MLP Supports

Started by Gracie Sky, 2013 Jul 25, 20:03:44

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Gracie Sky

2013 Jul 25, 20:03:44 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 01, 17:35:09 by Gracie Sky
I was thinking of a fun character development activity for our OCs to do with each other. It is based off of the Fire Emblem support system, since I am having fun playing Fire Emblem: Awakening. One thing Fire Emblem normally does well is character development while they support with one another. Supporting is just basically talking to one another and learning about each other while putting up with the other's character flaws. I find the process fascinating and even with characters I wasn't originally interested in, they became so much more appealing after watching them interact with another character.

This is known as chemistry.

A character can only develop so much without getting help from another. They could possibly even learn about themselves! So I thought to myself to make a topic that encourages authors to explore their character by having them "support" with another character, be it another OC or even a character from the show. Of course, it's best if the two characters have something that would connect them together so they have something to talk about. Maybe they have the same hobby, or conflicting personalities, or maybe one of them has a secret crush on the other.

Characters generally support in levels: C, B, and A. That means they have three different discussions with each other, with each progressive one normally having some relation to the previous one(s). With each support, they become more understanding of each other, and by the time they finish with an A level support, they have become much closer friends. There is a secret 4th level of support known as S Supports, but any pair with an S Support will propose to and marry each other by the end 99% of the time.

Anyways, you should have fun with this, and get to know your characters a bit more in the process! To help give a bit of understanding, be sure to label the characters that are supporting, as well as maybe a single sentence that would best describe them. The subject of the support can be almost anything imaginable! You can find examples of supports in Fire Emblem in all sort of Youtube videos, but I will be giving a few examples myself, since that's partially why I made this topic. ;)

Gracie Sky (young version): A simple minded Pegasus with a love of discovery.

Terra Rose: A sarcastic and defensive Unicorn who wants to be able to grow plants.

Spoiler: Gracie Sky / Terra Rose C level support • show
Gracie: Hi Terra!
Terra: Oh, hey there, Gracie.
Gracie: Wow! That's a pretty flower you have there! Did you grow it yourself?
Terra: What do you think?
Gracie: I'm pretty sure you didn't because you're a Unicorn!
Terra: You sound like you knew all along! Why even ask?!
Gracie: Because this is your flower pot! See? It has your cutie mark on it!
Terra: Maybe I bought the flower and put it in my pot.
Gracie: Oh? Who did you buy the flower from? I'll go buy one there too!
Terra: Tsk, I didn't say I bought it, I only brought up the possibility.
Gracie: So you didn't buy it? Where did you get it from, then?
Terra: Wh-why do you want to know so badly?! It's just a flower!
Gracie: Because that's gotta be the tastiest looking flower I've ever seen!
Terra: What?! You want... you want to eat it?! Stay away from the flower!
Gracie: Terra! Wait up! I just wanted to know where you got it!

Spoiler: Gracie Sky / Terra Rose B level support • show
Gracie: Hi there, Terra! I found you!
Terra: What do you want? You're not here to snack on my flower, are you?
Gracie: No! Of course not! That's your snack, after all.
Terra: It's not a snack! No pony is going to ever going to take a bite out of this flower!
Gracie: Okay! I just wanted to know where I can get my own.
Terra: ... You could only get a flower like this from me.
Gracie: Only from you? What do you mean?
Terra: I'm the only pony who grows this kind of flower. It's a special mix I've been experimenting with.
Gracie: You grow it? But, you're a Unicorn!
Terra: Do you need to keep reminding me?
Gracie: But... you're growing a flower! Oh, wait! I know! Are you an Earth Pony with a horn?
Terra: ... Don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing.
Gracie: Then how are you growing that flower?
Terra: I... I helped grow it.
Gracie: Hmm? What does that mean?
Terra: *sigh* I didn't plant the seed, but I have watered it everyday, given it plenty of sunlight, and protected it from pests and illness. Without my help, this plant wouldn't exist. I helped grow it.
Gracie: Ooooooh! That's amazing! So that makes you a co-grower!
Terra: I... guess?
Gracie: Very impressive! The colors on this flower are so cheerful and the smell is so... so delicious!
Terra: HEY! That's close enough!

