World of Discord (RP)

Started by The Wandering Magus, 2013 Sep 12, 13:00:56

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"Can't leave a... friend behind, can we?" Shade said as she hooked up the wagon to the saddle she put on. "I will try to keep steady." She started to pull the wagon in the direction of Avalon. With a slow pace, they were off. Shadechaser was cautious of the bumps and dips, and still was alert to the potential threats.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Bane Emural

Bane smiles and lays his head on the hay. You are a good friend Shade, more than I can ever ask. He blows a little into the wind, and in turn the winds create a melody through the trees, one that may favor the shadows. This is as much as I can offer right now.
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


Shade thought, [glow=purple,2,300]These sounds are ... calming, and soothing. If I knew such a melody, the lord would have less outbursts. The residents would be more talkative. The whole of Oblivion would be more calming. Such thoughts shouldn't be, but if the land is what it appears I might have enough energy to scout the ends of these lands. I might do that later, but now, I need to bring him to the sanctuary.[/glow] The melody continued to play at the will of the shadows, along with a few winds that attempted to soothe Bane's pain.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Bane Emural

Bane hears the melody, one that the winds will know. I knew you would like it. He drifts off into slumber, the recovery process begins.
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


(its been a while since i posted and i do not know how to fit myself in so unless somepony helps me fit in back into rp i may never post)

that moment when the people you rp with come on when your about to sleep..


2014 Jan 22, 15:57:07 #1625 Last Edit: 2014 Jan 23, 07:05:05 by bauccgia0
((We're at Avalon right now, about to go see the tree of Harmony. I'm going to the library, Clockwork is talking to Apple Pie, and Twilight has just reunited with Cadence. Does that cover it?))

Laserbolt, impatient at waiting, saw Apple Pie talking with Clockwork. [glow=black,2,300]Huh. I should probably talk to her at some point. She's part of the Apple family, right? [/glow]He said, to no one in particular.


Chrysteel moved with cadence as a daughter and guardian would. She was silent along the way remembering the last time she had visited the tree. it was how she got her vision about the fruit coming to bear after the 1000 year reign of chaos in Equestria. Her features are that of one who has seen much and knows a lot more then she can or will say. To any connected to her all they can sense, even if mind linked in a form of hive link, is love and lots of it.

As they draw ever closer to the tree the sense of love coming off of her just continues to grow. the closer they get to the tree the harder it is for her to hide her true power. Love the most dominating thing in the world, now held in the hooves of a love feeder.


Shadechaser and Bane were close to the edge of the hidden land when Shade said, "If the last of the First is my only friend... then that is a start. He should rest as much as he needs. Sometimes, rest is better than anything else." She stopped at the edge of what she could sense as the hidden land to look at the path she traveled. "If one can only know the hope that every being needs to feel... a friend that will always be there... a true friend,... then every thing would be better... every being feeling hope... every day... waiting to see the sun, once... again..." She turned back to the path and started to push forward.

[glow=purple,2,300]Touching. You seem to be growing attached to that creature in the wagon. If you only knew what I have been through... I know what you have been through. If only you knew... Did you hear me? ... Some things the shadows cannot detect... The shadows can see all. All that is shown by the light. The endless dark can only hide the truth.[/glow]
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Asterian Starfall

2014 Jan 23, 17:33:53 #1628 Last Edit: 2014 Jan 23, 17:57:30 by Asterian
Sometime during the walk, Asterian darted out of sight for a split second, reappearing mere seconds later. Instead of his cavalier hat, cloak, and repeater, he was wearing a hooded robe and wielded what resembled gauntlets on his front calves. The robes bore a vine pattern near the edges of the hood and sleeves, slight lacing near the collar, and an embroidered signet on the shoulders that shown a two quills forming an inverted V, a small curve enclosing the arch and a heart inlaid in the center. The same signet, cast in silver inlays, was visible on the sides of his belt and his gauntlets.

[glow=yellow,2,300]"I apologize for that. I needed some new effects,"[/glow] Starfall chuckled from under his hood. [glow=yellow,2,300]"Last time we were here, I promised a master craftspony in the merchant's guild my repeater in exchange for a few things, that and the last of the Heart Gems you gave me, Chrysteel. Of course, they're not all gone..."[/glow] He hints at the necklace he gave to Chrysteel during their last visit in Avalon, smiling as he remembers the time he had.

Asterian continued to walk close to Chrysteel on their way to the tree. As they drew closer, he could sense Chrysteel's aura growing around her, and he himself felt a growth inside himself. It was as if the Tree was blowing air on a fire. He felt the energy radiating from it and from Chrysteel.


