Ships and Spice: Adventure on a Cruise! (Jump-in)

Started by Lusterless Nova, 2012 Sep 19, 17:22:57

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Morgan Sententia not oblige to can say we "humans" sometimes are...Omnivores...

Teal Turken

Omnivores...creatures that eat both plants and....meat?


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Morgan Sententia

2012 Sep 26, 22:48:18 #603 Last Edit: 2012 Sep 26, 22:58:31 by Morgan Sententia
N-N-NOT ALLTHETIME!! Ehaha! O: X3 We sometime eat other things like apples, oranges, cucumbers, potato's...eggs?...i-s that a meat product?...i don't think they eat eggs do they?....

((were chatting about omivores, but ill be heading off soon))


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Morgan Sententia

Teal Turken

Calm down calm down. I don't have anything against meat eaters, I just...dislike meat myself.


Alice and Margeret walk in to the shop and sit at a table
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Morgan Sententia

Y-yes i know that since your species are herbivore's and enjoy eating grass and stuff...but i never knew a "pony" that could eat cakes and pie's...that's weird since i haven't seen your species get sick from it...b-but you know, ehehe...

Teal Turken

Teal giggles.
You'd be surprised by a certain Pink pony, she eats so many sweets so fast! I can't believe she never gets a belly ache!

Morgan Sententia

Is that right? I should watch out for her then. :)

((I gotta go, it's late for me here and am gonna be busy tomorrow, but will continue this later on k? ^-^))

Teal Turken

((okay, later Morgan!))

I'm surprised, REALLY surprised she hasn't thrown you a party yet!

Giggle Tail

(Crud, what'd I miss?  Sorry, had a pretty full day yesterday)
Will write lighthearted, random comedy stories for fun.

Giggle's OCs

Teal Turken

((I see I was last waiting on Morgan for us to continue but....she never replied. I can leave that scene with her though))

Lusterless Nova

((As long as we are in this area...))
Nova can be seen how he climbs one of the mountains. He is about to reach the top.

Teal Turken

Teal is up high on a cloud, wearing boots, a coat, a small blue blanket to go over his back and a matching blue scarf around his neck. He spots Nova climbing the mountain and watches him.

Lusterless Nova

Just a few feet before he would have reached the top he stopped. He put the tools he used to climb into his saddlebag.
(Looks like a good spot)
He took a board he had on his back with his magic and jumps of the wall.

Rad Thunder

((Whoa! Almost forgot about this. Is there anyplace warm for Sleepless? She don't like cold...))

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