Spoiler: Gracie Sky / Terra Rose A level support • show
Terra: Hm? Gracie? What are you doing?
Gracie: Oh! I growing my own flower right here, see? It's the same kind of flower you have except very baby like!
Terra: Oh for the love of Celestia! Where did you get those seeds?!
Gracie: I found that nice Earth Pony who planted them for you and he was happy to plant me a few too!
Terra: Wait... but... do you have ANY idea how to grow flowers?
Gracie: Of course! You told me everything I need to know last time!
Terra: Huh?
Gracie: First step: Water everyday!
Terra: Huh? Wait a second! This thing is flooded! You're drowning it!
Gracie: Second step: Plenty of shade!
Terra: What?! I never said that! I said sunlight! SUNLIGHT!
Gracie: Third step: Protect from pests!
Terra: Gracie! There are bugs all over it!
Gracie: I know! They are so interesting to look at!
Terra: Did you hear anything I told you last time?! You have to keep these things off!
Gracie: But... you said I only need to protect from pests, not bugs!
Terra: ... Gracie... just... give up now. I'll take care of it from here.
Gracie: No! I need to grow it myself!
Terra: Didn't know you had an interest in growing.
Gracie: Well, you did such a good job growing your flower and I want to be just like you!
Terra: What? You do? S-since when?
Gracie: Since I remembered that I can't grow plants either! If that doesn't stop you, it won't stop me, either!
Terra: Hah! Well, if you feel that way, I guess I should help you co-co-grow this, because you're going to need a lot of help...
Gracie: Thanks! I can't wait until this flower blooms! I bet it's going to be just as tasty as yours!
Terra: ... Wait... you're not growing this so you can eat it, are you?
Gracie: Of course! I want to know what it tastes like!
Terra: Ugh! Have you no shame?! I forbid you from eating such a precious treasure!
Gracie: Hey! Terra! That's mine! Come back!
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!


This is brilliant. I love it. You were right, they became so much more interesting with a touch of interaction. That's why I brought my OC down to the RPBoard. I'm definitely going to use this.


This is a good idea! So is this using each other's OCs or just creating side characters? Sorry to ask an obvious question, kind of tired right now. :P
Currently innactive. School's been bogging me down. :(

Gracie Sky

 X3 Phew, I thought this idea could possibly flop, too. I'm relieved it got a bit of attention!

Anyways, to answer Zedd's question, the character you'd want to support an OC with would most definitely be another OC you made within the same timeline/universe/story/etc. I mean, unless you really know someone else's OC, which is generally a dangerous assumption to make, you should avoid supporting those kind of OCs with your OC (unless you have permission from the original author of that OC).

But maybe you only have one OC, which is why I brought up the possibility to support a character from a pony in the show, like Twilight Sparkle or even a background pony. Of course, this is a bit more dangerous, since you need to know the other pony very accurately. However, as long as the focus of the support is on the OC, it shouldn't be a big problem.

About side characters, I'm not sure it's a good idea to make a character whose only purpose is to support with your OC. I mean... I assume once the support is finished, the side character will be forgotten or something. It would be nice if both characters are equally thought out.
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!


