Love is in the Air OOC

Started by Peace Keeper, 2016 Feb 09, 04:28:03

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Peace Keeper

Welcome to the Love is in the Air OOC. Here you can discuss about the RP and plan things out with others, or just come here to hang out to talk about stuff.

Hope all of you have fun.
Also, You can post your OC info here for reference for others to read.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


here's my OC for joining ^^

-Name: Sparkle Chord

-Nickname(s): Sparkle, Miss Sparkle, Sparky, Sparks, SC.

-Age: around 14-17 ish.

-Birthday: March 22nd

-Gender: Mare

-Species: Crystal Unicorn(she lacks the crystal appearance due to the time spell colliding with one of Sombra's dark spells)

-Residence: Manehattan(formerly the Crystal Empire)

-Allegiance: Solar Empire(formerly Princess Amore)

-Mother: Melody Song(Unicorn, birth mother) Lavender Dusk(Pegasus, adopted mother)

-Father: Ruby Dust(Crystal Pony, birth father) Nebula Jazz(Unicorn, adopted father)

-Siblings: Cloudy Day(older stepbrother)

-Bio: Sparkle was born in the crystal empire 1000 years ago, a couple months before Sombra took over.  Once Sombra had taken over the empire, he tried to take her away from her parents, since he wanted her magic.  In order to protect her, her parents used a time spell to send her 987 years into the future, where she would grow up in Manehattan. 

Sparkle spent most of her life in Manehattan, growing up in a small apartment in the Manehattan apartment complex.  She attended the Manehattan Academy for the Arts, where she studied music and singing.  She earned her cutie mark when she performed a song she wrote herself at her friend's cutie mark celebration.  The song had mesmerized everyone, and her voice seemed to be supernaturally good.

Because the school she attended didn't offer magic classes, Sparkle didn't learn how to use her magic until she was 9.  Until this point, most of the other ponies at school mocked her for her lack of ability to use magic, and called her "defective."  Because of the teasing, Sparkle decided to try and learn magic on her own.  She spent 2 years learning and perfecting her magic, and the first spell she ever used was a voice alteration spell, when she had temporarily made her voice sound like Morgan Freeman's by accident.

After learning a decent amount of magic, Sparkle decided to take some time off to socialize more and go around performing at Open Mic events at Cafés.  At one of these Open Mic events, Sparkle met a radio show host and musician from Manehattan Records, named Rhythm n' Blues.  Rhythm thought that Sparkle had talent, so he offered her an apprenticeship at the studio, to which she happily accepted.  When she wasn't studying with Rhythm n' Blues, Sparkle would use his studio to record her own radio show, where she would review media and sing songs. 

-Attitude: Sparkle is an extremely optimistic, caring and trusting pony. She's she kind of mare who always cuts her Sunflower butter and jelly sandwiches in the shape of a heart, and breaks into song at any given moment.  She always tries to see the bright side of every situation, and is almost never in a bad mood. And when she is, it's never for long, and she's typically back to her normal, sunny self in no time!  She is also very trusting of others, and prefers to travel in a group rather than go it alone.

Sparkle cares deeply for her friends, and is concerned for their well being constantly, so if any of them are put in danger, she begins to panic, stressing out until the danger is resolved.

Although initially she seems like she's clueless and a bit ditzy, Sparkle is secretly very clever.  She is also capable of coming up with creative ideas for her unicorn magic, and will often invent variations of spells for whatever she needs in the current situation.  However, she doesn't feel that she is clever, and probably won't believe you if you tell her she's a genius.

Sparkle often uses her natural charisma and adorableness to wiggle her way through sticky situations, and is usually able to get what she wants through use of her signature pouty face. 

Sparkle is an expert at coming up with crazy plans that defy all logic, but she usually acts a bit hastily, and her plans usually backfire.  Sparkle is also very ambitious, and if she sees an opportunity that may benefit her, she'll chase after endlessly until she is able to get it.

