Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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" sorta both actually" the captain chuckled then spoke "i am travis zenryo captain general of the elite equestrian guard and princess celestia's personal guard it is nice to meet you"

the dark gods

Scroll extends his hoof to give a hoof shake to the captain. The EEG eh? They're one of my best customers. Scroll says.
thank you Sky Sketch


"really now ? i suppose they hit up your shop when they get back from missions ?" the captain shakes hoofs with the pony

the dark gods

Scroll Scripts shakes his head. Nope, we supply their potions. Scroll says. I thought the captains would know their logistic trains better then this. Scrolls says with a light chuckle.
thank you Sky Sketch


"well the E.E.G. members are actually usually scattered all over equestria where as the royal guard here usually sticks to the towns , it makes it a bit difficult to keep up with things like orders and such" the captain chuckles a bit "i mean you should see the reports  i have to go through  "

the dark gods

Well I guess you have a point. Scroll says. Anyway you wanna buy something? Physics asks The Captain.
thank you Sky Sketch


"that all depends there may be something you could help me with do you have any books or information about something called the dark legacy?" the captain asked hoping they would

the dark gods

I'll have to check that out. Scroll says, walking towards the book shelves. ((AKA I'll have PM FlameandIce about it.))
thank you Sky Sketch


((i figured that lol or that they wouldn't have anything)) "alright i would certainly appreciate it" he spoke in a grateful tone

the dark gods

((Give me a minute, he's not responding.))
thank you Sky Sketch


((okey dokey lokey))

the dark gods

((I'm getting tired of waiting.))
Scrolls stops searching for the book. Sorry, looks like we have no books on this "dark legacy", my apologies. Scroll says.
HONEY! IS THAT A VISITOR! A voice screams from upstairs.
No Darling it's a possible customer! Scroll yells upstairs.
thank you Sky Sketch


"heh possibly both , and that's quite alright i kinda had a feeling you may not have anything about it " the captain sighed and began to look around

the dark gods

((Sorry for the late reply, going to have to reply slower from now on.))
The shop had a few less items the Physics shop, only having books, scrolls, and potions, though the selection of potions and scrolls where more varied.It was also far less expensive per item.
thank you Sky Sketch


"what kind of scrolls and potions do you carry" the captain continued looking around

the dark gods

We carry a variaty of utility, healing, offensive, and transport scrolls. As for potions, we have the healing of mana, stamina, and health, along with more common purpose ones, and even a few offensive grenades. Scroll Scripts tells The Captain.
thank you Sky Sketch


"you sell explosives ? " the captain raised a brow as he adressed the pony

the dark gods

2013 Feb 12, 18:04:56 #2357 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 12, 18:12:32 by the dark gods
Scroll Scripts gives a short nod. Uh-hu, where do you think the royal guard get those fancy ones? Scroll tells him. My wife makes em right here. Scroll tells him.
((GTG soon, movie.))
thank you Sky Sketch


2013 Feb 12, 18:35:45 #2358 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 12, 20:41:34 by travis-zenryo
"well, i was really just looking for things on the dark legacy , but if you have any rare defensive books or scrolls i wouldnt mind picking them up for my collection,ill check some other time to see if you get any in as for now i really need to get back to do some research , " the captain left in a  hurry heading toward the train station to ponyville he wanted to look in his collection for spells that may help deal with this thing , he quickly bored the train


((if you want to continue Teal))
Ice wakes up the next morning and looks around
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

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