Life in Ponyvile V

Started by Ryo_D_Disk, 2013 Dec 25, 16:41:24

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((alright)) he walks up to the pony and speaks "hey there " he smiled as he walked up

Dark Hooves

//Bugsy is a dragon, a butterfly dragon to be exact, Fifi is her owner

Fifi is busy running errands while Bugsy listens happily to the music.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


((my bad )) he look s at the dragon and smiles "enjoying your music"

Dark Hooves

Bugsy turns her head towards the voice, she gives a smile to him.

//music soothes the savage beast lol
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


*in the distance you can see Relic standing at the horizon as Bugsy and captain exchange words*

Dark Hooves

//Bugsy can speak, but she is a strong silent type.

Bugsy growls at the figure she sees in the distance.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


((I've seen a pic of her she looks nice!))

*Relic turns around to look at Bugsy, giving the signal that he's not a threat*


he smiles back before noticing relic "well hello "

Dark Hooves

Bugsy stops growling but is still wary of Relic.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


*Relic continues to look at them. He's eager to go towards them to say hello, but to no avail. He seems to be pondering about something with a somewhat worried face*


"is something wrong ?" he looks to him raising a brow


Relic: Nothing... Just thinking about something

Dark Hooves

Bugsy says with a rumbling voice. Relic, how are you?
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


"what is it if you dont mind my asking" he looks to him


Relic:(To Bugsy) I'm well. (To the captain) nothing really, just life itself, and where I really come from./color]
*GM appears behind him smiling and listening. Relic smiles*

Dark Hooves

Bugsy gets back to listing to the music.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


"i see do you not know where you come from" he raises a brow at him


Quill was still sitting on the bench, quite content reading her book and listening to somepony play music from further away. Joining the crowd was not something she was comfortable doing. Not right now at least

Rush of MLP

After a while of retracing his steps, Illusive made his way back into Ponyville. He sat down for a moment to allow his eyes to adjust to the light again and heard music faintly in the distance.

[Color=gray]"One of these days curiosity's gonna kill this cat... but probably not today."[/color] He muttered under his breath as he followed the sound.


Quill sighed, deciding she should probably go home. She closed the book after marking her place. She put the book in her bag and stood up, stretching her wings.

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