Sparkle is a bit of a hopeless romantic, and loves to imagine fairytale romances, even though she never imagined one for herself. Sparkle is also extremely oblivious, and often does not notice when somepony is being sarcastic, or is interested in her.  However, if Sparkle falls for somepony, and is teased about it, she will become very flustered, and begin stammering uncontrollably, unable to finish a single sentence.

Sparkle is also a huge dork, and is obsessed with adventure stories and mystery novels.  She loves to write fanfiction of her own, and also enjoys things like roleplaying.

Due to her magic training, Sparkle spent many of her years in isolation, and has become relatively awkward around ponies, and sometimes has trouble talking to them. 

-Likes: Music, Adventures, Talking to her friends, Traveling, Anything Sparkly (especially crystals.)

-Favorite Food: Strawberries (favorite fruit), Strawberry Tarts, Pasta with Spinach and Tomatoes(favorite non-desert food.)

-Least Favorite Food: Potato Chips, Hayburgers.

-Favorite Song: It Started With Your Smile, by Mandopony.

-Favorite Musical Artist: DBPony

-Favorite Color: Crystal Blue.

-Least Favorite Color: Olive Green

-Favorite Book(s): Daring Do and the Forbidden City of the Clouds.

-Favorite Book Series: Daring Do Series.

-Favorite Flower: Rose (light pink)

-Favorite Movie Genre: Romantic Comedy

-Favorite Music Genre: Light Rock, Cheesy Love Songs.

-Dislikes: Being teased, Feeling left out, getting up early, being late, seeing others in pain, seeing others sad, Potato Chips (and essentially all other chips related to them)

-Fears/Phobias: being alone, failing to succeed in a task, letting other ponies down, doing harm to others, mild fear of trains (but not subways)

-Flaws: Sparkle is the kind of pony who leaps before she looks, and falls hard afterword.  Due to her rather spontaneous nature, she'll often end up dangling off the edge of a cliff because she was chasing a villain.  Although her intentions are good, she will often end up in quite a heap of trouble when she's trying to help.

Sparkle is rather sensitive, and is easily hurt, often taking teasing literally, only realizing after that the teaser was just joking.  Due to her rather sensitive nature, Sparkle is rather quick to cry and express her feelings, especially if a friend is hurt, and sometimes this leads to awkward situations.

She also has somewhat of a temper, which she tries her hardest to control, but if somepony makes her mad enough, then she will basically explode at them. 

Sparkle also has a habit of misreading situations, and will sometimes say the wrong thing, leading to more awkward circumstances.  She also has terrible timing, and often speaks up or acts too early or late, leading to even MORE awkward situations. 

Since she spent 2 years in isolation while practicing her magic, and is only spending time with other ponies as of recent, Sparkle is still adjusting to socializing, and is sometimes very awkward when talking to ponies.

Sparkle is a fan of practicing magic, but when she is learning a new spell, it more often than not backfires, leading to catastrophic events, temporary memory loss, and sometimes genetic alterations, which can be reversed.

Although she appears upbeat and positive most of the time, Sparkle is secretly very lonely at times, and due to being teased so much when she was little, doesn't think very highly of herself.  However, spending time with other ponies seems to lift her spirits quite easily. 

Since Sparkle has never been outside of Manehattan before, she lacks a sense of danger or fear, and if she encounters something new and exciting(even if its potentially dangerous) she will often charge for it head-on.  To some ponies, this may seem like fearlessness, but in reality, its really just recklessness. 

Since Sparkle has a weaker magic aura, and didn't learn to use her magic until later in life(and was teased because of it) she is very insecure at times when it comes to her magic.  She occasionally lacks confidence in her magical abilities(which, although are not phenomenal, are better than she thinks.) and will sometimes belittle herself, telling herself that she is weak, or is too inexperienced to perform a certain spell.

She is also very sensitive to negative comments about her magical abilities, since she was teased about it so much as a filly, if anypony says anything negative about her magic, she will become very depressed, but she wont say anything, as she doesn't want ponies to know that this gets to her.  And on the other end of the comment spectrum, if Sparkle receives a compliment about her magic, she wont likely believe it, although she will be flattered, she'll probably say something like, "Oh, I'm not that good at magic, I've still got a lot to learn..."

