Dumb things that annoy you

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No english dub for the confirmed localization of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.

Seriously? Because... you know... I totally understand japanese.  :l

What's so freaking hard about english dubbing a game?!


[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

I've spent so much time playing on Canadian servers I'm starting to adopt a Canadian accent.

What does that say about my offline social life?


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Jul 03, 23:10:06
What does that say aboot my offline social life, eh?

Fixed it for you. ;)

Chishio Kunrin

2015 Jul 04, 01:48:02 #16543 Last Edit: 2015 Jul 04, 02:07:18 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: Julius on 2015 Jul 03, 23:13:23
Fixed it for you. ;)

Funny enough, when a Canadian says "about," it sounds more like "aboat" than "aboot."

Post Merge

I put "tortilla chips" on the grocery list, and my mom bought corn tortilla chips. When I expressed my confusion, my mom said "You didn't say which kind, so I got the kind we usually get!" No one ever told me that corn chips are a type of tortilla chips! :facehoof: I wanted the white kind. :P I like the white kind better. I get tired of corn chips pretty quickly. The only kind of corn I have any fondness for is popcorn.

Oh well... At least I finally have something to dip in my salsa.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Trying to decide between the 2015 Ford Focus and the 2015 Kia Soul. Both great, affordable compacts with tons of modern features.

Which to choose...

Lync Volan

Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Jul 03, 22:45:03
No english dub for the confirmed localization of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth.

Seriously? Because... you know... I totally understand japanese.  :l

What's so freaking hard about english dubbing a game?!


First problem!


So, Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce. I've seen quite a few people call it one of the best co-op games ever. I got it before on my PSP, but my friend's one was basically broken at that point. So I got it for PS3 today.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


You think thats bad?
Finding a person online in Dynasty Warriors 8 Empire and Samurai Warriors 4 is a chore. And If you found someone it gets worse when after a few minutes they would either leave or die for a stupid reason. (in empires)
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



How helpful things taste like they're meant to hurt you.  It's like, salad? Ew.  Cookie? Yum!


I dislike both of those foods  >:/
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos



Nintendo, you absolute "word I can't use on these forums"!!!!!!
Okay, so, I'm a HUGE fan of Skylanders, and I'm hyped as all heck for the new game coming out. For those who saw Nintendo's Digital Event, do you remember the Bowser and DK figures they're releasing? I was really looking forward to them...well, mainly Bowser. Sure It'd be annoying as heck to find them, but it would be worth it, right?
I always get them games exclusively on PS systems, they just seem better quality (aside from the first game). So guess what? Nintendo has pulled one of the most rage-inducing moves I have ever seen.
Spoiler: You ready for this? It's basically ALL my Nintendo rage in one spoiler. • show

I knew Nintendo was run by Diablo...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Randam Saiko

This time of the year in America. Please pop your fireworks on the night of July 4th and no earlier nor later. Left over fireworks are such an annoying noise pollutant.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: AnthroYuu on 2015 Jul 04, 17:15:31
How helpful things taste like they're meant to hurt you.  It's like, salad? Ew.  Cookie? Yum!

Cough medicine? EW! >A< Milkshake? Yum.
(Though, I do like salad as long as it doesn't have any kind of dressing on it whatsoever. It also helps if there's shredded cheese on it. Mmmm. Cheese and lettuce taste good together for some reason.)

Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2015 Jul 04, 21:40:02
This time of the year in America. Please pop your fireworks on the night of July 4th and no earlier nor later. Left over fireworks are such an annoying noise pollutant.

Also, fireworks at unexpected times can be a hazard for some of your neighbors, such as when you fire them off the day before or the day after.

Some people have to bring their cats and dogs indoors, otherwise they risk their pets running away in a panic and getting lost.

You also have to consider any veterans who live nearby who may have PTSD. They have to prepare themselves or leave town to avoid the sound of fireworks, as the sound can trigger their PTSD and give them an extremely distressing time. If you're gonna shoot off fireworks any time other than the night of July 4th, tell any veterans who live in the area, so they know what to expect.

