Portal 2

Started by Tiger, 2013 Jul 18, 08:44:48

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I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this.

So, yeah, Portal 2. No spoilers please! ovO

Thoughts on GLaDOS, Wheatley, the whole game? c:

I really like the concept of Portal. A puzzle game with a great storyline that really gets you into the feels. It feels like you ARE part of the storyline, 'specially with all that great voice acting. And that thing... No spoilers  ovO

The only thing that's been puzzling me is that people on the internet keep saying "The cake is a lie", but I've yet to find anything about that so far into Portal 2. Was that in Portal 1?

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


2013 Jul 18, 09:13:59 #1 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 18, 09:16:53 by Deviant
I couldnt find the Article itself but i'll do my best to recap the Valve Interview.

Basicly the team behind Portal grew so tired of the overused "The cake is a lie" joke they said that they weren't gonna include any 'Cake' jokes in Portal 2

Spoiler: show
[spoiler]They did hint the cake in a later level with a poster on a door

As for Portal 1, GladOs tells you at the beggining of the game that you will be rewarded with Cake if you finish all her TestChambers c:
(Which is the main motivation for Chell i guess)

Billow Pillow

2013 Jul 18, 15:09:14 #2 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 18, 15:13:56 by Lyra Heartstrings
I'll offer this as a rebuttal. :nod:

Spoiler: show
Kept registering as an invalid video.  xD

Senpai Notice me

LOE Craft: Here
My OC: Here
Dragon Cave Click Meow.


2013 Jul 18, 15:18:01 #3 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 18, 15:22:43 by Laebenal
The game was great but at some parts it took way too long to figure out "Where to" and "How to". It would be nice to play the Co-op but I don't have anyone to play with...
Nightmare pony is here!
(.gif made by KoalaLover99)
My OCs
Here I am... Alone as always...


the game was fun and I love to play it does anyone wanna play it on ps3 with me


Quote from: Laebenal on 2013 Jul 18, 15:18:01
The game was great but at some parts it took way too long to figure out "Where to" and "How to". It would be nice to play the Co-op but I don't have anyone to play with...

You can always look up a walkthrough if you get really stuck. Like me!
Just remember to think portals  ovO

Quote from: super_chris85 on 2013 Jul 18, 19:03:39
the game was fun and I love to play it does anyone wanna play it on ps3 with me

I have the PC version on Steam, so Im not sure if that works.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


I love Portal 2! I even have it on both XBOX and PC, Same with Portal 1.

One thing I really love about the game is the music, it's actually kind of hard to notice the music, but once you do, it brings even more atmosphere to the game.  ^-^


This game is just overall a fantastic game, ive had it for my mac (but it doesn't work) and recently got it for xbox and i think ive finished singleplayer 3 times already but its hard to find someone to play co-op with  :c
"Booby traps? *giggles* You said traps :P"


awww :c one has it for ps3 well oh well then


Portal will always have a place in my heart as the best puzzle-adventure game ever. I mean, the soundtrack is amazing. The dynamic surrounds always suits the mood in a great way. The puzzles are so expansive, creative, and just plain mind-blowing.

Have both games for the Xbox. Just amazing.

Night Pony

I also have the game for PC.
I wonder if they are planning on a 3rd instalment.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Valve cant count to three, Night  ovO

Today I played Portal 2 co op with Range Conjure for a really long time. We pretty much ripped through almost the entire thing.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

Night Pony

Quote from: Tiger on 2013 Jul 19, 08:04:47
Valve cant count to three, Night  ovO

Oh yeah, I forgot!  ovO

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


actually they can they have confirmed some things



They might have...

...and now I want to play portal again because of this thread. WAHY TIGAR?


A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


It's been done.

You have done it. I've beaten the first game. Glitched and got to the cake room at the end. I listened to the credit songs. And I am still alive.

You know, there are so many secrets 'n Easter eggs in the portal games...

...and that page with the third thingy...can't really be tf2 cause they updated it. So either portal 3 or HF3

Hopefully P3 with multiple modes. :3


2013 Jul 22, 19:43:46 #17 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 22, 19:46:14 by Somebeing
I'm sorry for double post, but this must be posted. If I were one of those cores, it would have to be the Failure core.


The Stars

Quote from: Tiger on 2013 Jul 19, 08:04:47
Valve cant count to three, Night  ovO

Today I played Portal 2 co op with Range Conjure for a really long time. We pretty much ripped through almost the entire thing.

>u< I just love bringing that up XD. For me, this is an accomplishment considering how crazy those puzzles got :U And we were on a BLIND run XD And your brother screwed us up that one time :T

But yeah, those freaking Art Puzzles, ey? My head literally just started hurting on that one me and Tiger got stuck on >.>
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


Now you making me decide if I should get the PC version of portal, cause I seem to be missing all the fun... D:

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