Sparkle also has a horrible sense of direction, and can get extremely lost very quickly if she strays from her route at all.  Literally just getting distracted by one object can completely turn her around.  Due to this, she always carries a map with her, in hopes of not getting lost.  Unfortunately though, this doesn't help much.

-Quirks/Trivia: She loves to roleplay.  When she is extremely happy or excited, she will start to sparkle.  She is a terrible cook.  She is somewhat skilled at ice skating.

-Hobbies: Singing, Practicing her magic, Reading, Ice Skating.

-Occupation: Apprentice of Rhythm n' Blues at Manehattan Records.

-Significant relationships?: N/A (left blank for RP purposes)

-Best friend(s): N/A (left blank for RP purposes)

-Worst enemy: N/A (left blank for RP purposes)

-Hobbies: Singing, Practicing her magic, Reading, Ice Skating.

-Occupation: Apprentice of Rhythm n' Blues at Manehattan Records.

Sparkle is slightly taller than an average mare (assuming the average height of a female pony is 4 feet, Sparkle would be 4"2.) She has a medium length, curly sapphire blue mane and tail which have platinum highlights.  Her coat is a pale diamond blue, and she has large, yellow eyes that Sparkle.


-Cutie Mark: a sparkling chord with 3 colored notes.  Representing her talent for music, and ability to create 3-part harmonies with only one voice using her magic.

-Abilities/Talents: she has Perfect Pitch, and also has super hearing, and can hear things other pony's cant normally hear, and also things that are far away, unfortunately, this means her hearing is rather sensitive, and simple sounds like squeaks bug her immensely.

-Spells: Teleportation: every unicorn has a spell that he or she does best, and Sparkle's is teleportation.  Sparkle's teleportation magic has a much wider range than most unicorns, allowing her to teleport across massive distances, and potentially halfway across Equestria(she did this on accident once, and she had a hard time teleporting back.)  Sparkle can also teleport multiple ponies at once, although this does cause strain on her.

Levitation: Sparkle can perform levitation spells as well.  She uses them for a wide range of things, such as speed-potion making, grabbing random objects, moving random objects, rescuing ponies(only if the situation calls for it) and sometimes she just levitates herself for fun.  Sparkle cant lift heavy objects with this spell though, since her magic aura is somewhat unstable.(heavy objects meaning objects exceeding 300 pounds.  Or a couch, she cant lift a couch.  Or large boulders, or... well, you get the point.)

Hammerspace Spell: this is a spell sparkle invented herself, it allows her to store or remove objects from an alternate dimension she calls 'hammerspace.'  But to other ponies it just looks like she's pulling stuff out of thin air and making it disappear again.

Tracking Spell: Sparkle can use her magic to track lost or missing items by emitting a signal from her horn to pick up on their energy.  This spell does not work on ponies.

Illumination Spell: Sparkle can perform basic illumination spells, for when she is in a dark area, or if the power goes out.  So her horn can basically be used as a flashlight.(she likes to call this spell; The Flashlight Spell.)

Healing Spell: Sparkle has access to basic healing magic, but since healing magic is a highly difficult spell(and her magic aura is considered to be on the weaker end of the spectrum) Sparkle cant exactly perform this spell correctly.  Instead of just healing ponies, it actually drains some of her own life energy as well when she uses it, and she basically 'takes the injury onto herself.' For example, if a pony had a cut on their left hoof, and Sparkle were to use the spell to heal it, the cut would be healed, but it would be on her left hoof instead.  In addition, Sparkle cant use the spell to cure illnesses, only physical injuries.  She cant use it to revive ponies, and because of the damage it does to her, she cant do massive or large physical injuries, only smaller ones like cuts or scratches.  She also cannot use it to heal herself, due to the paradoxical way the spell is set up(every time she uses it she takes the injury onto herself, thus using the spell on herself would do nothing.) the spell also gives her a massive headache when she uses it, since it is so difficult, so Sparkle has learned to not use this spell often.

