Pony Cosmology: Re-Creation (roleplay, Jump-in for MORTALS*, GODS sign up.)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2012 Apr 13, 08:31:18

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Teal Turken

Water, what is all this?  This whole place smells delicious!


"It's a relic from early recreation, before Zeth returned. I dug it out of storage in my realm for a safe place to experiment without causing harm to Zeth's plant and animal life. Seeing how there now seems to be a mortal race on Zeth I thought it would be best. Some of my creations can be a little dangerous at first, especially those with unforeseen consequences. Like those gravy pools over there. I blasted the asteroid a little hard with a gumball meteor and they flooded boiling hot liquid everywhere. Thank-you for your appreciation of the aroma by the way. How are you doing now you are a god? Had much to do yet?"

Maybe a little more ionization on the wings... Aaack!
Here are my OCs

Teal Turken

I'm great! But I haven't had too much to do unless cleaning all the water except swamps and stuff on Zeth counts as "much to do"
Do you think I could help you? I know some foods and a lot of drinks like liquid chocolate need water in the mix. :3


"Yes, some help would be appreciated. While I can summon drinks I cannot do so permanently, nor in large quantities. I'd quite like to test how well the fruits I've created taste from concentrate, testing that for me will be quite helpful.
I'll also section of an area of asteroid for you to experiment on, hold on."

Void places his hooves on the surface of his creation and it begins to tremble as a large section begins to subside, forming a huge crater.
To avoid any spillages from making his asteroid soggy, Voidwalker coats the sides in a layer of chewing gum.
"There we go, feel free to do what you like in that section, I cannot wait to implement any ideas for food and drink you come up with."

Maybe a little more ionization on the wings... Aaack!
Here are my OCs

Teal Turken

Alright, thanks Void! Let me know if you need me to come and test something!
Teal flies off to the huge crater that Void made and fills it with water. He makes the water cool so it doesn't warm the planet. After that Teal starts to think of ideas for food and drink creations.


Gathering blinked. "And once again they add some more restrictive rules." He looked around oddly for a moment. "They're still around, are they not?" He couldn't sense them at all but, there was definitely something off.  He looked at the display he was using earlier. It showed everything ok.  There was one small difference though. A massive ward was placed on creation. "Ah, that's why it seems like they're still around. It's their ward I'm sensing...wait was that even necessary? Didn't they send some gods here for such purposes?" Something was still bugging Him. 'Wait, somethings off. I know the sisters are powerful here but, If they really wanted to create such a perfect world, why are they not fixing Equestria? shouldn't they be able to rectify the problems of that world...unless, there's something they can't oppose.  No, It's more than that; they're powerful but, only to a point.  They have such control here simply due to the nature of this place.  With that in mind, how would these creations of theirs even stand a chance of apposing a force we couldn't handle.' Gathering pondered for a while. Clearly the princesses were hiding something.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


As Teal flies off Void feels a small spike of vanity.
If any more gods show an interest in my little asteroid I'll have to expand it into my own test-Zeth. Speaking of Zeth, I best check on the mortals that are there. He remembers.
He spreads his conscious thoughy out to Zeth's food systems and inhabitants. There seems to be some dissatisfaction with his food, but then that is why he was practicing. He notices a concentration of power regarding food. It seems that an food outlet of some form was being built somewhere.
Voidwalker grins, such places were practically temples to him.

Maybe a little more ionization on the wings... Aaack!
Here are my OCs

Night Sight

Starless almost remembered the name of the trapped one, the one he had left behind so many days ago but his mind had shut out the memory until now... then he woke. Before barely opening his eyes a millimeter Night Sight started to talk to him
"You're alive!" He said with overwhelming joy :3
"I... The trapped one... The Elder... Nova... " He started to mumble in a panicked form, memories starting to fly back into his head from what the virus opened up, in a way it actually helped him
"Hold it buddy! Take a breather! You passing out even brought the princesses here, and everybody kept blaming me because I was here first... man you really messed up my day" He said with a smile
"Where is the stone?" He said as he slowly started to get a sense of what was going on
"Uh just behind me wh-" He was cut off as Starless slid by him and grabbed the stone before throwing it off the mountain before it landed on solid rock and shattered into a thousand pieces and in the process Night Sight almost fell off the mountain in surprise O:

Silver Snake

"Hmph. Ask Zeth indeed. As if I would-" Blue's words stopped their derisive stream when his blazing eyes looked upon the Sisters again. It felt like it had been so long. So long since the... the news. Blue had no idea why he felt so weird about simply thinking about what had happened to him, without any overly-harsh feelings or hatred. Crimson's punishment might have helped me also.... The Law God, who thought himself so powerful, felt immensely, infinitely dwarfed by the power of the Sisters. His power of Order, which he was so proud of, was made inconsequential in simply a few moments. Even the proud unicorn felt himself bending, as if being forced to bow his head by an invisible hand. Ugh. What a feeling. I like their presence back in Canterlot much more. I don't feel so... insignificant. But he too, felt the comforting wave of healing. It was so unlike Order. Order made everything re-assume the state it had been in prior to Disorder violently and was never soft when it did so. Perhaps I could learn how to do something like that....

After the Princesses had taken care of the issue and their brilliance had died away, Blue again felt the disquieting feelings of worthlessness. It was so terrible to feel this way. His pride was such a paradox. It assured him that he was truly superior to everything he could see. When it was proved wrong, it was his bruised pride that caused him pain. It also seemed to forget it's damage every time, once again telling him he was the best. "I see that I didn't even need to come. That's nice to know," he muttered venomously to no pony in particular. "If you'll excuse me, I'll take my leave." The unicorn's horn flashed red violently and he disappeared, with the intention of returning to work on his Realm.


The ex-convict gave the Knowledge God a look of exasperation and disbelief. "Alkaid, you, a stallion, just asked another stallion about interior design." For added effect, he swiveled his flank forward and pointed at his cutie mark. "Does this look like a drape-matching sofa to you?" The Earth pony hoped that he wouldn't be incinerated in a shroud of divine rage for such cheek, but it was such an odd question that did not befit the amount of alleged thought that Alkaid was giving it. No... something is definitely eating him. And it isn't an issue of whether or not I think the room would look better mauve.

Crimson was about to press the matter, when Alkaid exclaimed that something was going awry in Creation. The god summoned a sort of scrying pool in the middle of the room and invited Crimson to look in alongside him. The pool's surface was in chaos. There were images flashing everywhere. Images of a small wolf who didn't look well and a pony who might have been a God who looked rather cross. What am I looking at? Is this what is going on in Creation? Any questions Crimson might have asked, he bit back. This wasn't a time to speak.

Suddenly, the image flashed to and maintained a rather... well, divine scene. The faces of two beautiful ponies appeared in the sky, with faces full of rage. It was immediately apparent to Crimson that these were the alicorn Princesses who governed Creation. Wait. How did I know that? He had no idea, but the thought that they were alicorns made goosebumps run up and down his legs. The red pony remained silent as he watched the entire scene unfold, ending with the world being put right and a very angry unicorn teleporting away from the planet. Wait... that was the one who cast a spell on my earring and said he'd be watching me! Who is that? Crimson pulled away from the pool with his head spinning. "Th-That was... amazing. Those... Princesses, they were beautiful. Who were they? Sorry, that's probably a dumb question, but I don't know. Where did they come from? What do they do?"

Let's just.... Let's not ask too many questions about this one.

Night Pony

"Great now we have some creation watching us constantly." Night said.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Morgan Sententia

Morgan felt a new sensation from the goddesses, she feels more secure....more trapped. But that changes when Night's friend awoke....then a pieces of rock shattered below sights feet.


Morgan took a few steps in case he fell....

Night Sight

((I hate that you cant even TOUCH other Gods, guess Magus got mad that I found a loophole in the rules and decided to restrict them more  >.<))
The ground below Night Sight gave out below him and he fell a few hundred miles to the ground below, even though being a God prevented him from feeling pain he still felt the impact to the ground o_o

Starless didn't even notice he fell he was still focusing on what happened, since he now destroyed the rock he was now to the point of trying to forget, those memories were long since forgotten and should have staid that way for good
"Fire... Parents... Tunnels... Crushing... Trapped forever..." He started to mumble under his breath, as he was trying to forget he was just remembering even more


Zeth pondered on what he could do as a god of earth. 'make some mountains, valleys, maybe a desert. floating islands, wait how would I make them float...wind? I could make some caves, or more asteroids for my ring. another ring? nah. perhaps some spires. oh maybe a moon or two.' this went on for a while before he came to a decision. 'I have no Idea what I'm doing' and instead of doing something productive he created various asteroids, moons, etc, in the distance; and started smashing them together, creating many clouds of debris.


