Life in Canterlot

Started by Rad Thunder, 2012 Dec 10, 09:56:43

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o.O Well, that's... familiar...

Well, other than the title. Hmmm...

Jenzy flies towards the shop. He closes his wings and enters.

the dark gods

2013 Feb 11, 23:00:00 #2261 Last Edit: 2013 Feb 11, 23:02:39 by the dark gods
Even the inside of the shop was the same as Physics! The shelves where placed in all the same locations, the doors where all in they're locations, a pony that looked like Physics even sat behind the counter.
Hello, and welcome to Scroll Scripts scrolls and Red Dawns potions, how may I help you? Scroll Script said, his voice sounding much deeper then Physics, and his eyes being slightly lighter then his sons, though the most notable difference was his mane, unlike Physics light blue one, his was a olden grey one. Other then that, this pony was the same as Physics physically, even sharing the slight tallness of his son.
thank you Sky Sketch


expairiment no they are genetic life born through expairiments they are creation of two ponies' genetic DNA born through a serogent mother

Ice hugs Teal back sobbing D:
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

I'm so sorry Ice! Teal sobs.

the dark gods

[shadow=blue,left]There's a table with a laser somewhere here, he told me he would use it on those foals.[/shadow] Physics swears to The Captain, trying to keep Seth from swaying him away from his side.
thank you Sky Sketch


Wow. This place is no different than the one in Ponyville...
Jenzy said in surprise of seeing the "replica."

Phy-wait. You look different.

Then a thought came to him.
Are you related to a pony named Physics Shift?


"key word you just spoke BORN , they are living things that you make out to be tools WHAT othe kinds of experiments have you been doing" the captain glares at twiright trying to hold back his anger hearing physic speak to him making him even more upset with this pony


Ice just continues crying
((this makes me think of this sence
Spoiler: show

nothing yet they are still growing
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Feb 11, 23:09:57
Ice just continues crying
((this makes me think of this sence
Spoiler: show

nothing yet they are still growing

(( lol ))

Teal rubs the back of Ice's head trying to make her feel better while sobbing himself.

the dark gods

Scroll Script a nod. You mean my son right? Scroll says, giving a hearty laugh at Jenzys' mistake. My Pride and Joy inherited more then just my skills with scroll making, he got his old mans looks too. Scroll says, giving another laugh.

[shadow=blue,left]I'm pretty sure you can't take children like that without consent from somepony...I don't think Seth really cared about the parents...[/shadow] Physics comments to the Captain.
thank you Sky Sketch


"i dont mean on them " he glares at the scientist ("he will be lucky if i dont take them from him")


oh yes I tested on a pony who attacked me I don't remember her( ovO ) name

Ice sniffles and slowly stops crying
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

Teal starts to calm too.
....Are you okay...Ice?

the dark gods

Physics shudders under his invisibility. [shadow=blue,left]I'm pretty sure that's illegal, and a war crime in most countries...[/shadow] Physics tells The good Captain.
thank you Sky Sketch


I'm better she says her voice very soft still sniffling
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((Dat Scene. Poor Teal. "Everything is different now" :'())
Wha? OH! My... Nice to see you Phys-wait.
He then put his right hoof to his forehead. Like a facehoof, except he was smiling.
Oh... I was at Physic's wedding. How could I have forgotten...

I met you there. X3

Teal Turken

Quote from: FlameandIce on 2013 Feb 11, 23:23:24
I'm better she says her voice very soft still sniffling

Lets go inside... :s


now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback

Teal Turken

Teal puts a wing over Ice's back and walks back inside with her. He heads down to the suites and enters an empty room.

the dark gods

Scroll scoffs. I don't blame you, I barley had time to introduce myself before that attack. Scroll scripts tells Jenzy. So I assume you cam here for more reasons then "the shop looks familiar"? Scroll asks, hoping Jenzy would buy something.
thank you Sky Sketch

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