Decibel Adjustment Spell: Sparkle can use her magic to alter the volume levels of sound waves.

Voice Alteration Spell: Can be used to alter the pitch, sound, speed, and inflections of a pony's voice.  This was the first spell that Sparkle used.

Voice Replication Spell: an alternate version of the Voice Alteration spell.  This spell can be used to adjust the users voice to sound identical to anypony's voice.  The user can only copy voices they have heard though.

Pitch Pipe: Sparkle can use her magic in combination with her perfect pitch to act as a sort of pitch pipe.  She can recreate any note with her magic by altering the sound vibrations in the air to the correct pitch.

Crystal Making Spell: Due to her being part Crystal Pony, Sparkle has the ability to make crystals with her magic.  She doesn't know she can use this spell though, and has only accidentally used it as a filly.

In addition to these, Sparkle can also perform many other spells she has made up(or just variations on spells.)

-Personal quote: "Anyskittles,"

btw, one question: where does the RP take place? or is there not a set location?

Peace Keeper

lol Wow. Didn't expect an extract from the OC bios thread. That's the biggest one. Took me a while to try to grasp a lot of this.

So... for location Idid forget x3 . Shall be settled in Ponyville. Perhaps the best default city.

Also, before I forget since I may enter too I shall enter my OC.

NAME: Peacekeeper
GENDER: Stallion (Male)
RACE/SPECIES: Pegasus (Pony)
AGE: 24 ((Was 23 on the day this post was made x3 ))
APPEARANCE: Blue coat. Black main and tail primary. White secondary mane and blue secondary tail. Wears a black shirt often. May wear black cape on occasions.
PERSONALITY: Kind, gentle, harmless, gullible, positive, optimistic, silly, wise (though sometimes clumsy in thinking), shy, unconfrontational (runs away from conflicts involving himself), and honest.

BIO: Peacekeeper is born in Las Pegasus. He is the youngest of 7 and uncle of 14. His current occupation is student currently enrolled in college where he wants to become a weather coordinator and planner. He grew up in an urban area of Las Pegasus, which is notorious for sometimes having a not-so-good reputation from the city. Still most of his life the neighborhood didn't seem to bother him as long as he keeps his friendly personality. He later sort of grew shy and much later a bit mustrustful to other students around him unsure which were actual bad seeds. After graduation he opened his mind into thinking the future and the need to communicate with others to better understand and help himself in succeeding through college.
He wasn't a strong pony, but can withstand physical and verbal pain. Rarely has he had been bullied for the fact that all failed to get on his nerves. He is willing to help as much as possible for anypony, whether is borrowing or lending a hoof. Though may be at times he may be a bit too helpful when help is no longer needed. He is shy to talk to others, but once he gets to know others better, he is willing to open himself more.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.


Name: Shadow Fire

Race: Pegasus

Lives: Anywhere and everywhere (Traveler) originally from Grand Junction.

Personality: Shy, keen on making friends, nervous for the new things, but brave for the old, and nervous of bullies

Friends: Due to wanderlust she has no 'real' friends but she has a lot of acquaintances.

Skills:Has a  expert ability to control and create weather.  Able to sneak around but not fight.

Back Story: Shadow Fire was born and raised in Grand Junction. She was one of the few Pegasus who lived and was picked on by the other earth pony kids. She learned to sneak instead of fight because of this. As she grew older she tired of seeing desert and cherry tree's and instead went to go live an explorers life to travel the world. Seeing many sights and knowing what to and what not to do in the wild has learned when to sense dangers of animals and some people. An expert at Pegasus magic from being inspired by the Tales of Commander Hurricane.
Part of The Kingdom of Roses


name: Maplewood
lives: used to live in vanhoover  but lives in ponyville
talent: construction and making things look brand new
appearance :
Bio: well after joining the royal guard and getting himself into a specific  research facility  everything was going fine until a accident left him with a cybernetic eye and hoof


