Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Sunshine Smash

Quote from: Zsaszz on 2015 Mar 13, 13:31:51
There's a volcano that had been inactive for many years but yesterday it started to throw big amounts of smoke and ash, it's starting to get annoying to get my clothes dirty with ash just for walkin from my house to my work.

Doesn't that mean that it's kinda waking up or something? I'd be a little more concerned about that thing going off. Then again, I don't know too much about volcanoes.

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Sunshine Smash on 2015 Mar 13, 14:20:06
Doesn't that mean that it's kinda waking up or something? I'd be a little more concerned about that thing going off. Then again, I don't know too much about volcanoes.

All you really need to know about volcanoes is that the world will be fine as long as Yellowstone National Park doesn't erupt. ovO If Yellowstone erupts, well... flee North America. If you don't live in North America, yay, it won't be as bad for you!

And yes, by "Yellowstone National Park," I mean almost the entire national park. What do you think causes all those geysers and boiling hot ponds? The world's largest caldera volcano, that's what.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 13, 15:16:19
All you really need to know about volcanoes is that the world will be fine as long as Yellowstone National Park doesn't erupt. ovO If Yellowstone erupts, well... flee North America. If you don't live in North America, yay, it won't be as bad for you!

And yes, by "Yellowstone National Park," I mean almost the entire national park. What do you think causes all those geysers and boiling hot ponds? The world's largest caldera volcano, that's what.

Also if yellowstone erupts it may also set off Missouri's giant tremor the madrid fault line so if your state is near Missouri you'll probably feel the effects greatly.  :I Last time it went off people felt it all the way in Texas and the surrounding states I think during the early 1900's I'm not sure. I need to look it up again.

It's annoying feeling sick, I usually only get sick once every 2 years or so. But when I do I hate it.  :l

Sunshine Smash

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 13, 15:16:19
All you really need to know about volcanoes is that the world will be fine as long as Yellowstone National Park doesn't erupt. ovO If Yellowstone erupts, well... flee North America. If you don't live in North America, yay, it won't be as bad for you!

And yes, by "Yellowstone National Park," I mean almost the entire national park. What do you think causes all those geysers and boiling hot ponds? The world's largest caldera volcano, that's what.

I've heard about that. It sounds absolutely terrifying. Can it also affect Maryland? It's probably not going off in any of our lifetimes. But I kinda want to know.

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Sunshine Smash on 2015 Mar 13, 15:40:36
I've heard about that. It sounds absolutely terrifying. Can it also affect Maryland? It's probably not going off in any of our lifetimes. But I kinda want to know.

It'll affect the entire world, so yes. if you're living in the western hemisphere when it happens you might as well head to the east coast and stick it out. Something tells me Europe isn't going to be willing to take in 1 billion+ refugees.


I honestly don't think it'd go off in our lifetime either. They're always monitoring yellowstone for activity with computers and such. So there's probably nothing to worry about. By the time it goes of we will probably have technology to handle it.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Mar 13, 15:59:23
It'll affect the entire world, so yes. if you're living in the western hemisphere when it happens you might as well head to the east coast and stick it out. Something tells me Europe isn't going to be willing to take in 1 billion+ refugees.

There'll be enough ash to spread across North America.
It'll cloud the skies, and people will need to wear masks because the ash can contain tiny shards of volcanic glass.

But Sunshine is right, it most likely won't happen during any of our lifetimes. :]
Still, I hope when it does happen, there's a plan.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I'm screwing up my knee joints by sitting cross-legged in a chair all the time. If I don't break this habit I'm gonna be drawing disability by 35.

Chishio Kunrin

2015 Mar 14, 01:38:41 #15728 Last Edit: 2015 Mar 14, 05:36:31 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Mar 14, 00:24:59
I'm screwing up my knee joints by sitting cross-legged in a chair all the time. If I don't break this habit I'm gonna be drawing disability by 35.

My knees are already screwed up, so who cares if I keep sitting cross-legged? ovO

I was washing dishes, and I had to go get my mom's cat, Junior, to stop messing with the fridge magnets. While I was doing that, I got soapy water in my eye! >A< I dunno how that drop completely missed my glasses and hit me directly in the eye, but it did!!

Physics, why must you betray and annoy me?!

