Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Rush of MLP

Rush wandered out of Everfree onto the sands of Pascalo, looking around curiously as he walked along the shore.


((Hey all, sorry I haven't been posting much.  I've been practicing for a competition that means a lot to me, but I'm fairly certain I can't explain it here.  If anyone wants to know, feel free to PM me~))


Quote from: Naura on 2015 Feb 12, 12:27:17
"Oh, can you help us out please?" Naura asked and walked up behind the stallion to get cover from the snow.

"Help? With what? You two seem okay." Doomato looked at Blue. "Hey, aren't you Checkman and RayGray's kid? Are you blue because your mind associated snow with being cold, causing it to create a simulated feeling of numbness and sickness, not to forget the 'cold'?"


"thanks " maple finished his sandwich


2015 Feb 21, 00:32:38 #34144 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 21, 00:36:04 by Grizzly
Quote from: Doomato on 2015 Feb 19, 18:12:24
"Help? With what? You two seem okay." Doomato looked at Blue. "Hey, aren't you Checkman and RayGray's kid? Are you blue because your mind associated snow with being cold, causing it to create a simulated feeling of numbness and sickness, not to forget the 'cold'?"

Blue tilted her head. "I'm Grey Scale and Checkmate's fiwwy." She then proceeded on to wonder about the pony's next sentence. "Um, what? My fuw is blue aww the time. But it is kinda cowd." She looked away and shivered a bit. "Oh! We'we lost, can you show us the way back home?" she asked and smiled trustingly.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


((Now how in luna do I explain my absence, and Grey not panicking over Blue being lost..  ))
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


2015 Feb 21, 08:16:59 #34146 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 21, 08:18:35 by LarryMcLie
Quote from: LarryMcLie on 2015 Feb 01, 17:07:59
Just after hearing those words, a small red-orange streak comes out of Shampoo's mane and jumps on one of the pillows.
"Oh, th that's my pet, Cappy. Do you, mind if he ststays too?"

((Let's say you thought they were in their rooms and was going to check on them when a knocking came from the back door  (or some other alternate enterence) cause Shampoo couldn't get her wagon up the balcony stairs, explaining why no pony saw you when they came in through the front.))

Teal Turken

// Freeing my OC for anyone who might wanna RP. \\

Sanny wanders the snow covered forest, heading for her home. The cold is pretty dangerous for her, but thankfully she got herself a small covering to keep her warm. The only reason she's heading home is because she needs some of the tree sap from her home to cure her soar throat.


((Grey is free now, plus, I'm bored.))

Grey sat in her living room, eyes pouring over a book.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


(( YAY~ ))

A knock on the door of the dinner was heard, a worried Hunter stood there, his head filled with questions.

Granny Star walked for the town, coming from behind of Sanny, her hoof landing right next to her.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Teal Turken

Sanny hears a loud *CRUNCH* in the snow next to her and she lets out a squeaky yelp, backing away from it and stumbling backwards into the snow.


Grey walked over to the door, opening it to see Hunter's worried face. "Is something wrong Hunter?" she asked, her face turning concerned.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Hearing the squeeky yelp misses Star looked down with concern. "Oh my." She said with worry and charged her horn, levitating Sanny from the snow. "I'm terribly sorry dear, are you alright?"

Hunter nodded. "One question, have you seen Blue around lately?"
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Grey shook her head "No, I think Check took her with him to Cantermore for a visit with my parents." she said.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Teal Turken

Sanny kicks her legs about in the air for a moment, then looks at Star. Her clothy covering hangs loose as she's levitated.
You scared me! she says, her voice sounding a bit scratchy.


Misses Star nodded. "Yes, i'm sorry. Aren't you hurt?" She asked and gently set Sanny on the ground.

Hunter nodded. "Alright. That's good. Sorry, i just feel like there's something wrong but i cant place my hoof on it." he sighed.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Teal Turken

Sanny stands on her hooves as she's set down, her eyes tracing Misses Star's face as she goes down to the ground.
I'm not hurt, but my throat is sore. I'm heading home to get it fixed. she says.


Grey smiled "Trust me, I know that feeling. Whenever Justice disappears from sight for more than 10 minutes, I get worried that the house is going to be filled with even more tripwires and trapdoors then it already has." she said with a slight chuckle.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Misses Star was a very old looking mare, somewhat resembling Blue. Her mane and tail were white and her fur a faded blue. She smiled at Sanny"Okey, i can take you there if you want."

"Yeah..." Hunter sighed. "Its like something is happening at the very corner of your eye but when you look its already gone, and you cant ever remember what you thought you saw... I don't like it."
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Teal Turken

I'd like that a lot, miss. Sanny smiles.
You know, you look a little familiar. Like somepony I know.

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