Name: Blue Cloud
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Blue coat with blue mane/tail.
Special Talent: Ability to fly fast and control the weather


2016 Feb 10, 13:15:08 #6 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 10, 15:50:32 by brobrobippy
Name: TechnoDub (Tech for short)
Age:16 (I'm going to bend the age a little for this rp)
appearance:Prof pic (but usually less crazy looking)
Lives: A regular Pony-ville home
Bio: Hopes to learn some new magic sometime aside from the basics, Moved to his own small place after wanting to go off on his own, Nervous of meeting new people but adjust after a while of talking, Tries to help others if he can, Basically a lighthearted kind of pone
Skills: Some magic, Master at sneaking around, Great Tech skills (hence the name)
Thanks for being the best community out there all you Bronies! ( and Pegisisters )

Misty Fly

Name: Marble Star
Age: 21
Gender : Female
Race: Unicorn


2016 Feb 10, 14:21:56 #8 Last Edit: 2016 Aug 14, 16:56:56 by FakeSmile
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2016 Feb 09, 18:00:45AGE: 24 ((Was 23 on the day this post was made x3 ))

Happy Late Birthday Dear!

Spoiler: Shear Luck • show
Name: Shear Luck
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Filly
Age:  27 (March 15)
Height: 3'6
Occupation:Barber Shop Owner
Personality: Optimistic, Clever, Creative, Easygoing, and Hardworking
Likes: Manes, magazines, working, exploring, herbs and plants
Dislikes:  Bed head, rude costumers, sarcasm, allergies
Spoiler: Special Talent • show
Shear Luck's special talent is the ability to alter and change memories of ponies. But she can only altar and change memories of events that she witnesses herself. The pony would have to give her permission to alter or change any other memories that she wasn't personally there to witness.  This talent comes in handy when costumers come to her barber shop, they can simply imagine the mane style the costumer would like and Shear Luck can alter and change it the way the costumer would like it.
Spoiler: Bio • show
In Salt Lick City, born and raise. Living with five other siblings and her parents, a family full of barbers and hair stylist. Everyone in the family seemed to be destined to work with manes and a pair of scissors. Shear Luck didn't mind that her fate was already set for her, happy that everyone in her family had one thing that they could all love and do together. When she was a filly she would watch her Uncle and Father working together in their barber shop.  After watching her father, she would practice cutting manes on her dolls and stuff animals. The whole Golden Lock family adored Shear Luck's enthusiasm and once she was 15 they allowed her to work in her Uncle's Barber shop.  Still had not earned her cutie mark, she happily took the job, hoping it will help her find her special talent. But, she didn't realize how hard it would be to cut a mane on a real pony. Costumers would get upset if she cut it too short or didn't cut it how they imagine it. Upset by the reactions of the costumers, she decided that she would have to figure away for her and the costumers to meet eye to eye.  After a few more failed costumers, she came up with a brilliant idea. Sense the costumers can't show her how they would wasn't their mane, Shear Luck would have to show the costumers their mane. Using a spell that she been practicing for a while she was able to show the costumers mentally how the mane would turn out, altering and changing how the costumer would like it. After her first successful mane cut, she instantly became a hit and earned her cutie mark.  Her uncle then decided that she was capable of owning her own barber shop in Salt Lick City. The barber shop wasn't too far from his, so he could keep a close on her.  She enjoyed every moment of her job, loving the reactions of a successful mane cut.
Spoiler:  Shear Luck • show
Thank you Johannes!

Spoiler: Florenza von Linné • show
Name: Florenza von Linné
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Spoiler: Cutie Mark • show

Spoiler: Appearance • show
Spoiler: Head Shot • show
Spoiler: Full Body • show

🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻


Gonna be using my two lovey characters :3

Gamepaw as you all know and probably pet a lot too, is my chubby wolfy character and my main character.
Violet however, has never been used before and is my deer character and a girlfriend and sometimes wife of Game.

