Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Going to therapy to find out your therapist is sick and called for a reschedule to the wrong number to leave you generally clueless on the matter - making you take an ~1 hour bus ride there for them to tell you "Your appointment's been cancelled, because your therapist is not here today."

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: lily7603 on 2015 May 23, 10:31:13
It annoys me when people say they have OCD or ADHD like they're cute little quirks you can just have if you like being neat or don't like paying attention in school>:/
There are people who actually have been diagnosed with the disease and it has a huge impact on their lives.

OCD is stupid, and it can make you feel like you're crazy. Also, it doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna be a clean freak. I have minor OCD, and I feel really uncomfortable in super clean tidy environments. I prefer at least some degree of clutter. I end up checking things over and over and over and over and over again, until I'm sure I didn't miss anything or hallucinate seeing that everything is the way it's supposed to be. Yes, I said hallucinate. I don't hallucinate, and I know I don't, but sometimes, in the worse cases of my obsessive compulsive moments, I feel the need to make sure I didn't just hallucinate that everything is the way it's supposed to be.

I'm not sure if wanting things to not be right at the edge of a table or counter is part of my OCD or not. Especially when it's food or a drink. I get really nervous that it's gonna fall. It's definitely gonna fall. My attention usually gets drawn to it pretty quickly, and I have to move it away from the edge.

ADD isn't that fun either. I have minor ADD, and some days, when I wanna do something, I just can't unless I find something to multitask with. If I try to devote 100% attention to what I'm wanting to do, whether it's watching something, playing something, whatever, I'll just get burnt out on it in a minute or so, unless I keep switching between that and something else, or maybe even two other things instead of one. Do any of you think it's fun to quickly lose interest in something you like to do just because your attention span doesn't wanna cooperate that day? Being unable to concentrate on your favorite things is not fun.

On the OCD front, I'm actually lucky that I have ADD because it kind of counterbalances the OCD a lot. Just when I start to get stuck on something, my ADD might cause me to get distracted from it.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


This Splatoon Test seems intent on not letting me play...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Midnight Breeze

Why do friends not pick their friends to enter a video game competition with them, when they know that they would want to be in it?

Sweet Brew

2015 May 23, 19:09:40 #16204 Last Edit: 2015 May 23, 19:28:14 by Weremetalwolf
hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerHTML = 'Spoiler: I always put my stuff in a spoiler...dunno why...guess it's just sad, lolshow'; }" />Spoiler: I always put my stuff in a spoiler...dunno why...guess it's just sad, lolshow
Everything feels empty, there's no fun to anything, no satisfaction, no excitement, no looking forward to anything...
I've gotten tiny bursts of it for like...6 hours, but then the relapse is never worth it.

I just want something to do that I can enjoy, anything I find is never fun or anything.
It's not that I'm ungrateful, because I am grateful for these things...

I just miss looking forward for things.

'course I can't tell anyone that because they always get mad at me for countless reasons if I say any of this to them...
I just wish someone would understand me and treat me decently...

Mod edit: Be careful about the swearing


Spoiler:  A lot of rage. Be thankful for the forum rules. • show
And my internet officially hates me, and now I want to break something and throw it through the window.
Of COURSE I had to get stupid connection issues when the Splatoon thing was on. Don't know why I expected to get more than two stupid matches. It just how every FREAKING game treats me. Oh, but my friend Sam? Not a single freaking error. Because he's the god of games, and I just don't derserve to get on this stupid demo. Now I've got to wait until it comes out, but OH WE JUST BOUGHT A WII U WHAT'S THE CHANCES OF GETTING IT ANYTIME SOON?! NOW I HAVE TO WAIT GOD-KNOWS HOW LONG TO GET THE ACTUAL GAME TO PLAY ANYMORE, AN BY THEN MY FRIEND'S GONNA BE A FREAKING GOD AT IT, BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT ALWAYS IS.
I don't even know why I bother. I don't have a SINGLE IOTA of luck in gaming, and every piece of technology hates me.
I don't care if this seems like a petty thing to be raging over, but I've had it up to here with every single thing going wrong for me at every single oppertunity in ANYTHING I do, gaming or not.
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Randam Saiko

Spoiler: Sarcasm overload • show
75% of the time this entire week, people just want my attention because they need either need tech support, a human thesaurus, or they need to borrow one of my tools. Have they not heard of a miraculous thing called Google?! Rather than asking me on how to install mods for a game i don't even play, why don't you look up an online guide, you know, that thing that can actually help you and not inconvenience me?! You know what, let me just put down everything I'm doing. It's not I have several class projects, months old WIP free time projects that I just want to complete already, and 4 essays due in the near future! Stress relief activities? Why would I want to ever do those? No, let me give you an hour of my time that could be spared if you just look up a guide instead.

