The Future of Ponyville .::JUMP-INS ALLOWED::.

Started by LeoraNFriends, 2014 Jan 18, 21:53:46

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Dark Hooves

<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


Cloudling grins and strokes Artemis. " I'm a little hungry... Do you wanna come to the cafe with me?" she says shyly.

Dark Hooves

<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs.


2014 Apr 17, 21:38:56 #43 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 19, 00:08:10 by Clisis
((Hope it is alright if I join in)) *I run around the side of the building to the front of the well trying to catch my breath but grumbling to myself* Where did she go! *I yelled more loudly then I should have*
I AM NOT A MARE! -.- It really does bug me!

My OC:


Electric Gamer and Solar Beam walked around Ponyville. All these memories... says Electric while blushing a bit. This was the place we first met chuckled Solar.
Stay Happy!


2014 Apr 18, 23:28:24 #45 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 19, 00:08:41 by Clisis
*I run up to Electric Gamer and Solar Beam* I am so sorry but have you seen a little mare running around? She ran off while I was looking at somethings. *I have such a worried look on my face*
I AM NOT A MARE! -.- It really does bug me!

My OC:

Act One

As Act One finishes off an early morning of general labour for an elderly couple, he gives out a tremendous yawn due to the workload and irritable sleep patterns. Thinking to himself:
"Man... If I have to bundle another lot of hay into the 3rd floor of another flat, it'll be too soon..."

It is only been a few days off his travels, finding a place to stay in Ponyville, it was a slow but steady start to his stay in the area. Now he is walking back towards his own flat with the small earnings of his labour.
As he does so, he notices 3 ponies together in the street, one of them acting a bit nervous in explaining something. Without hearing too much as of yet, he shifts into a nearby alley and listens out to the conversation in case of anything suspicious. Act tries to flick an eye and an ear around the corner of the alley to do so.
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


((hope you don't mind having another pony here just posting a brief introduction for her, though if anyone wishes to speak to er, go ahead. Just be careful, she's not having a good day and isn't the nicest of ponies.~))

Flurry stepped off the train to Ponyville, almost missing her stop from the nap she had decided to take. She dreaded even thinking about such a thing happening. Not only had Rune kicked her out of his home and sent her to find a...'job', whatever that was, but she'd be completely lost if that happened. More so than she already was. She took a few steps away from the train, holding the map in front of her with her wings. A map would be good, in most cases. Flurry, however, couldn't make head nor tails of the thing.

"You know what? I should just spend all my money getting a train ticket back to Canterlot just so I can give that moron a piece of my mind." She grumbled as she looked up from the map in an attempt to get her bearings. It didn't help, as the map Rune had given her seemed to be completely off, or at least it seemed to be to her. It wasn't until she noticed a larger map hanging on the stations wall that she realized what she had done. She facehoofed, and with a dexterous wing motion, flipped the map over. "Ugh...I'm so going to get him whenever I get back." She grumbled to herself.

Finally having gotten her bearings, she glanced at the letter Rune had given her. She had stapled it to the top left corner of the map so she wouldn't loose it. It was supposed to help her 'get a job'. She had her doubts, she was never good with so called 'jobs'. Rune said to just give it a try. She would, and like everything else in her life, she'd fail at it. Either because she was too clumsy, not intelligent enough, or just generally not very good at anything aside from apparently being mean. Maybe she could get a fresh start in Ponyville though. She had never been here after all, and she didn't have anything better to do either. Rune would just be angry with her if she left without even trying. She'd let this run its course, and go back to Canterlot when it ended the way things always end. With a grunt, she folded the map and set off to find her new place of 'work'. Maybe things could be different here, but she was skeptical.

((I apologize if its a bit lengthy and seems a bit intimidating. I normally RP on a forum where three-four paragraphs is the norm  X3))
My OC's Feel free to tell me what you think of them. I'm open to all constructive criticism. It will be periodically updated whenever I feel like it~


As Cloudling trots away to the cafe she notices three ponies, one very nervous. She lays Artimis on the ground. " Can you go check out what is going on Artimis? " she whispers to the snake who slithers off toward the ponies. He curls up close to the ponies, but his glaring baby blue stripes do not fit in well with the path and he is easily noticable.


"Five bits." Nimbus stated lazily as a customer trotted up to the desk. After depositing the bits, Nimbus, without looking, stretched out his wing, hooked one of the many rings with a single key and handed it with practice ease to the customer finishing the display with "You're locker is #207, have a nice day." Then his wing descended down and flipped the book that was propped up on the desk. Even though he had been working at the Lockers n' Rockers shop, which oddly enough was out of rocking chairs, Nimbus had memorized all the key hook numbers and after a few days of practice was able to hand them to the customers without looking.

Snorting, Nimbus shut the book and hurried his face in his hooves. "Just twenty more minutes." He told himself as he peaked up at the clock. To his dismay the clock told him he had thirty minutes.