I'm really annoyed that people put up such a fuss about veterans speaking out about that. I think they misunderstood it as "If a veteran lives in your neighborhood, don't shoot off fireworks." Please, the sign says "Be courteous with your fireworks" not "Please don't use fireworks." People need to learn to read. People also need to learn to respect those with a mental condition that can put them in an incredibly scary place when they hear or see certain things.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Itty Bit

2015 Jul 05, 02:27:32 #16553 Last Edit: 2015 Jul 05, 03:57:49 by Itty Bit
Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Jul 04, 19:27:11
Nintendo, you absolute "word I can't use on these forums"!!!!!!
Okay, so, I'm a HUGE fan of Skylanders, and I'm hyped as all heck for the new game coming out. For those who saw Nintendo's Digital Event, do you remember the Bowser and DK figures they're releasing? I was really looking forward to them...well, mainly Bowser. Sure It'd be annoying as heck to find them, but it would be worth it, right?
I always get them games exclusively on PS systems, they just seem better quality (aside from the first game). So guess what? Nintendo has pulled one of the most rage-inducing moves I have ever seen.
Spoiler: You ready for this? It's basically ALL my Nintendo rage in one spoiler. • show

I knew Nintendo was run by Diablo...

I don't think it would be in Nintendo's best interest to make a product for who they are competing against. That's basic business 101.
Microsoft isn't going to be like "Ok, let's take our games that are exclusive to Xbox, and make it to where you can play it on the Playstation, too." That would just be silly

Chishio Kunrin

2015 Jul 05, 14:56:51 #16554 Last Edit: 2015 Jul 05, 15:00:51 by Chishio Kunrin
IGN got so much hate for their terrible KH3 Trailer Rewind Theater that they took the video down. They got things so, SO wrong. But you can still watch it on Dailymotion to see just how horribly wrong they got it.

They really need to get people who either actually played the games or people who can do better research next time they try to report anything about Kingdom Hearts. Apparently, when it comes to KH, IGN just flops around like a magikarp.

I mean... let's do a play-by-play here.
Spoiler: Long. Don't worry, no spoilers. • show
- "So, this is young Master Xenahort and young Master Eraqueez or Erakwus, I'm probably mispronouncing his name." >:/ ...... First of all, Xehanort. They continue to call him Xenahort throughout the video, but his name is Xehanort. Second of all, Eraqus' name is pronounced Era-kus. Anyone who played Birth By Sleep, which he's from, knows that because they actually say his name in the cutscenes.
- "Talking about the..." "The events of Birth By Sleep." Nononono. No one who really knows anything about the games would think that. You know why? Because in Birth By Sleep, Xehanort and Eraqus are old men. In the trailer, when it shows them playing chess and talking, they're young.
- "So, this is the Tangled world," she says with Greek pillars in view. :facehoof: It's the Hercules world. Side note: It's exciting that we finally won't be restricted to the coliseum or the Underworld this time. Olympus Coliseum was getting really, really old. We're probably gonna get to run around Mount Olympus or something.
- "Is this unversed or heartless or nobodies or do we really know?" They're heartless. No one who really knows anything about the games would question if they're nobodies because nobodies are almost exclusively white, with some of them bearing very light pale colors. They're not unversed because the unversed are only in Birth By Sleep, for reasons. Spoiler reasons.
- "*Highlights a Greek structure* Is that coliseum type of material over there on the right?" "It does look like the coliseum, but I thought this was the Tangled world. It'd be interesting if, instead of having to travel to worlds, you can actually just seamlessly go..." After seeing tons of Greek pillars, they finally notice. Aaaand they brush it off with saying it'd be interesting if you could just walk through the Tangled world and end up in the Hercules world. It doesn't work like that, in Kingdom Hearts. Not unless something crazy happens that pulls the worlds together and smashes them into each other or something! The worlds are kept separate, and the residents of the worlds used to be kept unaware that there are other worlds out there.
- "I think we've seen this colossus before," she says when it shows the rock titan from Hercules.
- And then they make note of Sora's new keyblade and start talking about how, in Birth By Sleep, Aqua was able to change her keyblade's form with the "chains" on her keyblade, so "maybe now we can do that with Sora?" >:/ .... :/ ..... Weren't we already doing that since Kingdom Hearts 1? Weren't we literally already doing that since the very beginning? Every new keyblade form we get has its own keychain. That's how it works. It's literally Sora and everyone else putting a new keychain on their keyblade to change its form. This is nothing new! This is not exclusive to Aqua and didn't start with her!
- "So... I think... we're... in..." "Twilight Town?" "Twilight Town. I was thinking Agrabah, for like, a second." :facehoof: But why would you think Agrabah?! Nowhere in Agrabah looks anything like that in any game! By the way, did they not watch the trailer before they recorded this? Did they put barely any effort into researching KH, receive some terribly-done notes from someone else about the trailer, and then jump into recording it? Is that what happened here?!
- They called the pegasus chariot thing a summon, though if you actually pay attention, it pretty clearly shows Sora's keyblade transform into the pegasus chariot. So, it's some sort of keyblade transformation, not a summon, kind of like how, earlier in the trailer, it shows Sora turn his keyblade into waterguns.

