Royal Academy of Magic (Jump-In!) - IMF&M ended; Current Class: Dragonology

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2012 Aug 30, 16:37:00

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IMF&M ended, current class: Dragonology.  Please vote for the next class!

Inter-Magical Forces and Magitronics
0 (0%)
Dragonology and Other Beasts
3 (7.5%)
4 (10%)
1 (2.5%)
0 (0%)
Space and Flying Studies
1 (2.5%)
1 (2.5%)
Practical Applications of Magic
0 (0%)
Magical Items
2 (5%)
4 (10%)
Magic Glyphs
1 (2.5%)
Magic Drawings
0 (0%)
Shadow Magic
8 (20%)
Healing Magic and Herbology, Potions
4 (10%)
Elemental Magic
9 (22.5%)
Ancient Magic
2 (5%)
Other (please suggest in OOC or PM me)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 39

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"k" She said, nonchalantly. Signing her name with those broken hooves. "No testing or poisoning." She added at the bottom of the paper, in the minuscule amount of ponyan she knew how to write. "Here too, so it's official" She stated as if no other fact could possibly exist.

Finally she rubbed those frayed and fractured hooves. "Can I sit down now. Been standing all day."


Earl smiled. I'll do you one better. He picked her up and put her on his back, as he trotted back to his room, so he could help her with her hooves.


The lengthy filly almost flew into a paranoid rage, but she heard his words and let herself be calm for a moment. Taking a breath. This pony had actually promised to help her and she felt she'd rather believe in him than hold to the horrible place the world had been to her before this meeting. Never being able to trust another pony, never. No-pony ever looked out for her, who knows who her mother and father were, or if they were alive. They could have been that monk and social worker that came to see her, for all she knew. The only ones who cared for her in anyway.

This was unnatural to her, but she wanted to understand how some pony could up and go beyond any mutually beneficial trade. If he was telling the truth, IF, then this was complete charity on his part. That was a little humiliating in it's own way, she thought. But she didn't really feel it. Humiliating wasn't a thing Gūzen zōo had really cared about feeling over the past . . . oh however long it had been, at least 18 years, at the very least.

But there was no-way her body would let her relax in a situation like this. Her muscles were knotting like nothing else on the back of this pony. Her body as rigid as it could possibly be, and still work. Nothing she did helped much and her calm steady breaths came in and out like shuddering death rattles. Nor would any passer by see her as calm or passive, NO pony could mistake the fearful whites of her eyes, that contracted those pupils. And yet she kept herself from pouncing and fleeing, she was too tired of this nonexistence and she needed something more. Some mystic sign must have showed her this is where she would find it. Or perhaps, perhaps she had decided to thrown her fate up to chance. Either way she remained, if perched like a bird ready to take flight at the slightest sound, she remained.


They reached his quarters, and he set her down gently. He didn't comment on her shakiness, so either he didn't notice it, or didn't want to embarrass her. He walked over to his bag, and pulled out a tea pot. Any preferences?


Her lips were frozen in a strong frown but she managed: "Didn't get no tea where I was from, really. But liked one I had in this place once. Tasted like raspberry and was kinda bitter. She called it raspberry Ipity" The shaky filly didn't bother explaining who 'she' was. "This monk visited me long time ago though, he say that oolong is good though and he talk about his favorite teas all the time. I can't remember any though."


Quote from: Bane Emural on 2013 Dec 17, 17:03:30
The guard bot leaves the teacher's lounge and returns back to class. It bumps on Bane's head, waking him up. "So she hasn't come back yet?" He gets up. "I might as well see what she is doing." He leaves the classroom and heads towards the teacher's lounge, there he spots Dreams.

"Hmm... perhaps it needs just a little ignition..." Dreams told herself in a quiet tone. Saying this she places the cube on the ground, grabbing her sash afterwards and begins to concentrate magical energy in it. Five more seconds passed and she touched the cube. The contact with it made a flickering sound, she didn't know if it was a bad or a good sigh. It was probably the former.

