What's your special talent?

Started by Holly Dash, 2012 May 10, 18:04:54

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Holly Dash

Hi everypony  ^-^
have you got your cutie mark yet??
If you haven't, why not look around your room and see what's your talent could be  :3
tell us what's your cutie mark like   


My special talent is probably...
Video game

One or more of those.
I wouldn't know, I'm a human after all.

Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!


2012 May 10, 18:08:01 #2 Last Edit: 2012 May 10, 18:11:10 by sonyablademaster
Matchmaking  :D

Holly Dash

If your a pony, what's your cutie mark like?
pick one of our talent 

Rad Thunder

If you mean me as a human, then it's definitely video games! :P

If you meant our pony OCs, then it's parkour and the extreme. B)


Video games. Play me at Mario Kart Wii, I dare you.


My special talent is drawing~
But I also think mine would be similar to my pony OC  x3


Video games but not just playing em either. I very knowledgeable  on the history of video games and how some important events came to be. So if anyone got any question I'm your pony? ^-^


This picture explains everything you want to know.


One of these, probably, if I were a pony.

Titanium Mushrooms
Are you happy yet?!

Holly Dash

posting a picture of your cutie mark will be easier
So if you don't mind just post a picture and maybe tell us what it is. :3


pony form
Ryo-Card games
real form- Card games
but really i dont have a special defining talent

Sonic Heart

All OC´s : Hair stylist, Music making, Music making

Real life: i think, i THINK, blank flank...theres nothing im omg good at. if i had to bring  something based on what i have been told, that would be being a football goalkeeper since i have been told im good. On music making, since im a human i suppose i could get to have another cutie mark from that as soon as i get better at it, practice makes perfection (or close enough)

Chishio Kunrin

Writing. It's the one thing that I'm proud of in my life. What kind of cutiemark I would have for it, though, I don't know.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


Well, I'm a Zebra, so, well, it's a secret we can't tell Ponies, sorry!

Book Smarts

Quote from: Ozzy on 2012 May 10, 19:09:42
Well, I'm a Zebra, so, well, it's a secret we can't tell Ponies, sorry!

What about stickybomb jumping? :s


Bashing my head against the wall?  :s


Quote from: Zaner-Boy on 2012 May 10, 18:10:14
Video games. Play me at Mario Kart Wii, I dare you.

I kid' of course, I would probably lose big time.


Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 May 10, 19:53:10
Quote from: Ozzy on 2012 May 10, 19:09:42
Well, I'm a Zebra, so, well, it's a secret we can't tell Ponies, sorry!

What about stickybomb jumping? :s

Only when we are drunk. x)

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