Talk like Zecora!

Started by HerpyDooves, 2012 Sep 04, 10:52:55

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Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Apr 09, 20:21:48
A plant perhaps?  But that can't be...
For you move fast; you're not a tree...
Electron?  Nay, for though you're fast,
Your strength and breadth sounds mighty vast.

An ocean, powered by the Moon,
Which swallows smaller islands soon,
And once held iron oxide dust
Which settled to become our rust,

And beats forever on the land,
And pounds the mountains into sand,
With strength enough to topple kings,
Yet shrinks to ripples, water-rings,

Which gives us rain to water fields,
That wheat and grain in harvest yields,
And swallows giant cities whole,
Yet sailors fear not for their soul?

An ocean?  Tide?  A wave on shore?
A great tsunami, with its roar?
Do any of my answers lack?
Or am I on the correct track?

Wave is surely correct, in fact!
The moon is what keeps waves intact,
They gobble up our guilty pride
And leaves it's treasures on land's side.
Wait for it...

The Wandering Magus

I see!  I thank you for your test,
And it was fun, this mighty quest.
Though now, who might a riddle ask
That we might take another task?

Or would you like myself to make
A riddle here for you to take?
I'm open to what 'ere you want,
So tell me, don't let shyness daunt!
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Goodness, it has been a while.
Coming back has made me smile!
For it's hard work, preparing, you see,
To go to a university.

Oh my, this thread lacks a post!
A riddle is what's needed most!
For me to tell and you to solve
I hope this will help evolve.

You need me if you work too hard
And long; your energy is charred!
There comes a time, I stress to say,
For there is work and there is play.
Want me during a grueling task.
Drink water, at least a flask.
Don't dwell too long through it, you see.
For there is work, then there is me.
Wait for it...


2013 Jul 16, 15:17:45 #343 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 16, 15:21:08 by Fedetru
I used to do it,
but in italian, I must admit  :P

But let's see
maybe today my brain will (finally) help me!

Lol I have no idea, maybe I should watch more epic rap battles of history..
..I lost the rhyme...
..and to get again it should be a mistery
and i'm a noob when it's time to rime  DD:

(oh, why my English is so bad? D: 
welp another edit, but this rhyming is pretty mad!)

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: Chack on 2013 Jul 16, 14:07:50
Goodness, it has been a while.
Coming back has made me smile!
For it's hard work, preparing, you see,
To go to a university.

Oh my, this thread lacks a post!
A riddle is what's needed most!
For me to tell and you to solve
I hope this will help evolve.

You need me if you work too hard
And long; your energy is charred!
There comes a time, I stress to say,
For there is work and there is play.
Want me during a grueling task.
Drink water, at least a flask.
Don't dwell too long through it, you see.
For there is work, then there is me.
I thank you, Chack, for posting here!
That this thread died was my great fear.
But now you're back, and it's alive,
So let us hope that it will thrive!

And needing not a rapping war,
I think it's REST we're looking for!
Since there is work, and then there's play,
But REST we'll need in any way.

For after long and arduous tasks,
We'll look to water in our flasks,
And drink then, RESTING under shade
So that our strength here will not fade!

But certainly we must not dwell
Upon our REST, for though it's well
To lay aside our tasks at times,
We'll need to work to earn our dimes.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


2013 Jul 17, 14:26:06 #345 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 17, 14:37:25 by Chack
Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2013 Jul 17, 14:08:07
Quote from: Chack on 2013 Jul 16, 14:07:50
Goodness, it has been a while.
Coming back has made me smile!
For it's hard work, preparing, you see,
To go to a university.

Oh my, this thread lacks a post!
A riddle is what's needed most!
For me to tell and you to solve
I hope this will help evolve.

You need me if you work too hard
And long; your energy is charred!
There comes a time, I stress to say,
For there is work and there is play.
Want me during a grueling task.
Drink water, at least a flask.
Don't dwell too long through it, you see.
For there is work, then there is me.
I thank you, Chack, for posting here!
That this thread died was my great fear.
But now you're back, and it's alive,
So let us hope that it will thrive!

And needing not a rapping war,
I think it's REST we're looking for!
Since there is work, and then there's play,
But REST we'll need in any way.

For after long and arduous tasks,
We'll look to water in our flasks,
And drink then, RESTING under shade
So that our strength here will not fade!

But certainly we must not dwell
Upon our REST, for though it's well
To lay aside our tasks at times,
We'll need to work to earn our dimes.

Correct, Magus! Right on the spot!
It's been so long, I had forgot
How good you are at these small games!
You're sharp as knives and hot as flames!

I like this thread, it helps me think
So that my English does not sink.
And solving riddles are much fun!
I love it here, in the long run.

Quote from: Fedetru on 2013 Jul 16, 15:17:45
I used to do it,
but in italian, I must admit  :P

But let's see
maybe today my brain will (finally) help me!

Lol I have no idea, maybe I should watch more epic rap battles of history..
..I lost the rhyme...
..and to get again it should be a mistery
and i'm a noob when it's time to rime  DD:

(oh, why my English is so bad? D: 
welp another edit, but this rhyming is pretty mad!)