Post Merge

When someone makes their OC related to a canon character.

That's entirely unnecessary and actually pretty Mary Sue-ish. It's only okay in very rare situations, such as Applejack's absurdly massive family, and even then, it's preferable that the OC be only distantly related to Applejack.

Your OC stands much better when they're not related to canon characters. If you really need relatives for your OC, then make some. If you want your OC to have something interesting about them, then make something interesting about them. Something original, not "They're (canon character's) long-lost brother/sister!" Don't rely on canon characters to make your OC interesting. Don't rely on canon characters for anything about your OC. Have them stand on their own, separately from the canon characters. They'll be much better for it.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Bronies who act like coming out of the brony closet is some kind of big courageous act. Melodramatic much? Get real, folks. It's no big deal, really. As someone who never hid it from anyone to start with, I can say telling others about it goes a little something like this:


When people make completely overpowered characters na don't even bother scaling them down depending on what RP they are in, sure I have a stupidly powerful earth pony mage OC, but I both scale down or up depending on the RP and have a decent tradeoff. It's the ones that often make powerful characters, which is fine in and of itself, but when they also put them in other RPs and basically by comparison make them the absolutely strongest character in the RP it takes away from the RP unless they have some SERIOUS downsides to compensate.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Randam Saiko

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Mar 14, 14:21:34
Bronies who act like coming out of the brony closet is some kind of big courageous act. Melodramatic much? Get real, folks. It's no big deal, really. As someone who never hid it from anyone to start with, I can say telling others about it goes a little something like this:

^This. So much this.

Those moments when someone is being a massive jerk and yelling at everyone. During those times, I become conflicted between either controlling myself from throwing logs into the fire or shoving a tree into the fire in hopes of smothering it out.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Chishio Kunrin

2015 Mar 14, 16:05:11 #15732 Last Edit: 2015 Mar 14, 16:11:16 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Mar 14, 14:21:34
Bronies who act like coming out of the brony closet is some kind of big courageous act. Melodramatic much? Get real, folks. It's no big deal, really. As someone who never hid it from anyone to start with, I can say telling others about it goes a little something like this:

Spoiler: show

For some bronies, it is actually a big deal, since in some places, people will physically bully bronies.
That, and some bronies' families are very disapproving. For some people, when your family disapproves, it can leave you feeling terrible, or it can lead to... pretty nasty conflict from certain family members who have no right to call themselves family.

Basically, some fathers' egos receive a nasty bruise just because their son doesn't act "manly" enough, and they get mad because they think something is wrong with their son.

Honestly, masculinity shouldn't be such a big deal that a man's ego is so easily bruised. :l Men should be allowed to like "unmasculine" and "girly" things without being judged by other men or their fathers, uncles, and grandfathers.
Also, men should be allowed to cry and feel scared without getting harsh treatment from other men for it. It's called being a healthy well-adjusted human being, and men reject it so hard that they'll attack other men who don't reject it.
Men also shouldn't receive harsh treatment for being a victim. It happens. People do terrible things to each other. Be mad at the person who did something bad, not the victim for being a victim.

But yeah, if there are dads who treat their sons horribly or even throw their sons out on the street for being... certain ways... I'd think there are dads who treat their sons horribly for liking MLP.

Quote from: Chibalt on 2015 Mar 14, 14:34:02
When people make completely overpowered characters na don't even bother scaling them down depending on what RP they are in, sure I have a stupidly powerful earth pony mage OC, but I both scale down or up depending on the RP and have a decent tradeoff. It's the ones that often make powerful characters, which is fine in and of itself, but when they also put them in other RPs and basically by comparison make them the absolutely strongest character in the RP it takes away from the RP unless they have some SERIOUS downsides to compensate.

In general, when someone gives their OC some grand superpower that has no downsides other than maybe "He gets kinda tired and needs to take a short break once it's all over. :P" or something stupid like that.

Like, I had a character who could activate a vision type where he processed all information that his eyes received. 'Cause you know, our brains don't actually process all the information our eyes receive. If it did, it would be overwhelmed because our eyes just receive way too much info. He could temporarily activate a state where he processed all the info, but he could only use it for a short amount of time, or else he'd get migraines, and if he continued through the migraines, he'd get even worse effects that could last quite a while.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 14, 16:05:11
Basically, some fathers' egos receive a nasty bruise just because their son doesn't act "manly" enough, and they get mad because they think something is wrong with their son.