She notices that Bane is in the room with her right after she finishes. "I didn't see you there." She addresses him, putting away her sash while doing so.
The sky is our friend. We need but to learn. ~Whispering Winds

My knowledge surpasses yours tenfold. ~Nightstar Dreams


You can speak in Neighponnese, if you want. I'm rather fluent, thanks to my mother. He opened a cabinet next to his desk, and pulled out two leaves, which crackled a little bit on contact with the air. Then he pulled out a couple of raspberries, and a lemon wedge. Retrieving a mortar and pestle, he began to mash up the leaves with one hoof, and grab a couple of tea cups with the other. He spun, and pulled out a thermos of hot water, which he poured into the pot. He added the leaves and the raspberries, and waited. When the tea was done brewing, he poured some into each teacup. He put the lemon wedge on the outside of one, and slid the other over to Guzen. That should calm your nerves a bit. He took a sip, and turned to the cabinet again.


Well the scent and color of the tea, as well as the sound of it pouring into the cup did calm her muscles, her mind was racing triple speed now. Despite her earlier wish to 'give a try' to 'civilized' life she was having second thoughts now. She'd lived as long as she did BECAUSE of these instincts and she couldn't just throw them away. As the professor turned his back to her again, she stood quietly and began to walk towards the exit. Just trying to get away to leave before anything bad happened. Her tender hooves caught on a spike of her splintering hooves and she almost stumbled but managed to keep herself going.

It was better not to take these offers, things like this, that's how she had lost some of her friends. Well, not really like this but deals too good to be true made with shady characters. She'd outlived her welcome and she'd get away now, she should have just left when she saw the congregation gathering around the dragon. It would have been better to think them hunting the beast. Now she was all mixed up and things didn't really make as much sense as they once did. It was then she realized she hadn't stepped out of the door, and she had paused just a touch too long.

Bane Emural

"I see you are experimenting with the gift I gave you. It doesn't seem like it is in good condition. Let me help with that." Bane approaches Dreams and the cube. He sits down and touches the cube. He notices the flickers and moved his face closer to the cube. Bane closes his eyes and blows a soothing blue-gold color air into the cube. The cube begins to light up. Bane taps the top part of it and it opens up. Inside contains a sort of infinite space, capable of containing almost anything inside. "There, that should do it. Ancient Magic is a bit tricky, especially dealing with devices containing both Ancient Magic and the power of the crystal the Ancients used. If you were trying to rewrite the formula used on it, you need a specific tool and a certain spell to rewrite devices like this."
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


He turned around with a splint, some bandages, and a glowing herb. Come here, this'll help your hoof. When he saw her walking towards the door, it was obvious he knew what she was thinking. I hope you'll reconsider. It would be a lot of help to have an assistant, and from the looks of it, you could use someone to look after you. Please. I wouldn't waste Zap-Apple leaves on just anypony.


 It was a time of choice, but she couldn't choose. How could she leave the thing that kept her alive so long, and how could she turn away from this help. All she could do is look, and she did this with all the pain and suffering of her 18 years. She stood in that door looking at him, lip trembling and ready to cry. But she didn't move in or out of the room, she was stuck. Stuck in this in-between place and unable to move forwards. "H-Help" It was too quiet for anyone to hear, perhaps it was only a thought.

But somehow that thought penetrated the room and reached out to her new compatriot. "Help me, but don't push me too quickly. Let me sit in my own pain for awhile if I must, but don't push me too fast. I can't change, not like that. Not that fast."


Earl frowned a bit, then trotted towards her. Is there anything you need to do?


"No . . I. No, I. I can't right now, I don't understand and I can't understand right now. Do you understand, no you-you can't I see this, um." She spoke in her natural tongue but she flitted her eyes around in bewilderment. "It is like your herbs, imagine one day some pony told you zap-apples were suddenly poisonous, suddenly deadly and he didn't bother to give you an explanation, or gave you an explanation that made no sense to you. Suppose you knew it was better deep down, but you'd used them for so long you couldn't believe them poisonous, it wouldn't make sense to you. Imagine what you would do then, might you not turn to Zap-apples at least once because it is what you knew? Maybe you wouldn't, but I . . . I can't turn my world around so quickly. Please, I-I don't understand."

