Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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The servers keep disconnecting us from the game every 10 minutes. And the game is horribly laggy. And the NPCs don't even want to talk sometimes. And I can't play with my friend :( but still, I'm enjoying this game a lot.


The fact that I can't participate in the open server weekend due to the fact that I won't have anything to do, I won't know anyone, I won't be able to find anyone I know, and no one would want to play with me.

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: LostSanity on 2014 Apr 18, 18:06:09
The fact that I can't participate in the open server weekend due to the fact that I won't have anything to do, I won't know anyone, I won't be able to find anyone I know, and no one would want to play with me.


Yikes! Stall the negativity. You'll never know anyone in the community if you don't jump in!  0:)


2014 Apr 20, 06:52:19 #12583 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 20, 06:56:30 by Applestack
The act of separating the brony fandom by gender.

"Bronies are men! If you're a female fan of the show then you're a pegasister!"

I call it gender discrimination. Bronies are bronies, no matter what their gender. Also, 'pega' means "spring" or "well" (with water in it), so 'pegasister' means "female sibling of the spring / well". That makes absolutely NO SENSE when it comes to female MLP fans!

The name 'pegasus' actually means "bridled horse of the spring" after the spring of water which gushes forth from the ground from which the very first Pegasus touched with it's hoof. The spring had magical qualities and after the Greek god Zeus drank from its waters he decided to give Pegasus the job of delivering to him his thunderbolts. LEARN SOME HISTORY NEXT TIME!

What also annoys me are folks who use the (nonsensical) term 'unisus'. :l ['unisus' = "single fountain"]
"Lights of hope that keep the world turning are carved in the heart, staring at the sky spreading yonder."

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Applestack on 2014 Apr 20, 06:52:19
The act of separating the brony fandom by gender.

"Bronies are men! If you're a female fan of the show then you're a pegasister!"

I call it gender discrimination. Bronies are bronies, no matter what their gender. Also, 'pega' means "spring" or "well" (with water in it), so 'pegasister' means "female sibling of the spring / well". That makes absolutely NO SENSE when it comes to female MLP fans!

The name 'pegasus' actually means "bridled horse of the spring" after the spring of water which gushes forth from the ground from which the very first Pegasus touched with it's hoof. The spring had magical qualities and after the Greek god Zeus drank from its waters he decided to give Pegasus the job of delivering to him his thunderbolts. LEARN SOME HISTORY NEXT TIME!

What also annoys me are folks who use the (nonsensical) term 'unisus'. :l ['unisus' = "single fountain"]

We're called pegasisters because it's sort of a wordplay portmanteau of pegasus and sister. Since the sus in pegasus sounds similar to the sis in sister, it mixes well. It's like how brony is a portmonteau of bro (short for brother) and pony. Bro and po rhyme, and thus bro and pony mix well together.

As for unisus, some people don't know what to call an alicorn, so you get alternate names like unisus (unicorn pegasus) or pegacorn (pegasus unicorn).

But anyway, yeah, I don't like the whole "Female bronies should be called pegasisters and cannot be called bronies" thing either.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I could not be more disappointed with Europe right now. Recently France passed a law banning the only GMO crop allowed to be cultivated in Europe: MON810 maize.

Look, let's get one cent straight - GMO crops are not dangerous in any way, shape, or form. All evidence shows that GMO crops are not only harmless, they are extremely HELPFUL to humanity. It vastly increases crop yield, it helps stave off crop diseases and famine, it allows foods to produce extra nutrients which alleviate deficiencies in countries that have trouble getting a variety of foods. Out-and-out GMO crops are one of the greatest inventions of humanity. Because of genetic engineering we are on a path to ending world hunger, and virtually all scientists agree.

Europe's anti-GMO stance is downright appalling. It's sickening. For the first time in history the human race has the power to end world hunger within a few decades. Yet Europe is perpetuating undo paranoia and mass hysteria by constantly bowing to the anti-GMO crazies and banning everything in sight. Because if this, the paranoid crazies in the USA and Canada are looking to Europe's bans and pressuring our governments to follow suit.

"Look! Look! Europe banned this! That means it MUST be evil! We need to ban GMO here, too!"

It is incredibly angering to me that a largely first-world continent is showing such utter apathy and carelessness for the BILLION of lives the GMO research could save. Without GMO we cannot feed everyone. If we rely strickly on conventional farming we can only feed around 5 billion people.

So tell me, Europe: Which 2 billion people do you want to see starve to death?

Little Star

Gonna be missing school tomorrow due to the sudden illness...
Head is pounding, I'm nauseous, nose is running... AGAIN.

I'm tired of having migraines....

Act One

Okay, let's make a list, shall I?:

People telling you your way is wrong, even though it'll get the same results.
Being told that my sense of style (although different to theirs) is "Untidy,"  "needs trimming" or needs to be a certain way.
Playing a puzzle game - then completing part of it, fail the next part, and then (stupidly) forgetting how I did the 1st part.  :P
How "Electric pink" hurts my eyes and my head... Can stand other pinks but not that one. (Even if it is the most evil colour of all, hehe.)
For those who watch WWE, how "The Streak" was broken. (Not why, or when - just HOW.)
How you spend absolutely ages on something, with one thing left to do - mess up and have to start all over again...  >:/ (I.e. miniatures, pictures etc.)
Anthro-morphs/Furries of characters - Not animal, not human, just sexualized OC's in mid-transformation on purpose... (And I'm an Aishia Klan-Klan fan from Outlaw Star.)