So, huge blatant signs that they obviously have no idea what they're talking about:
- "Xenahort" Seriously? It's not like Xehanort was only ever mentioned by name in one of the handheld games!
- "They're talking about the events in Birth By Sleep" No need to explain this again.
- One of them actually seriously said "If you don't understand the Kingdom Hearts story, like I don't, then let me explain." This could've been brushed off if it weren't for all the other, more obvious signs. I mean, Kingdom Hearts can get a little bit confusing in some points, especially if you don't read the reports in each game.
- "Is this unversed or heartless or nobodies or do we really know?" Anyone who's ever touched KH2 can identify a nobody on sight. Oh, and they know of the unversed, huh? But they apparently don't know that the unversed are only in BBS?
- Apparently having no idea that a normal function of keyblades in every single game from the very beginning is that attaching a keychain changes the keyblade's form! Come on! You barely even have to play the first game to find that out! This is the absolute biggest sign! The emphasis here is on the fact that keyblades can change form. It's never outright shown that what changes the keyblade's form is the keychain, but it's easy to figure out. But these people apparently didn't realize that keyblades could change form, so they were surprised that Sora had a new keyblade and thought a keyblade changing form was a new thing in BBS.
- "I was thinking Agrabah for, like, a second." *Sigh* I didn't expect them to identify Twilight Town right away. I mean, I didn't even recognize it with the new HD-ified look. But Agrabah? Seriously?!

Might as well have said "7.8/10 Too Much Disney."

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Jul 05, 14:56:51
IGN got so much hate for their terrible KH3 Trailer Rewind Theater that they took the video down. They got things so, SO wrong. But you can still watch it on Dailymotion to see just how horribly wrong they got it.

They really need to get people who either actually played the games or people who can do better research next time they try to report anything about Kingdom Hearts. Apparently, when it comes to KH, IGN just flops around like a magikarp.

