Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Spoiler: Just passing by... • show
You know what really sucks?

Losing a really fun place you loved to hang out at, so then you go off and try to find another one...but it's never the same.
It never feels like a home like the other one did, it's just nothing but a replacement.

Or you think of it as a replacement, when in reality it's a torturous place you can't(Or should I say "won't") leave, because you're trying so hard to make it your new home.

Then looking back at your old home to barely even recognize it...
So different that the only thing that made you realize what it was, was the old reminders that just remind you of a happy moment or being loved my people, remembering these memories, then feeling sad because they're gone...

"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened" ~Dr.Seuss

Ehh, but comparing it to what I have now is too hard not to do, and too painful to do.
It'd almost be better to have never had them at all, at least I'd never know the happiness I won't have.
Can't miss what ya don't know, ya know?


Quote from: MrEmu on 2015 Apr 29, 03:42:00
Spoiler: Just passing by... • show
You know what really sucks?

Losing a really fun place you loved to hang out at, so then you go off and try to find another one...but it's never the same.
It never feels like a home like the other one did, it's just nothing but a replacement.

Or you think of it as a replacement, when in reality it's a torturous place you can't(Or should I say "won't") leave, because you're trying so hard to make it your new home.

Then looking back at your old home to barely even recognize it...
So different that the only thing that made you realize what it was, was the old reminders that just remind you of a happy moment or being loved my people, remembering these memories, then feeling sad because they're gone...

"Don't cry because it's over, Smile because it happened" ~Dr.Seuss

Ehh, but comparing it to what I have now is too hard not to do, and too painful to do.
It'd almost be better to have never had them at all, at least I'd never know the happiness I won't have.
Can't miss what ya don't know, ya know?

You can't miss what you don't know, but you can't love what you never had either.

Lync Volan

Those who let 1 comment make them delete a whole post or thread :l
(been happening a lot lately)


People who take anything you do to make a soap opera about them.  I can understand if you're having a bad day, but if this is your primary form of conversation... there's a problem.

Randam Saiko

2015 Apr 29, 18:03:17 #16004 Last Edit: 2015 Apr 29, 19:44:22 by Randam Saiko
Whenever I take food out, someone always asks if they can have some. I usually give in and give them either one piece or a small fraction of it. The people who have the audacity to complain about how much I give them is what's annoying.
"That's it?! That's all I get?!"
"You know I don't have to give you anything at all, you ungrateful, greedy plebeian."

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Sunshine Smash

Paleo's review of Tanks for the Memories. It just annoys me so much that he just put INTO HIS TITLE Rainbow Dash Sucks.

Seriously? Do you just want hate? He basically just keeps saying Rainbow Dash is stupid, without providing any evidence to prove his point. I'm seriously considering unsubbing from him, that video agitated me.

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......


When one tries to open up, you're not supposed to push them back into their shell.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2015 Apr 29, 18:03:17
Whenever I take food out, someone always asks if they can have some. I usually give in and give them either one piece or a small fraction of it. The people who have the audacity to complain about how much I give them is what's annoying.
"That's it?! That's all I get?!"
"You know I don't have to give you anything at all, you ungrateful, greedy plebeian."

"That's it?! That's all I get?!"
me: Excuse me, whose meal is this? You want more, you go make/buy/order some for yourself.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


So, my bus never showed up. There goes my record of never missing a collage day. :c
Now to sit here and wait for my dad to get in, and that's going to be SO fun....
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


People who refuse to listen.  It's like, do I have to say it in English, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Latin, Japanese, and Thai for you?

Lync Volan

Those who yell at me about something that doesn't concern them at all :l

i mean like i know i need to pick up my new glasses but does it HAVE to be today?
i didn't get any sleep last night and i feel less none cruddy then i mostly do so i don't see why i should force myself to go out for 1 pair of glasses when i can do it much better tomorrow
i'm not even sure why he was yelling :x :facehoof:
now my brain and eyes hurt ono

Chishio Kunrin

When someone always outright refuses to admit they were at fault for anything and will come up with all sorts of excuses and lies to make it seem like it wasn't their fault.

I mean, sheesh, I know she's a teenager, but I didn't always do that when I was her age. When I was in high school, I knew when there was no excuse. I knew when I had messed up, and I took responsibility for it. If it was something I'd be punished for, I sat there and quietly listened to the outlines of the punishment, and then I took the punishment.

