 12, 01:27:00
Spoiler: Poor pony • show

((You drew that? Awesome! I didn't even request it! :D ))


The first two are unreadable but the third reads "I don't have much time left more ponies know about the Project and of course will do anything to stop at this point I have no choice I have to take away their free will it's the only way to stop her at least until I find that filly and the key the test with the ray on that pony worked well I just hope it will work on the twins so little time I had to speed up the birth process this may be my downfall this is a lost cause but I must keep trying just as long as any higher up ponies like a general finds out these lower soldiers are the only ones I can trust especially if Clockworker tells them"
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


the captain sighs as he reads and puts all the pages in his bag "i will have to report this to celestia , what ever is coming we will stop it , we will find some way , maybe ..." the captain stopped thinking about the ancient tomes that he had sealed up in his house in ponyville "maybe i can find something in those" the captain turned to one of the guards who had been helping twiright "you all had been accompanying him i have a question these foals is it safe to take them out of there , it wont harm them will it ?"


"he said two more days then they can come out sir" a guard says
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((Yeah. I wanted to. I was bored. You're welcome...))
Jenzy looked around the beautiful city of Canterlot. He was thinking whether he should go visit the castle. But he knows there will probably be guards there. And he didn't really have anything in mind to share with the royals.

Nice to see Physics's parents' shop here. I can't miss it with it's alike-ness...

Hmmm, maybe something to eat...

He goes to Pony Joe's to buy a dougnut.


2013 Feb 12, 01:51:57 #2330 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 12, 02:14:03 by travis-zenryo
"i want them observed and taken care of till then you get some ponies  to do so and have them do shifts i want these foals healthy and safe when they come out of those tubes ill try to find someone to take care of them if i have to i will do it , and you guards who went along with this pray that when i report this to the princess and she informs your commanding officer of this that they both do not decide to reprimand you all for going along with this " the captain spoke in a very stern and serious tone he then looked at the tanks and sighed "i am going to have a lot of work on my hooves not only with helping these two but finding a way to save, and i mean truly save this country if what was said is true, also i want that machine he was using studied and analyzed before being dismantled " ((that picture was pretty awesome))


((So where's Zenryo?

Jenzy's at the doughnut shop))


((he is at the the royal science labs , something like that he is at seth twiright's lab in canterlot having found out what he was up to and trying to do he confronted him on it and it excalated slowly lol))


((I don't think there's anything I can do about that x3))


((its over for now i think but  now the captain may end up having to find 2 foals a home or take them in himself O-o but its late so i am going to turn in night ever pony  i was going to try to color that pic of teal but windows paint kinda sucks )) the captain left the canterlot castle after giving reports to celestia including the one on seth twiright  and what had been going on as he continued walking the captain had much on his mind , things he had been thinking about since he left his canterlot home this morning , things that he had lost a bit of sleep over

the dark gods

2013 Feb 12, 14:42:33 #2335 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 12, 14:44:39 by the dark gods
((if you need someone to RP with, Physics parents are still in their shop.))
thank you Sky Sketch


as the captain walked he stopped passing by an oddly familiar sounding shop as he stared at it he decided to go on in

the dark gods

2013 Feb 12, 14:56:55 #2337 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 12, 14:58:46 by the dark gods
The shop even looked like the Arcane Incantum inside same build and everything. Behind the counter that looked like an aged Physics, with slightly darker eyes, and grey hair. Hello and welcome to Scroll Scripts Scrolls and Red Dawns potions, I'm Scroll Scripts, how may I be of service? Scroll Script asks., his voice far deeper then his sons.
thank you Sky Sketch


"first i have a question you wouldnt happen to be related to physics are you" the captain raised a brow

the dark gods

Scroll gives a nod. Was it the shop or the looks that tipped you off? Scroll asks The Captain.
thank you Sky Sketch

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