Pony Cosmology: Re-Creation (roleplay, Jump-in for MORTALS*, GODS sign up.)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2012 Apr 13, 08:31:18

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Night Sight

Meanwhile Night Sight testing his powers on a cross-eyed cow. The best part about being a mind god anything can happen in your realm because it is all imaginary, therefor he could literally do anything he wanted and he would not be restricted to his realm and nothing would happen to reality.


The goat ran across the vast seas, swam atop the greatest mountains, and climbed to the heavens. It flew across the many planes and reach it's destination, Night Sights Head. [glow=yellow,2,300]"MAAAHH~~~!"[/glow] it cried before leaping off; after which, it started walking around.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

"Yeah it seems you inherit it from Gathering. Why souls? There are already plenty undead in the north."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


[shadow=darkgreen,left]"Yeah but all undead do is moan and bite you.  At least souls try to keep things interesting; and really, not much is happening thanks to the lack of mortals."[/shadow]
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

"So the planet Zeth, who was sick of elementals and renegade souls running around and making havoc, asks for more souls to run and destroy things? I think I'll pass granting this request."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


 o.O [shadow=darkgreen,left]"I was sick of the souls? Night Shine, I don't think you understand.  I love them, they're so colorful!"[/shadow] :D [shadow=darkgreen,left]"Further more, I was only upset that those fire elementals, who were lighting me on fire; far more so than usual.  So I simply wanted to keep things in check.  Of course they simply got out of hoof instead, but in the end things did settle down, did they not?  I'm still not sure why you got rid of them."[/shadow] :I
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

"Because everypony sees my creations as something that is about to go wrong if it hasn't already. I've had it with prejudging and I will not send more souls to Creation."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


 :o Zeth didn't know what to say.  It was true that Night Shines Elementals have been a source of trouble over time. [shadow=darkgreen,left]"Hmmm but, wasn't it because the Elementals always took their commands or personalities to the extreme?  If they had some way of keeping themselves in-check, they probably would have gotten along better with everypony else.  From what I've seen, other than those few unsavory encounters, the Elementals were actually very productive and social-able.  I just think that everypony hasn't had a chance to get to know them better is all."[/shadow]
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

"Self check? I made a leader to monitor them constantly and then somepony manipulated her or you forgot about that? I made new elementals and gave them strict orders but you saw what happen."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


[shadow=darkgreen,left]"Hmm, true.  but, as far as the leader being manipulated; I sure that could have happened to any of the other gods creations, as well.  It really was just an unexpected result.  Though, as for those strict orders... well, they did seem unsociable, it was probably a matter of time before an incident occurred... wait If I recall, didn't you make some normal Elementals the first time around?  Why not just make them like that.  From what I remember, it was another gods influence shortly after their creation, that caused the trouble, right?  If you just made normal Elementals they might adapt to the other races more easily and cause less problems... or am I wrong about that?"[/shadow] Zeth sat there pondering.
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

"Define normal. I have made from ice to light ones."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


[shadow=darkgreen,left]"I mean; no special commands that they HAVE to follow, no weird personality quirks, Just straight up normal creations that behave like most others do.  Though I suppose, telling them to use their abilities responsibly like any other creation, would probably still be a good idea.  But yeah; If you did that, they probably would get along with everypony else... Why am I still saying Pony, There's hardly any here anymore...."[/shadow] Zeth curls up into a ball and starts thinking depressing thoughts. [shadow=darkgreen,left]"...They left me..."[/shadow] :c
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines


Alkaid looked at the Book summoned by Princess Luna; he was so happy that the Princess had asked for his help that he felt all his worries disappear at once. Now his only duty was to infuse all the needed information into the Book, and this was definitely something within his powers.

The grey pony rose from his kneeled position and, looking to his hooves - not daring to look directly at the Sisters - he said: "It'll be my pleasure to do what I can to help Your adventurers." Then he focused on the Book floating in front of him and, recalling every single detail of what he'd witnessed since Crimson had crossed the Portal, he magically engraved his memories - plus the memories he'd removed from Crimson and the ones that Blue Blur had chosen to show him in his punishment - within it.

When he finished, he returned the Book to Princess Luna, saying: "I-I've put an enchantment on the memories so that they can be read only by the ones You explicitly want to see them.". While speaking, he bitterly thought it was an useless precaution, both because the Princesses could certainly perform a much better enchantment themselves and because the Book was going to be brought to Equestria, where none of his powers were effective.

"I really hope to see You again soon...that is, whenever you happen not to have more important things to care about." he added with a last bow.

deviantART is magic
/!\ FIY: I sleep from 3 PM to 1 AM...curse you, time zones!

Night Pony

"They also will be looked with distrust for the actions of those before them and because most of the gods think I can't make decent creations. Also you have new mortals on the way do you not? Ethereal needs only the nature god to finish with the fawns."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Silver Snake

The Sun looked upon the Memory God, gratitude and affection the only apparent emotions on her face.

I thank You, Alkaid. You do not realize how of use this will be to the Adventurers. The knowledge of the Fallen Prince is imperative. And I think to have the Book delivered by His former subject would be most fitting. It may even help him solidify his trust in Us and the Gods, by knowing We trust Him.

The Older relieved the pale grey pony of the Book and held it while Her Sister summoned the vermilion Mortal to them. He tumbled out of the flash of magic, looking rather dazed. The Younger bent down to Him and fixed Him with Her gaze. They might have been having a mental discussion, for after a few moments, the Mortal pulled a face, but nodded.

Very well, the Younger began. He has agreed to this task. He shall go to Our Adventurers past the Equestrian border and He shall take the Book to Them. Our God of Laws and Order shall oversee Him. Are You ready, Sister?

The Sun nodded, and the god and mortal were sent across the planes to the gates of Pandemonium, where the Adventurers sat, holding their breath.

Celestia blinked, satisfied, and she began to leave, along with Her Sister, but she halted momentarily to tell Alkaid a few more things.

They will be done shortly, and when They have finished, We shall bring Blue Blur back here and Crimson Crisis back to His friends and Their adventure. And do not forget, You may call upon Us at any time. We are always listening for the prayers of Our Little Ponies.

With that, the Sun and Moon departed.

Let's just.... Let's not ask too many questions about this one.


Zeth looks back at Night Shine [shadow=darkgreen,left]"But they left too, since the nature god isn't around."[/shadow]
Currently: staring into space
Was: working on Tekner's MLP Minecraft Mod
Playing: Minecraft, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines

Night Pony

"Last I remember some fawns were on you playing a game. And Gathering has a staff of nature so I'm sure he could help Ethereal bring mortals."

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Teal Turken

Okay so we should get Crimson here to someplace comfortable, a place where it's not below 0 and full of creatures wanting to eat him. Um...oh! We should bring him to my little watery shrine...thing...it's back down near the portal and it's safe.


Alanca starts walking around some open field, paper and quills in her saddle bag

"This... looks a little different from when I last remembered it..."

She continues walking

Night Pony

Countless eyes gazed upon the new god as she entered Creation. The scouts took interest in her, like everything new.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

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