Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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I know they are trying to make a living, but a lot of artists do that who don't have to earn for a living (usually kids from highschool who think they're soooo awesome because they can draw). Some guy charged 10 dollars for a chibi flat colored drawing  :l


Quote from: Ramisha on 2015 Mar 02, 13:55:07
I know they are trying to make a living, but a lot of artists do that who don't have to earn for a living (usually kids from highschool who think they're soooo awesome because they can draw). Some guy charged 10 dollars for a chibi flat colored drawing  :l

Well just as a point how about consideration for those who put time effort and heart into what they do

I will be the first to admit not all art is good and not all styles appeal to everyone, but consider this before people complain about commissions. The argument as such saying "oh I'm charging because I do the good arts " is a folly in itself, the attempt at commissions are for several reasons, one there confidant in there abilities to make people happy or They want to be able to make a little bit extra to perhaps acquire better equipment or materials or more importantly or even get to the point where it can become there living. There are others but I won't go on.

Its not just a matter of making a living for artists but I guess the key point is this, Do you yourself enjoy drawing if the awnser is yes then good on you produce all the art you feel like in any format free or otherwise. If your not good at drawing there is no harm in asking around, you don't have to pick some artist you think is Producing tat, ask someone whose art you do like or even practice yourself.

This rant is coming from someone who loves the creative medium, art audio video and someone who enjoys being the middle ground of Jack of trades. Sure I'm not good at what I do but I don't let that stop me.

End of the point is If you feel some artist isn't worth the money then don't buy in, just don't condemn all artist for the same reason, more often than not it's not always about the money but the love for what they do and the constant attempts to achieve 


Quote from: Ramisha on 2015 Mar 02, 13:55:07
I know they are trying to make a living, but a lot of artists do that who don't have to earn for a living (usually kids from highschool who think they're soooo awesome because they can draw). Some guy charged 10 dollars for a chibi flat colored drawing  :l

You know, some people pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for "simple" art.
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


Think about it this way, it takes the average person around 3 hours to draw something like a flat colored chibi commission, of course time depends on the artist, I know some who take a LOT longer and some who don't take that long.

$10 you say? Alright, so that's something like $3 an hour. DEFINITELY couldn't make a living off of that. Most artists don't get commissions often. Heck I don't get any! I don't bother with commissions because it's not worth it to me to work for that little. And if I raise the prices to something reasonable people complain or just don't ask for commissions.

Then you have to think about the site the artist posts on, for example Deviantart. Deviantart takes out a percentage or your earnings. Nearly 50%. And don't EVEN get me started on Deviantart points!!! Most often I see poor artists doing icon commissions and even full drawings for something like 50 to 200 points! Remember 80 points is close to $1. They are drawing for pocket change yet people still complain!

It pains me to see people complaining about commission prices. Artists work hard on their work and people don't realize that. You may just think "oh they draw things like this all the time for fun! They don't need that much money for it! They enjoy it!" well let me tell ya, I don't actually enjoy being forced to draw things. "Oh you want me to draw your hideous black and red alicorn zebra? Wow that sound like a pain. A pain that I will likely have to spend many hours creating."  I've tried to do commissions before and it's really stressful, I almost did a fursuit commission and it turned out the guy was trying to scam me into making something for free. Almost lost $600 from that. Sorry I'm just ranting now.

it's VERY hard to get money these days, and if someone has a talent that could make it a bit easier to get some spending money in their pocket by all means go for it!

Chishio Kunrin

Here's the thing about commissions... on top of what Midnight said.

With any job, people are paid by the hour. Artists tend to put hours of work into making perfect drawings for the people who commissioned them. The better the art requested, the more time and perfection it'll take, the higher the cost.

Unfortunately, companies have a habit of underpaying professional artists or circumventing them to get free art by going to an art school and telling the students "Hey, you'll get experience and exposure!" There's nothing that experienced artists, who know what's going on, hate more than "I'll pay you in exposure!" They can get exposed on the Internet. What they need is money.

Now, if you find someone who can provide pretty good quality speed drawings, their prices will be lower because they spent less time on it, especially if they do a speed drawing livestream. I saw someone on Tumblr who prices her speed drawing art pretty low and does them in batches when she does livestreams because she can turn out several pieces of art within that livestream, and the money adds up pretty easily. She takes orders leading up to the stream, then does the stream and gives the commissioners their art.

Though, I don't think she does ponies.
Still neat, though.

But yeah, it all comes down to making a living and being adequately paid for the amount of work they put in. They're fighting being underpaid and underappreciated.

Quote from: CrabApple on 2015 Mar 02, 15:54:57
Spoiler: show
Think about it this way, it takes the average person around 3 hours to draw something like a flat colored chibi commission, of course time depends on the artist, I know some who take a LOT longer and some who don't take that long.

$10 you say? Alright, so that's something like $3 an hour. DEFINITELY couldn't make a living off of that. Most artists don't get commissions often. Heck I don't get any! I don't bother with commissions because it's not worth it to me to work for that little. And if I raise the prices to something reasonable people complain or just don't ask for commissions.

Then you have to think about the site the artist posts on, for example Deviantart. Deviantart takes out a percentage or your earnings. Nearly 50%. And don't EVEN get me started on Deviantart points!!! Most often I see poor artists doing icon commissions and even full drawings for something like 50 to 200 points! Remember 80 points is close to $1. They are drawing for pocket change yet people still complain!

It pains me to see people complaining about commission prices. Artists work hard on their work and people don't realize that. You may just think "oh they draw things like this all the time for fun! They don't need that much money for it! They enjoy it!" well let me tell ya, I don't actually enjoy being forced to draw things. "Oh you want me to draw your hideous black and red alicorn zebra? Wow that sound like a pain. A pain that I will likely have to spend many hours creating."  I've tried to do commissions before and it's really stressful, I almost did a fursuit commission and it turned out the guy was trying to scam me into making something for free. Almost lost $600 from that. Sorry I'm just ranting now.

it's VERY hard to get money these days, and if someone has a talent that could make it a bit easier to get some spending money in their pocket by all means go for it!

