
Started by Wind Storm, 2012 Nov 12, 19:57:49

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Wind Storm

Hi Every pony!  lol
Wind Storm here. I stumbled across this site from the Endless Forest.
Boy, am I glad I did!

I am a pony fan, roleplayer, fursuit maker, art student, and overall crazy girl.  :3

I love talking, and would love to chat, about anything!
You'll probably find me on the roleplaying board the most, or just wandering around the forums!

Hope to get to know you all soon!
Wind "Windy" Storm.

Aspiring Wonderbolt, and Weather Pony, Wind Storm.


Welcome! Hope you have a fun time like I have for the past year and more! ovO

A link to my tumblr above!
Tiger's OC page. Should re-do it...

Wind Storm

Well thanks!  lol
I hope so too!  :P

Aspiring Wonderbolt, and Weather Pony, Wind Storm.

The Wandering Magus

Quote from: Wind Storm on 2012 Nov 12, 19:57:49
Hi Every pony!  lol
Wind Storm here. I stumbled across this site from the Endless Forest.
Boy, am I glad I did!

I am a pony fan, roleplayer, fursuit maker, art student, and overall crazy girl.  :3

I love talking, and would love to chat, about anything!
You'll probably find me on the roleplaying board the most, or just wandering around the forums!

Hope to get to know you all soon!
Wind "Windy" Storm.
hello and welcome to the forums! :D  Glad to see another roleplayer!  If you're interested, I hope you can take a look at a few RPs I personally GM x3 The players and I over at Pony Cosmology and Royal Academy of Magic would love to have you over ^-^  I'm sure GalvinRoe would also love another player with his Princess Conspiracy RP too :)
(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE please check out the rules, explore and have fun 

Night Pony

Welcome to the forum!  ^-^

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Welcome! I guess you'll be having fun here, well I mean you WILL be having fun and all here!
They are eating her, and then they are going to eat me! OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD


Hay! Welcome to the forum. HAVE FUN :D
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />

The Silent Wolf

Welcome, it's great to see someone else here has a fursuit. ^-^
If The Silent Wolf is to long, just call me Kake

Skype if you happen to want to talk to me: Pokemonvskirby
I'm a little seal nerd, short and stout, here is my flipper, here is my snout~

Wind Storm

Quote from: The Silent Wolf on 2012 Nov 13, 10:55:55
Welcome, it's great to see someone else here has a fursuit. ^-^

I actually have two at the moment.^-^' The grand side to making them.

But thanks all for the welcomes~ :3

Aspiring Wonderbolt, and Weather Pony, Wind Storm.

Lord of Madness

Greetings from Madness!!! If you need any help there is a place with threads for that right Here.
There is even a thread where some Ponies ask questions Here.
Or you could even ask some of us members, we would be glad to help. Be sure to read the Rules

I like the fact that your crazy :3


It seems I've missed the initial welcome wagon! Dear goodness, forgive me! I'm rather . . . slow . . . when it comes to greeting ponies. And I'm quite disappointed I didn't get to welcome you before the novelty of it wore off.

Still . . . I'd like to offer a friendly greeting to 'Legends of Equestria'. I hope you'll have a ball of a time here, everyone is grand here and we accept each other, through 'fault and fatigue'  ovO. I too am something of a, conversation addict. . . SO, please! Anytime you feel a need to chatter I'd be happy to respond.

NOW! I see my good pal, Magus, has already informed you of several promising Role-plays and even turned you onto 'mine'. Well, I hope you'll consider looking into them.

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT MY INTERESTS! This is your party and I hope I haven't bored you! So enjoy your celebration and I'll see you around the forums.

~ Best wishes from your friend, GalvinRoe

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