Honestly, masculinity shouldn't be such a big deal that a man's ego is so easily bruised. :l Men should be allowed to like "unmasculine" and "girly" things without being judged by other men or their fathers, uncles, and grandfathers.
Also, men should be allowed to cry and feel scared without getting harsh treatment from other men for it. It's called being a healthy well-adjusted human being, and men reject it so hard that they'll attack other men who don't reject it.
Men also shouldn't receive harsh treatment for being a victim. It happens. People do terrible things to each other. Be mad at the person who did something bad, not the victim for being a victim.

But yeah, if there are dads who treat their sons horribly or even throw their sons out on the street for being... certain ways... I'd think there are dads who treat their sons horribly for liking MLP.

I never thought of that. I guess I'm pretty biased on that department sense I've seen my dad like...3 times in the past 5 years. Once at my grandfather's funeral, once at my great-nephews birth, and once when I moved away. I don't know or care how he'd react since I don't have a relationship with him, but then I'm an adult and don't depend on him for anything, younger people do need to maintain their fathers' approval or risk being cut off.


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 14, 16:05:11

In general, when someone gives their OC some grand superpower that has no downsides other than maybe "He gets kinda tired and needs to take a short break once it's all over. :P" or something stupid like that.

Like, I had a character who could activate a vision type where he processed all information that his eyes received. 'Cause you know, our brains don't actually process all the information our eyes receive. If it did, it would be overwhelmed because our eyes just receive way too much info. He could temporarily activate a state where he processed all the info, but he could only use it for a short amount of time, or else he'd get migraines, and if he continued through the migraines, he'd get even worse effects that could last quite a while.

Reminds me of my character Tundra, incredibly powerfull magically and, by extension due to also being an earth pony with so much magic, physically, but his body literally cannot handle the stress without serious damage to muscle, bones and such, so if someone manages to force him beyond what his body can handle he wouldn't stay up fighting for long before he is incapacitated by how much force he uses. He can regenerate almost any injury, though it's more of an offset in the long run simply to avoid things like crippling himself, it's nowhere near fast enough to actually do something stupid like regenerating say, a leg, in seconds, the actual time would be closer to a bit over a week, and that is with bedrest included.
My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11833.msg777677#msg777677
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.

Sunshine Smash

The annoying CLINK CLINK CLANK! of utensils when people eat. STOP MAKING THAT SOUND! YOU HAVE THE ABILITY TO NOT MAKE IT SO ANNOYINGLY LOUD! Sorry, it's just a reallygood big annoyance of mine.

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......

Chishio Kunrin

Windows 8 thought my laptop was a cell phone and refused to let Windows Update download any updates for a pretty long while. Now that Trege has helped me correct that, I have to sit here and have my laptop download over 50 updates.

Yay me... :l

I just wish it'd actually tell me the progress it has. I managed to download and install 5 updates earlier, though the download never told me the progress. I tried to stop the download, and it froze up, and when I went back to the thing, it said it was installing. It installed, I restarted, now for the other 51 updates. *SIGH*

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Randam Saiko

My arms are killing me from typing up several great walls of texts.

I don't know why it bothers me but my door has too be completely open or completely close. It can never be in between.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Mar 14, 20:14:11
Windows 8 thought my laptop was a cell phone and refused to let Windows Update download any updates for a pretty long while. Now that Trege has helped me correct that, I have to sit here and have my laptop download over 50 updates.

Yay me... :l

I just wish it'd actually tell me the progress it has. I managed to download and install 5 updates earlier, though the download never told me the progress. I tried to stop the download, and it froze up, and when I went back to the thing, it said it was installing. It installed, I restarted, now for the other 51 updates. *SIGH*

Installing #18 out of 51. Yayyyy.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


My sinuses, they clear up for like 2 minutes then get congested again. Then they clear up again and so on. It's really annoying. Especially since I can't sleep with a congested nose my body for some reason refuses to switch to my mouth for breathing when sleeping if my nose is completely congested then I wake up. Thankfully I got reasonable sleep today since my nose managed to stay clear for a few hours after I drank chicken broth.

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