2013 Jul 31, 13:58:01 #4 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 31, 14:25:55 by tiny.parcel
Level C
Springstep: Welcome, sir! Are you here for the camp registry?
Spidercrawl: Registering Camp site. Subtable of Everfree.
Spring: Subtable...? Well uh, registry, right. Is your foal with you today?
Spider: Would like a...tour?
Spring: Oh you want to see the place first? Absolutely! I can take you over the campsite and let you see the place for yourself.
Spider: Thank you, this is helpful.
Spring: That's the goal!
Spider: It is my ...goal as well. I want to learn everything for everyone.
Spring: That's an ambitious task. Only thing to come close is a library.
Spider: Yes, library. I will be a big library. I will help locate information. I will be helpful to... everypony.
Spring: Well, I will do everything I can so that you know everything there is to know about this camp, if that helps.
Spider: It does. Thank you. Soon I will know this location fully![/spoiler]

Level B
Spider: You are a part of the camp, yes?
Spring: I never thought of it that way.
Spider: Population is integral to every location. Everypony is part of where they are.
Spring: I guess that makes sense. I did found this place. It would not be a camp if I didn't make it one.
Spider: What is your name?
Spring: Oh! I forgot to introduce myself again, didn't I? My name is Springstep.
Spider: Springstep. You are...Earthpony?
Spring: Huh? Oh, no. I'm a Zebra- like Zecora. Maybe you've met her?
Spider: Zebra! Yes, you match Zecora. Zebras and Ponies look alike.
Spring: Yeah, I guess we do. Some ponies still give me odd looks, though...
Spider: I was told that many ponies do not like new things. They are scared.
Spring: You're new too, aren't you?
Spider: I am new to everything here. I have to learn it all. There is a lot and I have little help.
Spring: I'm sorry; I'll help how I can. Can't be easy for you.
Spider: I am grateful for everypony's help.
Spring: Well, then let's see if we can find you some more!

Level A
Spider: I would like my help to love knowledge.
Spring: Just like you do?
Spider: I do not understand. I do what?
Spring: You love knowledge. Anypony that can share that with you will be a great partner. Oh, we can look in the library- hey, why'd you stop?
Spider: You learned me?
Spring: Well, not your name or anything. Though, I think we'll get to know each other pretty well in time; if you don't mind beong friends.
Spider: Friends are powerful, here. They can leadn qell, can't they?
Spring: Sure can. Especially about yourself.
Spider: Why learn about myself?
Spring: You're a part of where you are. If you want to learn everywhere, that means you too.
Spider: I did not see it that way. That is very useful. I must register myself. I am Spidercrawl and I am here to learn. A good start, Springstep?
Spring: Excellent, Spider~ You're well on your way to being a library.
Spider: Excellent...[/spider]

Gracie Sky

2013 Aug 01, 17:37:50 #5 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 01, 17:43:25 by Gracie Sky
Now that I see someone else do it, I've determined that a tiny bit of pre-existing understanding of the characters that are supporting would help a great deal, so we are not walking into this blindly. A visual and a sentence describing the essence of the character would be perfect. I'm updating my posts with this in mind now.

Edit: Oh, I might mention how neatly your supports fit with what I know about your characters, tiny.parcel. I remember that camp you mentioned in the support and thought this would be a great avenue about learning about it! Hehe, I only wish you had more than three levels of support to work with, or had more information about the characters/camp in those supports! Don't think you've made a support too long until you reach about 50 lines of dialogue. ;)
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!


Thanks! I'm always wary about length, since words are, in a sense, currency of information. Don't put in a wheelbarrow where a handful will do. I will prolly do more of them. Granted, in the Game System the fourth level is often marriage, but I think in different sets you can further a friendship or rebuild one for our purposes rather nicely.

We could have one trio of establishment.
One trio of discovery can be interesting.
And yet another would be more interesting, still.
Since we are simply building dimension into our characters,
I imagine that we can go into as many rounds as we need.

And I just need to test font sizes for comparison.

Gracie Sky

2013 Aug 09, 01:03:47 #7 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 09, 20:07:49 by Gracie Sky

Fletchessa: A stoic, calculating Earth Pony who works in a local lumber mill.

Kaliedo Heart: A Unicorn suffering from Aurora Syndrome. She can sense emtions to some degree.

