Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Apr 30, 01:01:16
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Apr 30, 00:52:41
Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Apr 30, 00:39:37
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Apr 30, 00:37:14
"I'm just gonna butter up this pan with the last bit of stick butter an-"

And then I burned my fingers and had to fish out the quickly melting butter with a knife.

Not the first time I burn myself cooking. I still got a burn on the side of my hand from when I was cleaned up and brushed the pan when it was hot still the wrong way.
A few months ago I was making tea and I burnt my hoof! I use extra hot boiling water for my tea so it really hurt! >A<
I had to ware a bandage for a few days and put aloe oil on it 4 times a day! DD:

I've burned myself on soldering irons before and I don't think I've had to go that far.

I'm betting you got a low pain tolerance then.
Gee thanks... :l

My pleasure.


Chishio Kunrin

2014 Apr 30, 01:52:30 #12661 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 30, 02:28:17 by Chishio Kunrin
Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Apr 30, 01:01:16
Spoiler: show
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Apr 30, 00:52:41
Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Apr 30, 00:39:37
Quote from: AaronMk on 2014 Apr 30, 00:37:14
"I'm just gonna butter up this pan with the last bit of stick butter an-"

And then I burned my fingers and had to fish out the quickly melting butter with a knife.

Not the first time I burn myself cooking. I still got a burn on the side of my hand from when I was cleaned up and brushed the pan when it was hot still the wrong way.
A few months ago I was making tea and I burnt my hoof! I use extra hot boiling water for my tea so it really hurt! >A<
I had to ware a bandage for a few days and put aloe oil on it 4 times a day! DD:

I've burned myself on soldering irons before and I don't think I've had to go that far.

I'm betting you got a low pain tolerance then.
Gee thanks... :l

Hey, people just have different pain tolerances. X3 It doesn't mean anyone's weaker/worse than someone else. Some people are just able to tolerate worse pain, especially if they've been through lots and lots of pain before a lot of different times. I've gotten to where I can just ignore pain a lot of the time and don't care enough to take any medicine for it.

Post Merge

When people accuse Disney of white-washing. "All the princesses are white, do they not care about anything other than white people?"

Excuse me.
- Jasmine from Aladdin is Arabian
- Tiana from Princess and the Frog is African American
- Mulan (though not actually a princess, is considered a Disney princess) is Chinese
- Pocahontas (though more so the chief's daughter than a princess, but called a Disney princess) is Native American
- Esmeralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame isn't considered a Disney princess, but is a major character in the movie

The white Disney princesses we see are white because it makes sense with their story's origin.
- Beauty & The Beast is French, takes place in France
- Frozen is based on the Snow Queen, written by Hans Christian Andersan, who was Danish. Frozen takes place in a pretty Scandinavian setting.
- Brave takes place in Scotland, for Pete's sake!
- Snow White is a German fairy tale
- Rapunzel is also a German fairy tale
Etcetera and so forth!

As someone on Tumblr said, white-washing would be if Disney took Princess Jasmine, made her white, gave her blonde hair, and renamed her Jessica.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Midnight Breeze

I had to stay late at work this morning to handle an incident report. I was so looking forward to having the next two days off, when suddenly...

House Supervisor: Hey, one of the techs called in sick for tonight. Think you can work tonight?



Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 Apr 28, 14:49:05
The ferrets at a pet shop in my town have their scent glands removed, so I'm guessing those ones aren't as much of a problem.
I've wanted a ferret for yearrrrrs, and it's really cute that you can get them a little harness and put a leash on them! :3 But...
1. I heard that there are problems with having just one.
2. I have cats. I'm pretty sure cats and ferrets would not get along well, especially with cats who hunt and eat every bug they come across (except spiders).
3. I ended up looking at the prices. Um... Yikes. :I The local pet store sells ferrets for like $170 each, sometimes a bit less than that. The good cages are expensive, too.

