Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Stardust Dragon

When you're trying to be productive and go out to run errands...but you lost your prepaid public transit tickets and know for a fact you still have them somewhere...

I really don't want to spend more money buying a new set when I know I have at least ten of them somewhere, but seriously me, where did I hide them?!

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Aug 04, 11:41:48
Got a tooth yanked out of my head, and I have to go back and get another one pulled.
I already live in Ohio, I don't want to look like a toothless hick. :'(

At least they're sorta far back....
But no solid food for a few days. :c

Wait a minute, are these your wisdom teeth you're talking about? Because those typically do come out. Humans unfortunately have too many teeth, so wisdom teeth don't come in correctly in 80% of people and need to be removed.

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Aug 05, 20:17:02
Wait a minute, are these your wisdom teeth you're talking about? Because those typically do come out. Humans unfortunately have too many teeth, so wisdom teeth don't come in correctly in 80% of people and need to be removed.
One is a wisdom tooth, but it has to come out because I took awful care of my teeth. :P
The one I just got pulled out wasn't a wisdom tooth though, it's like just beyond my cheek though so it can't be seen.
(Thank Celestial!)

Funnily enough they just sat me down, X rayed me and yanked out the tooth. (Yes, I has novocaine)
They were supposed to tell me and ask my Mom if we wanted to go through with it but they didn't do either, my Mom was pretty mad. :P

On the subject of my teeth, tonight was pizza night, we always have pizza on Fridays, but sense I just got my extraction I couldn't get to eat any which sucked.
Just oatmeal, yogurt and soup for me for the next few days, at least the tooth pain is gone though, it's supprisingly comfortable now, I just pray complications don't arise.

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Aug 05, 22:52:11
They were supposed to tell me and ask my Mom if we wanted to go through with it but they didn't do either, my Mom was pretty mad. :P

That's super sketchy. Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen if you ask me. You don't pull your patients teeth out without their consent. If you're over 18 then they don't need to tell your mom, though.

Still, 2 teeth is really not a lot, I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Sounds like it was your first molar that they extracted. If you don't get a dental bride there then your other teeth will slowly move to fill in the space, which could affect how your front teeth look, but you won't have problems chewing. If you're subconcious about it then you can always get braces later down the road, that will fix everything perfectly.

I'm missing 8 teeth - all 4 first premolars and all 4 wisdom teeth - you could never tell by looking at me unless I opened my mouth and showed you.

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Aug 05, 23:40:18If you don't get a dental bride there then your other teeth will slowly move to fill in the space, which could affect how your front teeth look, but you won't have problems chewing. If you're subconcious about it then you can always get braces later down the road, that will fix everything perfectly.
We don't have enough money for a bridge or braces, so I better just keep my fingers crossed because I'm very self conscious about my teeth. lol

Chishio Kunrin

I've had a cold for a few days now, and I hate having a cold. :x I don't cough in my sleep, so when I sleep, snot builds up in my chest, so as soon as I wake up, I have to cough it all up.

To make things worse, this cold seems to be messing with my voice more than they usually do, like it's trying to make me lose my voice or something. :s

Also, it seems that, whenever my friend hangs out at my house a lot, I end up running behind on watching shows and Let's Plays. I mean, I don't mind watching her shows and hanging out with her instead, really. It's fun! ^-^ But I do welcome the breaks where I can work on catching up on stuff I usually watch.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I really need to stop watching scary youtube videos late at night. TFW you have the lights on in every room of your apartment (yes, all 3 rooms) because you're scared of dark corners.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2016 Aug 08, 00:30:45
I really need to stop watching scary youtube videos late at night. TFW you have the lights on in every room of your apartment (yes, all 3 rooms) because you're scared of dark corners.

I've had to use a nightlight ever since Five Night's At Freddy's 2 came out. All because of THAT FREAKING PUPPET.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 08, 07:12:11
I've had to use a nightlight ever since Five Night's At Freddy's 2 came out. All because of THAT FREAKING PUPPET.

Dim light is worse than no light IMO. Nightlights cast too many shadows, I'd rather see nothing at all. After watching the Peering Head the last thing I need is to see humanoid shapes in the corners.


Well, I've actually stopped using for now. Turns out it was actually keeping me up.
BTW, when I say nightlight, I mean "desk lamp".
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Sweet Brew

So, I was going to bed and I got something in my eye, it was pretty big, so I tried rubbing it out and it stopped hurting, after a while it started again, so I guessed that I didn't get it out.

I go downstairs and look in he bathroom mirror, welp.... there's a little roundish black thing.
I try for a while to get it out.... and get this....

It's a TURD!
A mouse pooped in my bed and I got it in my eye!

We need more mouse traps, at least it's a funny story though.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Aug 08, 14:25:56
So, I was going to bed and I got something in my eye, it was pretty big, so I tried rubbing it out and it stopped hurting, after a while it started again, so I guessed that I didn't get it out.

I go downstairs and look in he bathroom mirror, welp.... there's a little roundish black thing.
I try for a while to get it out.... and get this....

It's a TURD!
A mouse pooped in my bed and I got it in my eye!

We need more mouse traps, at least it's a funny story though.