The group rounded a corner, and there it was. The Tree of Harmony. It shown like it was made of the finest gem, and it almost seemed to wink at the group as they approached. Standing off to either side of the Tree are a familiar pair, Koalemos and Guru Fido. They looked calmly at the group in the same manner wise mentors would have towards their students. They stood silently, as if they were sentinels.

Suddenly, Queen Cadence stepped forward in front of the group. "As you have guessed," she began, "This is the Tree of Harmony. Every one thousand years, the Tree bears its fruit, and only every one thousand years can it be harvested. Remember, if you pick from the Tree, you must pick another, for one is to be given to another, and one is to be kept."

As if in response to the Queen, six vines seemed to grow outward from the Tree, forming several small buds at the end of each one.


Asterian bowed before Cadence. [glow=yellow,2,300]"Thank you for allowing us to participate in such a historic event."[/glow] Once he had risen, he slowly trotted towards the Tree, noticing the markings that seemed to sweep along it. He continued around until he came to one vine in particular, approaching it with conscious respect.
"Luck is how you explain an overly-variabled scenario that went in your favor." - Asterian Élire Starfall


Laserbolt trotted into the clearing of the Tree. He had shrunk in size, his wings were gone, and his coat was white, like normal. The only difference between how he normally looked and now were his eyes, a steely blue.Sorry, couldn't contain myself. I had to see it. I am a scientist, after all. This opportunity doesn't present itself that often. He calmly walked up next to Asterian. It really is beautiful, isn't it. He grinned.


Laserbolt trotted up to Clockwork, about to ask him if he wanted to go to the library. As he opened his mouth, it seemed like he realized something. [glow=black,2,300]Um, Clockwork? Do you know if this world's version of me is dead?[/glow]


Shadechaser walked down the well-crafted paths, stopped near the 'throne room,' and dropped the wagon. "I hope this decision is not my curse," she stated as she turned to walk to the Ancient Willow. "Nothing will find me if I lose sight of the light, so why do I try to leave it...?" Shade muttered to herself.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


Quote from: bauccgia0 on 2014 Jan 23, 17:42:57
Laserbolt trotted into the clearing of the Tree. He had shrunk in size, his wings were gone, and his coat was white, like normal. The only difference between how he normally looked and now were his eyes, a steely blue.Sorry, couldn't contain myself. I had to see it. I am a scientist, after all. This opportunity doesn't present itself that often. He calmly walked up next to Asterian. It really is beautiful, isn't it. He grinned.

Chrysteel knows the fruit is yet to fully bloom. She says, "[glow=navy,2,300]I would stay back till the fruit ripens fully if I were you. there is a reason that I can't control my aura energy right now. the tree needs it to ripen the fruit. Legend says that the tree use to hold 6 gem like fruit in it. this tree used its great magic to keep the land safe. but about 2000 years ago the royal sisters, Celestia and Luna, used the fruit from the tree to seal discord. They sought out the tree and borrowed the fruit thinking the power of the tree would last till the now named elements of harmony could be returned to it. but about 1000 years ago discord broke his seal and the tree's power was not enough alone to put him back. The elements had failed to seal him again.
Myself and Cadence keep the tree alive by every so often sending our power into the tree. I am doing so right now. I have done this every even 100 years and Cadence has done it every odd numbered 100 years. It is funny that the fruit ripening would happen at the same time I am to send power into the tree. I know not where I am getting this much power from but it seams to be helping the tree ripen the fruit with love and care.
Chrysteel looks to bolt and says, "[glow=navy,2,300]You bear the same aura as another but not the same. You are Laserbolt, but you are also not a nightmare. You are the same, but not the same, as him. I think you have a paradox about you.[/glow]"


[glow=black,2,300]I... see. What, then, are the odds that that version of myself is with the Tree of Harmony?[/glow] Laserbolt looks toward the castle nervously. How did I not figure this would happen!? That's an amateur mistake!

Laserbolt smiled sadly. I know, the tree needs time. I just wanted to see it. Seemingly oblivious to her remark about him, he looked at the tree, and pulled a jewelry chain out of the cloak's pocket. On the end of the chain was a cracked, grey jewel, in the shape of a balloon. I can't believe it's been so long. It seems like only yesterday... He says to nopony in particular. Then, he just looks to the tree, wistfully.


"[glow=navy,2,300]It can't be.....That is laughter's element gem! How come you have it? I thought all the gems were inside of their bearer? Mother, could it be possible?[/glow]" Chrysteel says. She comes next to bolt and her aura is now unable to be hidden to all near the tree at this time.

Spoiler: Chrysteel's Valor's Love Aura Description • show

This aura, mixed of silver and pink, is currently far more pink then silver. Her love aura spells and her harmonic aura spells are at 75% maximum power. if these auras were to align at full power each then all spells will have double the effectiveness on anything affected by harmonic energies.
Aura mixture:
Silver Hope = 20%
Pink Love = 80%

This aura is one of the most beautiful auras any would say they have seen. With in this aura is a mark. This mark Holds more then what one can perceive as beauty. The symbol for this mark is The astral sign for The Lovers.

