Pony Cosmology: Re-Creation (roleplay, Jump-in for MORTALS*, GODS sign up.)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2012 Apr 13, 08:31:18

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Alanca starts to get nervous at everyone starting at her. Her self consciousness starts to kick in and Alanca started to walk away from the area, soon walking faster.

Night Pony

((The scouts are invisible.))

The scouts were monitoring the pony. Even with so many gods there were few alicorns. Of course the majority of crows were scouting the rest of Creation.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


((OK :)))

After moving away from the hub Alanca sits by a tree and gets her paper and quills out. She begins to write some poems, unaware of the scouts.

Night Pony

One of the crows moves to the tree under which Alanca was sitting. He then looked down on her.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Alanca heard a rustle in the tree, but didn't take too much notice of it. She continues with her poem.

Teal Turken


((Thank you for the warm re-welcome  ^-^
Night Pony has gone offline, your move? :P))

Night Pony

((Watching Soul eater.  X3 ))

The crow watched what Alanca was writing in hopes to learn more about her and her realm.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


((Never mind then lol))

Alanca looks at her poem and rolls her eyes. She scrunches the poem up and throws it on the floor. After packing her things away she starts walking again.

Night Pony

No matter where Alanca went, scouts were always there ,gathering every bit of information.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Alanca starts stopping for short periods of time, looking at the scenery around her.

"Nothing much to write about here..."

Silver Snake

With a bright crack and a flash of red, Blue was deposited alone on the open field where he and Alkaid had met the Princesses. Halfway through their near-instantaneous journey back, the Princesses had intervened in his teleporting spell and directed Crimson to the North, as they had promised. It had been odd for him to be able to preform the spell in his spectral state in the mortal world. The Law god chalked it up to some effect of the place in they were in, or the Princesses let him think he had cast the spell to make him feel better. "Either way, that trip was exponentially less depressing than my normal trips to the mortal world. Though it was to a place where some of the worst atrocities known to ponykind were committed. Ugh, I think I need to stop thinking about that." Why he was talking aloud to no one, he wasn't sure. Of course, he was never alone. You never know when some of Night Shine's soul scouts were skulking about.

Realizing he had been standing in the same spot for the past three minutes, Blue shook his head to clear it and scanned the horizon for Alkaid. No sign of the grey pony. Odd... I thought I came to the same place. Maybe I was off.... I should probably find him and tell him that all went well. Lashing his tail, the leggy unicorn tried to focus on Alkaid's consciousness. His head felt like it was full of cotton fluff, and he couldn't concentrate on much of anything.


With a similar crack but a gold flash, Crimson was flung into the snow of the North, almost unceremoniously. He collided with the snowpack with a large whump, and he found himself buried face-first, rather close to Teal. The Earth pony pulled himself free, yet a dollop of snow remained on his nose. "RRrrggh... I don't even know what they needed me for. Blue could have easily done that on his own. Yeah, just leave it to Mr. Magic himself. Oh. Hello, you two. Ready to keep going?"

The Earth pony turned to his companions, emphasizing the fact that he was able to use his back left leg. One useful thing the Princesses had done was take the liberty of healing his wound. "Come now, we're not that far from the bridge! Riches await us at the top of that mountain, gentlecolts!" Crimson surprised himself with his jovial mood. Huh. Maybe they took away those feelings about Alkaid... He literally felt a twinge. Egh, no. They're still there. Though they might have given me peace for the moment. That was also kind of them.

Let's just.... Let's not ask too many questions about this one.

Night Pony

A slight growl could be heard. The undead were becoming weary of Crimson. Night Shine's orders lasted until they left the north, which the earth pony had done and with his return the dead minions were once again aggressive towards him.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Teal Turken

Teal shakes his head and rubs his eyes.
uh...w-what were we just....Crimson? You sorta just...appeared even though you were already here and....was that an illusion I was talking to? o.O
Where did you go? What happened? I don't understand...your leg is all better suddenly?


Bored, Alanca sits down and starts messing around with some of her elemental spells, levitating small  pieces of dirt and molding them into random sculptures.

Night Pony

Dust appeared in Night's realm and reported on the new goddess. Night turned her head towards the crow who was on her back.
"So an alicorn that can use elemental magic. Don't we have gods already controlling the four elementls?"

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


((Quickie, Alanca's realm is protection/Peace :)))

Alanca stopped messing around with dirt and started to watch the sky, looking at the clouds.

Night Pony

((So she would be be interested that in the north pole there are undead and two mortals are with them.  ovO Though they are aggressive only towards 1 of the mortals.))

"I doubt she'll do more damage than my elementals."
Night then turned to the Zeth doll. "Anyway I think this discussion is over so why don't you go and suggest to Gathering to help Ethereal with the new mortals. Or you could help the all knowing knowledge god, he was interested in making some mortals too." after that she opened up her wings and returned above the cloud cover.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


((Maybe idk  lol))

"Wonder what other gods could be around here..."

Alanca started to make out patterns and scenes in the sky


[shadow=darkgreen,left]"Sigh... Fine I'll pester Gathering... What has he been doing lately? he sort of disappeared for a few days or so."[/shadow] Zeth Replied before getting up and heading out of the castle.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

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