I`ll be using this colour for Game and this colour for Violet.

Will be interesting to see how the characters play out together. :3

Spoiler: Gamepaw • show

Name: Gamepaw
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Colours: General base fur colour is a dark Navy (#453b66), He has multiple patches of (#8c73c9), longer, fluffy fur (#765fa7) such as around his (#5a4e86) hind legs or his neck. (#816bbb) Which are multiple shades of lighter purple (#7062a7). On the tips of his paws and his inner ears he has a pale purple (bba6ff). He also has a dark to light blue gradient tail and mane. Which goes from the darker (#42459a) to the much lighter (#7d8df1). He also has light blue eyes (#74d4ff). His pawpads happen to be a lighter blue-ish purple in colours (#9d94fb).
Personality: Gamepaw is a fairly outgoing wolf, not to shy down from anything, bullies and the like. He however does not deal with heavy emotions well, such as not being able to control his laughing, or his sadness and will try to hide this. He tends to be kind, fatherly or loving, enjoying looking after young or other people he is fond of, will even put himself in the way if he sees something he doesn't like happening to another. He also tends to very food absorbing, commonly seen eating some sort of baked good, mainly pie as his favourite.
However as a feral or a pet character, he is fairly helpless due to his chubbiness getting the better of him, he can also be scared or become afraid very easily, due to his large weight and general helplessness if he knows something will happen and he knows he can't get away or escape.
Physical Description: A pudgy wolf by no doubt as his constant snacking catches up with him.  He is a moderate 94cm, around 3' 1".
Short Backstories:
Being a lazy wolf Game got chubby fairly quickly and failed at keeping up with his fellow pack, who had eventually disowned him and left him to his own devices. Being the slow wolf he was he found it incredibly difficult to keep himself fed, as all the animals were too fast for him. He eventually settled for mainly grown things, such as berries or fallen apples. Occasionally having to eat meat, the only sources he could find are ones he had to find already passed their prime or those that required digging up.

Spoiler: Violet • show

Name: Violet
Species: Antlered Maned Deer
Gender: Female
Colours: Her main body is a dark shade of blue (#191550), while her spots are lighter pale blue(#9de4de), Her mane has two colours the main being a darkened purple(#4a267f) with a strip of lighter purple.(#59169b) Her antlers are bone white(#ded6dc). While her hooves are a darker, near black blue.(#100d34) Her eyes are a deep violet.(#ae46de)
Personality: Violet has a very bubbly personality, driven and strong willed. In her relationship with Game it is sometimes hard to see who wears the pants. While very strong she can easily be knocked down. She is also very confrontational, not backing down and dealing with people who cause her or her friends ill, such as bullies. She continues to strive for her goals no matter what, her key goal being her type of art and drawings. She continues to maintain a loving and caring attitude while still striving for her goals.
Physical Description: Overall Violet has a very fit and physical form, but is no twig. Having a decent level of padding on her body, which could most likely be blamed on Game.. She is however very short, compared to Game at least, at only 30cm or 0' 11" tall. Her antlers however adding additional height, around 10% of her height.
Short Backstories:
Originally part of a herd, with her family and other of her kind, she had an adventurous attitude and wasn't afraid like the rest of the deer, who due to her small height treated her like fragile glass. Her dangerous adventures eventually leaded to her getting banished from the group, they believing that she will only bring the danger to them. Having been banished and abandoned by her friends and family she ran and never looked back. Eventually she found Game, the much larger and overweight wolf, she found a friend in him and eventually a lover, despite their difference in size, weight and species.


I used to love being part of romance RPs, always was interesting. Depending on the end result of today, I may join in with this. Many will probably know me for dropping out quickly from these, so that's why I'm saying I may, as the big issue with me staying will probably be gone in one way or another after today.

I shall wait and see, I suppose!