I mean... let's do a play-by-play here.
Spoiler: Long. Don't worry, no spoilers. • show
- "So, this is young Master Xenahort and young Master Eraqueez or Erakwus, I'm probably mispronouncing his name." >:/ ...... First of all, Xehanort. They continue to call him Xenahort throughout the video, but his name is Xehanort. Second of all, Eraqus' name is pronounced Era-kus. Anyone who played Birth By Sleep, which he's from, knows that because they actually say his name in the cutscenes.
- "Talking about the..." "The events of Birth By Sleep." Nononono. No one who really knows anything about the games would think that. You know why? Because in Birth By Sleep, Xehanort and Eraqus are old men. In the trailer, when it shows them playing chess and talking, they're young.
- "So, this is the Tangled world," she says with Greek pillars in view. :facehoof: It's the Hercules world. Side note: It's exciting that we finally won't be restricted to the coliseum or the Underworld this time. Olympus Coliseum was getting really, really old. We're probably gonna get to run around Mount Olympus or something.
- "Is this unversed or heartless or nobodies or do we really know?" They're heartless. No one who really knows anything about the games would question if they're nobodies because nobodies are almost exclusively white, with some of them bearing very light pale colors. They're not unversed because the unversed are only in Birth By Sleep, for reasons. Spoiler reasons.
- "*Highlights a Greek structure* Is that coliseum type of material over there on the right?" "It does look like the coliseum, but I thought this was the Tangled world. It'd be interesting if, instead of having to travel to worlds, you can actually just seamlessly go..." After seeing tons of Greek pillars, they finally notice. Aaaand they brush it off with saying it'd be interesting if you could just walk through the Tangled world and end up in the Hercules world. It doesn't work like that, in Kingdom Hearts. Not unless something crazy happens that pulls the worlds together and smashes them into each other or something! The worlds are kept separate, and the residents of the worlds used to be kept unaware that there are other worlds out there.
- "I think we've seen this colossus before," she says when it shows the rock titan from Hercules.
- And then they make note of Sora's new keyblade and start talking about how, in Birth By Sleep, Aqua was able to change her keyblade's form with the "chains" on her keyblade, so "maybe now we can do that with Sora?" >:/ .... :/ ..... Weren't we already doing that since Kingdom Hearts 1? Weren't we literally already doing that since the very beginning? Every new keyblade form we get has its own keychain. That's how it works. It's literally Sora and everyone else putting a new keychain on their keyblade to change its form. This is nothing new! This is not exclusive to Aqua and didn't start with her!
- "So... I think... we're... in..." "Twilight Town?" "Twilight Town. I was thinking Agrabah, for like, a second." :facehoof: But why would you think Agrabah?! Nowhere in Agrabah looks anything like that in any game! By the way, did they not watch the trailer before they recorded this? Did they put barely any effort into researching KH, receive some terribly-done notes from someone else about the trailer, and then jump into recording it? Is that what happened here?!
- They called the pegasus chariot thing a summon, though if you actually pay attention, it pretty clearly shows Sora's keyblade transform into the pegasus chariot. So, it's some sort of keyblade transformation, not a summon, kind of like how, earlier in the trailer, it shows Sora turn his keyblade into waterguns.

So, huge blatant signs that they obviously have no idea what they're talking about:
- "Xenahort" Seriously? It's not like Xehanort was only ever mentioned by name in one of the handheld games!
- "They're talking about the events in Birth By Sleep" No need to explain this again.
- One of them actually seriously said "If you don't understand the Kingdom Hearts story, like I don't, then let me explain." This could've been brushed off if it weren't for all the other, more obvious signs. I mean, Kingdom Hearts can get a little bit confusing in some points, especially if you don't read the reports in each game.
- "Is this unversed or heartless or nobodies or do we really know?" Anyone who's ever touched KH2 can identify a nobody on sight. Oh, and they know of the unversed, huh? But they apparently don't know that the unversed are only in BBS?
- Apparently having no idea that a normal function of keyblades in every single game from the very beginning is that attaching a keychain changes the keyblade's form! Come on! You barely even have to play the first game to find that out! This is the absolute biggest sign! The emphasis here is on the fact that keyblades can change form. It's never outright shown that what changes the keyblade's form is the keychain, but it's easy to figure out. But these people apparently didn't realize that keyblades could change form, so they were surprised that Sora had a new keyblade and thought a keyblade changing form was a new thing in BBS.
- "I was thinking Agrabah for, like, a second." *Sigh* I didn't expect them to identify Twilight Town right away. I mean, I didn't even recognize it with the new HD-ified look. But Agrabah? Seriously?!

Might as well have said "7.8/10 Too Much Disney."

I really despise IGN because of their absolute trash treatment of this series. Did you see their video on Kingdom Hearts 2.5? They literally called Roxas a "garbage character nobody cares about". Once again, that was someone who never played KH.
I seriously reccomend looking up the IGN hate videos from two YouTubers called HMK and TheGamersJoint. They sum up ALL my feelings on IGN. TheGamersJoint is really funny, while HMK has ALL the rage.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Chishio Kunrin

I haaaaate when someone takes a scene from an anime or cartoon or a cinematic from a video game, slaps a song on it, does not edit it at all, and labels it an AMV.