I would say... go to the doctor immediately if you start getting sick. Don't forget that rats and mice carry disease, and their, er.. waste can be pretty bad. :I Your eyes absorb things. That's why it's so dangerous to get things in your eye, especially liquids. That's why you wear safety goggles in a laboratory. Not just because certain chemicals can burn and you really don't want to burn your eyes, but also because your eyes could absorb said chemicals into your body. It's also why surgeons wear eye protection and coroners pull down a mask when they do something extra messy.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

People need to quit bashing the BMI scale like it's the devil. The BMI scale is not broken, it does exactly what it was meant for.

BMI was NEVER meant to be an end-all be-all diagnostic tool. It's meant to be a FIRST STEP screening that you can do on your own, then follow up with a professional if necessary. It's intended to be simple enough that any layman can find their BMI, all you need is your height and weight and there you go.

Furthermore, it was design with a sedentary lifestyle in mind (Desk-job type person). If you're an athlete or work in a very physical job like construction and such then obviously your BMI will be skewed upward because you have more muscle mass than a sedentary person. That's not a flaw with the scale, it's a flaw with your thinking. It's like trying to use pickup truck to pull a full-sized tanker trailer, then saying the truck is bad when you're using it for something it wasn't meant for.

TL;DR the BMI scale is fine and does what it was meant for, stop vilifying it.


SPOILERS FOR WORLD OF WARCRAFT, even though the lore's already been told.
My brother: "Put YouTube on the big TV!"
Me: "Why?"
Him: "The WoW cutscenes for the new expansion are on this channel! You'll love 'em! C'MON!"
Me: "...Is it showing when Varian dies?"
Him: "Yes! Come on!"
Me: "Well, the main reason I stopped playing WoW is you keep telling me what's gonna happen, so there's nothing to look forward to. I'll see them when it actually comes out."
Him: "NAG NAG NAG NAG NAG for 10 minutes straight"
Me: "FINE! But it's only because I don't like Varian. And you have to help me get any appearances I want."

I saw that cutscene. And now I hate my brother.
THAT CUTSCENE WAS FREAKING HEART BREAKING. I actually came to really like Varian in it, and the way he "went" was disterbing as heck!
TOO BAD IT MEANS NOTHING NOW BECAUSE I SAW IT EARLY. Now I'm just going to skip it in game, completely ruining the point of the freaking cutscene!
Yeah, the only time I like a character, ruined by spoilers. Thanks, bro.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


i hate RNG
DD: D: ono >:/ :/

is there anyone who wants to try to get one thing 1000 times and wont get it just cause a dice roll said so? o.O
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

Stardust Dragon

Quote from: Grizzly on 2016 Aug 10, 00:39:18
i hate RNG
DD: D: ono >:/ :/

is there anyone who wants to try to get one thing 1000 times and wont get it just cause a dice roll said so? o.O

Me and gathering food for my fairies in Hyrule Warriors Legends right now.  Of course, I was the moron who decided to refresh my only darkness fairy without having any food left to reestablish her magic type...


Quote from: Grizzly on 2016 Aug 10, 00:39:18
i hate RNG
DD: D: ono >:/ :/

is there anyone who wants to try to get one thing 1000 times and wont get it just cause a dice roll said so? o.O

Playing Monster Hunter is RNG madness. I wanted to make some cool armour, and I needed around 8 claws from this monster. Claws are a relatively common drop from it. Apparently.
I hunted over EIGHT OF THEM and got ONE claw. Luckily, the next two dropped LOADS of them.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 10, 05:24:02
Playing Monster Hunter is RNG madness. I wanted to make some cool armour, and I needed around 8 claws from this monster. Claws are a relatively common drop from it. Apparently.
I hunted over EIGHT OF THEM and got ONE claw. Luckily, the next two dropped LOADS of them.
I once got 3 gems from a Kushala Daora. :3

What annoys me?


This, was a while ago, but it STILL freaking bugs me:
A while ago, PewDiePie was evicted from his flat/room/I don't know by his complete waste of life landlord (I say that because of what he said on camera to them). Of course, Pewdiepie was able to easily get a new place to live. When he made a video about it, he did two things that were CLEARLY JOKES:
-Indirectly talking to the landlord, he said "I could buy that house if I wanted".
-At the end of the vid, he leant back in a seat and put his feet on a table, saying "It's hard being a YouTuber."
The way he did/said it clearly showed he wasn't being serious. However, so many freaking news sites said he was "threatening the landlord" or just being a smug jerk.
Even PewDiePie himself commented on them not being able to detect sarcasm!
"inhales" DANG. This's been irritating me for ages...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2016 Aug 10, 18:08:25
This, was a while ago, but it STILL freaking bugs me:
A while ago, PewDiePie was evicted from his flat/room/I don't know by his complete waste of life landlord (I say that because of what he said on camera to them). Of course, Pewdiepie was able to easily get a new place to live. When he made a video about it, he did two things that were CLEARLY JOKES:
-Indirectly talking to the landlord, he said "I could buy that house if I wanted".
-At the end of the vid, he leant back in a seat and put his feet on a table, saying "It's hard being a YouTuber."
The way he did/said it clearly showed he wasn't being serious. However, so many freaking news sites said he was "threatening the landlord" or just being a smug jerk.
Even PewDiePie himself commented on them not being able to detect sarcasm!
"inhales" DANG. This's been irritating me for ages...

The dude makes millions of dollars a year and he still rents? I don't even...

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