Well that's nice that they've already had those glands removed. c:
1. My friends had one for months before she got a second and then a third and Fidget (the first one) had no problems being alone.
2. Most cats and some dogs are scared of ferrets, but if you introduce them right, they should get along eventually. c:
3. Yes they are pricey, but you can usually find cheap used cages on Craigslist or Ebay. ^^
(sorry, I know this response is late, but I think if you ever do want one, you should get one, they're great pets.) >w<

I'm really annoyed at my Anatomy class. I am on the verge of failing (and so is over half the class) because the professor sucks at teaching. :K
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Pinkie Pie on 2014 Apr 30, 16:52:05
I'm really annoyed at my Anatomy class. I am on the verge of failing (and so is over half the class) because the professor sucks at teaching. :K

I almost had that experience in high school when I took Anatomy & Physiology. At first, we had a teacher who was really dull and didn't really explain much or very well during lessons, if you can call them that. A lot of the other students were pretty rude about it, and she ended up quitting. The teacher who replaced her was a lot more lively, interesting, able to keep our attention, and actually actively gave us lessons that he much more thoroughly explained in an easy to understand way.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


2014 Apr 30, 17:25:31 #12665 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 30, 17:27:06 by dr.induction
Girls you have a crush on. Its cool for about a day but after that wish it would go away D:


Quote from: dr.induction on 2014 Apr 30, 17:25:31
Girls you have a crush on. Its cool for about a day but after that wish it would go away D:

And it gets even worse when you work up the courage to ask her out on a date, and she inevitably rejects you.

Now I'm depressed again...
<br />


My brother in laws truck broke down today so now i have to drive an hour to pick him up, and be back to get my truck at 8am.

Also, the biggest and heaviest thing in my house, my solid wood bar, was supposed to be picked up and sold today;i even called the buyer again to see if they were coming....never showed up....so now we get to try and carry this beast up 3 flights of stairs.

Midnight Breeze

My friend was telling me about his new girlfriend Alberta. I joking asked if she would introduce me to her sister Saskatchewan.

No one knew what I was talking about.  ono


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 May 01, 01:49:44
My friend was telling me about his new girlfriend Alberta. I joking asked if she would introduce me to her sister Saskatchewan.

No one knew what I was talking about.  ono

Hmm... I think I may know, but I'm not sure. Would you enlighten me, Breezy? ^-^

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Julius on 2014 May 01, 02:04:44
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2014 May 01, 01:49:44
My friend was telling me about his new girlfriend Alberta. I joking asked if she would introduce me to her sister Saskatchewan.

No one knew what I was talking about.  ono

Hmm... I think I may know, but I'm not sure. Would you enlighten me, Breezy? ^-^




People who say trg play.
It's not TRG PLAY!!THERE'S A DOT BEHIND TRG. and that means it's an ABBREVIATION

it's trgovina play! Trgovina means store, trg means square! It's not a square! IT'S A STORE.

Night Pony

Quote from: Ramisha on 2014 May 01, 05:06:42
People who say trg play.
It's not TRG PLAY!!THERE'S A DOT BEHIND TRG. and that means it's an ABBREVIATION

it's trgovina play! Trgovina means store, trg means square! It's not a square! IT'S A STORE.

And for me it says "Google Play Store". lol

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Midnight Breeze

The fact that polygraphs are still used in the police interrogations. It's a slap in the face to humanity that that useless piece of dog poo is still given any credibility.

What is this, 1960?


Having to wait and watch my interveiwe opasition go in and take there interviews before me it's really unnerving 

Chishio Kunrin

The Hub apparently released a clip from the season 4 finale. I'm trying to avoid it, screenshots of it, and everything to do with it like the plague. It'd be nice if Facebook pages would think about people who don't want to see anything of it, like me. :l

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2014 May 01, 11:02:45
The Hub apparently released a clip from the season 4 finale. I'm trying to avoid it, screenshots of it, and everything to do with it like the plague. It'd be nice if Facebook pages would think about people who don't want to see anything of it, like me. :l

As a denizen of the booru I can say: Let the Great Habbening of the Season begin.


Night Pony

When people set requirements that they themselves don't follow.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Midnight Breeze

When did I ever think jungle juice was a good idea?

Never again...

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