The WhoPonies! [SIGN-UP ONLY]

Started by Alassë, 2013 Jul 13, 20:04:03

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Yup. pears right here. Blob pulled out pairs of pears for everypony.


I'll be fine over here he said, reaching into his tie and pulling out a jar of peanut butter
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


((Two more tests might take two more months. Just saying...there should be some way to bring the newcomers in without waiting take long.))

Thunder happily took a pear and ate it in one gulp, spitting out the seeds and the stem afterwards onto the warm grass. "Alright then, now what?" He asked. "I mean, where do we go from here...what do we do?"


She wandered over to Alasse and got a plum. She nibbled at it and noticed harmony was in a decent mood for being bad harmony. Her foal instincts kicked in for a moment and she made her way over to Baddie and ounced on him giving him a hug. [Colort=purple] "Good morning bad harmony. Glad to see your in a good mood this morning." [/color]. After helping harmony up after her surprise attack she would trot over to pPumpkin and sit down beside her explaining that the col had left while finisihg her plum.

((Achievement unlocked: Hugging is magic. Surprise hug somepony :3))


He was surprised by the hug, but ignored it and went on to eat the peanut butter in his jar
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


((A lot happens when I am asleep. :P))

*Shade stays in the shadow of Alassë*
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Pumpkin Seeds

*Pumpkin looked sadly around the trash near where they had Alasse's tents.* "I guess that's why he left that note. But I don't understand why he would he leave just after gaining someponies he can trust?" *She pulled over her saddlebags and fasten them back on her herself as she sat next to Dream. She glances over at the pinned down note next to the tent she was sleeping in, trying to remind herself to pick it up before leaving.* "Hopefully he's okay." *She cautiously looks over the fruit Blob brought out.*
((It was never specified if he did or not, I might wait till Fairy states how many the colt ate, before Pumpkin says anything about it.))


((Good idea, Pumpkin. ^-^ And Thunder, I plan on  being on more often (since I no longer have a job :l) so we can move the RP along at a good pace. :nod:))

*finishes her fruit and turns to the group* Well, let's get everything packed up first, just in case the button creates a giant hole in the ground or something bizarre like that. Once everything's packed and everypony's ready, I'll push the button and see what happens. So if everypony could please help me take down and pack up the tents, that would be fantastic! *trots over to her taken-down tent and packs it in her saddlebag*


He decides that he may as well help out, not like he had anything else to do. He walked over to a near unoccupied tent and started taking it down
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


I always hated taking down the tents in Colt Scouts.


Stop complaining and take down the tents already he says to Blob, finishing off the tent he was taking down
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


Blob did so with basic magic. I couldn't even use telekenisis back then, so that explains it.


2013 Sep 19, 18:24:28 #1973 Last Edit: 2013 Sep 19, 18:30:00 by ssumppg
*takes down & packs another tent, trots over to Baddy* Here you go! *opens flap on saddlebag* Put it right in there. And thank you so much for the help. *smiles, trots to Blobking to get his tent, then continues to take down and pack the tents until all of them are packed* ((Will press button after a response from Baddy. :nod:))


((Alassë went to Blobking right after Baddy. Sorry I should've been more specific about that. X3 Will edit post to make that more clear. :nod:))


Yeah, no problem he throws the tent in the saddle bag and walks over to the next one
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us


Looks like it! *looks around to make sure all the tents are packed ((if other ponies helped too that's fine, just say so ^-^))* Fantastic! Now then... *trots to where she left the button, picks it up (the note is already tucked into her saddlebags)* ...let's see what this button does! *very enthusiastically pushes the button ((:P))*

*The large wall that marked the dead end opens, revealing a wide path. About 100 yards down the path on the right are the locked doors from the beginning, which the group may or may not be able to see.*

Ooooo... Woo-hoo! Allons-y everypony! *canters to where the wall was, then waits for the group to catch up*

((No reaching the doors yet. ovO))


He hears the commotion and follows Alasse over the the spot where the wall "used" to be
I have found both freedom and safety in my madness; the freedom of loneliness and the safety from being understood, for those who understand us enslave something in us

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