Act One

2014 Apr 21, 13:29:39 #50 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 21, 13:53:43 by Act One
The 2 mares were still looking confused at the nervous quizler, as Act One continues to observe.
"Hmm... nothing too suspicious here.
As he starts to figure things are getting sorted, the catches another set of marbles glitter.
Act focuses on the objects, and catches the reptile that they belong to slivering near the group. His pupils shrink and brows cave in together in shock.

"S-snake! I've got to do something!"
He takes a breath to gain confidence, and with a last mental sign, Act bolts out the alley.
As the othet ponies check a quick blur past them, they see the action hero leap at the serpent they did't notice. Catching and rolling with the scaled foe, the grey haired warrior then pins the what would be considered the tip of his hoof to the back of it's head and steadies himself. Then reality hits-

"Erm. Help!" He shrieks, "Can somepony give me a h-hoof?! I don't know what to do next!"
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


Flurry had made her way from the train station to a main part of the town. She had to admit, she found Ponyville rather pleasant. For one, most ponies didn't try to avoid her like they did in Canterlot. Being the pessimist she was though, it was only a matter of time before she obviously screwed up in some way and made somepony angry with her, forever damaging her reputation. It was then, in these thoughts she heard a commotion. She lowered the map from the front of her face, and saw a pony tackling a snake. The pony in question though, quickly freaked out after he had it pinned.

"Well, then maybe you shouldn't have tried to play hero when you're obviously not cut out for it. You're shaking in your hooves." She snidely smirked as she trotted over to the pony."Give it here, I'll take care of it if you won't."

((Tell me if Flurry becomes a bit too mean, I can tone her mean-o-meter down some xP))
My OC's Feel free to tell me what you think of them. I'm open to all constructive criticism. It will be periodically updated whenever I feel like it~

Act One

2014 Apr 21, 17:51:05 #52 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 21, 17:56:21 by Act One
((OOC: Nah, You're doing fine at this moment of time. If that's the personality, that's what it is, and change can happen from the RP's events. Keep up your persona, it's interesting.))

As the new arrival trotted by him, Act One figured from her answer-to-the-call wasn't exactly helpful until she insisted to aid him. However...

"Well, erm... Geez, that would be nice, and a-all, but the problem you see before you is... well, that's kind of my issue here. I can't just hand the snake over! I don't know how to give to somepony this creature when I h-have no idea on snake wrangling, or if when I lift one hoof from the head, it'll bite me. If I let it's body up, like this, it'll surely-"

Big mistake!

The serpent's now free body flicks into action and it wraps the tail around the neck of the former captor and pulls him sideways. Both captor and captee were in each others' clasp, but the snake couldn't choke the cumbersome stallion and he couldn't regain a good advantage or grip on the opponent. As they tumble around, their chaotic dance for supremacy has turned the fortunes of one particular audience - the one who gave their hoof in aid.
Bumping into Flurry, her name becomes the very essence of the enthralled wrestling match as the 1-on-1 becomes a 3-way-dance. Her smirk disappears and her body disrupts the flow of the fight - giving the snake a chance of turning things it's way.
It tries to switch gripping Act's neck to yanking his fore hoof down as it would force him onto his belly and then be able to wrap him up in a knot with his other limbs, using most of it's body. Then it could strike without hassle.

However, it didn't account for the fact Ms Flurry was about, and so when the snake flicked down its victim's "wrist" (for lack of a better term), Act would evidently fall onto her! Belly-to-belly, he crashes into her and she falls on her back with him face-to-face with her. Act's eyes are forcefully locked on hers, and the tight space they have been given only makes the situation more awkward for Act One. Grey cheeks burst into a rosy flush and he can see the twinkle in Flurry's eyes. It was capture there for a second with his heartbeat pulsing harder, and his mind still. Within her eyes, a mirror of her soul is revealed - as well as the reflection of the snakes bearing teeth.

Pulling his tag-partner in this rumble, he forces her to roll with him and the snake's face plants on the floor. Before its senses were gained, the couple continued the roll and eventually wrapped up the predator around themselves. Now all 3 were knotted and contained in its own little package, with not a hope for them to free themselves.

Regaining a measure of the situation, he looks at himself, then the snake collied around him, and then a quick glance at his fellow companion in the trap. With a blush, he faced away and gave his verdict on the case:

Okay, I can't really do anything at this time... Are you sure you can handle the problem now? You seemed a little hoof-tied yourself..."
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


2014 Apr 21, 19:01:22 #53 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 21, 19:03:32 by Tabbyte
Cloudling opens her eyes, " Gee.. Artimis has been gone for a while... At least I'm not all that tired..." she gets up sleepily and notices Artimis, Flurry and Act all in a heated fight.

" Artimis! What do you think your doing! " she says in a loud angered voice.

