Today's Smile

Started by Little Judas, 2012 Aug 16, 20:12:51

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Quote from: Pipkin on 2012 Dec 29, 12:50:44
The forums are so full of awesome today.  All that's missing is the new episode which I can't find anywhere yet.

Quote from: Bravo 539 on 2012 Dec 29, 17:01:36
Julius is making art! :D


... OH MUFFINS, I JUST REMEMBERED TODAY IS SATURDAY... I'll watch tomorrow though.. I get the feeling I'll fall asleep if I decide to watch right now. X3


Finally got my mannequin set up. :) TIME FOR SOME HARDCORE COSTUMI...


I still gotta adjust it to my dimensions...
My music channels. Stop by if you'd like.
"I suppose it's just interest... devoid of substance or purpose; a hypothetical pattern... for the satisfaction of bringing it to completion."

The Wandering Magus

I have a few hours to play an mmo ^^
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here:
my art:
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013

Bravo 658

2012 Dec 29, 22:41:32 #803 Last Edit: 2012 Dec 29, 22:45:24 by Bravo 539


Ermergerd, I get my own hotel room for two days! *Watches Naruto and reads the forum*
By Sulfur

Tumblr (SFW)


Tiger, show style~

Spoiler: Wheeee • show

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Quote from: Tiger on 2012 Dec 30, 00:53:34
Tiger, show style~

Spoiler: Wheeee • show

*Falls over dead*
By Sulfur

Tumblr (SFW)


A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


By Sulfur

Tumblr (SFW)


A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...


Finally heard the forums Massive Smile Project. I'm proud. :')
By Sulfur

Tumblr (SFW)


Quote from: ComputerDeathglare on 2012 Dec 30, 01:17:13
Finally heard the forums Massive Smile Project. I'm proud. :')

Yay! :)


All work and no candy makes Choco a dull colt!

Lord of Madness

Quote from: ComputerDeathglare on 2012 Dec 30, 01:17:13
Finally heard the forums Massive Smile Project. I'm proud. :')


Little Judas

Seeing the creation of the Master-Race.
All of those Masters laughing, being president and stuff.
His laugh is contagious.
Thanks to Julius for my OC. (see the avatar)

Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees, Give a home to the fleas, in my hair
A home for fleas, a hive for the buzzing bees, A nest for birds, there ain't no words
For the beauty, splendor, the wonder of my hair

Soft Fang

Finally got my Kickstarter package from Hey Ocean this weekend. Being able to play "Too Soon" instead of the usual radio crap - Made my day.


Quote from: Pipkin, in the Dumb things that annoy you threadAlso, I shaved today, after getting yelled at again at work, and my baby niece doesn't recognize me anymore.  When i'm watching football usually I hold her while we watch and she's always so giddy and cheerful and cute and all that baby stuff, but holding her today she freaked out every time, nonstop screaming, tried 3 or 4 times.  That made me really sad.

Remembering this horrific day I decided NOT to shave for football today(watching the Patriots today made me smile enough), and my niece didn't scream or anything.  It kinda scares me that I was right about her not recognizing me clean shaven, or maybe she has a thing for face hair.

I went to kiss her good night, and she lifted her hands and started stroking my face with this huge grin on her face  :o.  Cutest. Thing.  Ever.


Quote from: Pipkin on 2012 Dec 30, 21:12:39
Quote from: Pipkin, in the Dumb things that annoy you threadAlso, I shaved today, after getting yelled at again at work, and my baby niece doesn't recognize me anymore.  When i'm watching football usually I hold her while we watch and she's always so giddy and cheerful and cute and all that baby stuff, but holding her today she freaked out every time, nonstop screaming, tried 3 or 4 times.  That made me really sad.

Remembering this horrific day I decided NOT to shave for football today(watching the Patriots today made me smile enough), and my niece didn't scream or anything.  It kinda scares me that I was right about her not recognizing me clean shaven, or maybe she has a thing for face hair.

I went to kiss her good night, and she lifted her hands and started stroking my face with this huge grin on her face  :o.  Cutest. Thing.  Ever.

I'm probably not here, but If I am, call me moon rabbits.
This is for you, guys:
:ajshifty::-3 (bloomberg)



I recall saying that my online UrT clanmates are oblivious to me being a brony despite using Pinkie Pie avatars in all of my forums.  That changed today.

I jumped on a server as LaptopBrony, and jumped in teamspeak with one of my teammates and told them who I was playing as.
She started singing "My Little Brony, My Little Brony, Aaaahhhhh!" and now it's stuck in her head, lol

my New Years Resolution is coming along nicely...


Quote from: Pipkin on 2012 Dec 30, 23:21:48

I recall saying that my online UrT clanmates are oblivious to me being a brony despite using Pinkie Pie avatars in all of my forums.  That changed today.

I jumped on a server as LaptopBrony, and jumped in teamspeak with one of my teammates and told them who I was playing as.
She started singing "My Little Brony, My Little Brony, Aaaahhhhh!" and now it's stuck in her head, lol

my New Years Resolution is coming along nicely...
It's not new years yet
I'm probably not here, but If I am, call me moon rabbits.
This is for you, guys:
:ajshifty::-3 (bloomberg)

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