Darcy's Art Thread(Updated 07/08/2018)Blep fox

Started by Pipkin, 2013 Jan 26, 21:44:51

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I've just realised I haven't commented in this thread yet :o

loving CrabApple's facial expression ^-^
You appear to be reading a signature my good sir/madam.

Avatar made by CrabApple


Quote from: StarSong on 2014 Jul 09, 11:54:22


I'm angry.

You're getting better than me,  ;)
If you keep this up I will be forced to hate you.

<3 love you bro.

I'm Sorry  X3
(<3 you too)

Quote from: Chrisgotjar on 2014 Jul 09, 16:17:12
I've just realised I haven't commented in this thread yet :o

loving CrabApple's facial expression ^-^

Thanks :)



hey, pretty good
just, how the front hooves are long like that it looks like he's standing on them, his hind part in the air XD
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Yeah the stance was weird  X3

Drew yet again.  No livestream this time which is a shame because this is my best picture to date IMO.
But I was in a VERY bad mood when I drew it....and still am, oh well.....


This is officially my 50th deviation on Deviantart!  It wasn't supposed to be but I'm glad Pinkie was my 50th.  I like how this came out and I hope Cecil/his friend likes it!


The most common accident is the one noone expects.


I've been one for a couple weeks now X3

And thank you :)


I hit 2000 pageviews, 20 watchers, 2 years on dA and 50 deviations before BronyCon, yay!!


The most common accident is the one noone expects.


woo for acomplishments. Your art is so great Pipkin. I love it so much  :3


Thanks guys!

for that you get a palette update!

Also fixed his face and the hind leg proportions
Spoiler: show


I redraw a thing.  I love the thing.

Edit- Added a version with a background so the resolution fits on my smartphone
Spoiler: show


I must say, your art has majorly improved! X3
Before your stuff was good but now adays your art is a lot closer to the show, awesome work! ^-^

Spoiler: Oh...and I forgot to say this... • show
Tea is better then coffee!!! O:


Thanks.  I'm slowly figuring out what is and isn't working, and what things i'm getting right.  Also helps watching the artists i've been watching recently.


Pfft, opinions X3.  I assume you've never tasted Tim HortonsĀ© Coffee so I can see why you'd think that way :)


Firstly, This vector I did back in 2013 got featured on Equestria Daily!  I am honestly very surprised that not only did that happen in the first place, but one of my old vectors even?  WOW!

Anyways, new art!

I doodled a thing at work today
I made her more adorable


D'aww! A cute sleeping pony!
Clouds look so comfy...I wunna sleep on one...

Little Star

I'm so proud of you Pippy <3

You've done so well with your art and your style continues to improve and improve! Heck, I'd say you're already better than I am. Sometimes you critique yourself a little too hard, buddy.

It. Looks. Awesome.  :D <3


The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Soooooullll mane! O:
Spoiler: show

lol, Sorry, I couldn't resist...My Mom LOVES that show...anycase...Great picture!
Do you do requests or just a friend of HerpyDooves?

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