The Future of Ponyville .::JUMP-INS ALLOWED::.

Started by LeoraNFriends, 2014 Jan 18, 21:53:46

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The rhythmic ticking of the clock was muffled by the thud of Nimbus' head upon the desk. No customers had shown up in, well what felt like ages. So instead of doing something productive like reading, he thudded his head against the desk.

A sudden rapping on the desk brought him to his senses and he looked up into the eyes of his boss Locker.

"Nim seriously, if you don't like this job you should apply else where." he muttered shaking his head.

"Eh, you know me. Too lazy to apply anywhere else." He smiled sheepishly.

"Well whatever, your shift is up now. Go collect your pay from Rocker and you can go." he replied walking back to his office.

Quickly trotting from behind the desk, he headed to the back room where Rocker was busy building rocking chairs. Without looking up at him, Rocker dropped a hefty bag of bits and continued his work. Nimbus grabbed the bag, stuffed it into his own and flew out the door thinking 'Yes! Time for some fun!'

Dark Hooves

Quote from: Tabbyte on 2014 Apr 15, 23:57:14
Artimis hisses and attempts to bite Lynx. But before he can reach out to bite she scolds him. " Artimis! Don't! " she says as she hits him on the neck.

Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2014 Apr 16, 23:22:56
Feisty one isn't he. He laughs.

//here is where we left off at
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


(( Cloudling and Lynx are going to lunch when she notices a few ponies chatting, one looking worried. She sends Artimis to check it out. Act One attacks Artimis suspecting him to be wild, Flurry is brought into it. Cloudling stops the conflict. Flurry bullies Cloudling. ))

Dark Hooves

Everypony settle down. He surrounds the arguing ponies with forcefields.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


Cloudling stares coldly at Flurry as the forcefields separate them.

Dark Hooves

Please calm down, arguing does solve anything.
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


Flurry rolled her eyes at Cloudlings comment. It was a figure of speech, you can't put leash on a serpent. Were these ponies really not that smart? With her final piece said, Flurry left the group of ponies to continue what she had come here to do. Unfortunately, she was focused a bit to hard on this. She was paying very little attention to her surroundings, much less the force field that somepony had put up...and, she ended up running into it headfirst. She stumbled backwards when she hit it, nearly falling over. "Ow, hey, what gives?!" She winced as she rubbed a spot on her head that she hit the force field with as she regained her balance. She turned around, giving a displeased look to the ponies, obviously not to happy to have her progress further impeded.

"Oi, which one of you put this up!" She growled, placing a hoof on the force field in an attempt to escape it. It was futile though, as using just her less than awesome strength alone wouldn't be very effective at getting past it. She calmed herself down, though, and gave the pony speaking about ponies arguing a cold look. "No one was arguing. I was making a statement. If they can't handle the truth, then, well, maybe they should've stayed at home today. She coldly stated.
My OC's Feel free to tell me what you think of them. I'm open to all constructive criticism. It will be periodically updated whenever I feel like it~


It wasn't unusual for the brown Pegasus mare to be out this late at night, so whilst flying over the street she spotted the group of arguing ponies. Completely forgetting about the Timberwolf pup in her saddlebag, she reluctantly descended towards the group to find out what they were talking about.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*



((I'll pick up on the letter plot Rune))

Rounding the corner, Nimbus giggled joyfully at the prospect of his shift's end. All he could think about was the new hay-burger place that opened up in the suburbs of Ponyville. He could almost taste the fried hay and the triple decker- "GAH!"

Rubbing his muzzle, Nimbus opened a teary eye to see several arguing ponies standing around with what appeared to be a force field erected around them. Looking around the floor, Nimbus spotted his belongings scattered on the ground.

"Oi! What gives?" he shouted scooping up his book, a letter, some parchment and his bit bag, "Never mind, not my problem any how." He finished rather rudely and took off, flying past a brown Pegasus who seemed to be descending on the group.

Act One

After the "teachings of Flurry" had been given to him, Act just mumbles to himself for a moment:
"I know I'm not a hero, but I was all this lot had..." Sigh...

Then he hears the shouting from Lynx and the complaints from Flurry, deciding to test his own luck. Act pushes into the air and his hoof connects with the invisible container.
Figuring that loud noises and voicing inefficient opinions at the heated debate won't let him out sooner (and since he's already moody from long work hours and the incident that just occurred), he stays quiet and then decided to test another escape theory...
Scuffing the floor on the dirt track, he continues to create a hole downwards. He gets a good measure down and then digs sideways until he was happy he was at the right distance, and then worked up. After creating a small tunnel, he jumps out the other end and repeats the force-field test with his hoof. Only made contact in the original position - He deducted that he was free. A chirp smile appeared on his face at his achievement and starts to trot off past the others.

He comes across Cloudling and whispers as he goes past her:
"If you want some saving grace, escape the prison while you can. Pfft - Some force-field..."

Act One takes one last glance at the irritated Flurry, and just carries on.
I could swear that she'd be a decent enough pony to know and would actually help others, if she didn't have such a crack in her tone when talking to others.
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


Touching her hooves to the ground, and taking a second to gawk at the reasonably sized hole leading under the force-field, Windfrost took a good look around the otherwise empty street. The force-field was sound-proof, so the only sound was coming from the hole in the street.

She considered walking into the argument and asking what this was about, but instead saw a Stallion who appeared to have just come from it. Wind approched the pony and casually greeted them.