Chrysteel seems to not notice this mark. It also appears to overlap her cutie mark.

She says to Bolt, "[glow=navy,2,300]May I see that gem please? I think we can restore its power. If it truly is the element of laughter from way back then. we have time before the tree's fruit fully ripens.[/glow]"

Bane Emural

Whispers, only those of high-level magic users or ability to sense magic, can be heard within the wagon. Whispers speaking of the Ancient language, but not of Bane's voice. The whispers are rapid and focused, and some grow louder. Strong Auras appear around the cart.
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


When Shadechaser reached the Ancient Willow, she looked up to watch the wind, even the very faint, moving the edges of the branches and leaves. She walked closer to the trunk, ignoring any creature nearby. She curled up next to the tree then looked to the sky. [glow=purple,2,300]Some time there will be a use... for everything that was before... every time I think of it... the hope only returns... One cannot hear the hidden, but the hidden will hear them. Talk nothing of the topic and the hidden will spare a spot for you if you know of them...[/glow] She looked to where she left the wagon. [glow=purple,2,300]I cannot begin to imagine what pain he was in, but the thought only hurts me. ... Something seems to make me want to return to his being...[/glow]

[glow=purple,2,300]Bane... If you are awake... come to the Ancient Willow. Your presence is where I feel at home.[/glow] Shade said through the shadows.

[glow=purple,2,300]So much knowledge, years have past, and to think he lasted this long... So much... illogical sights... So many spirits... of the bad feelings cause by the one who now holds this land within their claw.[/glow]
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3

Bane Emural

A silent whisper is heard from the name of which was spoken. "[glow=red,2,300]Benin Emrukin.[/glow]" Suddenly, the whispers were stopped, everything was silent. All of a sudden, Bane appears next to Shade. "You have called and I have answered. You wish my company and that I will grant, despite my conditions. If you have questions that still linger in your mind, you may ask if you wish." He sits down next to Shade and he will listen and answer to the best of his knowledge.
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural


Shade looks toward the sound of Bane's voice, then looks up toward the tops of the Ancient Willow. "This has yet to have happen before this time. I am uncertain about the comunication through the shadows, without making a solid link. I wish to learn more than I already know, but time is short, his power grows, and the shadows grow weaker with every part he takes away from the light. Even the light within every being helps the shadows hide in peace." Shade pauses for a moment and looks toward the center of Avalon. "If the light remains within this land, then the shadows should remain. If this place were to fall into his claw, I am uncertain what it would come to."

Spoiler: Shade's shadow talk • show
[glow=purple,2,300]Any sign of the point of interest? Not yet, though I think there might be... Any hint of this point? It appears to be. The point seems clouded, and the light that was never there, is still not there. That brings hope. And you know something of this... hope? It is the only thing that keeps me from turning to that side that you saw.[/glow]

A moment passed where there was a dark purple shine in Shadechaser's pupils. When it passed, she looked up to the sky. "What has this world done to my mind? What is this feeling ... of turmoil? Why does it feel like I am drawn to the center of the land of chaos..." Shade continues to stare at the sky as she wonders what these emotions are.

Spoiler: Explaination of the Purple shine • show
Shadechaser's mind, as I previously noted, is fractured. Parts are more likely to be corrupt, others not as much. Shadechaser accidentally targeted one of the six minions and got corrupt by the chaos. As they were removing the corruption, her mind changed the fragments around. The corrupt fragment was not fully cleansed, and that is the dark purple shine's original point of ignition.
Your Brony Personality Test reveals...
Twilight Sparkle?!
Judge not, unless thee be judged first in the kingdom of God.
Mathew 7 1:3


Laserbolt looked at the gem, then at Chrysteel. Go ahead. I can't do anything with it. He held out the gem for Chrysteel to take. Pinkie gave it to me. Actually, she kind of threw it at me. I think she had a moment of clarity, and was masking it with anger. This may take a while to explain, if you'd let me.

Laserbolt nodded at Clockwork's question. [glow=black,2,300]Yeah. Yeah, it may very well be. Hopefully, he hasn't done anything yet. There isn't much time. [/glow]He started to head toward the castle, then turned back. [glow=black,2,300]Do you wanna help, or are you gonna stay here and keep Apple company?[/glow]

Bane Emural

Bane listens but curious on what went on. "Tell me, what do you feel emotionally? You show not through expression, but deep within a feeling has developed, but what has developed inside, may I ask?"
As Time passes by, so does the winds of the Storms, the water of the Seas, and the rock of the Earth. As all things go, from Life to Death, the sands of Time passes by. ~ Bane Emural

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