Then there are those who I try to teach them to do the work themselves. "But I don't want to learn how to do it." Gee, that is a totally justifiable excuse with no possible holes-  AT LEAST TRY TO LEARN TO DO IT YOURSELF, YOU LIABILITY. I am not your personal assistance.

Also, people who come to me to purely annoy me. I will never understand why some people find pleasure in poking a bear. "Testing Saiko's patience is fun! He's not like other people who blow up in an instance and he can endure an amount beyond human limits! Challenge accepted!" What could possibly go wrong?

People who believe that they have the divine right to verbally assault a community, especially if said community is alright in the bad light of society due to it being consisted of "abnormal variants."

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Midnight Breeze

2015 May 24, 17:08:23 #16208 Last Edit: 2015 May 24, 17:13:34 by Midnight Breeze
I smell a big fat pay cut coming in the new APWU contract. Only for new employees, of course. I'm getting pretty sick and tired of young workers getting shafted while the oldtimers just keep humming along unphased.

Chishio Kunrin

When a kid does something really stupid when interacting with an animal, and it makes you wonder "What possessed you to do that?!"

We have an 8-year-old here, and she wanted to play with one of my grandma's chihuahuas, but the dog didn't want to hang around her. She kept coming in here to pick up the dog and take it back to the other room, and finally, the dog got tired of it and growled at her when she tried to pick her up.

So, what does the kid do? Slowly approach the dog, staring her in the eyes, bare her teeth, and growl. And, of course, the scared little chihuahua growled back.

Did she want the dog to bite her? :l You don't growl at a scared dog. They'll take that as a sign you're about to hurt them, and they might try make the first strike.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Stardust Dragon

2015 May 25, 04:00:24 #16210 Last Edit: 2015 May 25, 04:03:01 by Stardust Dragon
Back with the stupid complaints, but I'm trying to figure out why Windows is sorting my files like it is.  For instance I have two documents, one that's a continuation of the other, names Document and Document pt2.  Windows insists that when I have it "arrange by name" ascending (A at the top-Z at the bottom), alphabetically speaking that the part 2 comes BEFORE the original.  Why does a space between words magically make it first in the alphabet: I'd have thought the one with a shorter name was "higher" in that case, like a dictionary!

I either don't understand how to name my files correctly or I have a setting misclicked, but it's driving my need for things to be in order over a ledge.  o_o  I don't even know how to search for this on Google.  Anything I search related to filter and organize is what I already know about the system, when I'm looking for what Windows is thinking WHEN it does this.  I guess I'll just resort to using underscores, but I'd really like to know what the "issue" here is...


2015 May 25, 08:12:43 #16211 Last Edit: 2015 May 25, 13:05:18 by Chromastone64
Ok, my Wii U is acting like a piece of garbage now.
I CANNOT connect to the internet. I haven't been able to since the latest Splatoon demo (which was actually Nintendo stress-testing their servers and not caring if we got to play AT ALL). It can see my internet device, my connection settings are all EXACTLY the same, but EVERY SINGLE attempt to connect says there's no network available.
I'm about ready to give up with this thing.

Post Merge

Oh, and someone is REALLY annoying me now, but I can't say who >:( :facehoof:
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


The fact that I can't play Animal Crossing: City Folk on my Wii anymore.  :l :l :l :l

Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong


Quote from: MarshyMellow on 2015 May 25, 15:54:36
The fact that I can't play Animal Crossing: City Folk on my Wii anymore.  :l :l :l :l

Speaking of Animal Crossing, where is it for the Wii U? I like New Leaf, don't get me wrong, alongside the 3DS, but there's so much potential for an Animal Crossing on the Wii U, especially with the focus on friendship and the nature of being together, coming together.

