Kaleido Heart

Started by Gracie Sky, 2012 Sep 11, 02:24:21

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Gracie Sky

Name: Kaleido Heart
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Cutie Mark: A 5-color diamond shape

Hometown: Kaleido Heart was born and raised in Canterlot by a middle class family that works as a middleman of trade good, primarily gems. She currently is a study subject for several researchers in various Canterlot research organizations.

Emotions: Far and foremost, Kaleido Heart's most prominent feature is how well attuned to emotions she is. Her condition can best be described as seeing the world  as the flow of emotions emitted by ponies around her. It has been confirmed and proven that she is unable sense anything that is not an emotion. In essence, she cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or feel the physical world.  However, her ability to perceive and interpret even the subtlest of emotions tied to everything done by the ponies around her almost compensate for these lack of other senses.

History: From the moment of her birth, Kaleido Heart has been affected by her special condition. She was quickly identified to be having some sort of disability, although for a long time, nopony was able to understand what exactly was wrong with her. Eventually, the ponies from many of the high end research divisions caught wind of her and were interested in studying and diagnosing her condition. Initially, her parents forbade these ponies from using her as some sort of experiment subject. Even though she was different, they still loved her and wanted to protect her. As she grew older, her condition never showed signs of fading away, so her parents reluctantly allowed her to be diagnosed, although they made every effort to oversee such proceedings.

Cutie Mark: Kaleido Heart's cutie mark was discovered while she was seeing a specialized researcher who took particular interest in her case. She was diagnosed with "Aurora Syndrome", named after the pony who first discovered it. While Kaleido Heart was not the only pony with this condition, she had a far more severe case of it, perhaps so severe that it could be be in a classification of its own. Anyways, this researcher had strong sympathy for Kaleido Heart and spent a great deal of time working with her, trying to figure out a way to allow her to live a normal life. At some point, her work with Kaleido Heart bore fruit and she was able to get her to speak her first english word. As soon as she spoke the word (the word being "Happy"), her cutie mark appeared.

Personality and traits: Kaleido Heart has a very simple and straightforward personality. She is always happy unless there are more dominant emotions around her, in which case, she reflects whatever the dominant emotion is. On the other end of the spectrum, her emotions carry a lot of potency with them, very oftenly rubbing off onto those around her, normally without them noticing. Thanks to the help of a certain researcher, Kaleido Heart has learned a limited method of communicating with other ponies. Before hand, she was unable to express herself due to how hard it was to teach her anything, since most teachers teach with spoken words, which she can't hear, rather than with emotions. However, she miraculously has been taught how to speak single words or short phrases which reflect the essence of the emotion she is currently feeling. For example, if she is feeling happy, she has been taught to express that emotion by saying the word "Happy". This has been a major breakthrough in the research of her.
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Gracie Sky

I'm rather excited about this OC in particular, although I have to hold back a lot when explaining the more intricate details on Aurora Syndrome. I could write a book on it, considering what I have imagined for it.

Kaleido Heart also have enormous room for development.
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