Time paradox: a story about you, yourself, and me, and myself. (sign up.)

Started by blobking156, 2014 May 31, 15:40:13

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If we are to participate in the experiment together, it may be advantageous to at least know your mental capacities.  Checkmate coolly explained, before focusing on the game.


"alright you'll be white."

Atlas has a look interest on his face.

"let's make this more interesting, I bet 130 bits I will win."

Teal Turken

Okay then, do I take the loser's spot on the board? he asks with a smile.


Keep your money.  There's no point in betting on a loser's race.  Checkmate warned the pony, before making his first move, then looking up.  I suppose we should at least know everypony's name here.  I am Checkmate.

Teal Turken

Teal takes a seat closer to the chess game and leans his head in close.
My name is Teal. ^-^


"meh name's Atlas, I make the maps for equestria and I adventure a lot...be needing 4 vaults for all meh loot."


I was wondering where you got your wealth.  Checkmate mumbled, making his moves slowly and surely, before he looked up, a small smile on his face.  Why don't you tell us of some of your adventures?

Teal Turken

Teal checks the map he has in his bag and notices Atlas's name on it. :I
I never thought I'd meet a map maker. he chuckles.


"that's right, I was aslo able to make a map based on soome calculation I made for the future and I have a map of the far past that was honded down to meh from my fore-fothers you can take look if yeh all want to."


Interesting.  Checkmate.  Checkmate had lost his smile, returning to his emotionless state.  Even stating his victory, he seemed more disinterested than proud.


Atlas notices checkmates look on his face.

"what be the issue with you friend, looks liek you seen ghosts."


Of course not, ghosts are mythical at best.  Simply put, I've learned that a smile can make ponies lower their guards and not pay attention to the game.  Furthermore, you were caught up in your stories which, while interesting, forced you to split your attention.  Understand now why I warned you not to bet money?  Checkmate said, before, resetting the board and turning to Teal.  I believe you wished to play against me?

Teal Turken

Yes! he grins.
And don't worry, I won't be so easily distracted! he puts on a game face. B)


The same trick never works twice, of course.  I wouldn't expect you to be distracted.  Checkmate allowed Teal to be the white pieces this time, his eyes focusing on his first move.

Teal Turken

Teal plays his first simple move and awaits Checkmate's move.
Are you expecting something else? he asks.


Not particularly.  I'm used to how I would react in this circumstance.  Of course I couldn't expect the same from anypony else.  Checkmate said, making his first move.

Teal Turken

How do you normally react?
Teal plays through the game with Checkmate, trying his best to remain focused.


as Atlas watches Teal and Checkmate play has he notices a strange disturbance in the air.

"does anyone else notice a weird feeling in theh air?


Why would I tell you that?  We are opponents, and nothing more.  Outside of this experiment, we have nothing tying us together whatsoever.  Checkmate said emotionlessly, making his moves faster this game.  And what sort of feeling?  There's plenty of things one could call "weird".

Teal Turken

Are you talking about that weird candle scent the professor uses? It makes me feel weird too.
Teal plays his game with Checkmate, only sometimes playing a move a little quickly. He gets a little caught up in Checkmate's quick moves.

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