"Hi- uh- whats up with those ponies over there?"

So much for beating around the bush. She decided to get straight to the point anyways, now noticing the small shifting in her saddlebag from the waking Timber pup.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*


Act One

Stopping abruptly due to the brown winged mare, he catches the question passed to him and takes a deep breath before answering.

"I swear, all this inhaling and exhaling is gonna do me in one day, but this is certainly a day for them. That back there is my masterpiece, of which I had no control over when I decided to do something in an awkward and seemingly dangerous situation. I almost regret trying to help out today, but I'll do this last act of kindness for your sakes - unless you want a whirlwind of taunts, huffs and confusion, step far away from that mess back th-"

At that moment, he could of sworn that the saddle bag the pegasus carried shuffled on its own, and blinked a doted look at it. Eyes return to the eyes of the brown mare, as an "are you kidding me?" expression folded onto Act's face.

"I'm not even going to ask what is in your bag - I've had enough trouble with critters and surprises for one day, so I'm just gonna play ignorant to it. Just take due care, madam."

With that, he starts to wander back to the flat, before trouble finds him again.
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


Just as confused as she was before -And maybe even more so-, Windfrost stopped and watched the strange stallion trot away. If anything in the jumble of words make sense, it was that she had to stay away from those other ponies.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*



2014 Apr 22, 19:09:52 #73 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 22, 19:20:41 by RuneAlchemist
((Thanks Zerum, I was hoping somepony would! Feel free to do what you want with it for now. I would like Flurry to realize its missing before anything major happens with it, if you don't mind though.))

Flurry watched as Act made his way out of the force field by digging under it. Well, that was a creative solution to the problem, she admitted silently to herself. Right now though, she needed to get out of here. She didn't think digging would solve her problem. She doubted she could do it herself, and Act didn't look like he was in very much of a mood to help her. That didn't stop her from trying to get him to help though, in her own rather...rude way.

"H-hey! You can't just leave me here! It's your fault I'm in this mess!" She called after Act as he left after he briefly talked with Windfrost. Unfortunately, her cry seemed to fall on deaf ears as Act was already leaving.

Scowling, she sat in the middle of the force-field. Feeling a bit hungry, as she hadn't ate since she left Canterlot, she reached into her saddle bags and took out an apple. She took a bite out of it, and waited.
My OC's Feel free to tell me what you think of them. I'm open to all constructive criticism. It will be periodically updated whenever I feel like it~


((Sure thing Rune))

Once Nimbus was far from the commotion, he landed in a nearby park and tried to cool his hot head. 'Well that was really rude Nim. Maybe you should go back an apologize. Then again, it wasn't really your fault for being angry with them. Who in their right mind erects a force field in the middle of nowhere?!' Huffing, Nimbus trotted over to a park bench and sat down for a spell enjoying the quite serine of the location. Not too many ponies walked through here except the old folk. He looked up and spotted two old Unicorns in a heated debate about somepony named Trixie.

Smiling, Nimbus dug into his bags and pulled out the scrap of parchment he always carried and began to jot down his thoughts on today's events:

Journal entry Number 20
Today was the same old same old: waking up, breakfast, running late to work, work, a short break for lunch then more work. Today's sales weren't stellar, then again when are they ever? If Rockerz keeps obsessing with perfection, he'll never sell another one of his chairs. I think Lockerz is getting annoyed by his younger brother. Kinda caught it when he told me to go get my day's pay from him. Weirdest thing though, after work I was on my way to the new hay-burger place...what's it called? Bab's Best Burgers? I don't know, some chain thing, anyway off topic. I ran into this rather large group of ponies arguing in the middle of the street. What was weirder was that there was a force field erected around them. That's something you don't see every day.


Wind was about to leave when the commotion in her saddlebag got worse, and the Timber pup escaped. "Wait, no, come back!" Windfrost called after the fleeing orphan. She expected it to take off the down the street, but instead it jumped right into the hole and re-appeared on the other side of the force-field.

Feeling the colour drain from her face, she peered into the hole. She wasn't scared, she wasn't- okay, maybe she was scared- of other ponies. The anti-social mare reluctantly crawled into the hole, and with her ears pressed flat against her head, she surfaced on the other side and began her search for the Timber Wolf pup. She winced as she brushed against other ponies legs as she crawled on the ground close to her stomach, not daring to say a thing or make herself noticeable.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*




((Well Tabbyte, someone came along and put a forcefield around the ponies because they thought it would solve the arguing. If they don't un-forcefield us soon, i'ma continue on anyways xP))
My OC's Feel free to tell me what you think of them. I'm open to all constructive criticism. It will be periodically updated whenever I feel like it~


Windfrost saw the mischievous pup, but before she could reach it, she bumped into somepony, and the little wolf took off again.
Quote from: Jaywo on 2014 May 12, 13:03:14
*Begins whipping around the MEGAPERMBANHAMMER and whacks innocents, sending them into MEGAPERMBANOBLIVION*


Act One

((Im'ma gonna see if this story can be saved.))

In one of the houses in the street, the owner was cleaning the place up near a window. As the pony knocked over a glass flask, it breaks and blue dust flies outside in the wind.
As the forcefield protected most of the ponies, the dust storms through the pathway. Only Lynx was in its radius, making the pony feel drowsy. Loosing concentration, he can not hold the forcefields up with his magic anymore.
The dust disapates into the enviroment.
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.

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