That'll do for now, 'supose.
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary.
http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11460.0 My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


I spent $280 on tie rods and tires, had them replaced today and my truck is still running bad.  I'm not sure if I have the funds to keep replacing parts until it's fixed again as now I have no idea what's wrong with it......and I need my truck fixed by July or I don't know how i'm gonna drive to Baltimore as it's that bad.

Also, my brother's attitude once again ruining a holiday.

Night Pony

Quote from: Act One on 2014 Apr 20, 19:56:11
Anthro-morphs/Furries of characters - Not animal, not human, just sexualized OC's in mid-transformation on purpose... (And I'm an Aishia Klan-Klan fan from Outlaw Star.)

What if the artist wants to do humans but draws anthroes for anatomy practice?  :]

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Apr 21, 03:23:21
Quote from: Act One on 2014 Apr 20, 19:56:11
Anthro-morphs/Furries of characters - Not animal, not human, just sexualized OC's in mid-transformation on purpose... (And I'm an Aishia Klan-Klan fan from Outlaw Star.)

What if the artist wants to do humans but draws anthroes for anatomy practice?  :]

Not all anthros are for mature content anyway. Neopets often anthro-tizes the neopets in their comics and stuff. Like Hanso the ixi in the Faeries' Ruin comic. Ixis are normally deer-like neopets, but Hanso has hands and stands on two feet/hooves.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Sorry but ive got to have a minor vent for one usauly my posts on this thread are reasonably annoying but this one takes the cake

You see I don't mind discussing with my work college how things have changed, I don't mind discussing who I think is doing a good job or who needs to be watched or even methods of dealing with someone on that's fine if its all in good suggestion

What I cannot Tolerate under any sun or moon is someone telling me that the volunteer staff are useless and are only helping us for a "Cup of Tea and  a Biscuit" no that kind of thing is not on Ive worked voluntary for this company im now paid staff I've been on both sides and Nobody in the building at this time knows them better than me, You do Not Tell me that people who have been working here longer than you are backstabbing you If You Are Backstabbing first.
My apologies for that but the summarised version is Don't Undermine your Voluntary workforce  then say no I don't want your advice how to talk to them I've been working in public services longer than you

(Fun Fact Time makes no difference if you can't manage staff DON'T COMPAIN ABOUT THE STAFF)


Playing a game just to notice the door is open or something's just there that you have to get up just to move it cause it makes  your eyes hurt.



Folks who get angry whenever I draw ponies, anthros / furries, Mobians or Pokémon. It's my fantasy, so I can do whatever I want with it!

Also, the fact that only in the brony fandom can you find folks who HATE OCs. I've been part of several fandoms over the years and I've never seen anybody bashing at OCs in general - until I met some bronies. You don't see folks from the anthro/furry, Pokemon and Sonic the Hedgehog fandoms doing that. It's shameful.
"Lights of hope that keep the world turning are carved in the heart, staring at the sky spreading yonder."


Trying to land on an airfield in War Thunder, and ripping the wheels off the plane from coming in too fast.

Then everything jams, and it's a downhill trip from there. Unless it's a American fighter, then it just keeps flying... Then catches fire.
I sell PR and PR accessories.


Last night was awful... >A<


Quote from: Julius on 2014 Apr 21, 11:52:26
Last night was awful... >A<

If you're talking about the Dragon attack, then YES.
Who was that Mod who kept bringing in more waves! It was hard enough to rally the troops WITHOUT more Dragon waves EVERY TIME THEY WON.
Why couldn't we just have a Victory Dance Party 5 minutes before closing?    D:
At least that final battle found me a few more friends.
<br />


As fun as that sounds I decided to skip this test, so no, I did not mean the dragon raid. I just had a horrible night. :c

And I doubt it was just a mod as you said. It's more like... The whole mod team trying to have some lighthearted fun. ;)


Ah, I see now.
Well, I'm sorry you had a crappy night, wanna talk about it?
<br />

Act One

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Apr 21, 04:55:01
Quote from: Night Pony on 2014 Apr 21, 03:23:21
Quote from: Act One on 2014 Apr 20, 19:56:11
Anthro-morphs/Furries of characters - Not animal, not human, just sexualized OC's in mid-transformation on purpose... (And I'm an Aishia Klan-Klan fan from Outlaw Star.)

What if the artist wants to do humans but draws anthroes for anatomy practice?  :]

Not all anthros are for mature content anyway. Neopets often anthro-tizes the neopets in their comics and stuff. Like Hanso the ixi in the Faeries' Ruin comic. Ixis are normally deer-like neopets, but Hanso has hands and stands on two feet/hooves.

Nah, I dont have a problem with anthros in general and I can appreciate situations where they just try something new/different angle. But I've seen pic on DA where the artist pics go through this process:
1) Pick a character from a show (I.e. Twilight)
2) Choose your setting (i.e. beach/blank canvas)
3) Draw them in their anthro anatomy in a pose that's obscure or loosing their clothes.

Trust me... there are some weird artists out their that can't control their hormones in the best of times... And then the above happens! /facepalm

Well here's another thing that was dumb and annoying:
I'm such a "black cat" at times, especially when I somehow break an oven by taking out one the tray-rack's hinges... And the manager aint that impressed with me already. *Sigh*
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary.
http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11460.0 My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.

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