That is not an AMV! I do not want to watch a video that was just you slapping a song onto a scene! It's really lazy and boring!! Call it what it is: "X scene with X song" not "X AMV"

UGH. I hate when I'm looking for cool AMVs only to run into that! Don't waste my time with that!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lync Volan

I'm not really bothered by this but i have noticed it and think its sorta getting old
i still hear others say Digimon is a rip off of Pokemon and all they got to say to justify it is cause of the names having "Mon" in it lol
(Besides! who knows what was happening before the shows aired since we were not part of Production)

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Jul 05, 20:35:01
I'm not really bothered by this but i have noticed it and think its sorta getting old
i still hear others say Digimon is a rip off of Pokemon and all they got to say to justify it is cause of the names having "Mon" in it lol
(Besides! who knows what was happening before the shows aired since we were not part of Production)

I think I heard somewhere that Digimon was planned before Pokemon?

Either way, it really is stupid for people to think Digimon is just a ripoff, just because of the "mon" part of the title and the fact that it features kids being in a world full of mystical creatures, having their own creatures fight those creatures. It's still different.

In Pokemon, that world is actually reality, the one they were born in, and they have to go out and capture pokemon to assemble a team to battle with.

In Digimon, the characters live in the real world but end up entering a digital world. They each only have one digimon, and the only reason they each have a digimon assigned to them as a partner is because they're the digi-destined. The digital world and the real world are connected, so in order to protect the real world, they have to stop antagonists in the digital world.

Vaguely similar, yet completely different.
That's the thing, some people look at the vague similarities on the surface and then immediately point and scream "Ripoff" without bothering to look a little bit deeper and find that they're completely different.

It's like the people who look at Ruby form RWBY and say "She's exactly like Maka from Soul Eater." No, she's not.
The vague similarities:
- Each wields a transforming scythe, using it in similar ways according to the common fictional scythe combat style, since in reality, nobody wields scythes.
- Each attends an academy, learning to fight evil things.
- Each works with their friends and sometimes a teacher to fight evil.
The differences:
- Their scythes transform in completely different ways. Ruby's is mechanical. It actually folds up and unfolds in a logical way. Maka's is magical, and it, or rather he, changes between scythe form and humanoid form. Yes, Maka's scythe is actually a boy.
- The evil things they fight are quite different, not just in what they are, but how they function, the core aspects of them, and what their existence threatens to do to the world and the people living in it, as well as what happens after a person defeats one.
- Come on, guys, characters going to an academy to learn how to fight is a common anime trope. You know who else went to an academy to learn how to fight? Naruto. Who else? Soul reapers, in Bleach. I bet there are plenty others out there.
- Maka is a total bookworm who is concerned with her grades and has a serious attitude that leads to her punishing/lashing out at friends who are goofing off or teasing her. While Ruby does love books, she mainly loves fairy tales, particularly stories of heroes, as these are her inspiration for wanting to be a huntress. Ruby goofs off in class, and she has been shown to be the type of student who is more street smarts, not much book smarts, except when it comes to weapons. She's a weapon nerd. It was actually said in the volume 1 directors commentary that Ruby "gets by on natural talent," with Miles saying "It's book-learnin' versus street smarts." (Side note: This was during the scene of Ruby and Weiss facing a pack of beowolves in the initiation. It has been heavily shown that Weiss is the type who has book smarts and is very serious about her education. She even referred to herself as "the smartest girl in class.")

Ruby Rose and Maka Albarn are not the exact same, but some people take one look at Ruby and say "She's like Maka" just because of the vague similarities on the surface.

Quite frankly, it kind of annoys me that people do stuff like that so often, too. :\

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lync Volan

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Jul 05, 21:28:13
Ruby Rose and Maka Albarn are not the exact same, but some people take one look at Ruby and say "She's like Maka" just because of the vague similarities on the surface.
I'd say something when a character or a show reminds me of another show or character but i'd never bluntly say its a rip off without actually watching it :s

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