2016 Feb 11, 20:04:12 #11 Last Edit: 2016 Feb 12, 14:23:04 by Jcfraven
Don't know the template, I want to throw my hat into the fray again, so here's a basic template:

Name: Raven Star
Age: 15(can be considered 18+ in the Equestrian Universe if the need arises)
Race: Unicorn-Batpony Hybrid
Picture: -Same as profile picture-
Talent Mark: A four pointed star in front of a fully eclipsed moon, symbolizing his talent of guiding others out of the darkness that threatens to consume them.
*Yes, his talent is indeed meant to be ironic.
Personality: Though normally seen as an extroverted individual, he's relatively introverted, alongside shy and afraid of romantic endeavors. He also struggles with depression, though few would know it, housing a secondary mind that functions as the embodiment of such.

*All other details will be revealed as it becomes relevant, detailing everything is a bit redundant.

Rush of MLP

[B]Name[/b]: Chrome Blade
[B]Age[/b]: 18
[B]Race[/b]: Crystal Pony/Earth Pony
[B]Appearance[/b]: A white coat with a brown mane and dark blue eyes. Cutie mark is a shortsword with a rune etched into the blade.
[B]Talent[/b]: The use of runes and light weaponry.
[B]Personality[/b]: He often works with others in mind. He tries to be as kind as the other party will allow him to be, and he is relatively slow to anger. He is well aware of his limits, but is confident in his abilities. He is, however, rather introverted and doesn't normally speak to strangers.

Peace Keeper

2016 Mar 17, 21:39:04 #13 Last Edit: 2016 Mar 17, 21:47:29 by Peace Keeper
Man haven't RPed since I first entered x3 I feel like re-entering again but as another character. This OC I never mentioned due to her bio not being acceptable anywhere. So for this, I will heavily modify a lot of her bio and slightly change her appearance so that now it becomes safe to play as my OC. Other stuff like personality is much the same. So here is the OC info below.

Name: Eques
Age: 30
Race: Earth
Gender: Mare
          Coat Color: Brown (Similar to Doctor Whooves but very slightly darker)
          Mane: Medium-to-Long straight/wavy mane. Black
          Tail: Medium straight/wavy tail. Black
          Height: Taller than normal. Still maintains the normal mare body shape
Personality: Calm, sagacious, friendly. She is hard to temper. Has some sense of humor. Takes serious matter with proper manner. She is also very helpful, doing anything she can to satisfy the task.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Space Ace

Would it be too late to join the Roleplay now? I wouldn't want to interrupt anything in progress and Valentines (or Hearts and Hooves day) was over a month ago now, but the roleplay seems fun.


Nah, its not too late! Its an Open RP, so you can jump on in whenever, dear.

I do believe Peace Keeper needs someone to RP with, and I have some extra OCs lyin' 'round.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Space Ace

2016 Mar 26, 17:59:18 #16 Last Edit: 2016 Mar 26, 18:11:08 by Space Ace
Very well then! I look forward to starting :)

Name: Tale Teller (but will usually just go by 'Talli' as a personal preference)
Age: 22
Gender: Agender (They/them pronouns, but if the need arises you may use he/him, but only if absolutely necessary)
Appearance: A semi-dark, brown coat, a short, off white mane and tail, and pink eyes. Usually seen in large, round, red glasses. Average height, and a little on the chubby side. They're appearance is very androgynous, though they do appear to be slightly more feminine apart from their slightly stockier build.
Personality: A friendly, kind, gentle, and happy pony, but not extremely outgoing individual. Not easy to anger, and when they are upset by something they don't like to share it. They have a tendeny to bottle up negative emotions, in attempt to be a more positive pony.


Quote from: Space Ace on 2016 Mar 26, 17:59:18Gender: Agender

Awww, heck yes. This legit made my day, Lol.
Very cute OC by the way.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Space Ace

Quote from: FakeSmile on 2016 Mar 26, 18:37:13
Awww, heck yes. This legit made my day, Lol.
Very cute OC by the way.

Thank you!

Peace Keeper

Sorry I was inactive. Had to do heavy studying. Now school is over, I can finally return to RPing tomorrow. Hopefully we can flow this again.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

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