Life in The Everfree Forest

Started by alexandas, 2013 Jan 08, 13:07:52

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"What the hay were you thinking Demoness?" Snapped Scythe, as he arrived at their camp.
"He vas a changeling," She replied in her Russian accent, "That's on my dietary list!"
"Yeah you're right but...just make sure it doesn't belong to anyone next time, ok?" He said.

Join the changeling herd, or she'll devour your love!

The Stars

At this point, Anypony in the forest MAY hear loud Roars in the distance and some minor seismac activity.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 12, 21:49:05
At this point, Anypony in the forest MAY hear loud Roars in the distance and some minor seismac activity.

After dumping her loot in her house and having Falky take care of it, Tiger took a walk through Everfree Forest. At that point, she heard the loud roars of something.

"What in the world... That's not the dragon's roar, is it?" Tiger said to herself. She went to investigate.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Arty hears a roar from a distance - What the hay is that? - He became curious and started walking in the roar's direction with caution. After his encounter and nice talk with Jenzy, Blaze and Zappy, he had entered in a good state, but now the forest was started affecting him again, and his coat was already a gray not too bright but not too dark at the moment.

After some walking, he started to feel the earth trembling a bit - That doesn't seem good.

The Stars

As to anypony who chooses to move closer the direction of the roar, there are two noticeable things in the distance: A small glow every now and then indicating there's fire being breathed, then some electricity and sparks flying everywhere more frequently... Weird, a Dragon doesn't breath electricity...
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


As Arty got closer to the noise's source, he started to see some glow. It seems like fire, but there was electricity as well. "Strange... It looked like a dragon first, but this electricity isn't normal." - He thought. As he walked slowly and quietly, he used a spell to shade him, to make him less visible, even if in his actual state he couldn't use it in full power and hide himself completly.

The Stars

(( I'll leave this last one here then I'll hit the hay... I'll be back at 3Am :P ))

Closer and closer you move towards, the more things become clear. at close enough range, you can see that that Is an ACTUAL dragon breathing fire, but it seems to be within a struggle.  From the distance, Range and Crimson seemed to be working together to bring it down; Using alchemy to form barriers to block the fire then stalagmites to throw the Dragon off balance in hopes of tiring it out. Their attacks, although repetitive, seem to have no effect on tearing through Dragon Scale.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 12, 22:39:07
As to anypony who chooses to move closer the direction of the roar, there are two noticeable things in the distance: A small glow every now and then indicating there's fire being breathed, then some electricity and sparks flying everywhere more frequently... Weird, a Dragon doesn't breath electricity...

Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 13, 00:16:50
(( I'll leave this last one here then I'll hit the hay... I'll be back at 3Am :P ))

Closer and closer you move towards, the more things become clear. at close enough range, you can see that that Is an ACTUAL dragon breathing fire, but it seems to be within a struggle.  From the distance, Range and Crimson seemed to be working together to bring it down; Using alchemy to form barriers to block the fire then stalagmites to throw the Dragon off balance in hopes of tiring it out. Their attacks, although repetitive, seem to have no effect on tearing through Dragon Scale.

Tiger flew up to the duo. "Need any help?"

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

The Stars

( ( >.> Maybe one more then XD I just hope this doesn't end up keeping me awake ALL night... Or the fact I have some good shows on TV right now XD . Oh Anime.)

Range Chuckles a bit, recognizing the voice. "Heh, much appreciated but no thanks!" The two of their horns glow and a strange circle forms around them with intricate markings. Soon after, the ground began to cause another small earthquake as a stone pillar emerges from the ground and extends far enough to knock a Dragon's head backwards, making it stumble. "Alright, Now!" Range yells out as Crimson took out a knife from his saddlebag. He makes a small cut on his forehoof, grunting a bit and his horn started glowing, suddenly making the blood envelope around his forehoof and solidies into a thick, red lance. Range created another pillar to launch Crimson high into the air, Aiming at the Dragon and he makes a large Lunge towards the dragon's head and makes a strong impact, causing it to stumble backwards, dealing quite sufficient harm to the creature. It seemed  after that hit,as if it's tiring out a bit.

(( Is hoof IS the lance btw :P)

Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


"Wait a minute... Guys, you have to stop this. Now," Tiger said. There was a slight tone of urgency.

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Blaze got away from the angels.
Can we get this over with? :I
Yeah! To my house!
((Should we RP the house events here Teal? Sometimes we do it in the Ponyville and I did the forest bit in the Library. :ajshifty:

No fun Time skipping a bunch))

Teal Turken

((just do it here, or we could go to Zecora's. I find it unreasonable for all ponies to know how to prepare poison joke cure. But we don't have to RP Zecora.))


((Even better! :D

Yay! And I used the wrong color, so assume Jenzy said that x3))
Finally got away from those statues. Even better Jenzy... Zecora's!
She said slightly exhausted.
Yeah! Of course. Why didn't I think of that... :/

Teal Turken

Lets go! I wanna get back to normal size! :3


They headed to Zecora's. Zecora was glad we were prepared. They told her it was for one who was a tiny changeling. She understood. Started mixing the ingredients and stared. It was ready. A bowl of the antidote on the floor.
You can come out.

Teal Turken

Zappy comes out and looks around.
Is this....Zecora's? It's offense...creepy. >.<


Jenzy climbed up on Blaze's back.
Yeah. She has a rather... um, interesting taste in style. x3

Teal Turken

So...why did you say I could come out?


Wrong side... Go around to my right and you'll see. :]
The other side has a bowl of the antidote
(I default going in the Left side saddlebag)

Teal Turken

Zappy trots around to the right side of Blaze. He sees the bowl but can't see what's in it. that?

((bed, night!)

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