She rubbed her hooves against each other. "Will you not use your herbs right now? Can we wait till later, I may be in pain but I can't it doesn't make sense to me. Let me soak in the calm and eat food and not have to run around working like an animal for once. Please? And maybe in a week, or a month. Maybe then you can bind my wounds." At least she thought this might work. It was a hard thing knowing one's own mind and this filly hadn't really considered her mind a friend before, only an obstacle to overcome.


Earl stopped, and sat. He let out a puff of air, as he exhaled. Yes, I suppose that is for the best. Um... If you need... anything... just tell me, alright? He seemed a bit flustered, but was trying to hide it a little bit.


"I would be thankful if I could. I think." The filly said, looking dizzy from this sudden exertion of a muscle she'd never once attempted to develop. "Or maybe I wouldn't. I can't say, but I'm willing to try, I think. Just not, like this." She couldn't convey herself. She'd never been particularly articulate or literate before, anyways. There'd never been a reason for her to be. So she stood there swaying. Until she finally let out: "Can we, uh go somewhere more public maybe a tea-shop or coffee store. I'm honestly scared."

And she didn't fear admitting it, because her body had already been giving every ounce of it away. She shook like a leaf; her ears twitched wildly underneath her beret, the thing barely kept to her head. That great filly, even terrifying to some people looked nothing more than a distraught and frightened foal. With the brand of some gang across her face, and then inked in. She went to touch that section of soft flesh, and she remembered when it happened. The only time she'd let down her guard, but if she hadn't she might be dead. The world didn't give freely, this was the rule she'd always taken and it couldn't just go away now. It couldn't, right?


Well... I suppose. I own a teashop in Canterlot. Would that be alright? He started for the door, and turned to her, waiting for her reaction. He noticed her touching the burn on his face, but didn't show it. She'd obviously been through a lot, and he didn't want to ask her until she was ready.


Quote from: Bane Emural on 2013 Dec 17, 22:03:12
"I see you are experimenting with the gift I gave you. It doesn't seem like it is in good condition. Let me help with that." Bane approaches Dreams and the cube. He sits down and touches the cube. He notices the flickers and moved his face closer to the cube. Bane closes his eyes and blows a soothing blue-gold color air into the cube. The cube begins to light up. Bane taps the top part of it and it opens up. Inside contains a sort of infinite space, capable of containing almost anything inside. "There, that should do it. Ancient Magic is a bit tricky, especially dealing with devices containing both Ancient Magic and the power of the crystal the Ancients used. If you were trying to rewrite the formula used on it, you need a specific tool and a certain spell to rewrite devices like this."

"I don't really plan to rewrite it, I just want to study the formula used on this. Perhaps I'll be able to apply its properties elsewhere aswell, perhaps not. Can't say everything will have compatibility with it but that's what I'm currently working on aswell." Nightstar told her acquaintance as she watched him. That pony, seriously, he doesn't seem to understand her potential. Her capacity. Her genius mind. The young pony sighed. "I know magic alright, I don't need you to teach me anything. I can make and redo formulas without anything of that, I've been doing this ever since I could read!" She raised her voice. He didn't understand her, and she was getting angry at him. Why couldn't ponies leave her alone? They always like to call her a weirdo and being bugged cuts her concentration.
The sky is our friend. We need but to learn. ~Whispering Winds

My knowledge surpasses yours tenfold. ~Nightstar Dreams


Mage and Flare were successfully able to measure the dragon's height. Mage recorded the number into his notebook. With nothing else to do, Mage and Flare were curious and wanted to converse with the dragon as well, but, with the instructor preoccupied with another student, they decided to just sit down on the ground and wait patiently for the class to end or for their chance to converse with the dragon. Whatever came first.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Sticks and stones may break my bones but I'll defeat your knive-like words.


Whispering Winds watched as the younger pony left the area with the teacher she had met before she came to class, right after arriving at the academy. She felt like they didn't want her presence so she didn't follow them. And besides, she was still in class. What was professor Shard doing again? The light green pegasus averted her gaze to the dragonology professor and tried speaking with him. Anything to bring the class back on track. "Err... so is there anything else you can tell us that you consider worth telling...?" She finally landed on her hooves, near Shard, after spending quite a while on air. She thought it would be better if she did.
The sky is our friend. We need but to learn. ~Whispering Winds

My knowledge surpasses yours tenfold. ~Nightstar Dreams

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