Ships and Spice: Adventure on a Cruise! (Jump-in)

Started by Lusterless Nova, 2012 Sep 19, 17:22:57

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Lusterless Nova

((How about one of the Log Houses?))

Nova puts the board under his hooves and is skiing down the entire mountain. He is about to reach some obstacles.

Rad Thunder

*Sleepless was keeping warm in a log house while Nova was out having his fun*

Teal Turken

Teal gasps at Nova.
oh no! He's gonna hit something! ono

Lusterless Nova

He jumps off his board. It hits the rocks and is send flying for a few feet. He summons his garuda in midair and jumps on his board again to keep Skiing.
It looks like he heads for a Log house.

Teal Turken

Teal watched, terrified that Nova was going to hit something.

Rad Thunder

Sleepless was finishing a cup of cocoa when she hears something. She looks out the window for whatever it was*

Lusterless Nova

Nova sends one of his hawks ahead of him. It flies through the window and takes a seat near sleepless.
Hello sleepless. Would you do me a little favor? It's kinda urgent.

Rad Thunder


Kai is sat in the log house with a pot of tea on the table and a good book in his hoof

((yea i lost track oh well))

Lusterless Nova

Could you open that window and the front door? It's only for a moment.

Rad Thunder

Okay... I don't want to let the cold in though...
*she slips the window open*

Lusterless Nova

The hawk opens the door and face Sleepless.
Thanks. And... i'd take cover if i where you.

Something can be seen heading for the log house. And it is fast.

Rad Thunder

Why? *she sees something coming* EEP! >A<

Lusterless Nova

Nova comes through the window with high speed-
-and is gone through the door. The hawk closed the door and vanished.

Teal Turken

Teal flies over Nova and watches his path.

Rad Thunder

N-Nova! *Sleepless screamed as he zipped by*

Lusterless Nova

After a while nova reaches the harbor. He jumps of his board into a snowpile.
His board sinks down in the water.

Teal Turken

Teal stops over Nova and looks at his board, then directs his attention to Nova.

Lusterless Nova

Nova digs himself out of the Snowpile and is laughing.  lol

Teal Turken

Teal floats down and lands next to Nova and his snowpile.
That was so cool! You scared me a bit but it was awesome!

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