Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!


Being grounded for being myself... ono
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]


2012 Nov 27, 12:16:05 #6182 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 27, 12:37:30 by LaptopCommandStation
I'm on an east coast game server
Me-Ping 45-50ms
other 31 players -150-300ms

Me-"put that sniper away, you have some high hopes"

I have another one.

I just started a video tutorial on how I do my covers(sorry Julius, but i'm really bored right now lol).  Just went 5 minutes in and my mic didn't work...


Thanks to Bravo539 for the avatar!

The Wandering Magus

lack of time to do two things at once, and having two locations you want to be at be on opposite sides of campus
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Quote from: The Wandering Magus on 2012 Nov 27, 14:33:54
lack of time to do two things at once, and having two locations you want to be at be on opposite sides of campus

Today, the opposite, having LOTS of time and nothing to do.
Nothing on my computer is entertaining me today

Lord of Madness

The Wandering Magus

when certain subjects of discussion are considered taboo despite being an essential part of everyday interaction and life.
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


I'm starting to get annoyed, at Opera lately updates only seem to make the browser run more glitchy and mouse gestures get kind of annoying as they have caused me to click things on the forums I wasn't even trying to click, refreshed the page or hit back. And now Youtube fullscreen messes up even more after the new updates for Opera, and it had my entire browser stuck on a Youtube video and refused to exit fullscreen without me hitting shortcuts to close the browser. I'll probably end up switching over to Mozilla or a new browser if these glitches keep at it.  :c

Chishio Kunrin

I sat down, and my mom called me the moment my butt touched the chair.

Also, 116 days left until Norton expires. :l It just updated itself 4 minutes ago. Stupid thing.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Nov 27, 22:46:22
I sat down, and my mom called me the moment my butt touched the chair.

Also, 116 days left until Norton expires. :l It just updated itself 4 minutes ago. Stupid thing.

At least it only has around 4 months left.

Just make sure once Norton expires you're sure you want Kaspersky because if it turns out you don't like it you're stuck with another subscription based service and have to wait for it to expire like Norton. I think they have a free trial so you may want to try that before actually buying it when Norton expires.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 27, 22:52:19
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Nov 27, 22:46:22
I sat down, and my mom called me the moment my butt touched the chair.

Also, 116 days left until Norton expires. :l It just updated itself 4 minutes ago. Stupid thing.

At least it only has around 4 months left.

Just make sure once Norton expires you're sure you want Kaspersky because if it turns out you don't like it you're stuck with another subscription based service and have to wait for it to expire like Norton. I think they have a free trial so you may want to try that before actually buying it when Norton expires.

It was suggested to me for being better and cheaper than Norton. X3 Even if it's not great, I just really want to escape Norton's memory-hog-ness. It's a real pain.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2012 Nov 27, 23:08:42 #6192 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 27, 23:16:40 by Trege
I'm also saying that because if I recall correctly Kaspersky got paranoid one day and locked my aunt out of her internet connection and even removing the service would not fix her network I had to format her PC because of the changes it made to the network settings.

I'm also hearing reports from PC websites that Kaspersky is pretty laggy as well. There's also free virus protection alternatives like Comodo AVG and Avast I've only tried Comodo and AVG myself both are free and worked fine and Comodo uses barely any RAM at all around 64MB of ram although it's a little cranky when you first install it and have to trust the programs you use everyday. Anyways before buying Kaspersky I'd suggest the free trial just to see if it lags your PC or not.

The system requirements on Kaspersky's website for XP are.
XP Operating System:
   - Processor 800 MHz or higher
   - 512 MB available RAM


Chishio Kunrin

Oh. :c I didn't like Avast, and I think we had some problems with AVG. If I remember correctly, AVG might have been the stupid one that kept blocking us from using our internet browsers, and we had to go into it and tell it to stop.

I don't know what to do. DD:

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2012 Nov 27, 23:23:28 #6194 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 27, 23:29:57 by Trege
Well you could give Comodo a try then, it doesn't instantly block something it asks you first. Like when you start your browser it will say. Do you want to trust this program then you tell it to trust the browser and to remember the answer and it doesn't ask you again after that. It also only trusts the browser itself so it would still find viruses in your browsers cache if a website somehow infected your PC, and it's not a resource hog like Norton when it's configured correctly and doesn't have too many pending files in the defense+ alert area.

But like I said earlier it's cranky at first and asks about a lot of programs you have, so you can tell it if they are trusted or not. The only downside is if you don't know a lot about the file at hand then you may end up blocking a required file.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Trege on 2012 Nov 27, 23:23:28
Well you could give Comodo a try then, it doesn't instantly block something it asks you first. Like when you start your browser it will say. Do you want to trust this program then you tell it to trust the browser and to remember the answer and it doesn't ask you again after that. It also only trusts the browser itself so it would still find viruses in your browsers cache if a website somehow infected your PC, and it's not a resource hog like Norton when it's configured correctly and doesn't have too many pending files in the defense+ alert area.

But like I said earlier it's cranky at first and asks about a lot of programs you have, so you can tell it if they are trusted or not. The only downside is if you don't know a lot about the file at hand then you may end up blocking a required file.

AVG tended to ask first too, but it was like "Do you trust acweraoejaowei?" and I was like "What is that? o.O I don't know what acweraoejaowei is. Um... Nnnno...?" and then it was like "Ok. *Blocks browser's internet access*"

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Comodo will usually say the name of the browser itself, even show the browsers icon in the popup menu so it makes it easier to trust the right things, it also has a known safe program list so it can also usually tell you if it's safe to trust a file or not, since the database is constantly updated.

If you want to give Comodo a try once Norton expires I could also help you set it up so it won't block any of your browsers and show you how to use it in case you did end up blocking a needed file. Once you tell it to trust programs you use it basically doesn't bother you about them anymore unless a virus ends up in one of those programs. The firewall that comes with it also asks you before blocking anything in the same way the virus protection does.

Chishio Kunrin

Good, no gibberish. :l I'll probably give Comodo a try, then.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2012 Nov 27, 23:44:08 #6198 Last Edit: 2012 Nov 28, 00:26:07 by Trege
Sometimes you will encounter gibberish during a new installation, when it asks about some system files, but I've installed Comodo on a few PC's I repaired for friends or family after asking them if they wanted to give it a try or not, so if you needed help after you install it I could help you tell it what system files it needs to trust if it asks.

I've used it for 4 years though and after you tell it to trust files it sort of sits there and doesn't bother you much anymore although it will always ask you about new programs you install and also tell you if they are safe or not in the file database. The general rule of the thumb is if you install an MMO it's likely talking about that MMO if it asks you to let the game access the internet or not. Same for any new browsers you install as well.

Edit : Turns out it was AVG that my aunt used I sent her a text to ask her in case my memory was faulty, people are still saying Kaspersky is laggy and it still requires 512MB of unused system RAM to run though which is double, what Norton requires in RAM since Norton only needs 256MB.  o.O Thankfully Comodo only uses 64MB since 256-512MB of RAM is killer to PC's with low amounts of RAM, even then though no sane virus protection should use that much RAM.  :c


Working a new chapter for my new story. I don't really like it anymore, but I still wanna work on it, yet I don't have much motivation to write more. Gaaaarrrr, conflicting feelings. If anypony here does want to read it, wander through the link in my sig, because I won't post it.
By Sulfur

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