Royal Academy of Magic (Jump-In!) - IMF&M ended; Current Class: Dragonology

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2012 Aug 30, 16:37:00

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IMF&M ended, current class: Dragonology.  Please vote for the next class!

Inter-Magical Forces and Magitronics
0 (0%)
Dragonology and Other Beasts
3 (7.5%)
4 (10%)
1 (2.5%)
0 (0%)
Space and Flying Studies
1 (2.5%)
1 (2.5%)
Practical Applications of Magic
0 (0%)
Magical Items
2 (5%)
4 (10%)
Magic Glyphs
1 (2.5%)
Magic Drawings
0 (0%)
Shadow Magic
8 (20%)
Healing Magic and Herbology, Potions
4 (10%)
Elemental Magic
9 (22.5%)
Ancient Magic
2 (5%)
Other (please suggest in OOC or PM me)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 39

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Quote from: bauccgia0 on 2013 Dec 17, 16:00:38
Earl Grey sat next to the filly, trying to keep a level head, and explain it to her. It's less like being robbed, and more like... charity. I think the dragon is here of its own accord.

She nodded darkly, "Yes, I too did find myself needing to give up my money willingly. So humiliating. I do say to you, poor dragon. You let this be? But why? Surely these magicians haven't the power to hold you here. Measuring tapes and recording papers and crowding about. She shivered, holding herself in her hooves. "I do pity thee, dragon."

Bane Emural

The guard bot leaves the teacher's lounge and returns back to class. It bumps on Bane's head, waking him up. "So she hasn't come back yet?" He gets up. "I might as well see what she is doing." He leaves the classroom and heads towards the teacher's lounge, there he spots Dreams.
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


Earl wondered why the filly continued on this train of thought. Well, I suppose it's because he wants to be here. Besides, what's humiliating to you may be different to others.


This brought the filly's attention to him, fully. "You remind me of those monks and civil-workers. Always look on the bright-side. Think about what others might think on this. Made me say Shintain axioms before they'd give food. What are you giving me mister." And her opaque eyes looked at him, attempting to stare him through. It only gave her a headache and watering eyes though.

"Well I hope you are giving away horse-shoes because I could use some of those." She lifted her hooves to shew her broken and cracked hooves. 


For a moment, Earl was a little... thrown. He'd never encountered such a strange child before. Then, when he showed him her hooves, a solution struck him. Well, I don't have spare horseshoes. But, I think I have a remedy for cracked hooves in my classroom. I would appreciate it if you were to attend my class so I could demonstrate the healing power of some herbs.


She shook her out-held hoof wildly. "No, no you don't understand me. I am no student, I couldn't afford admission into the university, I was just here talking with the dragon, then you people came up and I thought a dragon hunt was happening . . ." She stopped to take a breath, "I'm not so rich, mister."


Earl tilted his head, slightly. He said, confused, "I never said anything about paying. Why would I charge you?"


"Classes cost money, don't play foal on me mister!" She stomped her soft hooves in the soft patches of grass. "I cannot pay for admission and I know how schools work. Unless this place be good to all ponies for nothing. You say any pony can go in for free?" She quirked her head. Thinking this couldn't be true, not from the differing levels of education around Canterlot.


Well, I never heard of anypony having to pay. Besides, I'm not saying you have to attend the class. In fact... Earl ran a couple thoughts around in his head. How much do you know about herbs?


Gūzen zōo smiled impishly, than incorrectly recited an ancient herb poem. "Green-roat cures the ailing. Mugwort cleans the pallet. Chamomile cures the blind; Thyme speeds the healing. Fennel helps the digestion." She stopped there, sure she had proven her unbelievable powers of recollection, that, in truth, desired much improvement.


Earl looked at her for a moment. Well, maybe I can find a way for you to attend my classes without paying. Come with me, to the main entry, please. He turned to walk back into the building, and paused to let her follow.


