Quill Ink's OCs

Started by StarrBee, 2014 Apr 20, 11:41:12

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2014 Apr 20, 11:41:12 Last Edit: 2015 Jul 18, 14:14:51 by Quill Ink
Please note, most OCs have no set age because I'm happy to set their age to fit the roleplay I'm using them in. Thank you.

Name: Quill Ink

Gender: Female

Species: Pegasus

Cutie Mark: A purple quill with black ink dripping off of the end.

Appearance: Quill Ink has a reasonably long, brown mane and tail. She has a pale lilac coat and bluey-purple eyes. She's a little bit smaller than the average height for a fully grown cis-female pony.

Occupation: Quill Ink currently works in a bookshop and is an aspiring author, who is currently not published.

Personality: Quill can be shy and withdrawn when first meeting new ponies, but over time she will warm up and befriend them over time. She is kind, quirky and creative once she is comfortable with the ponies around her. Though she's a little bit sensitive and can be easily upset by another's actions, or even her own. She tends to avoid confrontation but when it comes to defending those she cares about, all shyness and low self esteem evaporates and she is prepared to do (almost) anything.

Name: Quick Silver

Gender: Female

Species: Unicorn

Cutie Mark: A navy blue shield with a crossed sword and arrow on it.

Appearance: Quick Silver has a short, charcoal grey mane. The forelock sweeps over one of her eyes, though she clips it back most of the time and the crest only just reaches past her chin. She has a grey coat and teal eyes. She is of average height and weight and a little muscular, though not very noticeable on the outside, though very noticeable when she has to use that strength. Hr magic colour is teal, a similiar shade to her eyes.

Occupation: Royal Guard

Personality: She's very calm and usually quite mature, but is a bit more lively around close friends. She's quite confident and friendly, but at the same time she rarely let's her guard down and can seem very cold and serious. Though really she's a warm, loving and friendly mare. When on duty she is very serious and prepared for whatever may come her way.



Species: Earth Pony

Appearance: Patchwork has an American Paint Horse style coat. It is a white base, with light brown patches. He also has Heterochromia Oridium, with one light blue eye and one light green eye. He is the average height for a fully grown stallion, but is a little thin, and not very muscular. At all.

Personality: Patchwork is a mature and calm stallion, despite the fact he looks quite innocent and childlike. He is a loving pony, especially towards his family. He is also protective, and is willing to defend his friends and/or family at the drop of a hat. Patchwork is also confident, despite being quite quiet and not extremely talkative.
But, Patch is a bit of a workaholic, and can tire himself out, or neglect basic needs to get on with work. It is quite often that he needs to be looked after, or at least reminded to look after himself.

Cutiemark: A needle with a heart shaped eye, and thread.

Occupation: Fashion Designer/Tailor


Gender: Filly/Female

Age: 6

Species: Earth Pony

Appearance: Smudge is rather small, due to her age. She, like her brother and parents, has an American Paint Horse style coat. She has an off white-creamy base, with light ginger-ish brown patches. Unlike Patchwork's, Smudge's eyes are matching. She has two light blue eyes. She is a little chubby too.

Personality: Smudge is a fun-loving, innocent, bouncy, and curious filly. She is confident around ponies she knows well, such a family and friends. But around new ponies, or ponies she doesn't know very well, she is quite timid. Smudge can be a little clumsy sometimes, but doesn't let this get her down. She can be sensitive and easily upset. Smudge is also very loving and caring, just like her brother. She is also very thoughtful, and tries to be as mature as she can. This doesn't really go very well though.

Cutiemark: Smudge hasn't earned her cutiemark yet.


What genre does she generally write? Also are there any particular titles I can look out for the next time I'm at Twilight's Library?


Mostly fantasy stories. But she writes a lot of other things as well. Nothing completely specific, just stories in general.
Also, Quill isn't a published author yet, but it's her main goal in life to get that done.

Thanks for reading~

Act One

Okay, I like Quill Ink's character, and that you've got the link of the purple pegasus and the colour of lavender, linking to her cutie-mark.

But we have an issue.

You have 2 characters there, and I just got to ask:
What is Silky's personality like?!
Seriously though, is Silky the "lil' guy, but big heart" type, timid and hides, or something else?
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary.
http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11460.0 My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


Hm well I haven't thought up much for Silky yet, but I do like the idea of him being a little guy with a big heart! And he could be protective of Quill Ink and willing to put up a fight to defend her despite being so small! Also I managed to fix the bug with Quill's in game name and she is officially Quill Ink :3
Thanks for giving me your feedback!

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