Life in The Everfree Forest

Started by alexandas, 2013 Jan 08, 13:07:52

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 O: you don't mean parasprites do you

Teal Turken

Yeah those! They're normally here but I guess that's because all the fruit from the bushes is gone. x3


Parasprites?! Oh no! Well, at least they're not in town. That would be bad...

Teal Turken

Why do you guys find them so bad?


well we only dislike them cuz they eat all the food but i have no problems in any other condition

Teal Turken

oh right, cause ponies need food more than changelings do. :P


Well, they also started to eat the town! Remember that?

Teal Turken

They what? They can't do that, they only eat food!


yeah but that was because Twi tried to help



(( so i just listen to some guy read my little dashie and although i already read it and didn't cry then but now i did even if it was only two ))  that was annoying but i did help pinkie


Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 14, 06:37:40
Range and Crimson both stare at Tiger longly, rather confused, then looked at each other, their heads turning slowly, and then turns back to look at Tiger, wearing the same face. o.O   Range then decideds to be the first to break the expression and suddenly leaned in. "Say what?"

Tiger just took out a mechanic cube out of her saddlebag. It was orange. She pressed a button on it, and now she was an anthropormophic cat.

"See?" she said.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Oh, neat.
At least somepony knew the trouble.
((Stuck like a Sticker...

And it's best I DON'T use Paper Jenzy. It's WAY to dangerous for paper :ajshifty:))

The Stars

Quote from: Tiger on 2013 Jan 15, 02:22:12
Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 14, 06:37:40
Range and Crimson both stare at Tiger longly, rather confused, then looked at each other, their heads turning slowly, and then turns back to look at Tiger, wearing the same face. o.O   Range then decideds to be the first to break the expression and suddenly leaned in. "Say what?"

Tiger just took out a mechanic cube out of her saddlebag. It was orange. She pressed a button on it, and now she was an anthropormophic cat.

"See?" she said.

(( >.> Sorry If I take a while to post, Tiger... So cold I feel like crawling like an inch worm :T ))

Range and Crimson looks at her carefully, then chuckles a bit in a large "Ooooooooooooh."
"Huh, well that explains those black streaks in her hair. Anyways, just a few more questions, What kind of cat are you? How are you able to talk?" Range questioned.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 15, 04:36:41
Range and Crimson looks at her carefully, then chuckles a bit in a large "Ooooooooooooh."
"Huh, well that explains those black streaks in her hair. Anyways, just a few more questions, What kind of cat are you? How are you able to talk?" Range questioned.

"I'm from a whole different universe. For some reason, cats from my universe also speak the same language as ponies here do, yet we can also communicate with other animals here," Tiger explained.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

The Stars

"And thus further proving the whole multi-verse theory. So, guess this means we can travel to other universes  in the future too, huh?" Crimson said, Turning to Range.
"I see it but Don't believe it. And hey, Coincidental we all speak the same language, right?"
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


"Yeah," Tiger said.

((I like how we forgot all about the rampaging dragons ovO))

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

The Stars

Range looks back up at the dragons, then down to Tiger. "But anyways, I'm sorry for what I did to your friends. Don't worry, I have no intention of killing them. We alchemists believe in the ideal that murder is no sport, but rather a last resort. It's never a pretty sight, but enacting on self defense on what we feel might be too dangerous, I'll do my best to protect closest to me." Range tells her, Crimson Nodding beside her.

"Life is just as important to our research as any other simple aspect, thus, we should Cherish it more and not look to seek and destroy it like primitive animals."
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


Tiger turned back into a pony with a purple mechanical box. "It looked like you were torturing it."

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

The Stars

"She's not nessessarilly a fair player when it comes to fighting..." Crimson states.
"Fair? You do know That dragon's about 20 times over my size, right?"
"Still, The Phillosipher's Stone was a bit overkill needed, was it?" Crimson chuckled to himself. "Besides, didn't you say yourself that you had to conserve the use of that thing?"
"Ah Shutup! Anyways, If we were going to torture a giant dragon... We would need something a little more destructive."
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D

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