Spoiler: Fletchessa / Kaliedo Heart C level support • show
Kaliedo: Nng...
Fletchessa: Kaliedo? What's going on? You look-- ahh!
Kaliedo: I have sorrow... please.
Fletchessa: O-oh... Does nuzzling ponies make you feel better?
Kaliedo: No. Must be calm. Not sorrowful.
Fletchessa: Oh, I see... I suppose I am rather calm.
Kaliedo: ... *sigh*
Fletchessa: (Is she falling asleep?) Kaliedo? What exactly made you sorrowful?
Kaliedo: ... Saw ponies with sorrow...
Fletchessa: You mean recently?
Kaliedo: Yes, much sadness. Arguing.
Fletchessa: What?! Two ponies were arguing and... You need to show me where they are!
Kaliedo: ... I am... nervous.
Fletchessa: It'll be okay if I'm with you, okay? If other ponies are sad, we need to help make them happy.
Kaliedo: ... You speak truly. Follow.

Spoiler: Fletchessa / Kaliedo Heart B level support • show
Kaliedo: Nng...
Fletchessa: Oh! What's wrong? Is another pony feeling sad?
Kaliedo: No... I feel impressed... and obligated.
Fletchessa: Obligated?
Kaliedo: I have desire to... give happiness like you do.
Fletchessa: You mean the way I helped those ponies last time?
Kaliedo: Yes. I felt their anger... vanish. I wish to imitate that.
Fletchessa: Ah! ... ah... um...
Kaliedo: I feel confusion.
Fletchessa: Err... I don't really know how to teach... what ever it is that I do. I mean... that's why you came to me, right?
Kaliedo: ... You cannot understand it?
Fletchessa: Uh... I just never thought how to explain it, is all. I just be myself!
Kaliedo: I will observe, then.
Fletchessa: Wait... does that mean you're going to be following me around?
Kaliedo: Nng... I cause discomfort...
Fletchessa: Oh no no! It's not that! I just don't know if I'd be of any help.
Kaliedo: Why doubt? You help when help is needed.
Fletchessa: ... Hmm... You're right. I'll give it a shot, then.
Kaliedo: Thank you.

Spoiler: Fletchessa / Kaliedo Heart A level support • show
Kaliedo: Nng...
Fletchessa: Ehehe... you did a little better that time.
Kaliedo: I feel shame. My skill in this lacks...
Fletchessa: M-maybe this isn't the best way for you to help other ponies out.
Kaliedo: I cannot talk like you... My words are... difficult.
Fletchessa: Don't think you can't make others happy without speaking like me.
Kaliedo: But I desire to give happiness. I feel limited.
Fletchessa: Aww, don't say that! You bring happiness in your own way, you know?
Kaliedo: What do you mean?
Fletchessa: Well, you have a way to make others feel relaxed! It's like an aura about you that... soothes me, I suppose.
Kaliedo: I have trouble believing.
Fletchessa: No! I mean it! You know that time you brought me to those arguing ponies and I helped them?
Kaliedo: Yes. I wanted to imitate you.
Flectchessa: Well, it's actually rather uncommon that things go so smoothly like it did.
Kaliedo: Uncommon?
Fletchessa: Yes, but I felt so much more confident with you around. It was almost unnatural.
Kaliedo: ... So... I helped you help them?
Fletchessa: Yes! In more ways than one! I mean, you took me to them and gave me the courage to do my best in cheering them up!
Kaliedo: ... That is inadequate for me.
Fletchessa: You're being too hard on yourself, Kaliedo. As long as you do your best, you shouldn't worry about the outcome. I think you make a lot of ponies happy without realizing it.
Kaliedo: ... You speak truly. I possess unneeded doubt. I apologize.
Fletchessa: Hmm, maybe it would be a good idea if we hung out more... and worked together to help make ponies happier.
Kaliedo: This thought... fills me with optimism.
Fletchessa: Right! You can sense where the upset ponies are and I can cheer them up with you supporting me! I know we can do much better together than we could separately.
Kaliedo: I agree. I will do my best for ponies everywhere... and for you as well.
Fletchessa: Right! We'll both do our best!
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!

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