Artimis immediatly releases the troubled ponies. ( Hey! They started it!) he says as he slithers over to Cloudling.

(( Artimis speaks in brackets and cannot be understood by ponies, only animals can hear him ))

Act One

Realising the restraint released and the voice of another pony come sounding in, Act looks up and notices Cloudling galloping towards them.
He looks at her and then switches to Artimis and back to her again in confusion.

"Wait... That snake is yours?! And you speak reptilian?!"

Realising the danger is over, he tries to regain some composure.

"So, what took you so long to figure out your friend was going to prey on those ponies there? You weren't trying anything, were you?" He asked raising an eyebrow, but in a more gentle voice to allow her to explain herself.
The the immediate issue came to light.
"Oh! Erm, sorry... Forgot you were still there, miss." Remembering the gal he was tied to and blushes embarrassed, he steps off Flurry and lends a hoof out. "Need help?"
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


" I was going to make him see what was up with those ponies... " she says as she points at the three ponies. " Did he attack on sight, or was he passive until how may have close...? " she adds looking worriedly at Artimis.


Please remember to follow the forum rules in Roleplaying and don't forget there is a roleplay division for the forum rules

Act One

Turning back to Cloudling with a sense of ire, he starts to answer her questions.

"With due respect to your companion, it's not everyday that snakes roam the streets of a village or town on its own. I mean I haven't seen it that often, but I'm not sure many other ponies with a defensive instinct would think a predator would just stroll around and ignore a meal. So I was the one who acted first to protect the others."

He expected a bad reaction to come his way, so he bowed his head to Cloudling and continued.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was tame or your friend... I didn't want to hurt him, hence why I just put pressure on the head and not stomp on him."
Experiencing new and unique things - Ready to "Act Out"whenever necessary. My OCs so far - Act One, Pressure Point, Warpcore.


2014 Apr 21, 23:08:34 #58 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 21, 23:14:59 by RuneAlchemist
Flurry really was prepared to help, even if she had been in her statement and observations. When Act took his hoof off the head of the snake, she was prepared to deal with it herself, but the snake acted faster than she could. The snake pounced, and wrapped itself around its captor, who was struggling to deal with the reptile. Flurry immediately went to back away from the struggle, but as usual acted just a bit slower than she needed too.

She was caught in the fray with the snake and the other pony. She struggled in vain to free herself from the fray, the more she struggled though, the more she seemed to get tangled and added to their plight. Soon, she found herself underneath the pony who had dragged her into this mess. It was awkward to say the least. Flurry had never been this close to anypony before. Her grey blue coat turned redder than a ripe apple as they briefly lay there. She was close enough to touch his face with her nose, if she wanted too.

Soon though, he flipped them over and the three ended up in a tangled mess that neither of them could free themselves of.

"And who's fault is that? Yours, dumbflank." She grumbled with a glare to the pony. She struggled again, in vain to get free. Their bonds only serving to increase her agitation. Thankfully, it didn't last long, as the owner of the serpent called it off, freeing both of them from the entanglement. The pony that was on top of her said something to the snakes owner as she impatiently tapped a hoof, waiting for him to get off.

After he did so, she stands up and dusts herself off without so much as a glance to Act. "I think you've helped enough." She coldly stated, rejecting his offer of assistance as she went to collect the contents of her saddle bags, a few objects of which had spilled during the scuffle. Any good mood she might have been in, completely vanished as she went to collect the things she spilled from her saddle bags. Everything was there, mostly, or so she thought. She didn't realize it, but the letter she was supposed to give whoever she was going to go see about employment had become detached from the map. It had gotten lost somewhere during the scuffle. She was too agitated to notice, though. Instead, she turned to the snakes owner as Act finished speaking.

"Keep that pest of yours on a leash, got that?" She spat, giving the pony a glare."Next time, I'll make sure this doesn't happen." She warned as she turned to leave, though stopped momentarily to glance over her shoulder and give Act a cold look. "And you, don't play hero when you're scared of a little snake. Let someone who's actually gonna do something instead of cower like a little filly do it instead." With a final grunt, she trotted off. She had business to attend to, not noticing the letter was missing.

(( got caught up with some things, sorry for the somewhat late reply. I managed to work with your post Act, but next time just please ask, I'll normally say yes. I don't bite...much. ^-^

Anyone who wants to find the letter and follow after her, feel free too. Or not, and let what little of a dream she has be crushed. And as always, if Flurry seems a bit to mean, lemme know.))
My OC's Feel free to tell me what you think of them. I'm open to all constructive criticism. It will be periodically updated whenever I feel like it~


Cloudling gave Flurry a cold, hard stare. " How the hay are you meant to leash a snake..." she said as Artimis slithers up her hoof and around her neck. She snake nuzzles her and hisses at Flurry. ( You really like to boil other ponies' blood.. ) he hisses as Cloudling nods in agreement.

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