Terra Rose

Started by Gracie Sky, 2012 Jun 23, 18:33:16

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Gracie Sky

2012 Jun 23, 18:33:16 Last Edit: 2012 Jul 17, 17:40:50 by Gracie Sky

Name: Terra Rose
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Cutie Mark: A cross carrot and celery

Hometown: Terra Rose was born and raised in Manehatten, where she still currently lives. She lives in the Vegetable Fresh Farm, one of Equestria's main producers of carrots, celery, and potatoes.

History: Terra Rose's father is an Earth Pony and the current owner of Vegetable Fresh Farm and her mother is a Unicorn and Florist from Canterlot. The father also has a hobby of growing flowers on his farm, which he also sells. This was the medium that eventually led to her parents' marriage. Because the father couldn't move the farm up to Canterlot, the mother moved her Florist shop down to the farm.

Traits: Terra Rose has taken after her mother in appearance, but after her father in her work ethic. She loves to help her father on the farm with planting and growing plants. She only received a basic education, making her academically inferior to most other Unicorns. However, Terra Rose has developed a lot of strength and endurance that is not typical for a Unicorn from working on the farm so much. She has earned some notoriety from participating in many Equestrian rodeos and other physical competitions.

Cutie Mark: Terra Rose acquired her cutie mark early in her life, as she had a deep fascination with watching her father grow crops. However, Terra Rose soon realized that she possessed a physical limitation due to being a Unicorn and could not grow crops herself because growing food was well known for being something that only Earth Ponies could do. However, while Terra Rose could not bypass such a limitation, she did go to great extents to find ways to help with growing crops. She developed an improved irrigation spell, a fertilizer that is particularly good for vegetables, and a few other helpful things. In return for her love of growing and her determination, she was granted her cutie mark.

Personality: Many have considered Terra Rose to be just like that of the rose she was named after, beautiful but sharp.  Her tongue is just as sharp as a thorn and she is generally blunt and crude with strangers who try talking with her. Protecting her own interests is her top priority, and she uses her wit and sarcasm to deter ponies she is suspicious of. Despite her education level, she is a very intelligent mare who can be overwhelming to speak with at times. With ponies she is more familiar with, she is still very forward and opinionated, making her rather stubborn on most subjects. She has also been known to lightly flirt with the colts if she thinks it will be beneficial to her. However, the few friends she does have attested that Terra Rose has one of those days where she can actually be sweet... in a very indirect way.
Character Critique Thread

Have your OC fairly and honestly evaluated!

Crystal Chaos

That is a great OC.  <3

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