Chishio Kunrin

The fact that so much entertainment media has things revolve around romance and so many people want all entertainment media to have something revolving around romance and are disappointed when a movie or show doesn't have some kind of romantic relationship start.

Not everything has to have romance. :l Needless or forced romance for the sake of romance in a movie or show that could've gotten the plot done without gets annoying every once in a while.

I showed up for an interesting story, and all of a sudden some character comes out of left field going "DATE ME DATE ME"
Whoa, what? What about the story??

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 May 26, 02:53:48
The fact that so much entertainment media has things revolve around romance and so many people want all entertainment media to have something revolving around romance and are disappointed when a movie or show doesn't have some kind of romantic relationship start.

Not everything has to have romance. :l Needless or forced romance for the sake of romance in a movie or show that could've gotten the plot done without gets annoying every once in a while.

I showed up for an interesting story, and all of a sudden some character comes out of left field going "DATE ME DATE ME"
Whoa, what? What about the story??

That's one gripe I have with movies today, sure, a movie that does it well and doesn't overblow it like most fools do it can actually be pretty emotional, though do NOT make it the main point of the story, ever, in a million years. I like the way pacific rim did it, it was more, subtle, than most movies did it, and no stupid relationship drama either, nice and simple with sensible emotion, so many movies do it badly however and basically have the girl either kidnapped or offed just as more motivation for the main character, or simply to make it personal or whatever.

And movies don't even NEED romance most of the time, I come to watch an action movie I want to watch and action movie, not a freaking romance.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Chishio Kunrin

You know what I really want from RWBY volume 3? What I reeeally reeeeeally want?
For them to hurry up and tell us what colors of dust do what! >:/
I don't care if they have to make a special video for it because they can't find a way to put it in an actual episode! Though, they could do an episode where Weiss has to tutor Ruby and Jaune for a test about dust or something. I don't care how they tell us what the colors do, just tell us!!

Actually, no, wait, I do care. Don't make it ultra subtle. Don't make it something where we have to pause or watch closely and think about it just to figure it out. Don't you dare do something like have them taking a test about dust and show Weiss' test with the right answers circled. Some people won't think to read her test just to know what colors of dust do what, and then we'll have speculation threads and comment sections filled with people who have no actual idea what they're talking about, like "I think X color does X" when the rest of us know from the stupidly subtle thing that X color does Y, and we'll have to say so over and over and over again.

We only know for sure what four of the colors do:
- Red = Fire
- Dark blue = Ice
- Yellow = Lightning
- Green = Wind
We know green because the artist who did the artwork for World of Remnant: Dust told us that green is wind. We know red, blue, and yellow because of the scene where Ruby sneezes on those three colors of dust, and it creates a fiery explosion with ice crystals and electricity.

I have a pretty well-supported theory that there's a very, very big possibility that orange dust is lava, and I wanna know if I'm right or not. I'm pretty certain I'm right 'cause I'm not sure what else could be fiery that can splatter like liquid and can produce obsidian (black glass formed after volcanic eruptions). Orange is what I want confirmation on the most because so many people still think this one character uses fire dust, when she's been using orange dust, and I'm sure that it's lava.

And we don't know if there are two different types of orange or not.
And then there's also white, purple, and cyan.

Just... TELL US!!! DD: What's the point of making something Color Coded For Your Convenience if we don't know what the colors mean?!

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


The effects you feel after forgetting to take medication.  >.<


Quote from: Nocturna on 2015 May 25, 21:50:19
Speaking of Animal Crossing, where is it for the Wii U? I like New Leaf, don't get me wrong, alongside the 3DS, but there's so much potential for an Animal Crossing on the Wii U, especially with the focus on friendship and the nature of being together, coming together.
There isn't a Animal Crossing game for the Wii U, yet. And there is a good chance we'll see an Animal Crossing game released for the Wii U in the future, but for now, only time can tell when that's going to happen.  :]

Birds don't just fly they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong

Midnight Breeze

Getting banned from a Minecraft server for griefing my own house.

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