But you do rhyme quite well, you see!
It's not so bad, no, not to me.
Yes, English is hard to learn,
But do not fret, it's no bad turn!
It's good to take an interest so
To learn English and then its flow.
In Italian? Interesting!
It impresses me, this kind of thing.
Wait for it...

The Wandering Magus

Indeed, his rhyme is pretty neat;
It's hard performing such a feat.
A little practice here and there
Will surely help his rhyming flair!

But now I ask of each of you,
Shall we another riddle true
Attempt to solve?  And then if so,
Should you or I then have a go?
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


It has been a while
Since I talked with rhyme.
What is everyone doing
On a day so fine?  ^-^

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


A thread dedicated to talking in rhyme?
It's been ages since my last attempt so i suppose it is time.
Prepare my fellow tongue, for you are about to be tested.
For you are the master of words and will not be bested.
I call upon the words from my knowledge to for fill my wish.
Summon a response that will serve my doubts on a silver dish.
Let it show those that they can do the same if they desire.
Break down their own barriers of doubt and light this thread on fire!

The Wandering Magus

My good friend Tiger, what a joy
To see you once again employ
The skills of rhyme and poetry
To speak with happy joy and glee!

Berserker Brony, it is quite
An honor that you'd show your might!
A question, though, I have for you.
Would you please craft a riddle true?

Or would you like for me to make
A riddle fair for you to take?
For none here seem to wish right now
To craft a rhyme to which we'd bow!
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


2013 Jul 19, 13:29:35 #350 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 19, 13:53:54 by BerserkerBrony
I appreciate the compliment my fellow rhymer.
It would b my pleasure to play the part of the Riddler.
Would it be a simple riddle that would be fun for any filly?
Or a puzzle that taunts your inner philosophy?
For this time I will make the choice for you to sample.
I hope I can satisfy you with with this fine example.

What can be given but never sold?
Can be possessed by both young and old.
The power to overcome any obstacle in thy way.
To provide warmth even on the coldest day.
A guide for the lost to follow if they ever lose sight.
It can be yours if you can overcome your hindering fright.

The Wandering Magus

A riddle hard which searches deep,
At that I'd surely quickly leap!
Although I know not if the rest
Might like it much when in the test!

But leaving that to later on,
I think that to the riddle yon
The answer must be Hope, my friend,
Or Courage, which all wounds can mend!

From friend to friend it may be lent,
But never packaged, sold and sent.
Both old and young may feel its strength;
It ever runs to endless length.

In times of cold, it warms our souls,
In times of fear, it shows our goals
To us so that we once more stand.
When lost, it lends a helping hand.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


I suddenly realised what's going on,
all these rhymes... this is just wrong!
I think Zecora may have a condition,
help heal her mind, sign the petition


Very clever, your mind is sharp with wit.
Perhaps I should ponder on a riddle of better fit.
The true answer was hope, just to make it clear.
Though I'm sure you understand regardless, so hold no fear.
Prepare yourself for the next puzzle of my creation.
I have confidence that you will triumph when answering this question.

It is misunderstood and responded with fear,
Is usually responsible for what we hold dear.
For without would lead us to suffer, same if allowed too much.
Our joy and happiness is born when applied with a touch.
While it is the cause of pain and remorse, that is true,
How ever you see it as, good or bad, is up to you.


And here I'm back to this thread, trying to make rhyme
But I thought I should, at least, try one more time.
I know I can't compare to some people here
But to get better, I must have no fear.

BerserkerBrony, your skills are very good
And to answer I had to think with what I have under my hood
For "love" is the answer, I guess
A confusing feeling, we all must confess.

If you have it toward the right things
It's unimaginable the happiness it brings
But if you make a single mistake, and the wrong thing to love you take
The pain you feel might even cause you to break.


Good to see you return to this lovely thread.
For this activity is great exercise for one's head.
However your answer is not correct, but very close.
Love may bring pain and joy but is not feared by most.
It is highly sought after, often more than gold.
However the answer I seek can leave one's heart cold.


I'll say death causes pain and remorse.
It's also feared by most, of course.
Too much of it, we grow sore,
But not enough, we suffer more.

Is death what's feared, even by bold?
Which causes pain and leaves us cold?
A necessity misunderstood?
And up to us if bad or good?
Wait for it...


It would be correct, if for not one detail.
For death is not a realm for happiness to prevail.
Death takes without consent, shows no mercy.
For the word I'm thinking holds much more controversy.
It can be the cause of one's end, also a start of something new.
For this answer follows no rules as it continues to affect you.


Difficult this riddle is!
I always love a challenging quiz.
And that's not all, you write quite well!
I'm sure you have good stories to tell.

I think I know the answer now.
Is it change, for it is how
It begins new, ends the old,
Always goes as our lives unfold?

Some fear change, because it takes;
It comes so quick and leaves heart aches.
Others welcome and seek these thrills,
They love to try new tasks and skills.
Wait for it...


2013 Jul 20, 14:32:12 #359 Last Edit: 2013 Jul 20, 14:35:50 by BerserkerBrony
You are very close, so very near.
Though the answer still eludes you I fear.
For change is the aftermath of its presence.
Though it is often viewed to have an evil essence.
There is no doubt that with one last guess,
that you will discover the right answer with no digress.

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