"Oh they draw things like this all the time for fun! etc"
Pfffft that's like going to a veterinarian and saying "You love your job?? Then you don't need me to pay you for these shots you're giving my dog! ovO"

Loving what you're doing is the reason you're doing it in the first place. It's not all the payment you need. :P
Unfortunately, money is what provides you with a roof over your head, food to eat, air conditioning to be comfortable and battle hypo/hyperthermia with, gas to go to the grocery store and other places with, toilet paper, toothpaste, soap and shampoo, and water to wash your dishes, shower, use the bathroom, wash your hands, and brush your teeth with. People really need money.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Night Pony

Good thing i'm not good enough to be asked for art.
Dumb thing that annoys me: Drawings don't come out as I've planned them because of ability or other things (mainly ability).

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Quote from: CrabApple on 2015 Mar 02, 15:54:57
Think about it this way, it takes the average person around 3 hours to draw something like a flat colored chibi commission

do you think something like this takes 3 hours to make?
Spoiler: show

P.s. - not all artists on the internet are freelance artists with no other job, and those who are mostly don't overprice their art


Alright, let's change the subject before it gets out of hand eh

Peace Keeper

Oh wow. Didn't know it was that heated of a discussion. Looks like everyone put up everything I was gonna say, but yea this can get hotter.

Very well then...

A thing that annoys me are lazy low-caring partners. They bring other people down a lot.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Randam Saiko

How someone people don't understand that people who live in geographically different locations tend to have different tastes (speaking from personal experience). Most of the people I know who live outside of the east or pacific coast dislike seafood, which is ok. But if you come to the east coast to visit, expect to see raw fish and live crabs everywhere.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2015 Mar 02, 20:15:19
How someone people don't understand that people who live in geographically different locations tend to have different tastes (speaking from personal experience). Most of the people I know who live outside of the east or pacific coast dislike seafood, which is ok. But if you come to the east coast to visit, expect to see raw fish and live crabs everywhere.

It's due to the food you grow up eating, right?
I like seafood, like shrimp and crab. :3 Ohh, I love crab.
I also like catfish. Of course, that's a southern thing, isn't it?
I know someone who hates seafood of all kinds and even catfish. And peanut butter. And something else I can't remember. Mustard?

They're expecting it to snow again this week. :\ They said it's gonna be rainy, get kinda foggy, and the temperature is gonna drop, and then snow.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 02, 20:58:49
They're expecting it to snow again this week. :\ They said it's gonna be rainy, get kinda foggy, and the temperature is gonna drop, and then snow.

Oh dang. Do you live in the panhandle?


It's been raining every other day. Why can't weather just stay normal for a few weeks, hmm?
Yeah I know, heat from the sun, Earth's rotation, and friction cause weather. Nothin' we can do about that.
Wait for it...


Fog? Check
Cold? Check
Ice/snow/sleet? Check
School/papers? Check
Everyday stressful life? Check
Social obligations? Check
Mild depression? Check
Money troubles? Check
Weight issues? Check
Stress? Check.

........... :l
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Mar 02, 21:04:44
Oh dang. Do you live in the panhandle?

I've never even been to the panhandle. I hear it's mainly plains.

The fact that it's trendy to eat quinoa (pronounced keen-wah).
It's a staple food in the countries it's farmed in because it keeps the natives healthy. Our quinoa trend has caused the price of it to go up a lot in the countries it's farmed in, and now a lot of families can't afford it and they're struggling with their health.
We literally just ruined a ton of people's health so we can have a new trendy "super food." Good job. :c

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lync Volan

the fact that i refuse to "grow up" (or at least others say that i refuse)
has now caught up to me with the need of a credit card and the ability to pay for a hotel room which i can't since i don't have a job nor do i want one cause it will get me in Trouble for sure :l
(if only there was a job that didn't have obligations)

this is the last time i think about going anywhere i want to i'm staying home and enjoying what i already got right here :facehoof:

which is best since now i can't get lost :D


     Know what gets me? People that complain about being tired and have no reason to stay up.
I ask them why they're up they say "I dunno." I ask them why don't get sleep and get some lame "I can't excuse" where if they're as tired as they say they are it'll be easy and 5 minutes later they're slumped over whatever they're doing snoozing like a babeh.
Then they have the nerve to complain about being tired at whatever they do during the day and having suffering performance. whether it be school, work, playin' games because they aren't in school anymore and got no work. When its obvious that they would have been find if they went to sleep 3 hours earlier when they started complaining about being tired. Fully knowing they have work or whatever the next day.

    And oh my GAWD? DON'T TURN IT INTO THE MAIN TOPIC. Its like listening to a stoner or drunk talking about how high/smashed they are only its a bajillion times less entertaining. Then other tired people join in and there's this tired club complaining about being tired for the next 3 hours while they all sparatically fall asleep on each other.

I also don't like daddy long-legs... creepy things those are. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~

Midnight Breeze

I can't believe I somehow managed to spend almost my entire tax return in one month. I had $2900 at the beginning of February. Now I have only $3300 after receiving a $1650 tax return. Where in the HECK is all my money going!?!?!?

I gotta stop eating out...


Our president says she will get our country out of debt and turn it into a well developed country in the rank of western European countries
Spoiler:  It's ok, you're the president now, you can stop promising random stuff • show


My garbage doesn't take itself out during winter. Selfish garbage just sitting around all day stinking too high heaven needing a bath. Eating all my discarded good.

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