Ponyville Town Square {Jump in!}

Started by InsaneMar, 2012 Oct 01, 02:26:45

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Rigor Mortis left the funeral home and headed towards the center of Ponyville.  She worked hard all morning and she was starving.  Heading towards the cafe she licked her lips, switching her tail back and forth. 
Rigor Mortis is here to take care of you.


Domino yawned and stretched out from his position atop Carousel Boutique, a sure sign of a good rest. Sniffing the air to inhale whatever delightful afternoon scents came his way. One in particular made him twitch with excitement and, with the grace and style of a brick, he fell from the roof into the ground. A few minutes of getting his bearings later, Domino headed off towards the nearby cafe, mind already working on an elaborate scheme...
The easiest way to replicate the language of Cthulu is to talk with a mouthful of spaghetti.

Giggle Tail

Giggle sat on a bench in the middle of town square, enjoying his day off from work and brainstorming ideas for his next story.
Will write lighthearted, random comedy stories for fun.

Giggle's OCs


((Its always nice to be in a new jump in :D))

A griffin was skipping around ponyville. She giggled, caring a bag in her mouth. She stopped when she reached town square, and reached a bench and put the bag down. "[glow=blue,2,300]This is going to be the best day ever![/glow]" She smiled and jump on the bench to take a seat.
((Thanks everyone for the pictures ^-^))


(( I figured it would be nice to let others feel at home in a brand new one.   :3 ))

Rigor looked around the Town Square taking in the site of passing ponies, a seemingly relaxed pony on a bench, and the unusual sight of a griffin in Ponyville.  Though she didn't let her eyes linger long, feeling it would be rude to do so as she trotted into the cafe with intention of getting something to go so she could enjoy the sun outside.
Rigor Mortis is here to take care of you.


Not long after Rigor disappeared into the cafe did Domino arrive, his white coat basking in the sun as he observed the area. An excitable looking writer and a female griffon sat on a nearby bench, apart enough to say that they were in no way together. Domino's bizarre eyes were drawn to the griffon's bag, looking as plentiful as it did told him that the griffin had at least enough money to shop, let alone feed him. The writer was harder to guess, though Domino estimated the chances with him were equal if not more than the griffon. With a flick of his ear he trotted closer...
"Excuse me?" he asked the pair nonchalantly "Would either of you happen to know what time it is?"
The easiest way to replicate the language of Cthulu is to talk with a mouthful of spaghetti.


((Never tried role playing before. So will see where this is going. At least a thread where one can still easily enter. :D))

After a long night without much sleep Chocolate rain headed out for a nice cup of cocoa. She couldn't await the taste of this sweet choctastic brew that would get her wide awake in no time. Coming around the corner at town square she finally spotted the cafe and started galloping towards it...

All work and no candy makes Choco a dull colt!


(( Well this is a great place to start roleplaying! Be careful though.. roleplaying can get addictive.  ovO ))

Rigor waited in the cafe for her order of two dandelion sandwiches and a large order of hay fries.  When it was ready she took the carry-out bag between her teeth and happily walked out of the cafe, debating where she wanted to sit to eat her meal. 
Rigor Mortis is here to take care of you.

Rad Thunder

((So, has anyone started anything yet?))


((Doesn't seem so...))

Having only the cocoa in mind, she didn't see the pony coming out of the cafe... In the next moment there were hay fries all over the place... "Im sorry.", Chocolate Rain babbled. "Without my morning cocoa I'm unable..." And then added: "By the way: I'm Chocolate Rain."

All work and no candy makes Choco a dull colt!

Rad Thunder

*A purple pegasus mare trots up to the cafe. She had a young orange unicorn foal saddled on her back*

Coffee Rush

A yellow unicorn, about fifteen walks down from eastern mane street, slowly sauntering around, looking at things with curiosity. It takes a few minutes before the unicorn makes it to the large building as she looks up at it, circling around it with very quiet hoofsteps.
Spoiler: show
My OC can be found here!

Rad Thunder

*the mare finds an outside table and sets her foal down*
Hungry sweetie? *the foal nods*

Billow Pillow

Lyra walks around slowly looking around for her friend bon bon, however is unable to find her so instead she spots out the nearest empty bench and slowly gallops towards it.  She than proceeds to magically adjust herself to sit down upon the empty bench in her typical humanized fashion as she waits happily.   ovO
Senpai Notice me

LOE Craft: Here
My OC: Here
Dragon Cave Click Meow.

Coffee Rush

The unicorn casually walked, appearing to be levitating a sort of fancy bag. It had a tan colored hood, with yellow markings of a simple and curvy line, and the bottom part was yellow. It had a sort of yellow sparkle as it was suspended in the air, following the unicorn as her will desired. It barely seemed to be filled, but it surely had some items in it. The young mare looked around at the benches, and the buildings. She wasn't wearing any necklace, as her usual attire would have been.
My OC can be found here!


Vanguard Squared looked around town not sure if there would be anypony that would get into the game of Vanguard it seemed like, He shared his name with the game after all. His deck was mostly poniblues and some miscellaneous clans to fill out his deck he was a good player it's just he lacked the cards and longed for the shadow pony cards that release in a few months. Even with a card disadvantage he was a good player "I hope i find someone to play soon or at least someone to talk with." :s

Coffee Rush

Arca, the unicorn, looked around, particularly at Vanguard, looking at him a but curiously.
My OC can be found here!


Chocolate help Rigor cleaning up the mess. Afterwards she finally got herself the warm and yummy cup of cocoa. Drinking it she leaves the cafe and looks around. There are no free benches but one with only one pony on it. Moving towards it she realizes that pony was sitting quite funny. How was that even possible? Arriving at that bench with the funny sitting pony she says: "Hi, I'm Chocolate rain. You seem to be very flexible... Mind if I sit down next to you?"

All work and no candy makes Choco a dull colt!


Vanguard looks around to see Arca and waves and says out loud "Hi, My name is Vanguard!" :D

Coffee Rush

Arca seems a bit surprised by the pony, even though she'd been watching him. She gave a small wave, and a sheepish smile.
My OC can be found here!

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