So I hear you want to know how to beat Christopher Robin

Started by Lord of Madness, 2013 Jan 18, 20:23:33

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Lord of Madness

2013 Jan 18, 20:23:33 Last Edit: 2013 Jan 18, 20:30:41 by Lord of Madness
This is a Video of me defeating Christopher Robin.

The video shows examples. Robins DRAMATIC defeat is at 5:40
How to easily Beat him:
1: stand as far behind the base as you can. It gives you better reaction time.
2. think of his invisible balls as sonic balls. the second they go invisible. SWING!
3. stand near the right edge of the plate. it is the best spot for wildly swinging and getting hits.
4. If be throws a ZigZag Ball RUSH the plate! get as close as possible and swing. the less distance it travels. the less time it has to widen its field of zigs and zags.


A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Ye-olde ex mod
You've just been McSleuthburgered!

Science Woona

Sweet Celestia... that Fus Ro Dah timing was PERFECT o_o
Click the picture for my blog!

Check out my art thread!


*bows down to the minigame master*
"Lord of Madness you are the master of minigames, or whatever that was, we only were able to not hit a thing in level one, ALL HAIL THE MINIGAME MASTER!"
I'm probably not here, but If I am, call me moon rabbits.
This is for you, guys:
:ajshifty::-3 (bloomberg)

Book Smarts


I have never seen more win than in 5:40.
*standing ovation*



Chishio Kunrin

I'm back to actually post this time, and I definitely agree, that "Fus ro dah!" was perfect. ovO

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lord of Madness


I suck at this game, even tough I wanted to JUST play it, not for the contest. I couldn't even beat Eeoh    >:O I HATE EEOH!  :x WHY DO I EVEN HATE HIM just because of a game  O:

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