Life in Ponyvile V

Started by Ryo_D_Disk, 2013 Dec 25, 16:41:24

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the dark gods

I rather avoid it if I can.... SnapShot informed Flame. I'd like to try some meat actually. Jetstream said with a smile.

I know but still, what if things went down badly? I should have been there.... Physics says, his paranoia getting the best of him.
thank you Sky Sketch


2014 Jul 08, 01:15:14 #4381 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 08, 01:30:41 by FlameandIce
Irina chuckles a bit rubbing Physics' head You think I can't handle a few ponies on my own.

understandable so is there anything special you what or just a regular vegetarian dish? and really Jet heh I guess that's my side kicking in  He replies to both smiling to his son tussling his mane
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

I mean like...I know you can but.... Physics says, running out of ways to justify himself here.

Vegetarian dish works fine, I'm not too picky. SnapShot said.
Jetstream just smiles and laughs a little.
thank you Sky Sketch


I know, you're worried She replies giving him a kiss

Flame gives his wife a nod I'll be right back then He replies Hey Physics take them to the dining area He says before giving Physics directions so he could get there and heads off
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Physics smiles as his mood lightly increase. A-alright... Physics says, caught off guard by Flames demand. The blue unicorn nods, taking his and his sisters family to the dining room to eat.
thank you Sky Sketch


//GTG night Dark Gods my Roleplaying is getting bad and I need rest X3
Flame comes back soon sitting with the others They'll be here soon. So Physics do you mind staying the night here? It would only be for tonight
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Quote from: travis-zenryo on 2014 Jul 07, 18:36:34
"im sure you can find a good publisher to help you get your stories out there"

((Heh sorry, I sorta fell asleep  X3 anyway...)))

Quill Ink smiled. "Trust me I am looking." She giggled

the dark gods

It...I's pretty late so I guess it won't set us back to late.... Physics says, feeling unsure about wasting any more time then needed.
thank you Sky Sketch


"i'm sorta a writer myself .. or rather i feel that way with all the paper work i have at times" he chuckled


Quill laughed softly. "Well, it was great to see you again but I should probably get home and drop off my shopping. I'll see you later?" She said.


"probably i do live in town after all" he smiles


Quill Ink smiled. "Goodbye then." she said before trotting off towards her home once more.


"bye and take care" he smiled and began to walk back to his home as well as he yawned

((welp night time for me XD night everypony))


Quill Ink arrived at her house and put the few bags she had down. The pegasus put away the food items, making sure she left the cupcakes hidden until after dinner. Then she checked the time.
'Almost time to go and pick up Scribble' she thought to herself.


Quote from: the dark gods on 2014 Jul 08, 02:19:30
It...I's pretty late so I guess it won't set us back to late.... Physics says, feeling unsure about wasting any more time then needed.

Glad you agree Flame says with a nod. A few servants come out with dishes setting them infront of each pony everypony aside from Snapshot got a few slices of steak with  salad on the side while Snapshot got a large salad bowel with some fruit on the side
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Physics begins to eat, slowly as he felt a little weary due to the previous sleepless night. Jetstream ate more enthusiastically. SnapShot smiled, taking her time to eat, but unlike her brother this wasn't because she was tired, it was because she wanted to enjoy her meal.
thank you Sky Sketch


Flame takes his time like Snap and Psysics while Venom and Lemy eat quickly after Flame finishes he looks to the others You guys want dessert or are you good?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

I....I guess I could.... Physics says, still feeling his stomach growling.

I'd love something sweet to eat! Jetstream said.

It does sound nice... SnapShot adds on.
thank you Sky Sketch


Sure that sounds nice Lemy says with a shrug

Sure that sounds Great Uncle! Venom says smiling

Flame nods and gets up Good thing I had them make it in advance so it's nice and warm He leaves the room and comes back with a plate he sets in the the center of the table and lifts up the lid revealing what looks like normal bread rolls he takes a few for each pony and gives it to them unknowing to them all it was filled with liquid chocolate.
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

the dark gods

Jetstream bites down on his first. Wow this is amazing! Jetstream squeed out.

Mmhhhh, quite good.... ^-^ SnapShot said with a smile.

This is....pretty good actually.... Physics says, doubting his senses for a few moments.
thank you Sky Sketch

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