The Phoenix's got bored of just watching from afar and started mingling.  They perched of the various parts of structures being built; as well as, idle tools, like wheel barrels.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


Not looking away from the pool, Alkaid said in respectful tone: "They our supreme rulers, the divine Sisters who created this universe and bestowed godhood on us, so that we shape Creation according to Their will. I'd never seen Them intervening like this before. It seems like something serious happened to Starless, and They healed him. I think it's time we get back to Creation, in case some other god needs me.". Also, I still have to ask Gathering about that planet thing. I hope this time he answers me, at least... thought the pony.

deviantART is magic
/!\ FIY: I sleep from 3 PM to 1 AM...curse you, time zones!


Majem was still unsure about getting closer, though everything seemed to be fine now.
"A god was injured? Guess there will be more strict rules from now on." He said to himself as he walked up to Starless.
"Hello, God of Nature." Majem said after bowing down before him. "It seems you had some problems. Is everything alright now?"


Gathering finished compiling the research on the prince. "Not as much information as I would hope, but a good general idea of what he's able to do." and with that in mind, he returned to his temple to check on the state of affairs.  The mortals were all acting more wild, what with the sudden appearance of the sisters. "wonderful"  :l
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

Suddenly from thin air two serpents entered Creation from two locations though not very far from each other. Their size was huge and only the dragon could compare to them. Once entirely on Zeth they got close to each other and started flying in a certain direction. They roared horrifying and tackled each other while making their way towards something.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Silver Snake

Having grown bored with working, Blue decided that he would take a nap. Drawing some Law from the surface of his Realm, he constructed a tree-shaped... thing (derp) which he climbed into for a rest. Before he fell asleep though, he looked upon Crimson. The spell encountered a bit of resistance as it punched through the dimensions before it told him that Crimson was still in the Knowledge Realm, under Alkaid's charge. Hm. Looks like the ex-con has gotten himself a new chaperone. Blue shrugged and contacted Alkaid telepathically. "Alkaid! Hello! It seems to me that our little mortal friend has taken quite a shine to you, and you to him. For this reason, I would like to deputize you in the duty of ensuring his security and/ or good behavior alongside myself. Can I count on you?" Expecting a quick answer, Blue settled down in the fork of his "tree" and closed his eyes, just inches away from falling asleep.


Crimson listened to Alkaid's information thoughtfully, nodding his head along with the God's words. "So they're very powerful then. Are there any other ponies like them? Alicorns, I mean." Crimson hadn't felt this way since he was a colt. Learning and information-gathering seemed to have a new appeal to him now. Maybe it's because I'm an amnesiac, and I'm trying to replenish my stock of knowledge.

The Earth pony's eyes were gliding over the endless bookshelves hungrily. He planned to read all of them hopefully.

"I think it's time we get back to Creation, in case some other god needs me."

Well. Never mind about that plan, then. Crimson nodded and replied, "Sure. Wait, we? What am I, your acolyte or something?" Crimson kept his tone light and a smile played upon his lips. In all honesty, he was fine with it. Being around a nearly all-powerful God was better than wandering Creation alone.

Let's just.... Let's not ask too many questions about this one.

Night Sight

Quote from: Chirp on 2012 Dec 17, 12:33:02
Majem was still unsure about getting closer, though everything seemed to be fine now.
"A god was injured? Guess there will be more strict rules from now on." He said to himself as he walked up to Starless.
"Hello, God of Nature." Majem said after bowing down before him. "It seems you had some problems. Is everything alright now?"

Starless turned towards Majem with a sad look in his eye
"No, it isn't at all..." He responded before mumbling something that was unreadible, he was obviously very saddened about something


"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Majem responded and looked down at the ground. Starless sadness made Majem feel a little bad, too.
"Is there.. Is there something we can do to help you?" He asked, but had prepared himself for a simple 'no'. Majem was already thinking of where to go and what to do next. Exploring the waters sounded like fun.

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