She smiled up at him, not catching anything from his tone or stare. "Yeah? I'm worthy of scholarship or something? I don't really believe that but okay." She pranced along with the professor wondering if the dragon had been angered by any of her comments. He certainly looked placid and tame enough. "You know, you guys have figured out how to tame dragons. You should share it with some other places. They'd pay well, I bet."


I was thinking more of a loophole approach. They entered the secretary's office together. Ms. Quill, would it be alright if I took this filly in as an assistant? He motioned to Guzen with his hoof.


"I'm good with herbs and junk" She stopped and then repeated this in her broken equestrian. "Got ancient herb poem down. Want to hear, yes? You do." And she thought about the words in Equestrian before taking a large breath in which to recite her incorrect recitation of the herbs uses.


"I've thought up a riddle for Kyslu, but I'm wondering whether it would be better to ask him it in Equestrian or show him it in Futhorc runes?
I'm not really sure how to pronounce the runes, but I've read that dragons prefer them to modern languages."
Cloudy asks Shard.
"Also, would now be a good time to ask Kyslu the riddle, or should I wait until the end of class?"

Maybe a little more ionization on the wings... Aaack!
Here are my OCs

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: bauccgia0 on 2013 Dec 17, 19:00:05
I was thinking more of a loophole approach. They entered the secretary's office together. Ms. Quill, would it be alright if I took this filly in as an assistant? He motioned to Guzen with his hoof.
The secretary looked up from where she was filling out several thousand forms at once with her magic.  "Miss Gūzen zōo?  If you are willing to fill out her forms and be responsible for any problems that may come up as far as legal issues are concerned, then yes.  She will have access solely to select areas of the campus, your lecture hall at specified times, and your training room, also at specified times.  I've already logged her life signature, heart rate, DNA, skeletal structure and other identification with the campus system.  Passive neurological scans show no psychosis or other mental conditions that might threaten students or faculty.  Passive magic scans show stable results.  Passive illusion scans show no trace of changeling techniques or mental control of any sort.  These are her authorization forms.  You may authorize her for anything that you explicitly trust her to be able to handle physically, mentally, and legally, but be forewarned that you will bear full responsibility for any possible future problems if they arise."

The forms immediately pop into existence from a puff of smoke in front of the professor.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


"Some fancy nonsense all this" Gūzen zōo nodded, watching the various procedures and pretending like she had the faintest idea about what was going on. "Though maybe I don't want to be a student. It's not like I'll have a place to sleep or food to eat. And maybes I need to work for my eats and sleeps full time." She stared at the professor pointedly as if her going with him was all his fault. "What about that, mister?"


I'll handle food and a place to stay, Guzen. I'll help you with the forms. Speaking in Neighponnese again, Earl began pointing out different blanks and telling her what info each required. As far as work goes, I'll be happy to pay you for your help, if you'll let me. He turned back to Ms. Quill, and bowed slightly. Thank you, Ms. Quill.


This was a pretty good deal, too good for someone like Gūzen zōo, who'd never had a sympathetic touch in her life. Let alone a job offered to her. She scratched her chin for a bit, considering. Food, a place to sleep and possibly some bits along with the possibility of an education. Yeah she could live with that, those were positive benefits that she'd be only too happy to take up if they weren't traps of some kind. This brought her eyes to the paper before her.

She took time to try and read the Equestrian but it didn't make any sense to her. "I don't consent to no testing or nothing." She said pointedly to the attendant. "There are rights here in Canterlot. Rights for me too. Not gonna be no mouse-rat to test things on." She pointed her hoof at the instructor too. "Or any of funny stuff. If my tea or food tastes weird I'm going angry."


Earl looked aghast for a moment, at the mere suggestion of poisoning or testing on another. Of course not. That would be horrible, not to mention terribly irresponsible! Then, he regained his composure. Don't worry. You have nothing to fear from anyone at this school, least of all, me.

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