Once, when I got in trouble, I served my In School Suspension a day early, not realizing that I was supposed to serve it the day after that. I knew I had ISS, I knew I had done wrong, and I walked in there thinking "Let's get this over with." I was also grounded for a month at the time, and I actually didn't try to sneak onto the computer or anything. I used to do that in middle school. X3
Granted... I did get on a computer once, at the beginning of my grounding, in the school library... but that was just to email my friends to let them know I'd be gone for a month, so they wouldn't worry.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Randam Saiko

Group assignments? Did you mean, "Saiko does all of the work while the other members act like parasites?"

When people get all flustered about my enjoyment for dark humor. If it offends you or makes you uncomfortable, that's fine and you can leave without causing trouble or choose to not listen. But no, most people have to "preach" about morality for an hour over a joke.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Sunshine Smash

I've had the displeasure to meet one of the most insane, pretentious, blind to morality, etc, story makers ever made, and I'm surprised it took me this long to know who this guy is. You may be wondering who I'm talking about, but all I have to do is say one word, one simple name.


Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2015 Apr 30, 22:42:11
Group assignments? Did you mean, "Saiko does all of the work while the other members act like parasites?"

Group assignments? Did you mean "Everyone else ignores all of Chishio's input and does the opposite of what she wants, so she just gives up"?
It wasn't until 12th grade that I finally got a group assignment where my groupmates listened to me and let me give input. On top of that, they actually showed me respect.

I think the most frustrating group assignment was the one in middle school where we had a scenario where we were stranded on a desert island. The reason it was so frustrating is because I couldn't help but think, if we actually were stranded on that island... we would've been doomed thanks to them. :/

One of my groupmates didn't understand the word vegetation (Veget... vegetable. Plants. Vegetation means plant life.) and thus thought that the island was literally a sandy plantless desert, when the paper said the island was lush with vegetation.

The island had a cave we could use for shelter and had only one source of fresh water - a pond. Yet my groupmates voted to split the island into territories while I was the only one who voted to share the island. :l
Fine. I get the territory that has the pond. You can all struggle to survive while you try to find a good way to convert seawater to freshwater, or while you make yourselves sick drinking seawater because you probably don't know you can't drink seawater! HA! :] How d'yah like them apples?

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


My computer monitor has not worked for days so right now I'm using my Wii U!
Said no to being given a Lucario Pokemon X.
My oc board is in my Signature


2015 May 01, 17:04:20 #16016 Last Edit: 2015 May 01, 17:55:02 by Jenzy
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Apr 27, 18:38:38
Sometimes complaining helps people feel better. ovO Instead of just bottling up your annoyance, confess it.


THIS! All of this! this.statement = true;

I'm so incredibly frustrated today. My frustration always seems to double whenever someone swears, especially somewhere that cursing isn't even remotely allowed!

Then there's been like, so many people I've argued with before, who probably also swear, that always twist up the words I say, and making me look bad.

Like I'm "belittling" them or telling me what's "right and just" that isn't. And especially the term "appropriate" or "good or bad" are very twisted up when I'm trying to explain myself.

I guess in a way, I might be belittling them. Or I might be supercilious because I never swear. It annoys me to no end when conversations like these occur, when all could have been avoided by simply not swearing, not even accidentally. There's really no need to do that. You could have said something like "Oh, my day was absolutely terrific! I'm having a blast!" instead of a sentence that oversuses a single swear. It's ridiculous.

That might be an oversight, but seeing it like that is just... completely unnecessary. :l

And, even I'm annoyed of myself. I hate frustration or even having to rant about this. People and their non-sense...

I'd love to be more respectful, if people actually were trying to be instead of always twisting and turning the arguing on me. :c

Stardust Dragon

I saw a billboard using emojis as the main draw.  I don't know what feels worse: the idea that a corporation, which as a whole seem to have a knack for screwing something social-media based up, is using emojis as an official advertising campaign...or the fact that it might work.


Lync Volan

well i got 1 of my new pair of glasses (they say i need 2 one for distance and another for close)
and lets just say the close one is not helping me with anything but making everything blurry...

even now i stopped using it since it just made it hard to read the texts but i need the glasses or my eyes will start to hurt and turn red again :l 

i just hope the distance one will work better or i won't be coming online for awhile on any websites DD:

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